Member Reviews

Brilliant! Loved this. There are some twists and turns and some awesome ones at the end! Great thriller that had me hooked from the beginning. Definitely recommended.

Thank you NetGalley.

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As usual Samantha Hayes delivers the perfect page turner. It was an original story and although I saw some of the twists coming a mile off there were still lots of surprises. Will definitely keep reading this authors books.

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A fast paced thriller that keeps you turning pages. I felt like I knew each character, and I worried about naive Belle and her mother who was trying to protect her. I liked how the story got into the characters’ heads. I never expected the twist at the end, but it fit right in. I only wish that the characters had spilled their secrets earlier.

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#TheEngagement #NetGalley
Hannah and Rob are planning a surprise 18th birthday party for Belle, currently in France on a school exchange. Due home the day before the party, she acts very out of character not turning up at the airport as expected. She finally makes it home, meeting her parents at the party.....bringing along Jack....her fiance, a surprise for every one. Hannah immediately recognises him from her past.....a character she never ever wanted to see again.
Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for giving me an advance copy.

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I wasn't able to read this book because life has been extremely busy, so I will rate this 5 stars to compensate. The blurb looked very promising though, and I will read this when I get the chance and I will edit my review

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This was a great psychological thriller. There were so many twist and turns that kept you on the edge of your seat! If you're wanting a book that will take you for a ride and won't let you put it down, then this is the book for you. I would highly recommend this book. This is the first book I have read of Samantha Hayes and I will be reading more.

Thanks NetGalley and Bookouture for allowing me to read this ARC.

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"You thought you had escaped him, until he proposed to your daughter".

When Belle introduces her parents to her fiance Jack, her mother is shocked, recognising this man, and is immediately gripped by fear. He's dangerous, and part of her past that she'd rather leave behind.

This book has my attention right from second I read the above. It was a great read, exceptionally hard to put down when all you want is to read more. The book is clever, and captivating, with some massive twists.

Thanks to the punlisher and Netgalley for allowing my to read this Arc in exchange for an honest review.

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This book will have you hooked and keep you guessing till the very last moments! Amazing twists and turns, definitely read this book if you love to be kept on your toes with thrillers!

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I was really excited to read this book. I mean just look at that cover it sounds so interesting.

However it just wasn’t for me. I ended up DNFing about halfway through.

I felt that it had the “Lost” paradox going on where I was constantly left with more questions than answers. Although I wanted the answers I got frustrated constantly not getting them especially having read halfway through the book.

The mother in the story and the daughter both annoyed me, so it wasn’t worth it to me to keep reading to figure out what happened.

Many others seemed to really like this book through, so maybe you would have better luck than me.

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Ok, this is one that you need to go in blind. Don’t go reading a bunch of reviews. It’s twisty and will keep you guessing!

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A brilliantly-written thriller, that kept me captivated from the beginning till the end. Plenty of twists to keep you engaged (pun fully intended) & a jaw dropping ending.

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A brilliant psychological thriller
A book to keep you hooked from the first to the last page
You will not want to put it down
Thanks NetGalley

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Woow just wooow. Amazingly written hooked from the beginning till the end unputdownable book i must say.. u can never see it coming and the ending will definitely leave u in shock. A jaw dropping thriller. Everyone should read it once at least....

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This book was just so amazing. Had me gasping here and there. The suspense was almost just too real. Looking forward to reading more from this author.

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Samantha Hayes is a brilliant writer, i have been reading her books for years and as soon as I see a new book written by her, I know it will be another page turner. The Engagement does not disappoint, it has a gripping plot with great characters and is a highly recommended read.

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I’ve never read a Samantha Hayes book I didn’t love! She has a talent for engaging the reader in the lives of multi-layered characters and a plot that keeps you guessing until the end!

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The Engagement is a twisty and addictive read that you will not put down. It is a absolute page turner that hooks you from the first page and draws you in.

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Thank you Bookoutre and Netgalley for this ARC.
Well I couldn't put that down it had me totally gripped. Loads of twists and turns and it kept me guessing until the end. I really thought I had figured things out but I was totally wrong.
I would highly recommend you read this book.
More please Samantha!

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A mystery book that kept me on my toes. Loved this book so very much!

I can't wait to read more from Samantha now.

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Unfortunately this book was a DNF for me. I’m hoping to potentially revisit it again and try again but it was just a little slow for me and I had a hard time with it keeping my attention.

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