Cover Image: Unexpecting


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This book was a realistic look at modern high school life and complexity in all of its diversity. This story could have easily become unrealistic or sappy but it didn’t. The writing was impeccable for a YA title and it read simply and quickly while dealing with such difficult topics. It was not over the top. It was just right. I thoroughly enjoyed this and think quite a few high school students will relate to the many themes present in this book

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Sixteen-year-old Ben Morrison finds himself facing unexpected challenges when he discovers he's gay and soon to become a father.

Ben and his friend Maxie embark on a scientific experiment to explore Ben's sexuality, but their plans take a surprising turn when Maxie becomes pregnant despite their precautions. While Maxie's parents push for adoption, Ben grapples with his own desire to raise the child, fueled by his complex family history and a longing for connection. As Ben navigates the demands of school, robotics competitions, and impending fatherhood, he finds support from his mother and stepfather, who stand by him in his quest for custody. Amidst the chaos, Ben must confront his own doubts and uncertainties about parenthood.

While the novel could delve deeper into its characters and themes, it offers a poignant exploration of family dynamics and the complexities of teenage pregnancy. With a diverse supporting cast, readers will find themselves rooting for Ben and Maxie as they confront life-altering decisions. This story is an original take on the teen pregnancy narrative, with a touching queer subplot at its heart, and will resonate with readers seeking a heartfelt and thought-provoking read.

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This was definitely a fall feels book for me. Something about the writing style, and the storyline. And the setting. I enjoyed this a lot. Fall books are always fun reads, and this one didn't disappoint on enjoyment.

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A beautifully, messy, REAL look at found family and a complicated YA teen pregnancy situation where two friends end up having sex as a summer camp experiment of sorts and one ends up pregnant while the other reaffirms, he is indeed, gay.

What follows is an at times painful story of trying to find the courage to do what's right, be a good friend, make hard sacrifices, step up as a soon to be parent and embrace new relationships - romantic and paternal. I absolutely loved this book and wish I hadn't waited so long to finally pick it up.

HIGHLY recommended for fans of the movie Juno or the book Concrete rose by Angie Thomas. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review. I wish this book was available on audio but maybe one day it will be soon.

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I really enjoyed this one from the very first page! It was engaging and consistently interested me! I'm really looking forward to future books by the author, and I can't wait to reread this one once I pick up a print copy!

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Definitely an interesting read - I don't think I've ever read anything with a premise quite like this one. Ultimately, though, it just fell kind of flat for me. I didn't like how Maxie was handled - she's the baby's mother, and she doesn't get to have much of a say in things. Ben didn't really seem to think of her as someone he cared about, just as the girl carrying his baby, and that didn't really sit well with me. Ben generally just read pretty immature - which makes sense, as he's a teenager, but made a lot of his decisions feel frustrating.

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This book pretty much takes juno and says what if we made it gay? This follows a gay teen who ends up trying one time just to be sure they are and ends up with a pregnancy, They now have to naviage their teenage life as a potential father and being pregnant in high school.

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I throughly enjoyed this book Unexpected by Jen Bailey.

It’s a story about a boy who decided to have sex with his best friend just to see if he is really gay. At the same time the best friend is wanting to do this for a social experiment. Not knowing that decision would have consequences Maxie reveals she is pregnant and wants to give the baby up for adoption. Where Ben wants to take custody of the baby and raise the baby.

I really enjoyed how this story moved. I really enjoyed that it was from Ben’s point of view. So good.

Thank you Netgalley and Wednesday books for providing a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Not a concept I've seen before. While teen pregnancy books are nothing new, I hadn't seen one where the MC was the father before.

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i got this as an arc to honestly review last year (thank you netgalley) and uhh i don’t know what to say. i was excited because the premise was fun . little did i know. almost dnfed it but i braved through it. honestly. what is this. from the get go telling this poor girl he wanted the baby??? ew and then trying to romanticize it too? overall the romance was meh the writing was not awful but the story was bad.

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An emotional book about family and love that will leave you thinking. Overall this was a thought provoking story of teen pregnancy. This was an unexpected story I was happy to read.

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Thank you to Wednesday Books and NetGalley for an ARC of this book.

This book was not exactly what I expected, but there were still parts I found enjoyable. I found that it took awhile for the plot to pick up, and once it did, it was a little predictable. I had a difficult time connecting with Ben because he seemed to lack a lot of common sense for someone so smart. I also struggled with the absolute disregard for Maxie throughout the book. Why is no one asking her what she wants? I enjoyed the development between Ben and Roger, The ending was cute, but I felt like it wrapped things up a little too easily. 3.5 starts

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I am participating in the St Martin’s Press boycott. I will not publicly be reviewing this title until St. Martin’s Press addresses reader concerns. I was sent an arc from the publisher and all thoughts are my own, honest opinion.

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This book was a rarity in that it's a YA book featuring teen pregnancy, but told from the father's POV. Ben, the father, is gay but before he comes out he want's to make sure with his best friend which leads to her being pregnant. I really liked the POV change because it was interesting to see the story from his side. Ben wants the child and fights for them.
The author still gives Maxie, the mother, a story and doesn't lay her to the wayside. I really enjoyed the angst between them, their friendship, and the love they had for each other. I think this was a great book and dealt with adult topics in meaningful ways.

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I really did enjoy reading this book although there were a few points that I'm not sure worked for me or worked with the book? It's a bit hard to place my finger on exactly what it was.

First, I like that it showcases Ben's immaturity and the realities of being a teen parent. I remember being in high school and it felt like a lot of boys matured much later than the girls. I liked the reality of this but as an adult felt kind of impatient and annoyed by Ben. Like, at some point he needs to have a come-to-jesus moment and grow a little bit. I didn't really feel like he got there.

I enjoyed the diverse representation of the book and how it goes into something I don't think a lot of books really touch. I guess toward the end it all started to feel predictable and I would have liked to be pleasantly surprised.

Thanks again to Netgalley and the publisher for the eARC.

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A heartwarming coming of age, this YA title tackles hard topics with a huge amount of grace. Well written, this is worth reading from beginning to end.

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Ben was a hard protagonist to root for. I have not been in those shoes but felt as if he made hard to sympathize for him. However, I did respect the level of support around the situation. Overall, I think the plot was a bit predictable and the main character wasn’t easy to root for. The other characters and the idea of the plot was really good!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book, as this book has already been published, I will not share my review on Netgalley at this time.

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Cute, quick read. Have to remember the characters are teenagers, so it’s very YA. Ben was pretty infuriating, but I like the light it shed on teen pregnancy.

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I really enjoyed this! It deftly tackles complicated family history and dynamics, friendship struggles, sexuality, and the big issue - what to do when you accidentally get your best friend pregnant. Ben is an earnest character and he's determined to do the right thing and raise the baby he's created, but he doesn't fully understand what that will mean for him and his plans. Honestly, this book stressed me out! It portrayed Ben's anxiety really well, and at times I felt just as trapped in his spirals of stress and worry. Thankfully, Ben has so much love and support from his family, and his new ally, Gio. I loved watching Ben and Gio get closer and how they were both able to open up about their struggles. Likewise, I liked seeing how Ben grapples with his issues of abandonment and loneliness, and finally starts to reach out and bond with his stepdad. I wish more time had been spent with Maxie but it made sense in the narrative why they couldn't spend more time together. All in all, an emotional and thought provoking read.

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