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Her Fixer Upper

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DNF ~30%. I'm not the target audience for this book. It seems to be one of those quiet, slice-of-life British novels that moves too slowly for me. There was no real chemistry between the main characters in the first third of the book—it focused more on buying and renovating the home than on the relationship between the characters. It probably picks up later in the book, but I don't have that kind of patience.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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Freya, a teacher, and Charlie, who runs a social media firm, don't know what they're getting into when they team up to buy a cottage, They've been friends since forever but they are very different people- she makes lists, he, well, he's Charlie. But somehow it works out when they discover that they've gotten themselves into a money pit that requires their attention and cash. And they bicker, But that leads to, well, you know where it leads but the path is less than smooth. This is a fun read with good vibes. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. Made me smile.

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Another sweet rom-com, this one centered around reunited childhood friends Freya (a school teacher) and Charlie (owner of a social media agency) who each dream of owning their own home. As they neither are able to secure loans, they team up and buy a fixer upper (horrendously in disrepair).

Freya, a meticulous planner, writes up The Rules, a guide of dos and don’ts of joint ownership. An easy-going and amused Charlie agrees to it. But as they work together to restore the cottage so they can flip it for their own homes, Freya finds herself loosening up and Charlie becoming more responsible as they begin to appreciate their old friendship (and perhaps more).

Both characters were endearing in different ways and the house with all its troubles/charms became a character in itself. Cute and funny and enjoyable.

My thanks to the author, NetGalley and One More Chapter for providing the free early arc of Her Fixer Upper for review. The opinions are strictly my own.

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Quite enjoyed this clean rom-com. It was a little (lost) friends to lovers and a little dating of convenience. I really liked the friendship/interactions between Charlie and Freya; they were a great balance for each other. And while there is a HEA, it wasn't all neatly tied up in a picture perfect way - which made this feel very true to life! Life is messy and has set-backs and this couple absolutely has to deal with those.
This book was completely told from Freya's point of view and there were times when I really, ReaLly wished Charlie's perspective had been part of the story too. But that doesn't detract from the enjoyment of the book and I will definitely read more by Emily Kerr.

I received a dARC from the publisher via Netgalley; this is my honest review.

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3.5 stars.

Her Fixer Upper was cute and sweet and relatively predictable.

Despite the predictability, it was still pretty enjoyable. Freya was a little neurotic and sometimes I found it hard to understand her reactions, but Charlie was a bit nonchalant for my tastes. But kudos to both of them, there is no way on God’s green earth I would have stayed in the Oak Tree Cottage like them. They’ve got some resilience.

To be honest, I think my favorite character was Freya’s grandfather and his dog. I wanted to take them both home and feed them tea and biscuits!

Her Fixer Upper was light and easy, with the expected misunderstanding and third act breakup. T’was still a fun and enjoyable read regardless.

Thank you to OneMoreChapter HC for the review copy.

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This was a story about two childhood friends who reconnect and decide to buy a house together so that they can get on the property ladder. I enjoyed all the renovation ups and downs and how Charlie and Freya tackled the daunting project of Oak Tree Cottage. The romance was only alright for me and although I usually like friends to lovers there was a bit of connection lacking and too little communication which led to some silly misunderstandings and behaviour on Freya’s part. Overall an okay read 2.75 ⭐️ rounded up to 3.

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. The decision to purchase a home that needs alot of work should not be taken lightly. Freya decides to buy a home with her friend Charlie. What they get is a money pit, this was a good read.

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I enjoyed this story about childhood friends who reconnect and take a practical leap into home owning. Their developing relationship, the misunderstandings and frankly poor communication lead us to a slightly predictable but rather lovely ending!

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Friends to lovers, quite predictable story with unrealistic bits.

Both characters knew each other as kids but haven't in touch and recently decide to buy a house together, a house that needs lots of work.

I enjoyed the house work bit, that kept me reading but I wasn't completely invested. It was entertaining enough for me. I am sure others would like it more!

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When I read the synopsis for Her Fixer Upper, I immediately sent it to my friend and fellow home-makeover fan with the words: “I think this book was written for us."
I’d estimate 95% of my television viewing is a home transformation show of some kind; Homes Under The Hammer, Extreme Makeover - Home Edition, Home Greek Home - I’m there for them all!
So you can see why I found the idea of Emily Kerr's latest book so exciting.
As someone who quite often looks at old, falling down houses with hearts in my eyes behind my rose tinted glasses, I could totally see why Charlie and, with a bit more convincing, Freya fell for a fixer upper.
I found the descriptions of the house reno very realistic. I felt like I was there with them carting loads of rubbish out to the skip time and again - and then like I needed a shower and a nap!
I would have loved to have known more about their childhood friendship as it felt a bit quick for them to meet up once after so many years of not seeing each other and immediately leap into buying a house together.
I also found it difficult to think of Freya as anything but a character as she didn’t really come alive for me.
However, there’s a lot to like about this book - not least a cute dog - and the ending certainly ramped up the excitement in a way I didn’t see coming (no spoilers).
All in all, this is a fun, easy read.

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC.

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Childhood friends Freya and Charlie agree to buy a fixer upper so they can get on the property ladder. Lovely book. Amusing with the problems they have with their renovations

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I'm not usually a fan of friends-to-lovers. In fact, if a book is being marketed as so I may not pick it up. I'm an enemies-to-lovers girl through and through - I LIVE for the angst. This book might just have sold the trope to me, though. Such a cosy, sweet and swoon-worthy read - great for summer!

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Rather predictable but nevertheless a fun read. Light and relaxing with a book like this you might not be surprised at every turn of the page but you won't be disappointed.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this arc.

A cute friends to lovers story of two friends reconnecting while fixing up an old home.

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Unfortunately I didn’t enjoy this book. I usually know within the first few chapters how much I’ll invest in the book and characters and this book didn’t grab me. That being said it’s a cosy summer read for many.
However thanks to Emily Kerr as I love your other books and her publisher. Thanks also to NetGalley.

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To be honest friends to lovers isn’t usually my cup of tea but in this case I’ll take another cup! This was such a cute read and I love every minute of it!

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Her Fixer Upper was a great novel. Freya and Charlie are old friends who’ve lost touch. A chance meeting and a discussion around how they’re both unsuccessfully trying to get on the property ladder leads them to buying Oak Tree Cottage together. A place that’s definitely in need of some major love and attention. As the renovation works progress, will Freya and Charlie fall out of love with the house or in love together? I really enjoyed this novel and thought the main characters and grandad were likeable and relatable. I’d rate this book 3.5 stars. Thank you to NetGalley, Harper Collins UK One More Chapter and the author for the chance to review.

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Thank you NetGalley and One More Chapter/HarperCollins Publishers Ltd. for a copy of "Her Fixer Upper" in exchange for my honest review.

Freya Hutchinson is a history teacher who is desperate for a home of her own but is constantly being turned down for a mortgage. She ends up sleeping on her best-friend's sofa after a nasty encounter with her landlord. She runs into Charlie Humphries in a pub and it's like they are back to their childhood friendship.

They come up with a plan to act like an engaged couple to get a mortgage and they buy a massive fixer-upper that they plan to restore, sell-up and each be in the position to get their own mortgages afterwards and move on. There is a lot of work to do - there's no electrics, no water and one of the windows falls out almost immediately after they move in. Freya is a stickler for rules and draws up a complicated document on how they should act/behave. Charlie is more of a happy-go-lucky kind of guy. There is a lot of miscommunication and misunderstandings that make the book a lot of fun because the reader knows what is going on but Freya is jumping from conclusion to conclusion. One of the best characters is Ted the dog - he belongs to Freya's grandfather but when he needs surgery, they agree to take care of him and he adds a lot of life to the story.

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A nice easy reading story. When Freya and Charlie who were once childhood friends meet up again by chance it seems like it was meant to be.Freya has been dreaming of owning her own home but struggling to get a Mortgage on her own so they decide to buy one together still as good friends but the delalapidated cottage they decide on needs a lot more than just hard work it needs a complete renovation. As we follow their progress there are many obstacles to overcome and decisions to make but will their friendship remain or will something more happen between them.

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I loved the concept of this book- fixing up an old place together and childhood friends falling in love. And I think the concept worked quite well and the love story was definitely believable and engaging. Freya...she was a little much at times. She was definitely a multi-dimensional character, but there were times throughout the story her likeability faltered, which weighed down the development of the relationship between the leads and made me less engaged in rooting for them. The ending definitely brought everything full circle though and the resolution was great. All on all, a good, fun, engaging read. 3.5 stars
Thanks to #NetGalley and #HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter, for the ARC.

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