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Dead of Winter

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Dead Of Winter


Coates has such a phenomenal way with words, eerie, & atmospheric storytelling. I’ve read many of her stories and Dead Of Winter is my now new favorite. This is wonderfully written whodunnit had me pondering, pointing, and wondering. Highly recommend! I can’t wait to pick up a hard copy!

📚Available July 11, 2023📚

❤️Thank you Poisoned Pen Press, Sourcebooks, & the brilliant author Darcy Coates. I’m super appreciative & gave my honest opinion❤️

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Thank you Netgalley and Poisoned Press for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

Darcy Coates has become one of my favorite authors who never disappoints. So when I seen this new one pop up, to say I was excited to start it, is an understatement! In true Darcy Coates fashion, this thriller leaves you with the best chills. It was so beautifully atmospheric, keeps you on the edge of your seat and drops your jaw at the twists it presents. This would be the perfect read with a nice cup of hot chocolate during a blizzard.

There were a few minor set backs for me though. It was a bit of a slow burner in the beginning half of it (which isnt necessarily bad) and even though there weren't that many characters, it felt like there were- they were almost two dimensional for me. I kept finding that I had to remind myself who was who to keep up with the plot. The redeeming factor for me was the second guessing yourself on who was the one who did it. Just when you think your guess is right, you need to rethink it.

This was a great read overall and even better during the last 50% of it. I will definitely be recommending this one!

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This wintery thriller by Darcy Coates will be coming out in July of 2023. Set in a cabin in the middle of the woods, it follows a tour group who gets stranded in a snowstorm and must survive until help can arrive. Unfortunately for them, the storm is the least of their concerns. A mystery killer is brutally murdering them one-by-one, and, as isolated as they are, it seems impossible that the killer could be anyone but one of the members of their group.

Essentially a closed room mystery, but with a snowy twist, this was an enjoyable thriller. Unfortunately, it was a little too predictable for my tastes, and I knew who the killer was when I was barely a third of the way through the story. I still enjoyed it though!

I recommend snuggling up and reading this with a hot chocolate.

Thanks so much to Darcy Coates and Poisoned Pen Press for this ARC through NetGalley!

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Wow, what a ride, a frightening one too!
You could not pay me to accept an invitation to an isolated ski lodge in the middle of the mountains!!! LOL!!!
Christa and her 6 months boyfriend Kiernan are on a 2 week vacation on a private tour bus to the Blackstone Alpine Lodge somewhere deep in the Rocky Mountains.
The bus has eight other guests that she does not know.
Along the route, a snow storm starts and the road get blocked by a fallen tree. Naturally, the group decides to find shelter and the series of horrifying events starts to unveil where it soon becomes obvious there is a killer amongst them with a penchant for decapitations...
The winter snowy backdrop of the storyline is amazing. You are there with poor Christa trying to make sense of these horrifying events. The book is written solely from her point of view and the pressure is on...
Absolutely fabulous read but don't read it at night before bed unless you are prepared to get little sleep...

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Darcy Coates is a master of the deeply disturbing. Dead of Winter is creepy and calculating and I was hooked from the first page. The twist at the end was something I didn’t see coming at all. So good!

Thank you NetGalley for this arc

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What an incredible book! Five stars, and well deserved. I finished this book so quickly, so excited to find out what would happen next, and the next pages never disappointed. But nothing could prepare me for that final 15% of the book, I have never held my breath like that while reading before. I will be thinking about this book for a long time!

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Thank you NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for this eARC.

Crista and her boyfriend, Kiernan, are going on a two week vacation to a lodge essentially in the middle of no where with 8 strangers. Unable to get to the lodge through the snow and a fallen tree in the road, they decide seek refuge and find a small cabin. The next morning they wake up to a dead tour guide.. but which of them is the murderer? Or is it someone else lurking in the trees that wasn’t part of the trip? Despite the groups best efforts of keeping themselves and each other safe, people continue to be slain and everyone is a suspect.

This book was SO good. I had been looking for a book with a similar plot and this definitely lived up to expectations. I couldn’t stop reading because i NEEDED to know what was going to happen next. Around 80% i figured things out but still doubted myself until the end. It was such a good mix of thriller and horror. I’m not put off by any kind of gore but there was times that i was genuinely frightened by the suspense. Overall, I would absolutely recommend this book to others!

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I received this book from Poisoned Pen Press in exchange for an honest review. This statement is always true. I’m not given compensation to discuss a book and I’m not told how to rate a book. I am given a book in exchange for my opinions on it, and I am truthful in all my reviews whether I loved them or not.

This book was intense. I would recommend it more as a psychological thriller first with an overlap of horror. This book was full of twists, turns, and surprises.

8 strangers lost in the middle of nowhere during a snowstorm of a lifetime. No houses, no stores, no form of transportation, no other people around, no way out. They need to learn to trust each other, as one is branded a killer. Who that killer is? No one knows. Is it the shy, quiet, Alexis or is it the take charge Simone, maybe it's the boisterous Steve or the laid back Grayson? Or could it be a psychopath living in the dense snowy mountains, hiding until he catches his or her prey alone. With so many options, slimming down night after night as each one is picked off one by one. Right from the beginning, the pace picks up, accusations thrown around. No one knows who they can and can't trust. Tempers boil, fights break out, how will they or do they survive?

Ms. Coates really put the thrill in thriller with this one. This is the first time I had read any of her books. One of the great parts I really liked about this book was that there is absolutely no guessing who the killer is until the very end. Just when you think that you know who did it, you better check again. Ms. Coates definitely left me in suspense. The action picks up pretty quickly. There was no beating around the bush and no fluffy filler stuff. The development of the characters were well thought out, they had their own personalities, all which differed from one another. Her writing put me in the story and I felt like I was in the book. Her details, her descriptions were right on target. I was able to play each scene as a movie in my head. I saw nothing lacking and the intensity continued throughout the whole book. There was never a dull moment.

Thank you Poisoned Pen Press for the honor of being able to read and review this book

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Wow! This was a thrilling suspense that had me guessing until the end! With the perfect wintry setting and a series of horrifying events, this book kept me entertained and wondering what was coming next. I thought I’d figured it out about two-thirds of the way in, but the author kept throwing curveballs that made me second-guess myself! Trigger warning: this one contains gruesome violence and lots of blood, so consider that before beginning. If you’re a fan of horror, though, you’ll love it!

Thanks for the opportunity to review it in advance, NetGalley!

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This edge of your seat, heart racing thriller will keep you up all night as you race to the end and through the harrowing snowstorm that sets the backdrop of this isolated group of people when someone starts picking them off one by one.

With elements of 'And Then There Were None' Darcy Coates manages to create another atmospheric and intense story you won't want to miss.

Thank you to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I would like to say a thank you for allowing me to read an ARC of Dead of Winter by Darcy Coates.
This is the story about Christa and what she thought was going to be a romantic getaway with her boyfriend Kiernan at the Blackstone Alpine Lodge. The tour bus gets stranded due to a snowstorm and mayhem ensues. There are lots of twists and turns in this (pretty much) isolated setting horror novel. It will keep you on the edge of your seat and flipping the pages until the very end!

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Thank you NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for this eARC.

I enjoyed the ride of this story. It was fun and thrilling and my heart rate did elevate a bit at points. Some things were easily and quickly figured out. One piece was lurking in the back of my mind while I read and it played out, but with a twist I didn’t anticipate.

I dislike snow even more now than I already did. No mountain retreats for me. Hard pass.

This is my second Darcy Coates book and I am officially a fan. There is a simplicity in her writing that isn’t seen much in thrillers when building complex puzzles for the reader.

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Dead of Winter grips you from page one with an intensity that may not allow you to catch your breath again before turning the final page. In this story, a group of strangers is traveling via a private tour to a remote resort in the snowy wilderness when they are stalled along their journey by a felled tree across the road. The book opens with our main character Christa and her fiance Kiernan attempting to find their way back to the bus after taking a short hike to stretch their legs after the long ride. Lost in the rough weather and whiteout conditions, they become separated, and next thing you know, Christa topples off a ledge and is buried under the snow. She awakes, injured, in a cabin, surrounded by the other passengers on the bus. As the story unfolds, we learn just enough about the other characters in the claustrophobic confines of the cabin to realize that no one is trustworthy and may, in fact, be rather treacherous--which they discover as, one by one, members of the group are each brutally murdered. Are these strangers really strangers to one another, or are they brought together by design? What is it that ties them all together, and will any of them remain alive to learn the truth? Caveat: while I did enjoy the story, I did piece together what was happening pretty early on. I don't know if it's because the twist was fairly obvious, or if I've read enough of these stories to look for the clues, but the clues--they are there. Even so--I was riveted from beginning to end!

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Once I started reading this book I could not put it down! I loved how it was written and the thrills and suspense to this novel were incredible! However, I did guess correctly who the murderer was and their involvement (I think I’ve read too many thrillers) so the ending wasn’t as exciting for me as it could have been! But overall this book was fantastic!! There’s nothing I love more than a winter thriller that takes place in the remote woods in a secluded cabin! I definitely suggest everyone grab this once it comes out!!

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I was pleasantly surprised with this book. This is not like her other books I have read, so I wasn’t sure I would like it. I would give 4 1/2 stars.
Ithought the first couple of paragraphs didn’t flow very well and there are a few parts at the end that dragged. I also noticed a mix up of names of the father/son duo and a part where the main character is struggling with finding a way to climb on the roof , and then she’s on it and crawling across. Not a big deal, but thought I would mention.
Overall, the book kept me captivated and was well written. I went to bed reading it and woke up the next morning and read it at breakfast time. It kept me hooked all the way through.

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Wow! This is going up there in my list of favorite books by Darcy Coates. Creepy and suspenseful, kept me guessing all the way up until that last couple chapters. Only complaint is I wish we had the tiniest bit of more information on the outcome of a couple of characters, but I suppose I can do without that.

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There’s thriller and then there’s horror. This story was like an R-rated snogging sesh between the two that ultimately led to a bone-chilling and spine-tingling reading experience.

Christa and her boyfriend, Kiernan, join a private tour group and set out on what they expect to be a romantic winter getaway together but when the tour bus is at an impasse after encountering a fallen tree in their path, the travelers take shelter in a vacant hunting cabin nearby to wait out the relentless snowstorm that quickly approaches. After that first night, people REALLY start to lose their heads. Tension builds and trust dissolves. What follows is a gripping tale of nine strangers fighting to survive while being hunted by a killer.

The story is told from Christa’s POV and the short, intense chapters end on cliffhangers that compel you to read just a little bit more until it becomes an addiction to devour the entire novel.

At about the halfway mark, I figured out the identity of ‘the butcher’ without an inch of doubt but, naturally, I needed my accusation validated so I burned through the rest of the book… and the midnight oil. The action and suspense were so well-executed that I couldn’t put it down. I was completely on the edge of my seat until the very end. I mean, who wouldn’t love to see how a deadly cat-and-mouse game plays out in the frigid, isolated terrain of the Rocky Mountains? I would also like to think that this book is an intact head nod to Agatha Christie’s classic whodunits to further add to its appeal.

Overall, this successful and suspenseful winter thriller really is a must-read. Add it to your TBR and be sure to check it out as soon as it releases in July!

As my first ARC, I just about fell out of my chair in excitement for the opportunity. My genuine and heartfelt thanks to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for sharing this advance copy with me in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

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4/5 Stars!!

This is hands down one of the best ARCs I have read so far! It was so well written and it grabbed my attention from the very beginning. I will 100% be reading more books from this author!! With that being said, I did guess the killer very early on. But, throughout the book I convinced myself that I was wrong because the author did lay other options out. Even though I did figure some of it out early on it still kept my attention because I didn’t know the “why”. I will add that it is a little gory, so if you’re not a big fan of gore keep that in mind. The ending did leave me wanting a little bit more but the author did a great job wrapping it all up.

You guys will definitely want to add this to your TBR!! It is out in July of this year!!

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Horror is absolutely not a genre I like, but since it’s my bad—having skimmed the second part of the blurb on Netgalley—it was only fair that I finished the book. And I’m glad I did. This novel is very atmospheric and I was almost cold the whole time. I wasn't a fan of how the killings seemed so random. I figured they obviously weren’t, but that was what made the story a horror one rather than a thriller. But the moment it came together, even though I would've liked for it to occur sooner, is one of my favorite passages of the book. Other down points are the lack of traits of the characters (who are summed up to names and jobs), making them a bit indistinguishable (especially since there are so many from the very beginning), and the villain is pretty easy to guess.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Every time I thought I knew where the story was going, my expectations were subverted. I sat at the edge of my seat during the last 100 pages wanting to know what happened. Coates was able to tie the story up wonderfully and I liked that everything was connected.
I have yet to be disappointed by a Darcy Coates book! I highly recommend this novel to anyone who likes thrillers and murder mysteries.
Thanks to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for providing me with a copy of Dead of Winter in exchange for an honest review

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