Member Reviews

This is the year for El to do wild things. She gets a butterfly tattoo, has a threesome, and moves into a rambling country house with her three best friend, including the woman she has been secretly pining after for years. Will this also be the year she takes a wild chance on love?

So much of contemporary women's fiction is about how the reader responds to the main character's voice. Maybe that explains why, despite the many lukewarm reviews, I absolutely LOVED this book. El feels like a real person, struggling with career and relationships and the various minor traumas of being human. Her friends and family also feel authentic, and in particular their relationships and dialog are wonderfully written. The story clips along at a gentle, readable pace, and although some of the side plots were underdeveloped, it didn't get in the way of my enjoyment of the book. I was totally rooting for El to be happy in her career and her life - with or without love - and I gobbled this book down in about two days.

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Ever since getting pet pigs I am DRAWN to books that include animals and the chickens on this cover caught my attention and I knew I had to request to read this book. Thankfully my request was approved through NetGalley!

Wild Things is written in first person single POV and I normally prefer dual POV, but Laura made single POV work with this one. I don’t feel like any part of the story or any other characters development was lost due to this.

El, Ray, Will, and Jamie move out of the city and into an old farmhouse where DIY projects and remodeling becomes a huge part of their lives. There’s so much more than that in this book, though. You’ll see romance, character growth, friendship growth, and self-discovery.

El is trying to find herself, dealing with hidden feelings for Ray, and seeing what fits best for her. I think my favorite part of this is El’s journey to self-discovery.

- LGBT+ rep
- Friends to lovers
- Found family
- Awesome side characters
- Forced proximity

Wild Things is being published on May 23, 2023 so make sure to grab it!

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Low stakes, super cute queer rom com. Cozy read with friendly banter set off the grid. Story is well developed with interesting secondary characters and low stakes. Takes place in a commune/farm/homestead and was absolutely everything I wanted it to be.

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This one was just ok for me. I don't really need my romcoms to be super believable but this one was to much.

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This was a really cute slow-burn romance. I absolutely loved the concept of having a queer house with a group of queer friends (and one token straight friend), although the concept was barely mentioned after the idea was first introduced. The house they bought turned out to be very worn down and the first 60-65 percent of the book was a lot of pining and renovating the house.
Although I loved how the author portrayed the friendships that El had and made throughout the book, as well as how El worked through difficult times throughout the book it really wasn't enough to save it for me.
The romance, once it actually started a little after 70% into the book, moved really fast and I didn't really feel the chemistry between El and Ray. Because of El pining for the entire book, basically, there should have been a bit more chemistry between the two of them.
Thank you to NetGalley and Vintage Publishing for an eARC of this book.

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ARC Review

I love the idea of this book, but it had 3/4 different story lines going on at one time and it lacked cohesion between them. The two main characters were not likable and thrown together in an unrealistic way. All the ideas were rushed and pushed together in the last few chapters.

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Overall, a really cute, light-hearted read. Characters were well developed and really entertaining, loved the setting, and the ending was really sweet. My favorite part was probably the actual Wild Things journal entries at the very end, most of them made me laugh-out-loud.

Probably not something I would pick up again to read, but I would recommend to someone looking for something light.

✨ sapphic
✨ found family
✨ friends-to-lovers
✨ very light spice


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Thank you to Netgalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

I thought the book was an easy, light-hearted read that was overall enjoyable. It's advertised as a romance, but to me, it felt more like a story of four friends who previously lived in the city but now are finding their way in the country. Together, they had some funny moments, and I liked their chemistry together as a group.

At times, it felt a little slow. There were a couple of big events such as buying the house, but other than that, it just tapered along and hinged on the friendship of these four people. I didn't love the "romance" between El and Ray. El was basically pining over Ray the entire book, and it seemed like Ray was toying with her about that at times. Miscommunication was a big issue and is one of my least favorite things to read about. I almost wondered if there would actually be any romance in the book at all because of how little they communicated honestly to each other.

This would be perfect for you if you're not looking for anything heavy and enjoy light romances. It was also nice to see El grow throughout the book and start believing in herself.

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This was a good Romance that I found very entertaining. Perfect for getting lost in.
I just reviewed Wild Things by Laura Kay. #WildThings #NetGalley
[NetGalley URL]

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Thank you NetGalley for this ARC, unfortunately I read it alongside something very exciting so I found this to be a little boring. I did really like the characters and the setting though!

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A sweet romcom centered on a young queer "found family" friend group (with one token straight member) that buy a rural property together outside London and create the queer commune of their dreams. I struggled a bit with the immaturity of main character El in the beginning of the story, but by the end she experiences quite a lot of personal growth. Excellent supporting characters, dreamy descriptions of the commune and the rural village it's based in. A really enjoyable read.

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This was a really light-hearted, cute book that I flew through! I would highly recommend as a great palette cleanser. I enjoyed the author's writing style. I will say I wasn't a big fan of the ending, [I thought maybe El would move on instead of ending up with Ray but we can't always get what we want. (hide spoiler)] I found the themes of found family with the queer commune on a farm very charming. I didn't quite feel the chemistry between the main character and her unrequited crush/best friend, Ray. It was a cute coming-of-age story, but I was shocked when I found out El was closer to my age rather than a younger adult (18-20) because she truly needed to grow up. I also felt like I was missing some details - for instance, why was El always broke, what was the story with her ex-boyfriend, and [why was she so into Ray when she saw what a terrible partner she could be? (hide spoiler)] For a warm fuzzy friendship story, I thought it was pretty good - but as a romance, I wasn't sold on it.

Thank you to Netgalley for an ARC of Wild Things. My thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an advance copy of this book. It was a fun, light read and I finished the entire thing in one sitting on a flight. It was fluffy but enjoyable. I would have loved to go even deeper on the storyline about the house and the community - but perhaps it’s a tee up for a sequel!

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Wild Things by Laura Kay is a fast and easy read that centralizes on the main character's relationship with her best friend and realizing she likes her as more than just friends. I enjoyed this book, but maybe not in the way it was intended. The relationship that El had with her friends and the way that she made her own family and found out who she really was. Working on the house and the friendships is what really made this book. El's relationship with Ray, to me, was a secondary issue for enjoyment.

It was a quick read that I recommend for anyone.

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I was a bit hesitant about this book a quarter of the way through, but the end result was definitely worth the read.
There's a lot of wonderful things about Wild Things: Found family, (seemingly) unrequited love, a story of personal growth, a friends-to-lovers romance.
While the infatuation of the main character can be frustrating at times, it really is a realistic look at what so many of us have experienced in real life! Pining for someone when you're stuck in "the friend zone" is never easy and reading about our main character, El, trying to navigate through her feelings while moving in with her love interest does allow for both heart wrenching and hilarious moments.
El's goal of having a "wild year" is entertaining, but her complex relationships with her friends and family is a focus of this story and the story is better for it.
Having our character hit rock bottom when she felt she was actually moving in a positive direction with her life is such a realistic element and the personal growth and character development that comes from that was a needed piece to the puzzle.
We do get a happy ending, which I appreciate, but I do wish more time had been taken in sharing with the reader the connectedness of our love interests as friends in order to make the severity of El's crush more meaningful and their coming together less one-sided.
Overall, I enjoyed this story and would recommend it for an at times fun, at times endearing, and at times melancholy read.

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I really wanted to like this book, but it was just a little too slow and I had to keep forcing myself to pay attention to it

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El feels like she’s in a rut, working the same boring administrative job to afford rent on her London apartment with her weird roomate. She has been crushing on her dream girl and best friend Ray forever, much to the pity of the rest of her friend group. Following an unexpected turn of events, she and her friends have the opportunity to move to the countryside—including Ray. What could go wrong.

Tonally, I loved this book. The writing was wry and funny, in a way that I find refreshing in queer romance. I might even categorize this story as more coming of age than romance, because it follows El letting go of fantasy and taking moves towards living the life she wants, a resonant theme to a reader in her 20s like myself. So after deconstructing these ideas, the wish fulfillment ending felt out-of-place and unsatisfying.

Thanks for the ARC!

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It’s my fault, I didn’t read the description. I love the concept and the writing but overall this is not my kind of book.

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This book is an insightful exploration of the complexities of kinda-midlife crises and requited love. I loved the emotionally resonant love story between two women who are drawn together but afraid to say it. With its poignant insights and nuanced characterizations, this is a book for people who love Casey Mcquiston and Meryl Wisner.

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I received an ARC of Wild Things through Netgalley. My thoughts are my own.

Wild Things is a romance featuring enemies to lovers as found family with a large splash of humor. There's also a fixer-upper house in the country and 4 chickens. This was a feel good novel from start to finish, even the sad moments felt good, knowing it would all work out.

I think a lot of books, a lot of romances, try for the vibes that this author manages so successfully. I found the story funny, and touching, and I'm a sucker for old houses, the country, close friends groups, and possibly chickens.

The leads, El and Ray have great chemistry as friends and (sapphic) lovers. I really wanted to spend time with them, and see them become a couple, because they felt so right together. The other 2 home owners, Will and Jamie, were great too, with Jamie being particularly funny. He loves his chickens!

When I reach for a romance novel, this is exactly what I want to pick up, and the type of book to make me feel optimistic when the world seems so exhausting and cynical.

(An easy 4 and 1/2 stars.)

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