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Practice Makes Perfect

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Worth all the stars 🌷

This book brings pure joy and happiness. I think this may be one of my new favorite Sarah Adams books?!

For all my fellow introverted and romance-loving book enthusiasts, this book will make you feel seen. Annie and Will can easily become a top tier book couple since it has all the perfect elements that we love in a feel-good romance. To name a few:
• fake dating
• opposites attract
• sunshine vs. grumpy
• small town

Speaking of the town, Rome Kentucky is my new favorite setting in a book. The best way I can explain it is a southern Stars Hollow. The way the town is involved in every piece of gossip, have secret town meetings, and go back and forth between overbearing but also super sweet makes the setting so much better.

Now brb while I go preorder my copy 🥹

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the ARC!

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Sarah Adams is taking us back to Rome in her fabulous romcom, Practice Makes Perfect, and it has everything - charming setting, fun characters, opposites attract romance, sentiment, and emotion. I loved getting to read this book with Kaley, and as always, we had fun sharing our opinions on all characters we got frustrated with and the ones we were falling in love with.

What appealed to you the most in this story?

I just loved everything about this story! The setting and the gushable (if this isn’t a word, it is now) romance are perfect, and all the laugh out loud moments along with the more serious ones were the best.

This charming romcom is set in the small town if Rome in Kentucky, and I knew I was going to fall in love with the lead characters and all the townspeople all over again, since I loved them in the first book, When in Rome. I just wish I could live there and join in all the small town fun and shenanigans. They all made me feel like I was part of a fun community that was there to support one another and just love life!

How was the romance?

Well…I really can’t say much, or I will just spoil it for ya, but I will say that I was hooked and loved this slow burn buildup full of witty banter. I found myself cheering not only for the romance itself but for the characters as individuals. Also, the angst and tension were done at the perfect pace as the two began to grow their relationship.

Steam Level: PG/Closed Door

How was the pace?

This was a fast-paced story that I read in no time and was the perfect read while I was on vacation. Between the character growth, atmosphere, hilarious cast of characters, and all the romantic suspense I just couldn’t leave the world Adams had created in this fun and sweet story.

Do you recommend this book?

Yes! This was just a fun and delicious romcom that I totally binged, and I can’t wait for the next book in this series and more from this fun cast of characters!

Thank you, Dell Books/Random House, for this gifted copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Am I even qualified to review a book with <b> grey-eyed, floral tattoo, [more spoilery gush-worthy items] man of my dreams????</b>
No, no I’m not.
But I will--!

The obvious review here is Will is mine and everybody back off… But that's probably 50 other folks' review's too. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT was yes, your typical small town romance… but also not?

At first I found myself annoyed in the disparities between Annie & Will's perspectives, until about half-way through the book and then…. <i> Ohhh </i>oh, oh, oh… she's good. Sarah Adams is a genius, and it was of course on purpose and the view of Annie from Will's eyes is what it looks like to truly <i> see </i> someone. Le sigh, we'd all be so lucky. 4 goofy, quirky, swoony stars for Willburn and Annie.

This was my first Sarah Adams book, but I've already added three others to the list, and greatly look forward to reading more of her work.

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Sarah Adams does it AGAIN. No one can make me swoon, laugh, and cry quite like her. Her books are the perfect combination of sweet and sexy. I read this entire book in one sitting. 5 hours on an airplane and I did not want to put it down once.

We’re back in Rome, Kentucky except this time we get a front row seat to Noah’s sister Annie. The soft-spoken “good girl” flower shop owner. And remember Amelia’s grumpy body guard? Yea, he’s here too. He agrees to coach Annie in her dating life and the two practice together while fake dating.

This might be my favorite book of Adams’ thus far. I related to the FMC Annie in more ways than one. Her soft shy exterior combined with her hidden angst and daring interior; she was very relatable. I’m 99% sure I’d be miserable in a small town with no WiFi but Adams makes me want to rethink that.

Read if you like:
😤Grumpy body guard MMC
💐Introvert romance book loving FMC
😘Fake dating
🏡Small towns
🙆🏻‍♂️He falls first
🕺🏻Playboy turned soft
👩‍❤️‍👨Lovese only her
🚪Closed door with lots of tension

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I was so excited to get this ARC from NetGalley and it was so much fun and so cute! HIGHLY Recommend this book. It is a fade to black romance, which is not always my thing, but the sweetness of this makes sense. The big bad boy bodyguard and the sweet small town girl. She's a virgin, he's "dangerous." I love their dynamic and that he brings out the best and most out going of her. She deals with social anxiety and is a perfectionist, but he is able to bring out a feisty side in her and she just feels safe and at ease around him. Their honesty I thought was so cool, I loved the way they just said whatever they felt and actually talked about it. She wears banana pjs, he reads her steamy pirate romances. I really liked this book! Super Sweet.

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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Content Warnings: death of a parent; grief; loss
Spice: Fade to black

To say that I was excited when I received the advanced reader copy of Practice Makes Perfect (book 2 of When in Rome) is a drastic understatement. In fact, I may have let out an audible squeal 🤭

Entering back into the sleepy little town of Rome, Kentucky felt like being snuggled back up in your favorite soft blanket!! The various townspeople of Rome were every bit as funny and heartwarming as the main characters themselves, giving the story layers of depth and humor around every corner! And speaking of main characters, I was thrilled to FINALLY read Annie’s love story… let me tell you, it did not disappoint!!

I love a good opposites attract trope (hello, it’s my husband and I 👋🏼 ), and Will was pure literary boyfriend perfection when it came to a match for little Annie Bannanie. Their chemistry was sizzling, but also melt your heart sweet!! And of course in typical Sarah Adams fashion, I bounced back and forth between side stitching laughter and tender moment induced tears. This book was an easy five stars. No seven. Ok fine, TEN!

Thank you @netgalley for this ARC. Practice Makes Perfect releases May 2nd 2023

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We’re back in Rome, Kentucky where Annie, Noah’s youngest sister owns her own flower shop. When Amelia’s executive protection agent Will gets back into town to witness An embarrassing date of Annie’s. With the help of Amelia, Annie convinces Will to be her dating coach, as he is a known serial dater. As the two spend more time together Annie and Will realize they connect on a deeper levels than anyone ever thought. Can Annie reevaluate what a picture perfect relationship truly looks like and can Will finally let someone close enough to truly love him?

I enjoyed When in Rome, but I loved this story MORE!!! I connected with Annie in so many ways, being an introvert and afraid to put yourself out there even though you really want to find your person. And let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want a soft hearted, flower tattooed executive protection agent to fall in love with you? I loved Annie’s and Will’s story so much and this will be going on to my favorites list!

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Another great book in the When in Rome series! I absolutely loved this dual POV, small town good girl/bad boy, opposites attract fake dating romance! Annie is oh so sweet and looking to shed her 'Angelic' image, while Will is a non-believer bodyguard who doesn't believe true love exists. Together these two are magic and completely balance one another. Perfect for fans of Chloe Liese's If only you and just a sweet, feel-good read that will give you all the feels. Much thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital edition in exchange for my honest review!

Steam level: kissing only/closed door

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Sarah Adams has become an auto buy author for me, I was excited when I saw this pop up on my netgalley! This is a small town, opposites attract, low in spice romance and the follow up book for When in Rome. If you loved Noah and Amelia, in this one, you get to see a lot more of them and their HEA. Anf FYI: you're gonna love them even more in this book, there were a great support system for Annie and Will.

Annie has always lived her life to be someone who is always there to help her family and not be high maintenance after her parent's death. In trying to be all of that, she forgot who she was and stopped going after her dreams. When she meets Will, he helps her break those barriers and give her the courage to think beyond the labels and box she put herself in. On the other hand, Annie helps Will learn that he deserves to love and be loved by someone despite the example he had of a relationship by his parents.

The chemistry and sexual tension between Annie and Will happens from the very first chapter. Throughout their time together, they grow more comfortable and safe with each other despite having very different relationship goals and life styles, they balance each other out. They were completely honest with each other the entire time they were together and grew their relationship beyond attraction. I just want to put them in a little bubble and protect both of them from heartbreak. I'm literally obsessed with them, and Will's grand gesture at the end? Making Annie's pirate romance come true?! Are you kidding me?

The ending of this story was also the most realistic I've ever read in a long time!! Annie has such a good head over her shoulders and her answer to Will was honestly perfect! I can't wait for this book to be out in the world!

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved this book. Such chemistry between Annie & Will. I just love all the characters in Rome. Made me laugh and cry. Can’t wait for the next one.

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Not sure how I feel bout this book. I really enjoyed parts of it but others I didn’t. Sometimes I thought the main character Annie was a bit whiny even though I think that was part of her personality. I’m not a fan of whiny people. This is a second book in the series and I think if I had read it first I might not have felt this way. I would recommend reading them in order as it would allow getting to know all the characters. Will there be another book in the series.? I’m hoping so. Thanks NetGalley for the advanced copy. #NetGalley #PracticeMakesPerfect

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Practice Makes Perfect was an absolute treasure to read. I adore the bodyguard romances and this one is freaking adorable. This book is for all the softies out there and had me giddy the whole time

I freaking love Will and Annie and their relationship!!! It was bad boy/good girl which is a classic but a goodie. They honestly compliment each other and the chemistry was out the roof.

My other favorite aspect of the book was the townspeople, like Jesus these people were nosey but that made it hilarious!

By far my favorite Sarah Adams book and I would definitely recommend it to RomCom lovers!!!

Also big thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishing for this arc :)

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Practice Makes Perfect
Sarah Adams
Give me all the books in Rome, Kentucky!! I was obsessed with When in Rome. But this one??? Annie Walker and Will Griffin might be even better! I think I relate a lot to Annie and I loved hearing her inner dialogue and rooting for her to be strong and tell her truth. I loved the fake dating trope so much and I thoroughly enjoyed the romance book mentions and re-enactments. I always love Sarah Adams’ books. But in my opinion, they just keep on getting better! Also, I should mention that her books are all closed-door, which may not be for some people. I love them. And I honestly think sometimes, and in Practice Makes Perfect, it can almost be more steamy and angsty. Mmmm gives me all the feels!!! Comes out May 2nd!!

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OMG I could not have been happier to get this arc and spend more time in Rome, Kentucky. I loved When In Rome and everything I heard about the next book in the series only made me want to read this even more!

Who doesn't love a bodyguard romance? This wasn't bodyguard/subject, but it was just as fun. We had opposites attract, slow burn, lessons in love and best of all cinnamon roll hero. He was the sexy bad boy, but very much had a soft spot for Annie and that drives him insane.

THE PINING. It was everything. I love when you hear their POV's and they are both obsessed.

I loved seeing all our favorites from Rome. The main event coming up is Noah and Amelia's wedding. And I enjoyed seeing Emily and Maddie. I'm torn between whose book I want next. I think it's set up of a Maddie/James book, but I want an Emily story because I don't see my name ever in books.

I was a bit worried this wouldn't live up to the hype of When In Rome, but I did really like it just as much.

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Other books are the books you read to keep busy while waiting for the next Sarah Adams' book release.

Seriously though. I read this book as I do all of her books: first by racing through it because I simply couldn't put it down, and then immediately reading it a second time, slowly and carefully so as not to miss a single drop of goodness. This book was absolute PERFECTION! Annie and Will are adorable, and not simply because of the beautiful and tender way they fell for each other, but also because of the way that Annie enlists Will to join her on her journey of self discovery as she steps out of the persona her family and friends have crafted for her, and into the woman she truly is and wants to be.

Also, the banter between Annie and Will (and the loveable townspeople) is absolutely hilarious!

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This book is definitely a must-read! I loved it even more than When in Rome. Annie and Will have my heart, they are the cutest couple. I love how their relationship develops throughout the book and how they pushed each other to be better versions of themselves while completely understanding who the other was and what they needed. I loved seeing Annie become stronger and show everyone who she really is and seeing Will realize what he really wanted in life and what truly made him happy. This book had me laughing, smiling, crying, and swoony the whole time. It was fun getting to see Amelia and Noah again and see everyone become one big happy family!

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I can't even explain how excited I was to be back in Rome! Reading Amelia and Noah's story felt like falling back into the small southern town. Annie, the flower shop owner, and the town's collective little sister, is finally ready to get back into the dating pool. Buzzfeed's bad boy bodyguard Will is on duty protecting Amelia in the "sleepy" southern town.

I should preface all this by saying I read this after complaining about how EXHAUSTED I was from all the recent enemy-to-lover stories I've read. Will and Annie's immediate attraction was a breath of fresh air. The way Adams wove in the pirate romance (and later everyone else's preferred romance books) seemed effortless and never once seemed overly cheesy. I will never understand the idea of being obsessed with Audrey Hepburn movies. But this book was less focused on the Audrey stuff.

Looking ahead I am so torn, do I want the loveable farmer's book? The headstrong and bossy Emily? How long must I wait until I get another visit to Rome?

Thanks NetGalley for the early copy!

4.5 stars.

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Review will be posted on Instagram ( on April 18th. Please see below for review that will go live on instagram.

I have to say, Practice Makes Perfect was better than When In Rome. Now, I understand that it’s probably all relative, but this book was SO GOOD. And I am so freaking happy my wish was granted for an ARC, because Annie and Will were 😍.

First and foremost, I think the whole “forbidden body guard” “bad boy good girl” love is one of my favorites. In series where one of the relationships is one of those, it always winds up being my favorite. But, I think that Annie being the “sweet girl” who always stuck to that box because she didn’t want to inconvenience her family really spoke to me. She kept her head down and took care of her siblings because she was the one who “knew her parents the least” and felt that she couldn’t fall apart. I think I really resonated with needing to be strong for others, and the idea of moving yourself to fit into their box. Another thing about Annie that really hit me was her relationship with virginity. I was a later bloomer, and people would ask why I was “waiting” or assume the reasons why, when really it was just that I didn’t ever feel comfortable enough with someone, and seeing that reflected in a character really resonated with me. It’s not something we see often in books, and I applaud Sarah Adams for giving a different narrative surrounding virginity and the “loss” of it. Now, lets address Will. Goodness you piratey fiend. I thought he was SUCH a sexy character. I loved his view of Annie, and how Sarah took us through his journey of growth as well.

Now, for anyone who doesn’t know, Sarah writes closed door romances. But I will make it known that closed door doesn’t mean anything, because she still writes some SERIOUS tension and her makeout scenes are top tier. Honestly, I might have had more tummy flutters reading her sexual tension than I have reading some full on erotica. She really does an absolutely excellent job giving you romance without getting explicit, and I LOVE that. It’s sometimes needed, and I think that is you’re looking for that, Sarah Adams is who you go for.

Overall, this was a 5 star read for me, and I look forward to rereading Annie and Will for years to come. Make sure you pick up the book on May 2nd, you will not regret it!

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The dedication, was perfect.

This book is the book I needed but didn’t know I needed. It has the humor that literally made me cry. It had the tenderhearted feels that were so relatable it hurt.

Annie is an awkward introvert that owns a flower shop. She’s the little sister, and is always treated as “Angel Annie.” Will is the adventure seeking bodyguard, I mean executive protection agent, that doesn’t ever stay still or make connections with people.

It all begins with a laugh out loud date, and Annie runs into Will, who is returning to town. Amelia, Annie’s soon to be step sister, makes a plan that Annie should practice date with Will. The story follows them through ups and downs, but most importantly Annie becoming the person she has always known she is.

It’s sweet, funny, touching, and a rare find in todays romances. Sarah Adams truly is a gem, and unparalleled to other romance authors.

Thanks @netgalley for the advance reader copy for a fair and honest review.

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The way the rest of my TBR pile went out the window (including some about to expire books from the library that had been on hold for AGES before they were available 🤣🙃) because I was SO excited to start reading this one! I couldn't wait to dive into Will and Annie's story!!

I made my way through all of Sarah Adams's books in the last few months and was excited to tuck in to this one for more butterflies and a HEA!! I believe this is my new favorite of hers.

And whoa does it deliver!! The banter. The longing. The here let's just practice dating, the wooooooops we caught feelings. There were funny moments, and a whole bunch of melty moments, the 🦋🦋🦋🦋 entered the chat as will walked annie out to her car in the beginning of the book after she got ditched by a douche-canoe of a date, leading into one swoony fake dating to friends to lovers story that I could just not put down!! It was fun to revisit Rome and it's residents, and check in on Noah and Amelia, (and here's to hoping for James and Maddie in the next book)!

I think it's time for a reread, first up When in Rome and then this one again because it's JUST SO GOOD! 🥰🫠🥰🫠🥰

Thank you Netgalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for the ARC in exchange for my review!

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