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Practice Makes Perfect

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4.25 ⭐️ this one was really cute :) just like the author says in her note, this one is definitely for the softies and the ones that always put others above themselves. you are deserving of love, just like sweet annie in this book ♥️

this book is the second in a series of interconnected standalones, with the first being when in rome. i do recommend reading the first before this one because that’ll help you understand who everyone is so much better. but i think you could still read this one without it if you prefer!

this one follows annie, who is the reserved flower shop owner in the small town of rome, kentucky. she really wants to step out of her comfort zone because she’s worried she hasn’t found love because she isn’t cool enough 😢 enter will, the bodyguard of the star of the first book (when in rome). will agrees to teach annie how to date, but of course that’s all it is! you’ll have to read to find out what happens next!

i thought this book was super cute and i especially loved annie. her journey through grief and finding herself really spoke to me, i hope she’s doing well now 🥺

thank you to Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine and NetGalley for this eARC in exchange for an honest review that i’m very late in getting out so go read this book now!!!

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The first 15% was especially difficult to get through as it just hammers in the sweet innocence of the main character, Annie, who is a virgin and needs practice with dating. The innocence is drilled in so much so that she keeps a running tally of each person's cursing around her, as a grown adult. And she has exclamations such as "What the helicopters were you two doing here?" and "What in the Mary Poppins do you think you're doing?!". Along with the overwhelming amount of the innocence of Annie, the small town drama over non-issues also irritated me. For example: there is a scene where Will is running shirtless and almost gets run out of town for the "scandal".

While on the subject of Will, he is the reason why the book makes a turn for the better. Swoonworthy is an understatement and he gives other book boyfriends a run for their money. His character is so well written and I have a major crush on him. He finds the pirate romances that Annie secretly reads and not only reads them himself, but highlights parts he wants to play out with her! His character development is so strong and he finds a new family with this small town while battling scars of his childhood in a dysfunctional family. I absolutely adored him and I will read more stories in this series just for glimpses of him. I also loved the playful banter and mischief that he and Annie got into and I was hanging on every word hoping for their Happily Ever After.

This book is great for those with siblings as the sibling dynamic overcomes miscommunication and finding their own individual voices with their combined support. It also shows their sibling group expanding with the addition of their new sister-in-law with Amelia's upcoming wedding to their brother Noah.

I was not aware when I started Practice Makes Perfect that it was the second book in a series. I read it easily as a standalone and it does make a lot of suggestions of another couple in the book (Amelia and Noah) whose storyline is continuing on the side in this plot. I will definitely be reading their story, When In Rome, based on Noah's character in this book and how completely smitten he is with Amelia. I can't wait!

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This was such a cute read! I loved both Annie and Will! Annie is such a sweet goofball who wants to find love and get married and Will is the hot tattooed broody guys who doesn’t believe in love. It had me smiling through and through!

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This book was so cute, gave me all sorts of emotions. Loved everything about it. Can’t wait to read more from this author!

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I really enjoyed this one! While I personally would have had some more sex scenes or at least something spicier to make this a contemporary and believable romance, it was enjoyable all the same. There's a lot of like here, from fake dating to an imbalance in experience, as well as the common flower shop/tattoo-clad guy trope, which makes me think Sarah Adams is a fanfiction reader/writer as well! I also liked this a lot more than the other book in this series, When in Rome, so I think this a much better indicator of the writer's style.

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Thanks to the publisher for providing me a digital review copy via NetGalley!

Practice Makes Perfect is sweet small-town romance for all the quiet introverts who know what they want.

I must say, fake dating is not one of my favorite tropes. There were definitely moments where the fake dating trope was in full force and made me roll my eyes. However, the romance plays out gradually in a caring, patient way, which I really liked and appreciated. I also liked the side characters of Annie's family and the other town members who are so protective of Annie. It made me want to read the first book in the series sometime soon!

4.5 stars

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Annie has always been the quiet good girl, but is looking to shed that reputation in favor of more authentically expressing herself. Despite her efforts though, her dates haven’t been interested in forming the emotional connection she needs. When Will Griffin returns to Rome, Kentucky to provide security for Amelia Rose, Annie has found the perfect person to give her some lessons. Will doesn’t believe in love, but Annie is too sweet to resist, but the lines of their arrangement quickly start to blur.

My favorite Sarah Adams book so far! Will and Annie are so swoon-worthy and I loved their chemistry and banter! Our tattooed, ex-military, emotionally unattached bodyguard is such an affectionate, tenderhearted sweetie who can communicate 😍 I love his dynamic with Annie and I loved that their relationship was one that supported each other as individuals and as a couple.

This is the perfect heartwarming, closed door romance loaded with tension to add to your TBR!

You’ll Find —
Good Girl/Bad Boy
Small Town
Fake Dating
Dating Lessons

Thank you NetGalley, Dell Books, and Sarah Adams for the gifted digital review copy!

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Thank you NetGalley and Random House for the ARC of " Practice Makes Perfect". I adored" When in Rome" and have been anxiously awaiting this novel! The story follows Annie, the introvert of three sisters and Will, her future sister in laws bodyguard as they explore a flirtation under the guise of dating classes. I enjoyed the premise of this book, but it felt way too cliche for me and too predictable.

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Annie is seen by everyone as the sweet, innocent friend that would never swear and needs to be protected at all costs. The youngest child, she never knew her parents like her siblings did. So, to not add to their pain Annie hid her feelings and put on a happy smile. She played the part of the innocent little sister and was even called “Angel Annie” by her sisters.

When Annie has yet another disastrous date, this time witnessed by none other than Will Griffin— the sexy, bad boy bodyguard of her soon-to-be sister-in-law. Amelia sets the two up, suggesting Will can tutor Annie through her awkwardness on dates. The two have an instant chemistry— but Annie wants to marry, and Will doesn’t believe in love. Slowly, these seemingly polar opposites tear down the others walls and realize they have more in common than meets the eye.

Man I wish I picked this up sooner. I swear Annie Walker is ME. I need a Will Griffin in my life, for real.

read if you like:
• Sarah Adams books
• romance reads
• small town romance
• good girl/bad boy trope
• “fake” dating trope (kinda?)
• Audrey Hepburn

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Best RomCom of the year!!! I feel the same way reading Sarah Adams’ books as I do watching Nancy Meyers’ movies… they are comfy, cozy, and absolutely delightful. Practice Makes Perfect is bad guy/good girl, practice dating, small town romance ~perfection~

This is a closed door romance with tons of chemistry (steamy but not spicy) BUT you can read an open door scene of their time in Paris if you sign up for Sarah Adams’ newsletter!

Thank you NetGalley for this eARC in exchange for my honest review!

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Sarah Adams is my go-to author when I'm looking for a feel-good rom-com. In her latest, sweet, introverted Annie Walker is looking for love, but she is really bad at dating. When Will, aka Buzzfeed's hottest bodyguard, comes to town to work with Annie's friend, she enlists his help as a dating coach. It's an adorable love story with a relatable protagonist. I loved returning to the world of When in Rome. More, please!

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I had such high hopes for this book because I liked When In Rome and I loved the premise of it but unfortunately, I thought Annie seem too childish and it got old fast. I felt she could’ve still been innocent and kind and tender without seeming totally naive and over the top childish. I could not find the excitement or desire to pick up this book and read it so unfortunately this one was not for me.

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Sarah Adams did it again! She has created this sweet, Gilmore Girls-esque world that is positively swoonworthy. This book was full of sweetness and desire - a great compliment to When In Rome!

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This is a good book. The two main characters are Annie and Will. Annie owns a flower shop. Will is a bodyguard. There is an instant attraction. Will has volunteered to help Annie learn to date. But it backfires on both of them. They start to fall in love.

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Thank you to Random House for the ARC!

Five stars for Practice Makes Perfect!

What a great summer read. This is how I like my small town romance! It had the perfect amount of angst with a female main character that I just completely loved. The story between Annie & Will was perfectly swoony. I can’t wait to revisit Rome for the next book (which I hope will be Maddie’s book 🤞).

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I hadn’t realized how much I adore small town romances until I read, Practice Makes Perfect (When in Rome book 2) by Sarah Adams. In the first book, When in Rome, there is an unexpected coupling of Amelia (think Taylor Swift) and Noah (The local pie baker). They are in the background of this book but it focuses on Annie (flower shop owner and Noah’s sister) and Will (Amelia’s bodyguard). When Annie is trying to have her perfectly ever after with one straight laced dweeb after another Will steps in to rock her dating world with his sexy lessons and has Amelia thinking the bad boy is just what the doctor ordered to help her live her best life. Throw in some tattoos, pickup trucks, along with some pirate romance books, and this was a perfect read.

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*This book was sent to me via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

I was so excited to get this eBook as I loved the 1st in this series. I wasn't let down by this one at all..

This author is great with catching you within the 1st chapter & nailed the Fake Dating with this book!! Which is crazy because it's also a bodyguard romance, what more can you ask for?!?! You don't want to put the book down as you want to know what is going to happen next. From the moment I first read Will and Annie chat, their chemistry was sizzling & came across as genuine. The two, especially Annie are hilarious. I laughed out loud more than once. But also there were a few tears that fell as well. I truly hope that there will be more in this series because I will be there & ready to read the next.

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4.5 ⭐️ I picked up this book and finished it in one day. As crazy as my life has been, it was the un-put-down-able escape that I needed at exactly the right moment!

For me, I liked this one better than When in Rome, and I think a big reason was I just related to Annie so well, and Will was the perfect mix of soft-hearted bad boy. These two characters were vastly different, but in all the best ways. I loved so much how they complemented one another, well done Sarah Adams! The chemistry and sizzle were oh so perfectly done. 🔥

Annie was a great mix of the good, shy girl who wants to branch out and figure out who she really is. She is tired of the box everyone has put her in, but she’s scared to step out of it.

As an innate people pleaser/quiet girl myself, I feel like I went through a lot of the same transitions as she did in my 20s. I related to her on so many levels. It can be hard to build that inner confidence, and I loved loved loved watching her find it.

If I had one complaint, it seemed at times her good girl persona was painted in a slightly less than positive light, at least coming from her family with the teasing. I loved how Will appreciated that side of her though. ❤️

Will is the rough around the edges, commitment phobic, tough guy that I gravitate towards in novels. I love layers and seeing them uncovered one by one. Will had so many, and it was wonderful seeing Annie soften and truly “see” him.

I can’t wait to return to Rome, Kentucky!!!

Also, don’t miss the bonus content Sarah recently released for this book!! Head to her page and subscribe for her newsletter to get it!

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Rating: I liked it

I thoroughly enjoyed When in Rome and Noah became one of my top book boyfriends (I can’t even do a top 10 anymore because there's just too many that belong on that list) but anyway - this isn’t a review about WIR.

First, let me start by saying I absolutely adore the cover. I love the pinks and flowers.

There was so much hype about this book and I seriously didn’t hear a single bad thing - everyone was convinced I would love Will and Annie. Now, don’t get me wrong - I did like them, but they didn’t wow me.

PMP was a little too light and fluffy for me - and definitely too cheesy. Unfortunately, I just wasn’t in a Hallmark-y mood when I picked this one up.

I’m going to start off with the characters - I absolutely loved Will and Annie together. At first it came across as opposites attract, but I don’t know if I believed that toward the end. Will just pulled out the real Annie that was buried and hiding inside her.

I didn’t get the introvert/shy vibes from Annie, which would have been fine had we not been reminded about it almost every chapter. She very rarely came across that way to me. Sure she had an awkward first date and didn’t know what to say, but it was just a bad date. I also didn’t understand why everyone thought Will was so dangerous. He always seemed sweet to me and I wasn’t sure why the town was picking on him and rooting for him to not be with Angel Annie.

I like the dating coach trope, but it was a little underwhelming. I didn’t really feel like he was coaching her through anything and it was randomly brought in throughout the book just as a reminder it was happening.

I really liked the chemistry between Will and Annie - although this book is closed door, it didn’t really feel like it. I could’ve done with a little less “I’m a 30 year old virgin and there's a half-naked man in my room” talk, though.

I did really like that Annie stood up for herself at the end of the book and that her sister’s didn’t make a big stink over it. Love a good supportive family (who all secretly read a different type of romance).

If you’re looking for something super charming and Hallmark-y, or a good palate-cleanser book, then this is definitely the one for you.

Read if you like:
Good girl/Bad boy trope
Small town setting
Dating Coach/Lessons
He falls first
Friends to lovers
Closed door (but lots of heat)

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Read if you enjoy:
- Closed Door Romance
- Fake Dating
- Opposites Attract
- Bodyguard (MMC) and Flowershop Owner (FMC)
- Pirate Smut Reader (FMC)
- Dual POV
- Small Town Vibes

Rating: 4.5⭐️

I simply loved everything about this book! What a fun and quick-paced book filled with lovable characters and opinionated small-town nosy found family haha.

Annie is a flower shop owner in a small town where everyone knows her as the sweet and angelical Annie. She is on a mission to find her perfect soon-to-be husband where she can finally fill the void she feels inside. On the other hand, we have Will, the bodyguard (excuse me… executive protection agent (EPA) sorry Will haha IFKYK) coming to fulfill his job for a month as Amelia (Book 1) is preparing for her wedding. He knows he should stay away from Annie but Amelia has better things in mind. She sets them up after a mortifyingly bad date for Annie. She asks Will to coach Annie on how to get better on her dates and this is where sparks just fly.

The Fake dating in this story was so good. I loved the dynamic of Will and Annie and how he wanted her to shine without changing who she is. He was so supportive and gave her the means to flourish while blurring the lines himself of never falling in love. It was so sweet to see him coming to this realization after enduring his childhood traumas. The communication between was so good.

This book was adorably cute! If you want a book with lovable characters and great communication with laughable moments, give this one a try! Loved it!

“Annabell, I need you to know, I’ve fallen madly in love with you.”
“But you don’t believe in love.”
“It was easier to say I don’t believe in love, rather than admitting to myself that I was afraid I wouldn’t be loved back”

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC

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