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The True Love Experiment

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I really enjoyed this book. The chemistry between the two MC’s was outstanding. Like Conner was almost too good to be true. I think if you enjoyed the soulmate equation, you’re going to have so much fun with this book too!
It was a 5 star read until the little plot bomb at 71-75% just not something I enjoy in a plot and the way Fizzy reacted is totally understandable and it sucks she had to do it when they were finally building something. But then it was like the story went “oh well it’s cause of the contract” that they can’t be together.
But then the plot got too predictable for how things would end and it wrapped up so nicely somehow with literally none of the conflicts ever mentioned again. Just weird honestly. Like they both communicated so well but it somehow didn’t matter?!
It’s the chemistry that carries this book. And the spicy scenes; they were soooo hot.

Tropes: Forced proximity and forbidden work place romance, divorced hot dad

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CLo never disappoint ! I absolutely loved this book ! It's feel-good, funny, steamy & swoony, all rolled into one. It reads like a love letter to romance novels, and is so enjoyable and satisfying - a real treat !

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Oh boy! Where do I start?

I loved the Soulmate Equation by Christina Lauren when it came out and when I heard there will be a book focused on Fizzy, I could not handle my excitement. And I am so happy to say that this book did not disappoint.

Fizzy's character was a hoot in the Soulmate Equation, but as a stand alone MC she shines so bright! Her quick and witty banter/firecracker energy is front and center throughout the whole book, and it works so well with Connor's quieter character. The two MCs balance each other so beautifully its magical, and the chemistry between them is so damn HOT.

I really enjoyed the behind the scenes look at both romance writing and the reality show world. I also really liked that Christina Lauren added some Jess and River scenes in the book. However, I did not love the cheating conflict. I am not a huge fan of that kind of story line, but I do appreciate the way the characters were able to move past that and their miscommunication. Overall a very enjoyable read!

Thank you Netgalley and Simon & Schuster Canada for this eARC.

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Read if you like..
reality dating shows
forced proximity
books about writers
his & her POVs
firey chemistry
perfect book boyfriends
forbidden love
the wittiest banter

In typical Christina Lauren fashion, THE TRUE LOVE EXPERIMENT had me laughing out loud with its amazing banter and blushing while I was reading it in public.

Fizzy is a firecracker of a character and I loved her energy. Connor, while more subdued in comparison, was also a joy to read. A hot single dad who has a great relationship with his co-parent, has done the work on himself and is willing to challenge his world view? Yes, please! I loved watching their story play out and the chemistry between them was HOT.

The commentary on how romance writers and books are perceived was on point and well integrated, and I enjoyed how Clo also poked fun at the genre in how the reality dating shoe was set up.

I did find it ran a bit long and wasn't quite as bingeable The Soulmate Equation. On one hand, I liked that this allowed for extra plot and character development between Fizzy and Connor - particularly before the dating show elements started - but on the other, it felt like it dragged just a little bit at some parts.

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I received a advanced copy of the "true love experiment" by Christina Lauren.
I loved the banter and chemistry between Connor and Fizzy. Omg well done!
Highly recommend!

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All I can say is.... wow. This book, the sequel we didn't know we needed to The Soulmate Equation, is a fantastic read. Felicity "Fizzy" Chen, heroine and romance writer, is in a writing slump. And so she agrees to be the leading lady in a reality dating show where sparks fly with the handsome producer. Sparks fly, but with heroes to choose from, what will she do?

I absolutely loved this book. I believe it is the best one yet from the writing duo known as Christina Lauren. Sure, this won't be for everyone, but if you love romcoms and reality dating shows, then this one will be perfect for you.

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[arc review]
Thank you to Simon & Shuster Canada for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review.
The True Love Experiment releases May 16, 2023

review contains spoilers

The main character in The True Love Experiment is Fizzy, who we first met in The Soulmate Equation.

I was really apprehensive to read this because I did not like how the Asian rep was handled in Scandalized (published under Lauren’s pen name last year). And while it was clear that they sought out advice for this to be accurate, I still don’t know how comfortable I feel about them writing an Asian protagonist when what was written still felt like a very safe/surface level/typical approach (being petite with inky black hair, expectations from immigrant parents, the two Chinese sibling words used, or the one line dropping mah-jongg).

This story is told in dual pov from Connor and Fizzy. Conveniently, their lives have run in the same small circle before they’ve ever formally met each other (Connor is single dad/coparent to the daughter of Juno’s best friend, who is the child of Fizzy’s adult best friend, Jess).
Formerly a climate documentary filmmaker, Connor is now begrudgingly tasked with producing a reality tv dating show — think the bachelorette franchise while adding in the GeneticAlly DNADuo app and having the viewers vote. The plot is unoriginal and feels half recycled from The Soulmate Equation.

Connor, being who he is, really has no idea about the romance genre or reality tv. He even goes as far as saying it’s beneath him and that they’re predictable since the outcome always has the couple ending up together (newsflash, that’s what the romance genre is; without an hea, it’s not a romance), but is still willing to profit off it with a whopping $1.5 million deal (gross).
Anyways, luckily his ex-wife just so happens to have an entire bookshelf full of Fizzy’s published books which sparks inspiration for Connor as his perfect heroine for his dating show. This ends up working great for all parties involved because Fizzy is in a bad writers block and doesn’t have anything in the works for her next novel. In order to get something out of this deal (besides finding her soulmate/true love), she outlandishly tailors this dating show so that the men they cast for her are all romance archetypes — cinnamon roll, the one that got away, hot nerd, etc — which will hopefully appease her existing audience of romance readers.

The start of this book gave me severe whiplash. At first, Fizzy thought Connor was an asshole, and then quickly became quite attracted to him once she gave him the time of day?!
I found that Fizzy and Connor bonded way too quickly through their quest to “find joy” which resulted in the male lead admitting to falling in love at 37%! Not to mention, all of this has happened and they haven’t even started filming the actual reality tv dating show… These two plot points, finding joy and the dating show, felt very separate, when instead they should have been more codependent. By this point, the entire story and relationship feels established and the remaining 63% feels entirely redundant and unnecessary.

I had to constantly remind myself what Fizzy’s age was, especially when I had to read things like “you’re just experiencing a long overdue Fizzgina reawakening” and “I considered going jogging in flip-flops just to remind myself how sex sounds.”

In regards to the conflict: once a cheater, always a cheater. I stand by that statement wholeheartedly and I’m so disappointed that Fizzy thought she had to be the one to apologize, when her reaction was not overreactive in the slightest. We know that her last relationship 3 years ago ended because she was unknowingly the other woman with Rob, AND she even disclosed this with Connor during their first “joy excursion”, so the way Connor didn’t even take that into consideration once but easily said to her “it makes it very hard for me to believe you now” after she walked out on him?? RIGHTFULLY SO ON HER PART. Like, why are you just disclosing this type of information once you two are in too deep, yet you know her stance on this type of behaviour?! Mind boggling. I just can’t wrap my head around why Fizzy would say such a statement of “I also think if someone can justify cheating once, they can justify it again. You’re either a cheater or you’re not.” but then went back to him like no damage was done to her mental core.
Additionally, I couldn’t stand seeing time and time again of her asking for sex after being straight up rejected by Connor because of his committal boundaries. It was giving desperation and second hand embarrassment for me. No means no and they should respect that.

It felt very unfair to me to have them shoot an entire dating show and string along 8 guys when her mind was constantly on someone else and they were never truly giving their all emotionally. Connor accompanying her to her brother’s wedding while they were still in production also felt wildly inappropriate.
Some may think the progression and banter was cute but to me this entire book dragged when the ending was established so so early on.

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I have read many books from this writing duo but The True Love Experiment is my favourite. This book is full of everything I look for in a romance novel – witty banter, magnetic attraction, personal growth and a well-executed trope. I rarely rate a romance novel five stars, but this book is just that special.

Felicity “Fizzy” Chen is a romance writer who’s had a lack of romance in her own life for quite some time. This has impacted her ability to write romance and she feels the pressure as deadlines loom.

Connor Prince creates nature documentaries but finds himself constantly looking for funding from his boss. He learns that the company is going in a different direction and his boss assigns him to produce the newest reality dating show.

Connor chooses Fizzy to be the next “bachelorette”. Fizzy is reluctant to accept but decides this could be a good career move and might just help her find inspiration for her next book. She tells Connor she will agree if he can find men who fit the eight character ARCs she wants to be represented.

Fizzy and Connor develop a friendship by getting to know each other prior to the start of filming the show. This relationship builds into something that neither of them has expected but that is completely forbidden. The intensity of their attraction during the filming of the show was palpable.

The characters are highly likeable, funny, and well-developed. I loved the reality dating show setting and the great execution of the close proximity trope. The dual point of view worked extremely well. Those readers who enjoyed The Soulmate Equation will appreciate revisiting the characters featured in that book.

I highly recommend this book to those readers who appreciate romance.

I received an ARC of this book from the publisher. The thoughts and opinions expressed here are my own.

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The True Love Experiment is the sequel to the Soulmate Equation (a book I DNF-ed when it came out). However, Christina Lauren are pros, so I didn't feel like I had missed anything by starting the series on the second book.
Our main characters are Fizzy, an author with writer's block, and Connor, a documentary filmmaker who is suddenly repurposed at work as a reality show producer.
I loved the concept of the romance trope reality series - I just wish that Fizzy and Connor fell in love over the course of making the show, instead of functionally immediately, it made the show (again, a great concept) totally hollow.
Overall, a middling, but cute story.

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Thank you NetGalley,Gallery books, Simon and Schuster canada for the free e-ARC in exchange for my honest review. This is my ABSOLUTE number 1 most anticipated read if the year. I am so jazzed ti have read an early copy and cannot wait until my physical copy arrives. I fell innlive with this writing duo spring of 2020. This is without a doubt my favorite standalone book by them.

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Fizzy is a romance author who is slowly giving up on ever finding romance for herself. She meets Connor and ends up as the lead on the dating show that he is producing. But what if the person she falls for isn’t one of the contestants after all?

What I loved:
-the banter, the confessionals, every interaction that Fizzy and Connor had
-Fizzy’s family/friends
-dating show setting
-Fizzy’s character/personality in general but especially that she’s a romance novelist!
-the humour

This was such a cute read that I can’t recommend enough! I loved the unique concept of this book and it was so heartwarming.

Thank you to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for the advanced reading copy!

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The True Love Experiment is a gem of a book, one of my favorites from this author duo without a doubt! It is the follow up to The Soulmate Equation, but can still be read on its own.

We follow Fizzy, a vivacious romance writer struggling to believe in love, and Connor, a documentary filmmaker tasked with producing a reality tv dating show. From the beginning to the end, Connor and Fizzy had off the charts chemistry. Their relationship evolved naturally, and the moments of flirting and opening up to one another had me on the edge of my seat. Although the tv show was very much prevalent and fun to read about, it did not overtake the romance with an overload of petty and unnecessary drama. The ending was the perfect cherry on top and without a doubt Connor and Fizzy make quite the dashing couple.

I'd recommend this book to fans of Amy Lea's Exes and O's and fans of the previous book in this series, The Soulmate Equation. On top of that, anyone looking for a lighthearted, fun summer read will devour this book!

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Thank you to Simon and Schuster, Netgalley and Christina Lauren for the ARC!

I never give romance books 5 stars. There’s usually something wrong- they don’t stick the ending, it’s too cheesy, the narrator is annoying. But man I can’t give this book less than 5 stars. I absolutely loved it. It was like a love letter to romance readers. I loved Fizzy and Connor, I loved the plot (the dating show was so fun!), I loved the romance, I loved the witty banter. Even the ending and the “problem” wasn’t ridiculous. I stayed up wayyyyy to late reading this and loved every minute.

This book takes place in the same world as The Soulmate Equation. To be honest, I didn’t love that book but this one is just miles above it. Don’t worry if you didn’t love TSE, because this one holds it own 100%.

Thank you again for the ARC, I thoroughly enjoyed it!

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The True Love Experiment
Rating: 4 stars
Publishing date: May 16, 2023
Read this if you love books about writers.
Read this if you love books that give you butterflies.
Read this if love laugh out loud moments.
Read this if you love chemistry between the main characters.
Read this if you love stinking great banter.
What a fun idea for a rom com. Fizzy is an author who is in a writing slump and is asked to be the love interest in a reality tv show. Hey, why not? The handsome producer of the show makes it super interesting. We follow these characters as they navigate how they are feeling for each other and if true love really exists.

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Thank you so much to Simon and Schuster Canada for this ARC in exchange for an honest review! I love Christina Lauren so much and I'm so glad I always have so much fun with their books. I really love that they expanded on Fizzy from The Soulmate Equation, this time shifting from single mom to single dad, and it was absolutely adorable. Imagine the Bachelorette, as Fizzy, a popular romance novelist, is thrust into this new reality TV show to find love, but without the Bachelor's secondhand embarrassment moments and A LOT more laughter and chemistry between Fizzy, and the show's producer, Connor. All in all, it's definitely a Christina Lauren classic and will keep you cracking up and swooning from page one until the end. Can't wait to see what else Christina Lauren are coming up with next!

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The True Love Experiment was perfect, for me! It was exactly what I needed in life right now and I loved it! Christina Lauren books have a way of just making you feel hopeful and full of joy! I loved the connection to their previous book, The Soulmate Equation, and loved that Fizzy was a romance writer! I feel like we got an inside peek to the romance writing world! Connor and Fizzy were a great pair and their chemistry was so fun! If you've read Christina Lauren books before, you'll love this one...if you haven't read books by these two, you should! Thank you to Netgalley and Gallery Books/Simon & Schuster for the ARC of this one! I loved it!

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster Canada for providing me with a digital arc in exchange for an honest review!

In general I'm a fan of Christina Lauren's romances and I enjoyed The Soulmate Equation so I was excited to find out they were writing a follow up focusing on Jess' best friend Fizzy. In this book we follow Fizzy who is going through a romantic dry spell and a period of writers block when she gets approached to be the star or a new Bachelorette style reality dating show. But instead of falling for the contestants she becomes fast friends with and begins falling for the show's executive producer Connor.

I really liked this book and it was on par, for me, with The Soulmate Equation. So if you were a fan of that book you should definitely check out this one. Fizzy and Connor have great chemistry, and the forbidden romance aspect of him being the producer and not one of the contestants made for believable angst and tension. My number one hated romance trope is a miscommunication induced third act breakup and I am happy to report that this book does not have that!

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Thank you to Simon & Schuster Canada and NetGalley for this ARC.

Christina Lauren have always been a favourite of mine but lately they're killing it. This was a great follow up to The Soulmate Equation that I devoured in one day.

Fizzy was such a fun character and her banter with Connor had me cracking up. Their chemistry (which is something that is missing in a lot of books I've read lately!) was so real and had me rooting for them. The dating show setup to create a forbidden romance was such a good twist on the trope.

The whole book was kind of a tribute to romance readers & why happy endings matter. Must read!

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THIS WAS DELIGHTFUL. I cried on page 3 (a poignant paragraph about loving romance novels) and then through the last 50 pages. Flick was my favourite part of the Soulmate Equation so I was incredibly excited to see her love story and it did NOT disappoint. The setup of this book could not be more fun - she gets to go on a dating show based on romance tropes and she is IN CHARGE. The plot is incredibly obvious, as is the love interest, but that's the best part. I was delighted through this entire book although I WAS screaming at them both through the third act conflict!

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This book was a love letter to romance books and I adored every second of it. There was a modern twist on forbidden romance with amazing characters and it was a great companion to The Soulmate Equation which I read in early February. This is definitely a book worth picking up if you’re interested in a romantic comedy meets reality tv dating show and two people in a bind. A great read to make you fall in love with life (and reading) all over again.

Thank you to Simon and Schuster and NetGalley for this arc in exchange for an honest review

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