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The Doctor's Wife

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I finished this in 2 days so I was pretty intrigued by the story. This was an interesting plot. We get 2 POVs and towards the end, it moved between timelines. This was my first Daniel Hurst novel, so I didn't know what to expect but it was a great thriller. I couldn't stop reading it.

The story starts with Fern and Drew moving to the countryside but there's a secret and both of them are hiding the true reasons they moved here. Moving between both POVs, the readers get to see the story evolve and understand both of these characters.

I'm not going to lie, i didn't expect it to take such dark turns. I did not see a lot of the things coming and it took me by surprise how fast the story was moving. I was expecting a slow-burn thriller rather than one that was fast-paced. I enjoyed this a lot and cant wait to read more of Hurst's books.

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Author : Daniel Hurst
The Doctor's Wife
3 🌟🌟🌟
He thinks his secret is safe. But she knows the truth…
My husband is a doctor. He’s smart and charming and everybody trusts him. Except me.
On the surface, it looks like I have it all – the perfect marriage, the perfect husband, the perfect life. But it’s far from the truth.
Doctor Drew Devlin is not the respectable figure he makes out to be. The reason we moved to this beautiful, old property with a gorgeous view of the sea was because we needed to put our past behind us. It should’ve been a fresh start for us both.
Except I’ve discovered my husband has been lying to me again. He’s using the power he has in his job to mess with people’s lives, and to get exactly what he wants – no matter who it hurts. But he’s underestimated me. I’ve had plenty of time, in this big, isolated house, to think about all of his mistakes.
And my husband has no idea what’s about to happen next…
The Doctor's Wife
by Daniel Hurst is an psychological thriller with a lot of predictable twists and some shocking twist. The story is told from alternating POVs, Fern’s and Drew’s. For me it started off slow and i did not like the characters at all . However i loved the games they were playing with each other. That is what kept me turning the pages. I absolutely love some of Daniel Hurst's books others not so much.

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Fern was happily married to Dr. Drew Devlin, proud to be a doctor’s wife and loving living in the busy city of Manchester. When he wants to relocate to a small village up near Scotland, she reluctantly agrees. Both of them are harboring secrets and have ulterior motives for making the move. For those who hate spoilers, I don’t want to give away any more of the plot; for those who want to know, read the synopsis on Amazon or Goodreads.

The story is told from alternating POVs, Fern’s and Drew’s. This was an engrossing, fast read; I couldn’t put it down. You may hate some (or all!) of the characters, but you will enjoy this domestic thriller with its twists and turns. A very entertaining read!

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Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for approving this ARC. I really enjoyed my first read by Daniel Hurst. It wasn’t too overly complicated with multiple characters and the subtle hints throughout had me intrigued til the end.

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OMG - I really liked this book - a true domestic psychological thriller.

You can also see this as "What can happen, when you cheat on your spouse".

Yes, there were slight and quiet twists in that story, and I enjoyed each one of them.
I believe, I might be hooked on this author in the near future - especially since I am currently
working my way through his "20 Minutes" series.

I would highly recommend this book.
It was very enjoyable !

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This book held my interest but I found it extremely predictable. The story centers on married couple Drew and Fern. Drew is a doctor who convinces Fern to move out of the city to a sleepy beach town, but it turns out he has an ulterior motive. Fern, however, has secrets of her own, and the story alternates between each of their POVs as they play a cat and mouse game with each other.

Neither Drew or Fern were likable characters but they weren’t supposed to be. I liked reading about the devious plots they put in place when they set out to deceive each other. The book, though a little shallow, is fast paced, and with short chapters is a quick and easy read. I found it entirely predictable though, and there really wasn’t anything that happened that surprised me.

Overall, I’m not sure how memorable this book was because there were no shocking twists and turns, but it was an enjoyable and fast read. Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I was so excited to see Daniel Hurst had a new book coming out and it did not disappoint!

“The Doctor’s Wife,” is what I would call a popcorn thriller. It is the story of Drew, a doctor, and his wife, Fern. Drew convinces Fern they should move to the countryside where he can be the village doctor. Fern goes along with the plan, but knows there is more to the move.

This story is two from the perspectives of Drew and Fern, and every time you think you know these characters they completely surprise you. It’s a quick read that keeps you invested and I loved the dark turns.

Out on January 31st, this is a book you don’t want to miss! Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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I was given this book by NetGalley for an honest review-
Doctor Drew and his wife have the perfect marriage- or so it seems.
But each has a secret- he is having an affair- and she knows about it.
And then the perfect murder- or so it seems.
A gripping story from the beginning to the end!

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I had not heard of this writer before but the plot sounded interesting. It started off a bit like Gone Girl where both the husband and wife are not what they seem. So I read on, but found the writing to be schoolboy standard. There are no subtleties in this. The main action happens at the beginning and end of each chapter, with the middle filled with each character's thoughts and explanations about what they have done or are about to do, so I realized I did not have to read all of it to find out what happens. The author does not bother with details or fact checking, so there are many questions thrown up as you read. Having looked him up, he seems to be a very prolific and popular writer, I prefer a more thoughtful approach, but if churning out short novels at a rate of knots works for him, then who am I to criticize?

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Any book that opens with a dead body on the beach will be sure to capture your attention! This domestic thriller had me turning the pages quickly as I desperately wanted to figure out the events that lead to this horrific scene.

Fern has recently moved with her big city doctor husband, Drew Devlin, to a small town for a slower pace of living. This dual POV story goes back and forth between Fern and Drew. Turns out Drew's motive for relocation is rooted in lust rather than his career. Fern knows her husband is hiding a secret, but how much does she really know?

There are a lot of twists in this story, some predictable, however the ending caught me off guard. This story didn't have too many characters and was very easy to follow. Fern's naivety at the beginning irked me, but as the plot unraveled, I was looking forward to her chapters. This is a perfect domestic thriller to binge in a sitting or two!

Thank you to the author, Bookouture and NetGalley for providing the e-ARC for an honest review.

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Another win for Daniel Hurst!

Who doesn't love a story about someone getting revenge on their cheating spouse filled with drama and twists? Well you're in for a ride with this one. Absolutely loved the way he did the time lapses going back and present date. Felt natural and helped build the background. I flew through this one in a day!
Still not sure how I feel about the epilogue as it's not needed, but still good and leaves you for more.

Thank you Bookouture for the ARC!

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Perfect for fans of the perfect marriage. Even though you learn most of the twists before the end, this was a fun mystery thriller. It was a good quick read, and I recommend it to someone looking for a clean thriller. The only reason I gave 4 out of 5 stars was the epilogue, I feel as though it actually took away from the story and wish the author would have left it out. However, it was an arc, and perhaps it will be removed.

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✨The doctors Wife By Daniel Hurst ✨

Wow, Drew was a piece of crap. He lacks morals, ethics majorly and is not likeable one bit! I mean he was so bloody childish, acting like he is a teenage when he is in his 40s.

Whilst I felt sorry for Fern for what happened. I found her unlikeable, seriously she was more than happy to just spend her husbands money and sit around watching day time TV.

I loved that this story was faced paced and jumped back in time to give a backstory. I wished we could have heard from Rory and Alice.

Thank you to @netgalley and @bookouture for proving me with this ARC! This book is going to be released on 31st January.

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Daniel Hurst does it again!! I love his books and the twists are usually ones that I don't see coming! This story is a reminder that the grass isn't always greener on the other said and karma is a…I loved the dual POV between Fern and Rory, and also the flashbacks between the past and present! I can't wait to see what comes out of Daniel's mind next!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to have this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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A picture perfect doctor and housewife lives get flipped upside down with one small flirt at the bar. . One minute all is well- Fern is living the big city dream & shopping sprees to being uprooted by her husband,Drew, to go to a small town by the beach for them to “work on their marriage” and him to start working at a new practice.. Drew & Fern meet Rory & Alice, which are from the same city (hmmmm..) Alice and Drew know each other very well… little do their spouses know. How far will love go? The mind games start twisting and turning. You will be shook with all the truths that come to light. Will it be too late?

Read this book! You will not regret it!

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Whoa - what a diabolical and pretty much perfect plan except that one must always remember - two can't share a secret!! The business of secrets is inherently a lonely one, but that way you don't have to tie up any loose ends. I really enjoyed watching this story unfold. The reason for 4 stars instead of 5 is that I simply could have done without the final plot twist in the epilogue as I think it took this to the over the top level of believability.

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Fern was shocked when her husband, Drew, abruptly wanted to move from the larger city of Manchester to a tiny English village called Arberness. His job as a personal physician was throwing off his work/life balance, you see, so he convinces Fern to move away from the city and into a house by the sea.

The only problem? Drew is cheating on Fern - has been for awhile, and this move is basically him tricking his wife into moving so he can be near his mistress. Alice told him things were over and that she was going back to her husband, Rory, but Drew is still in love and not willing to give up on their relationship - married or not.

This story goes through the bad deeds that people do when they are trying to deceive others, and it was very juicy. While definitely not a mindblower, and definitely cliche, this was a very enjoyable and entertaining read. 3.5 stars, rounded up!

(Thank you to Bookouture, Daniel Hurst and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my review. This book will be published on January 31, 2023.)

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This was my first read by this author and I’m pleased to say I really enjoyed his writing style! This was a good domestic thriller. I don’t know that I would say it was a surprising twist/ending, but it was a good read and I kept picking it up anytime I had a few minutes to read another chapter. Looking forward to checking out more by the author!
Thank you to NetGalley and Bookoutoure for the advance reader copy. I’m leaving my honest review voluntarily.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Bookouture and Daniel Hurst for sharing an ARC of the book in exchange for an honest review.

Unfortunately, I have watched Lifetime movies with more complexity than this book. Since I try to be optimistic, here are the things I liked about the book:

1. The setting. The small village just on the coast of Scotland sounds charming.
2. The length. I didn’t have to force myself to finish since it came in at around 200 pages.

I think that might be it. Now, moving onto the things that I had a problem with.

1. The characters. None of the characters were likeable, which I think was the point.But they weren’t just unlikeable because they were either engaging in an affair or planning to murder + accuse their partners of murder, but they were also unlikeable because they were just boring. There was no character development or depth. They were incredibly static and had zero personality.
2. Like the characters, the plot to murder Drew + accuse Alice of the murder was very undeveloped and unbelievable. Despite Fern mentioning multiple times that the plan was foolproof, it felt hasty and amateurish. I was expecting, and hoping, that Fern and Rory would be caught following the murder - something that seems plausible considering that the murder took place at 8 p.m. in public. Alas, that would be too complex for this book. Everything that took place following the murder was hasty and rushed as well. Alice was arrested shortly after Drew’s murder and her entire trial lasted about 2 pages, resulting in a confinement of 20 years in prison. I just wish there was *more* - more details, more conflict, more gasps, more surprise.
3. I hate that Greg thought that Fern was capable of murder because she got upset once when she thought her husband was cheating. While the text messages between Drew and a former classmate were innocuous, Fern CLEARLY had gone reason to be suspicious that Drew might engage in extramarital affairs. But because Fern threatened to throw Drew’s phone against the wall makes her capable of murder?
4. I just don’t believe that Rory would commit to a plan that involved framing his wife for murder when he was so determined to win back their marriage. Within a few days of finding out that Alice and Drew resumed their affair, Rory went from being a doting and loving husband to an accomplice in putting his wife in prison for 20 years?
5. Some details and subplots just felt extraneous. Take, for example, the details that Drew cheated on his med school exams and partook in malpractice. I guess that there was some connection to his devious behaviors when he decided to not help Rory, but the link wasn’t strong enough.
6. Sometimes I like when a story is wrapped up in a pretty little bow and all loose ends seem to be covered, but there was just too much explaining going on. When Drew mentioned something in his chapter, Fern would explain the situation even further in her’s. It was repetitive and redundant.

Overall, this book was unremarkable if somewhat frustrating. I’ll likely forget what it was about and what happened in it in a few weeks time.

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Fans of B.A Paris and Fredia McFadden will love this unputdownable domestic thriller of a book! I enjoyed the twist at the end that left me wanting more. I also jut love British authors they are twisted minded and I love seeing the words they have for some things binmen, and sink plug were my favorite inn this book.

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