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The Little Venice Bookshop

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Having enjoyed previous books by Rebecca Raisin, I was looking forward to visiting Venice this time.

For me, it took a long time to arrive there and while it was interesting to learn about Luna’s earlier life, travels and her new age beliefs, I felt it took too long to arrive at the beautiful bookshop by the canal.

As a result, once there, everything seemed very rushed, from her friend’s almost instantaneous relationship, to finding out about her family, to leaving again, where I found the ending disappointing as I would like to have read more about the blossoming relationship between Luna and Oscar.

However it was still an enjoyable, easy going read and maybe we can catch up with the two new lovebirds in another country? I hope so. 3.5*

Thank you to NetGalley and The Book Club Reviewer Group for the advance copy, in return for an honest review.

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Enjoyed it. My favorite part of the book were the cats and the bookshop. Even the people visiting the bookshop were there for the cats. With how the bookshop was described, it had to be a huge building. Loved Gigi, but she sort of got pushed to the side while Luna was working at the bookshop and spying on Giancarlo. Luna trying to change Sebastiano from being a player seemed useless. He LOVED her after knowing her a few days. I don't think what Ruby did should be blamed on "baby blues." Ruby abandoned her family because she didn't want to be tied down and wanted to travel. She could have tried harder to reconnect and she kept everything a secret from Luna. When Luna and Ruby were in Venice together, that would have been the perfect time for the truth to come out. Oscar and Luna never spent much time getting to know each other. They only interacted at work. From the moment Luna knocked Oscar's book into the puddle, I knew they would end up together. Besides the cats, I enjoyed the mystery about how Giancarlo fit into Ruby's life. I know Luna was expecting to find her dad in Venice, but she ended up gaining so much more. Maybe one day she will be sick of living out of a backpack and will settle down and run the bookshop. The book was a little slow in the beginning and definitely picked up as soon as Gigi and Luna arrived in Venice.

Definitely recommend giving the book a try. It's a cute story and perfect for a beach read. I enjoyed the story, characters and writing style. Look forward to reading more books by the author.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from HQ through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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How I loved this book. Firstly I love Luna's life especially the travelling lifestyle that has, but also was fascinated by the alternative childhood that she had, and kind of wish we had a whole book just dedicated to that.

And then there is her friendship with Gigi that is so strong, and I loved how they travel together to the extent that Gigi accompanies her to Venice, even though they really aren't sure what they are going to find.

For Luna's mum Ruby passed away at the start of the book, and it's in sorting through some of her belongings that she finds a whole bunch of letters that lead her to suspect there is a mystery regarding a trip to Venice many years ago and a whole lot more.

And the Little Venice Bookshop and it's owner are just at the centre of it all. And Luna's ideas for this bookshop are wonderful and I would have loved to see all the bookshop cats too.

There is just so much to love with this story, including getting a sense of Venice, and some very well rounded, real characters who I would love to have in my life.

For the last quarter of this book, I was oblivious to the world around me as I just had to read it all in one go and see if any of my inklings were right, and of course to find out just what would happen.

Just a simply wonderful story that I thoroughly enjoyed.

Thank you to HQ Digital and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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I really enjoyed this reading this book and it has made me want to travel to Venice.
It took a little while for me to get into the story as I originally thought Luna was just a hippy party girl but I soon saw her character develop into more and once the girls get to Venice I loved it.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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What a sweet, lovely, easy to read book about life, finding answers and finding yourself. Luna is a character you could imagine being someone you know, she is real and she is looking for answers.

This is such an easy book to read and a book that makes you feel good. There is a bit of mystery, there is beauty and there is romance. But it is all rolled into a very entertaining and fun read.

Thank you to NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read this heartwarming book.

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I love a romance/love story and make no apologies. When Luna’s mother Ruby passes away, Luna reads some letters that had been written to Ruby declaring undying love and heartbreak. Luna, having never known who her father was, decides to track down the writer of the letters, Giancarlo who has a bookshop in Venice. Having travelled for most of her life, particularly when she was younger with her mother, Luna sets off for Venice with her best friend Gigi.

The story takes us through the streets of Venice to a rundown bookshop, belonging to Giancarlo, who is seeking staff. Luna and Oscar both interview for the position and both receive a trial. Also at this point, the incredibly handsome Sebastiano is trying to woo Luna. The story takes us through Ruby’s life and how she and Giancarlo met and their shared history.

The whole time I rooted for Luna to get the happy ending she deserved and the love she so obviously craved but you will have to read it to see what happens

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I love Rebecca Raisin's books, and was so excited to read this one. They are all evocative of their settings, and I haven't been to Venice so I was looking forward to reading about this beautiful city, and I wasn't disappointed. For me the story really started to weave it's magic with me when Luna arrived in Venice and from then on I couldn't put it down.

When Luna finds out her beloved mother has passed away she is devastated. For so long it was just the two of them. She and her best friend Gigi travel home to be with her mother's close friends for the funeral. When she arrives in their house, she finds a bundle of letters from a man called Giancarlo, who was living in a bookshop in Venice, along with some photos that she takes to be her as a child and this mysterious man. Could this be her father? Luna and Gigi travel to Venice together and Luna manages to get a job in the bookshop to see what she can find out.

From the moment Luna and Gigi arrive in Venice the story is beautifully told, with just the right mix of mystery, intrigue, romance and beautiful imagery. I can't wait to visit Venice now - I would love to find such a bookshop there too.

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I was given the opportunity to receive this book before the publishing date for an honest review.
"The Little Venice Bookshop" is a quaint little bookshop located in the canals of Venice. From the beginning, I was captivated by the idea of this bookshop existing. Luna, our main girl, is trying to figure out the mystery of who is her biological father. After her mother's passing, Luna is sent on an adventure with clues in the form of letters from a mysterious man. The clues lead her to Venice.
I really enjoyed this story and the adventure it took me on. I feel the author did a great job helping me visualize Luna's path. Luna is a free spirit, and I enjoyed reading the story through her eyes. At times I feel with novels in this genre, I tend to get bored with the heavy details authors include. Rebecca Raisin did a great job of getting through the story and keeping me invested the entire way. I would definitely recommend this story, as it was extremely enjoyable!

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Nomad traveller Luna doesn't make it home before her mum dies. At the family home she discovers love letters from Giancarlo going back decades. With more questions and answers she decides to go to Vience with her friend Gigi.
All she knows is that he owns a bookshop by a canal; could he possibly be her long lost dad?
A great easy read.

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I received a free copy of A Little Venice bookshop by Rebecca Raisin from the publishers via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.

This is the first book that I have read by Rebecca but I really enjoyed her writing style and this will make me pick up more of her books in the future.

Luna is grieving from the loss of her mum and finds these letters that will lead her to uncover some secrets about her mum…. She may not have found what she was thinking at first but she finds so much more….This book pulled at my heartstrings at the right moments and gave answers when we really needed them….

I would love a novella about what happened next with Luna and her new found love and where her travels lead her next….

I would recommend this book and can’t wait to be able to get it on my bookshelves to be able to read when I just want a romance book to delve into…..

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Luna is a wanderer. Her mother raised her while they travelled the world. Eventually, after a visit to Venice, Italy, for a reason Luna never understood, her mother settled in a “town of tiny homes” while Luna continue to wander with her best friend GiGi. When Luna’s mother passed away, she discovers a stack of love letters from a mysterious Venetian man named Giancarlo. Could this be the father Luna never knew? Together with GiGi, she travels to Venice to meet this mystery man who owns a bookshop along the canals. Will she finally find a place to call home?

I enjoyed this book and the characters. However, I found some of it predictable. But, it was an enjoyable read that tugged at my heart strings.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy.

3.5 stars

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An interesting read. While fun, it did take me a bit to get into the story. The character of Luna is in her early 30s but occasionally comes as someone in her early to mid 20s. This could be because the character as no roots do her upbringing. This does add a bit of charm for me but some may not enjoy it. Through-out the story, she goes on a quest to find family and stumbles into the possibility of love. What I did enjoy was that, at one point, the storyline reminded me of a podcast that I enjoy listening to about books.
I received an ARC copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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When I read the description I knew I needed to add it to my collection! I was the perfect mix of emotions throughout the story. Equal parts heartwarming but there were also tears when I finished it. The characters drew you in and were very relatable. I do wish we would have gotten an epilogue to show what became of Luna after she left Venice, but I'm not upset making my own assumptions.

I rate this 3.5 stars rounded up to 4. Thanks to Netgalley and the author for an advanced copy.

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I was attracted to this by the title and cover as Venice is one of my favourite places. Initially I found this a little hard to get into but once the characters got to Venice itself, the story picked up.
I loved the descriptions of Venice and the parts about the bookshop and the cats were definitely my favourite parts of the novel. I enjoyed the characters of Giancarlo and Gigi and was disappointed that Luna and Gigi spent so little time together in Venice.
I found Luna to be quite a difficult character to relate to. She came across as quite a bit younger than she was supposed to be and some of her actions seemed a bit irrational and out of keeping with her personality.
It was a fun and sometimes touching read mainly because of the setting but I would have liked a more substance to the romance,
Thank you to Net Galley and HQ for my ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Not too sure about the beginning but it does explain the background.

When Luna's mother dies she is given a bundle of letters that have been hidden for years. Not knowing who her real father is the letters hint the Giancarlo who runs a book shop by the canal in Venice could be him.
She and her friend Gigi go to Venice to investigate. The girls follow their own itineraries and both soon find romance, Luna is pursued by the local lothario only to find her has a string of girls in tow. She gets a job at the book store that is mentioned in the letters and sets about trying to find out more about the owner. One grumpy owner, numerous cats and job competition do not make life easy but certainly interesting.................
Can all be resolved and can the girls find true romance?

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Hello! Thank you so much for allowing me to read and review an advance e-copy of this book! I hope I have the opportunity to review more for you in the future!

A heartwarming story set in an old bookshop overlooking the canals of Venice; I was very excited when I learned I’d get a chance to read this book before its release.

The story is told by Luna who, like her mother, is a bit of a Nomad. She learns she has just lost her mother and is left unsettled without any other family ties. While going though her mother’s belongings, she finds a collection of love letters written years ago that take her on a journey to Venice to meet the man who wrote them and hopefully find answers to her mother’s past.

I felt the story had a slow start and it was hard for me to connect with the main character, Luna. I didn’t mind that she was constantly seeking guidance from signs and tarot cards, but there were instances where I found her character to be more oblivious than curious. For me, she became more likable towards the middle and end. However, I did love her best friend Gigi as well as the other characters in the story.
I also loved the descriptions of the bookshop and the literary references throughout.

Ultimately, I enjoyed the read and found the ending sweet and refreshing. I look forward to reading other titles by the author.

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The Little Venice Bookshop it a superb book. I genuinely couldn’t put it down.

In the very beginning I was unsure because the free spirited main character, Luna, that grew up in a commune and travels the World never leaving roots, didn’t seem to have anything in common with me. However, very soon I realised how wrong I was. Luna is a book lover, a romantic, someone who loves her Mum and is much loved in return.

When her beloved Mum dies Luna decides to return to Venice, to find some answers to the deep rooted questions she has about her heritage. Venice is the one place that she remembers visiting with her Mum but instead of the usual happy memories if their travels, meeting friends and exploring, they leave in a hurry, for no reason. She also finds letters from a long lost love of her Mum’s. As a book lover who enjoys all genres but escapes and finds solace in romance, the fact the gentleman in question runs a bookshop adds to the draw of the mystery.

Reading this I fell in love with the setting, the romance and the wonder of beautiful Venice. Like Luna, I also fell in love with the book’s namesake the “Little Bookshop” I want to go there or at least find somewhere just like it. Just reading about the atmosphere was soothing. I loved reading Luna’s story. It was utterly absorbing and I look forward to reading more books by the author.

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Love letters for her late mother make Luna take journey to Venice. To find the sender, to find the truth, to find the story behind the letters. Luna insist to work in La Librería sul Canale, the little bookstore who the owner is the sender of the love letters. Unfortunately there is another candidate for this job, Oscar. Both of them tried to be the best to win the job. I love their uniqe ideas to increase customer. Little twist, drama, cleansing ritual and other stuff make this book more colorfull.

Thank you to NetGalley for provide this book, it is pleasure to review this book.

#TheLittleVeniceBookshop #RebeccaRaisin #HQ #HQDigital #NetGalley #ARC

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When reading The Little Venice Bookshop by Rebecca Raisin you feel as though you are travelling with the main character Luna as she satisfies her wanderlust.
But the book is much more than the gorgeous settings it visits. It is a poignant commentary on the importance of family, both genetic and chosen, and the harm that can be done by keeping secrets from that family. It is a story of love and loss, and of emotional discovery.
The characters come alive on the page, and Raisin has definitely produced a page turner of a mystery. The reader is swept away as Luna searches for the truth of her mother's hidden past.
I did find that the soul searching of the main character became a bit repetitive in parts, but overall this was a book that was difficult to put down.
I am happy to have received and ARC of #TheLittleVeniceBookshop from #NetGalley.

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This book made my heart very happy. I loved the places visited, the people, the books and the way the relationships were woven together. An absolute warm hug in book form.

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