Cover Image: Bring Me Your Midnight

Bring Me Your Midnight

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⭐️=3.5 | 😘=3.25 | 🤬=3.5 | ⚔️=2.5 | 15+

summary: so this girl lives with her witch coven w magic powers and she has to marry the main guy of the mainland for like an alliance but then one day she misses an important magic ritual and interacts with this bad boy evil witch and they fall in love or something

thoughts: this is pretty okay! it’s the kind of romantasy vibe where the guy’s POV shows up once to pine and curse dramatically over the FMC and then never returns but I still liked it. cool world building, silly faux-love triangle—very early 2010s YA. I liked that the MC had two living parents and, like, a solid relationship with both of them that has its own developing arc?? so rare and so refreshing lol

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Hooked from beginning to end, I absolutely loved the world-building that kept me guessing with every turn of the page. Learning about the magic system amongst witches is one of my favorite parts and this novel did not disappoint. The suspense throughout the novel was simply fantastic. My first book by Rachel Griffin and it won't be my last.

𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗲: Special thanks to Rachel Griffin for providing me an ARC copy to share my honest review.

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I had high hopes for this as I loved Wild is the Witch by this author, but while very atmospheric, the main storyline wasn’t quite fleshed out enough for me to fully enjoy this. I didn’t feel the chemistry between the main love interests, and the politics and world could have used more developing. I enjoyed the reading process, but when I finished the last page I felt like I was missing something.

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This was a cute coming of age story. I do wish there was a little bit more character development and more magic/fantasy.
The back and forth between what her heart wanted and what she had to do professionally became too much.
I would still give this 3.5 stars - I just wanted more.

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I am amazed by all the orders Rachel Griffin can build for her witches. Three stand alone novels, three different types of covens, three sets of rules and power structures. All excellent reads; this is the most romance heavy of the three and I am just fine with that too.

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This is a story about a young witch being torn between family, duty and true love, about personal growth and old secrets. I felt that Tana is a very relatable character and right from the start my heart opened up to her. I am so happy with the ending after an emotional roller coaster.

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I really enjoyed this book!
The world building was wonderful, the magic system was also really interesting. There was so many emotional things that go on in this book but it created such an amazing atmosphere for us to enjoy. I definitely would recommend this to anyone looking for an adventure and something to escape into.

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Bring me your midnight is a beautiful and emotional fantasy romance filled with passion, love, magic, witches, twists, and turns! It has a forbidden romance and deals with the turmoil of struggling of following in your family and staying loyal. I picked it up for the beautiful cover and stayed for the story!

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I loved it. On par with all her other books. The definition of a perfect YA. Absolutely loved it! I will recommend this to everyone!

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Deeply romantic. Incredibly atmospheric. Beautifully written. More romance, more fantasy, more angst and beauty. thank you netgalley and the publisher for an arc in exchange for a review

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I love Griffin’s writing style. It’s so easy to settle into — you never have to waste 100 pages feeling like you’re getting caught up in the story because it hooks you right away. The worldbuilding was a little lacking in this one, but the intrigue between the main character and the love interest was enough to keep me reading.

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Enemies to lovers, romance, fantasy, and more.

A journey between two well-written characters on a quest to conquer magic, not fall for the handsome young man who comes to the aide our fmc, and the consequences of missing important rituals.

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BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN! some parts fell a little short for me in terms of plot, but overall, loved it!

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I will wholeheartedly read and recommend anything Rachel Griffin writes, she has a beautiful connection with nature and makes all of her books feel so real and so vivid. Tana's battle between duty and want was so real and something that was so easy to relate to. Her world was so beautifully created it was perfectly tangible.

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This book was maybe not for me personally, so I’d like to factor that into the review. I found the writing wanting, the plot to deag. It’s stuck on my shelf well past publication date because I had no drive to finish it. So sorry!

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While this story was beautifully written, and the atmospheric prose were on point. I had a hard time connecting with the characters, as well at the romance. The romance was a bit of a let down which makes me sad to say. While I do enjoy a fast paced romance, I felt like the chemistry between the two characters was a bit too instant for my liking. I would still recommend this to those who I feel would enjoy this book, but unfortunately for me I was a little let down. Thank you though for sending me this arc! It was greatly appreciated!

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3 stars!
The atmosphere of the book was *chef kiss* and I loved the description of the magic system and world building. The story was okay, it was predictable at time, but I still enjoy the story overall. I didn't exactly love the romance and couldn't connect with the character, they kind of felt flat to me... Overall, this book is enjoyable and it's great when you need something a little witchy in summer.

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When I say this book changed my life - I’m not exaggerating. This story started off a little slow (in my opinion) but I still absolutely devoured it in less than 24 hours… I loved how the title tied in with the story and the twist about 3/4th of the way through the book had me gasping. I actually cried so hard reading this book I couldn’t even seen. These characters will stick with me for so long and I would love another story from this universe 🥹 I was so lucky to receive an arc for this story but I had some stuff going on in my personal life and reading fell to the back burner. The only complaint I have is that I didn’t read this sooner 🥲

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This was a beautiful, gothic, atmospheric beautifully written fantasy YA romance. This was my first read from Rachel Griffin, and it won't be my last.

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This book was really lovely and had perfect magical vibes. Everything about the island felt both real and yet magical at the same time. It's a very atmospheric book. The conflicts worked well and the plot had a lot of surprises. Highly recommended.

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