Cover Image: Curves for Days

Curves for Days

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I liked the cover, blurb and the idea of having a plus size heroine and all that. But it didn't work for me and I didn't finish (seems like an unpopular opinion), so it's not really a review. Just sharing my thoughts. Not posting anywhere else.

Why it didn't work for me: first of all, I must mention that I am an impatient reader. Plus, I didn't connect with the tone of the writing (like the author is trying too hard to prove something). And the beginning is vague.

I mean what's her (the female protagonist) real problem? She's hiding from people, and then runs away quietly in the middle of the night; and then she changes her name, makes a to-do list and then go to a new town. All because someone called Mr Brown died and gave all of his money to her (this is how the story starts, so it's not really a spoiler). On the very day, she (Alice turned Rose) loves that new place but I didn't see why? Then fast forward 10 days, she starts working as a waitress.

Who's Rose (the female protagonist); what she did before moving to this new town; who was Mr Brown and how he died, why he gave his money to her and all that. Keeping so many things unanswered for several chapters didn't help. It felt difficult to connect with the characters and situations.

And then there's this hero: he hasn't even met the girl properly and tells (not just thinks) other people that she's a mess (while that person suggests maybe Rose likes him).

Thank you for the ARC.

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Rose feels invisible, but when she wins the lottery, all that changes, and she needs to escape to a small town in North Carolina. She buys a house and vows to start over with no one knowing about her newly found riches. Angus begins to work on her home and finds himself distracted by this feisty female he works for. Known for being gruff and stubborn, Angus falls for Rose’s charms and begins to see the world in a different light.
My Thoughts:
As a Southerner, you know I love a good small-town Southern romance! This book is unique in so many ways. I loved the body-positive representation and the respect Laura Moher gives to mental health concerns like PTSD. As someone who works in the mental health field, I loved having an MMC that was a therapist. This book is a fun read that really makes your heart melt. I love the dynamic between the two characters, and the romance feels so real. I would read this over again; I just wish some trigger warnings in the book were handled differently.

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I could not put this book down from the moment that I started reading it. Rose and Angus are both such great characters, and the writing style really worked well for me.

I love reading books with plus size representation. However, I feel like overall the story would have been very similar if Rose’s size and body wasn’t part of the storyline. And considering it’s even in the title, I think maybe I expected it to be more… involved? Less like an afterthought.

It felt like there were some loose ends at the end, especially with July. I am assuming maybe there will be a companion novel to come involving her, which I wouldn’t hesitate to pick up. This book had a lot of side characters, and I really loved them all. I would love to return back to this world and read more by the author, stories set in this same town.

I know that ‘third act breakup’ scenes are to be expected in romance novels, but this personally wasn’t my favourite. However, while reading the story I did expect that that’s what was going to happen, and it did fit with the story. Overall I did really enjoy reading this, like I said, I didn’t want to put it down. It was a quick and enjoyable read, that I would recommend.

Thank you to Sourcebooks Casablanca & NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review an advanced copy of this book! I voluntarily read this book, and all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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An entertaining, if not challenging read at times. Loved the message of body positivity and the way Angus saw only positives in Rose's body. Also appreciated the psychological struggles both had stemming from their pasts that made them see themselves in each other.

Angus was a great book boyfriend!

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I LOVE THIS BOOK, period. The cover caught my eye right away.

I'm here for plus size MC's, and I'm HERE for Rose. I find the premise to be absolutely charming and funny, as well as the characters. I love a small town romance like this one. Rose was my favorite character by far. She is so well-rounded, and I liked her backstory a lot.

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"Curves for Days" was ridiculously lovely: a delicious, light-hearted (but also emotional) treat of a book, and it left me with a huge grin and a swooning heart.

Traditional M/F romances hardly ever work(ed) for me because the heroines always made me feel self-conscious: too thin, too perfect, too straight. But god, this wasn't the case!
Laura Moher has managed to create an extremely lovable and extremely reletable female protagonist: I loved Rose to absolute bits, and I have to applaud the author for the rep.
I'm so glad there's seems to be a shift in traditional publishing towards depicting different bodies (and different identities).

Anyway, Rose's story was absolutely wonderful. She is such a complex and multilayered protagonist: brave and snarky, but also anxious, afraid and imperfect. Seeing her blossom in a new town, a new home and a new life, after the bad hand she's been dealt, was absolutely wonderful; I spent half of the book cheering her on, and the other half being fiercely protective of her and ready to do battle in her hame.
And Angus? Gah, that big grump of a man. He was absolutely wonderful, and like his co-protagonist, he is also flawed and complicated. I loved how kind and respectful he was, how mindful of Rose's boundaries, and even though I did spend the last few chapters quite ready to body tackle him to the ground for being obtuse, he made me swoon. A lot.
Both of them did! Their relationship was the sweetest thing ever: deliciously slow-burn, with a side of enemies-to-lovers and sunshine/grumpy, plus a whole lot of steamy.

And the setting was such a great plus: small-town romances are one of my favourite genres, and I adored every single one of the people Rose manages to befriend.

The writing was a bit jarring initially: the author has a peculiar writing style, very flowy and introspective, but after a bit I got used to it and I literally inhaled page after page of this lovely romance.
It kept me hooked from the very first page and I adored following Rose on her journey towards happiness.

I totally recommend this story!

TWs/CWs: fatphobia, death, sexual assault, bullying, PTSD, suicide (mentioned).

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Rose is down on her luck when she unexpectedly comes into an insanely large sum of money. After dealing with some assholes, she leaves her hometown for a fresh start. There she meets grumpy Angus, the contractor working on her house. Both are dealing with past trauma and hiding their attraction to each other. The burn was slow, but since it’s dual POV we got to see both Rose and Angus struggle with keeping things platonic. I enjoyed the tension and the secret information we got.

Rose kept her money a secret and I completely understand why. What I didn’t care for was how Angus (a therapist!) handled this news. You would think he’d be a better communicator. I wish there was more groveling and communication before the big reconciliation.

Overall I enjoyed this and would read more from this author.

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Laura Mother knocked it out of the park with this novel.

She hits the small niche topic of plus size (not just curvy) female lead character.

I loved Rose and Angus and their interactions. Rose is mysterious but caring, bright and vocal. She keeps her past in the past and her secrets but tries to brighten the new little town she has adopted as her own. Angus is gruff ex-military who is wary of Rose. She's too in your face, bright, loud etc.

The story follows them on a whirlwind at her pace romance. Definitely will be picking up more of Mother's book especially is she stays with the plus size female main characters.

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Hands down one of my favourite romance reads this month. The characters were so loveable, even cranky Miz Ames with her pearl clutching.
Rosie is a big-hearted, curvaceous, sassy woman who grows so beautifully in this story. Her history making her so self conscious and shy in the beginning but her real personality shining through as she makes her home in Galway. And what is not to love about Angus, a bearded man mountain with a heart of gold and a big teddy bear deep down inside.
I had some real laugh out loud moments while reading Curves for Days and some heartbreaking ones as well. I can’t wait to read more of Laura Moher.

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BLURB: Rose Barnes feels best when she's invisible—so when she wins the lottery and is suddenly thrust into the spotlight where everyone wants something, hiding out in a small town in North Carolina makes perfect sense.

Rose has got curves for days—and to Angus, the big, burly, bearded contractor working on her new house, she's just plum perfect. Rose is surprised to learn that Angus has a sense of humor and a soft heart beneath that gruff exterior. Angus can't help noticing that wacky Rose is smart, funny, and has a sexy underwear stash that leads him to some very unprofessional fantasies.

As their unlikely friendship becomes love, Angus becomes determined to help Rose overcome what he believes are financial troubles. But with Angus's need to always give more than he receives, Rose's multi-million secrets could mean the end of a beautiful relationship.

REVIEW: This was a quick, fun read, with a plus-sized main character. With a popular plot, mostly likeable characters, ad a happy ending, this was a sweet book overall.

Easily finished in an hour.

Thank you to NetGalley for a copy of this in return for my honest review.

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I love a story that has good plus size representation and this was just that. This was entertaining, romantic and funny, It felt authentic and relatable. I haven't read anything by this author and I will continue to pick up anything she writes in the future!

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I didn’t know anything about Curves for Days when I saw it in Read Now on NetGalley, but the description and the cover art made me grab it. I am so, so glad that i did.

Rosie is a great character. She is a plus sized woman who deals with all that entails, from people commenting on what she eats at a restaurant to worrying if a store has something in her size to not swimming for years because of how she is treated while wearing a bathing suit. She is a very strong woman who left the city where she was living because of the loss of privacy and abuse she received after winning an $80 million lottery. It takes a lot of faith in oneself to do that.

One thing I have to mention is the depiction of Rosie’s experience as a member of the working poor. The small details included, like the feeling of happiness she had after buying underwear to replace the cheap ones she had with holes and broken elastic falling out of the bands, struck a chord in me. I knew this myself. The details in the writing are what elevated the book for me.

Her love interest Angus is another great character. His dealing with PTSD in his therapy clients and himself, his struggle to provide services with inadequate support, the need to work as a contractor to supplement his income, and his own personal insecurities all added to his characterization as the MMC. One thing I really loved was how much he admired Rosie’s body and how greatly he was attracted to her. He was intimate with her because of how she looked, not in spite of, and he showed it to her.

The secondary characters are great. They help add to the feel of a small town in North Carolina.

Towards the end there is a conflict that didn’t quite ring true to me, but the rest of the book and the ending overshadowed that one negative for me.

There are some CW/TW to note; sexual assault in the past but discussed with some detail, PTSD, bullying and slut-shaming in past discussed. There are some funny parts but also some serious topics are discussed frankly.

I really, really loved Curves for Days. Thank you to Laura Moher, Sourcebooks Casablanca and NetGalley for the ARC.

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Curve for day by Laura Moher
First I would like to thank NetGalley, Sourcebooks Casablanca and Laura Moher for giving me the opportunity to read this marvelous book.

Tigger warnings: Bullying, SA, PTSD, body shaming, suicidal thoughts.

Absolutely love this book. It is written in two different POV, Rose and Angus.

A beautiful story about young women named Rose who, come into more money the she needs. Rose realizes when it come to money people will come out of the wood works.. Rose disappear in night end up in North Carolina where she meet new people who become friends, something she never had before.
Rose meets. Angus a tall stubborn but handsome man. He is a Veteran who helps out other Vets.
No spoilers her. This is one of the best book I’ve read this year. Love the big girl representation. This story hit home in more ways than one.

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There is LOTS to love about this book. Cases in point:
-FMC is a plus sized rep
-set in a charming southern town
-an ensemble cast that tick all the boxes
-using lottery winnings for good
-good old grumpy/sunshine trope
-he falls first and harder

But I can't get past the MMC.... as a trained therapist, who helps fellow vets deal with PTSD etc... yet when there's some miscommunication he reacts really poorly. Had to take a star for that.

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Thanks to Sourcebooks Casablanca, Netgalley and the author for an ARC of this book. I am leaving the review voluntarily and have received no compensation for it.

I mean - is this really a debut author? I am about to rave review here, and usually that type of review is reserved for the authors I have known and loved for a while. But this book was just so good that I went searching for a backlog and couldn't find one/

I have to say, when curvy/fat heroine books are done well, they are my catnip. And this one is done so well. But it is more than an exploration of Rose's upbringing and the way she has been treated until she gets to the little town of Galway, because of the way she looks. It's also about found family, PTSD, life on the fringes of society, being overlooked and underestimated. It's also uplifting in the way that is focuses on the generosity of humanity, of what we are capable of when we try to do the right thing. It's also about steamy, hot love and humour. Seriously, I need more from this author STAT,.

I can't wait to find out more about the residents of Galway - I already want to move my family there. It's not a storybook place, but a place where people take care of their own (and their own is defined as anyone they come into contact with). In these times, it's a sentiment we should all share.

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Curves For Days follows Rose. She's left her hometown in order to find a new place to live where no one knows her. After buying a house, she hires handyman Angus to fix it up for her. An attraction grows for each other and within no time, they're an item. I did enjoy this story. I wasn't fond of Angus towards the end after discovering Rose's secret. His behavior was annoying.

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This was cute, but not was strong as it probably could have been. I liked the plus size main character, the representation of veterans and their psychological challenges (particularly compounded by sexual assault) and the small town feel. However, overall, I think it was trying to do too much. It would have benefitted from reducing the number of heavy topics and diving deeper into them. I also think some of their pet names were cringey, which I always find super distracting. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the e-arc.

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This was such a beautiful yet sassy story that I just loved and did not want to put it down. I fell in love with Rosie and Angus and the residents of Galway. Rosie's character is so natural and what could have easily been a saccharin personality was depicted as sassy but vulnerable. I'm hoping there's a sequel that gives insight into the other characters like July.

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Curves for Days is full of lots of different heavy topics while also being a cutesy, romantic quick read. I think the author did a great job of capturing what it truly is to be a plus size woman without making the entire book about weight and self esteem. This book also touches on rape, PTSD, bullying and so much more. These subjects were approached and added to the story.

This book is cute and something you can breeze through in a day or two. It's an easy read while also being entertaining. It's easy to love the MCs and pull for them.

Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read this book as an ARC.

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I liked this sooo much!

It's the story of Rose, a lottery winner with a pretty tough past, as she flies her town to discover and settle into a new place, where she discovers what friendship, belonging and love means.

The whole story is pretty slow burn which matches perfectly the small town and the main characters' journeys. I loved how natural friendship and romance developed, and how easily and beautifully trust was built. Broken trust is what gives the story it's drama, but just to create more rounded, wholesome characters.

This was so nicely written and paced, it lured me with its easy charm, Rosie's adorableness and Angus' moments of surprise at her traits. They are both wonderful character, she so brave and he so caring. And their group of friends and supportive characters are great additions.

I liked how natural and real this book felt, and the beautiful healing journey Rosie and Angus have traveled. It's been a long time since a book so honest and raw kept me late at night, a winner.

I received a copy of this in order to offer my personal view on it.

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