Member Reviews

When this title became available on NetGalley I couldn't say no, a book about books is for me! This is part romance, part historical fiction and part epistolary novel. The story had me intrigued right from the start, a woman who can feel a book owner's feelings from touching the cover? A book with a mystery inside? Sign me up...take my money!

I loved the unique format of the book, told via two books and in two different historical timelines. So refreshing! I appreciated the delicate way the author handled the anti-Semitism in the story, while still being true to history Davis remained sensitive. The two separate stories were woven together seamlessly holding this reader in rapt attention while reading both. As sad as this book was I loved every page of it. I can't believe this is my first book by Barbara Davis, it certainly won't be my last. All. The. Stars.

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I have to admit that this book ticked a lot of boxes of things I love to read. It was told in dual timelines with reading of journal like material to see the past. It features a book seller and takes place in a book shop. And the main protagonist has a special magical connection with books. Ashlyn has a talent of when she touches a book she sometimes feels the leftover emotions of the books previous owner. Embracing this she owns a bookshop and restores old books. One day another book store owner asks if she wants to go through some boxes of books he can’t sell and she finds an unusual book with no copyright page or author listed and strong echos. This leads her on a journey to what happened to the people in the book as it’s obvious to her these were real people and she finds the companion book and other side of the story. The writing was good. I did think the story started out very slowly and I struggled to get into the journals the first few chapters (which is odd, it’s usually my favorite part) but I got there and the stories did eventually completely draw me in.

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I loved this book! The interplay between Hemi’s book and Belle’s within the larger story, as well as the way Ashlyn’s chapters shined light on both of them while still propelling her own unique plot line forward, was masterfully done, and I was deeply invested in all three POVs. Davis cuts between the old books in a way that shows how easy it is to misunderstand each other, but how beautiful it is when we don’t. Even before the end when the “real” story between both narrators is revealed, I still had nothing but empathy for Hemi and Belle as they navigated their own incomplete understandings. The Echo Of Old Books is at its heart a story about stories — about how we tell them, how they shape us, and how we continue others’ and our own.

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This is truly a book for book lovers. Davis weaves an enchanting tale complete with a unique premise and an intriguing mystery set within dual timelines. Two overarching themes prevail, first the magic of books and written word and second the idea that love endures and overcomes obstacles. The characters are full of life and the storyline is compelling. Highly recommended.

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I love reading books about books, but this one is special! Barbara Davis’ new release The Echo of Old Books is a romance with a bit of a mystery involved all centering around a very historical time. It has 2 sets of main characters, Ashlyn and Ethan, and Hemi and Belle. Ashlyn owns an old bookstore and has the magical gift of feeling echos of previous owners just from touching their discarded books. This story is told in 2 different timeframes, depicting both the past and present lives of Hemi and Belle. It’s like reading a story within a story. Once I started, I was hooked because I loved all of the characters. It’s about learning how to forgive, not only how to forgive others but learning to forgive yourself for mistakes that you’ve made or could of done differently. I loved this book, I found it really touched my heart and soul and I believe others will enjoy it just as much as I did. I’d like to thank NetGalley for the arc that I found on the Read Now section to read, review and enjoy. This is a story I believe I will enjoy rereading again and therefore have plans on obtaining a hardcover copy to add to my home library of favorites. It’s a beautiful story and I’m giving it a much deserved 5 star rating!

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This book was truly unique! Readers follow Ashlyn as she tries to solve a mystery started by two books with strong emotional echoes. She soon finds that they're connected and dives deep into the stories within them to unearth the old secrets of a badly ended romance. I enjoyed following the mystery, and the author did a great job of balancing the different POVs to guide readers through the story.

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A young woman who has experienced several different traumas during life also found a love for books through the years. With a simple touch at times the books, stories, and emotions come to life.

The building of the story, characters, and plot grabbed my attention right away.

I can not wait to read more from this author!

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Barbara Davis crafts beautiful sentences and is particularly adept at developing a strong sense of place, whether in regard to the bookstore owned by the protagonist or a house along the Maine seashore,. And it is apparent much work was devoted to this novel, featuring an interesting premise and intriguing characters. I felt the story meandered and would have been far more impactful and better paced at about 60% of its current length, however. Beginning at about the halfway point, I found myself skimming and losing interest, especially when dialogue overwhelmed the story or it was otherwise veritably bloated with details that did not serve the storytelling. And yet I would have appreciated further development of two plot points given relatively short shrift - the horrifying topic of American Nazi sympathizers and the fascinating phenomenon of psychometry. Two and a half stars, rounded up.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Lake Union for a complimentary ARC. Opinions are my own.

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The Echo of Old Books
by Barbara Davis
Pub Date: 28 Mar 2023

A novel about the magical lure of books and summoning the courage to rewrite our stories by the Amazon Charts bestselling author of The Keeper of Happy Endings and The Last of the Moon Girls.

Rare-book dealer Ashlyn Greer’s affinity for books extends beyond the intoxicating scent of old paper, ink, and leather. She can feel the echoes of the books’ previous owners—an emotional fingerprint only she can read. When Ashlyn discovers a pair of beautifully bound volumes that appear to have never been published, her gift quickly becomes an obsession. Not only is each inscribed with a startling incrimination, but the authors, Hemi and Belle, tell conflicting sides of a tragic romance.

With no trace of how these mysterious books came into the world, Ashlyn is caught up in a decades-old literary mystery, beckoned by two hearts in ruins, whoever they were, wherever they are. Determined to learn the truth behind the doomed lovers’ tale, she reads on, following a trail of broken promises and seemingly unforgivable betrayals. The more Ashlyn learns about Hemi and Belle, the nearer she comes to bringing closure to their love story—and to the unfinished chapters of her own life.

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Unfortunately this book was not for me. I loved the idea of psychometry, but it felt very much like a plot device, rather than an integral part of the story. It was only really referenced in the beginning and once towards the middle, which was a huge bummer for such an interesting idea. The pacing was off and felt unbelievable to me, and the characters all felt very two dimensional, so that didn't make up for the pacing issue. I don’t think I clicked with the author’s writing style, it felt repetitive and a little antiquated, although that could be because the present day storyline was set in the 80s. I wanted to love this more than I did.

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THE ECHO OF OLD BOOKS by Barbara Davis is a beautifully-told and intriguing story of missed chances and enduring love that captivated me from beginning to end. Ashlyn Greer is a rare book dealer who has a special gift of being able to feel the emotions or “echoes” of books’ previous owners. While combing through a donated box of old books, Ashlyn discovers a pair of beautifully-bound, but seemingly unpublished books and can’t help getting caught up in learning more about the authors, Hemi and Belle. Surprisingly, the volumes tell two sides of the same romance that ended tragically decades before. As she reads the pages, she feels the anguish and pain of both authors who both blame each other for their doomed love affair. Ashlyn becomes obsessed with solving the mystery of who the authors were and why their relationship ended. The story is told in dual timelines which become woven together seamlessly. The raw emotions of the characters were palpable on the pages. Filled with mystery, romance and family drama, this was a book I couldn’t put down. I love books about books and libraries and bookstores and this one, with its two compelling stories in one, was a delight to read. I highly recommend this unique and moving book and I can’t wait for whatever comes next from Barbara Davis. Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the chance to read and review an early copy.

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The Echo of Old Books is a dual-timeline novel with a touch of mystery and romance thrown in. Ashlyn Greer owns a bookshop where she deals with rare books. When she comes across some odd books without the author's name or publisher she starts searching for clues. What she finds are family drama and secrets. This book pulled me in from the first page. Thanks to author Barbara Davis, Lake Union Publishing, and NetGalley. I received a complimentary copy of this ebook. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

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Imagine picking up a second hand book and not only be able to tell what it's about by reading the blurb on the back cover, but also feel what the previous owners of the book experienced, thought and felt when they owned and read the book? Ashlyn, the owner of a second hand book store for rare books has this ability.
Not only do we find out the story behind two intriguing books, but we are also treated to a slow burn romance story.

Fantastic ideas for a book and fabulously well executed!

I thoroughly enjoyed this story by Barbara Davis and recommend that your get a copy when it's released on 28 March 2023 (or pre-order a copy now so you don't forget)!

Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Full review to come on Goodreads and Amazon. Thank you to the publisher, author, and NetGalley for a review copy.

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Loved the book. I'm always a sucker for a book revolving around a bookshop. Belle and Hemi had to be the most stubborn people alive. Throughout the book, I wasn't even sure if they loved each other. They had a love/hate relationship. They wanted to be together but just didn't know how. Belle and Hemi constantly hurt each other with their words. Their books were a prime example. Trust was a big issue and I don't think they trusted each other. Throw in Goldie and Belle's manipulative sister and father and their relationship is pretty much doomed from the start. Belle and Hemi would rather hold onto their anger, even when they finally learn the truth. I hate to say it, but I wasn't much of a fan of Belle. She treated her nephew horribly and cut him out of her life for something stupid. She also kept a secret from Hemi for forty years, something he should have been made aware of at the time. She never once made an attempt to find him and let him know. I enjoyed getting to know Ethan and Ashlyn, as they tried to figure out how to find belle and Hemi. They were perfect for each other, even though they didn't see it at first. I had to keep reminding myself it was the 1980's. It made finding out information a little bit harder than simply putting it into Google.

Definitely recommend the book. Loved the characters, story and writing style. Look forward to reading more books by the author. Loved the cover of the book.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Lake Union Publishing through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This book had such a fresh and interesting premise. Ashlyn our main character has the ability to feel books, the emotions contained within those pages and one day she chances upon a small book with no author no publisher no information whatsoever. This particular book, Regretting Belle is actually a book from the past recounting the relationship and encounters of our other two characters.
The other two characters' names aren't revealed for the most part of the book and honestly I loved that. As for the story it moves back and forth and things eventually connect at the end. The prose is poetic and beautiful. The plot and the ending is bittersweet.
I got emotional so many times while reading this. Two books by two of our mysterious characters, Belle and Hemi. Two stories each from their own perspective, so many misunderstandings so much heartbreak , it was all so so so beautiful.
It has the goodness of both modern and classic prose and I loved that.
Definitely recommend.

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I have some mixed feelings about this book. First off, the cover is AMAZING! I love books about books and the cover conveys book love. I was fully engaged with Ashlyn and Ethan and particularly intrigued by Ashlyn's "ability." I would have like more exploration of that phenomenon because it's fascinating. I think I'd love to possess that gift. Originally, I was interested in Belle and Hemi's story but found the books they wrote to one another a bit too long. They're also writing about the past in present tense and it was a bit dissonant. This book tackles many themes at once and it mostly succeeds. But due to length and breadth, it fell just a bit short of an awesome read for me.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book.

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A book about books, rare books, old books. I love books so this one is right up my alley.

Rare-book dealer Ashlyn Greer has a real taste and feel for old books and their stories. So when she discovers two books that have never been published she takes on the challenge to find out more about the books, their authors and their stories.

This is quite a long book but it doesn't feel long as it really did draw me in and I just kept reading. A dual-timeline dating from both 1941 and 1984 this story flowed seamlessly between the two. Beautifully written, a story of love, heartache, emotion and so much more.

Such a wonderful book to read and I highly recommend it.

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The premise of The Echo of Old Books is so interesting - discovering 2 books, each telling the same story but from different perspectives.

The story kept my interest throughout, but I think there were just SO many things happening and so many different stories. Every time I'd put the book down, it would take me a while to figure out what was happening when I picked it back up again.

The first story we have is Ashlyn's = she owns a bookstore and finds the 2 books and gets sucked into the mystery of the books. She meets Ethan during the adventure, and they put together the puzzle pieces. I loved their stories of healing and love. I think I loved their story the best.

The other stories featured Hemi and Belle, each story written in anger and heartbreak. I'll admit, I had a hard time loving either of them. They're both flawed characters. It was interesting to see what would happen to them, but I wasn't invested.

I did feel that the book wrapped up a bit too nicely at the end, but it was neat to see the characters' stories intertwined.

Thank you to NetGalley, Lake Union Publishing, and Barbara Davis for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest opinions.

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A lovely concept for a book.

Ashlyn can pick up echos from books from the previous owns life. Happy, sad, love, despair. She also repairs books for a living. She stumbles across two unpublished books which appear to be a love story gone wrong.

In researching the books she has to face many of her own demons but also finds love.

A lovely story but wish more was developed in the concept of the echos!

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