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The Last Sinner

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That moment when you fall into a good book and never want to leave. Even though it is dark and twisty and the FMC is basically being creepily stalked after an attempt on her life. The unsettling notes! The black rose! Is it all who we think is involved or is there a new murderer on the loose in New Orleans?

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This was a really wild book that I really enjoyed. I had no idea what was happening and the dual killer storyline was so interesting to me

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Lisa Jackson’s books are always a must read. This one didn’t disappoint. The way she brings characters alive is the best! Bentz and Montoya are my favorite detectives. I never want the books to end and regret reading so fast only to wait for the next one in the series.

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The Last Sinner delivers a thrilling ride through the dark underbelly of New Orleans. Fans of Lisa Jackson's writing and the Bentz/Montoya series will likely find this installment satisfying, while newcomers might be encouraged to delve into the earlier books to fully appreciate the characters and their intricate backstory.

If you're looking for a suspenseful and character-driven police procedural with a touch of Southern Gothic atmosphere, The Last Sinner is definitely worth a read, especially if you've enjoyed the previous books in the series. However, if you're new to the series, consider starting from the beginning for a richer experience.

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A good story and a satisfying conclusion to the series. Probably less satisfying if you haven't read the previous books.

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THis book kept me on the edge of my seat. The past is back to haunt Bentz and Montoya in book 8 of this series. THe detectives not only have to solve this case but are getting pressure from home. They have to work together to figure out what is going on, but is the case to close for comfort for them?
THis book kept me on the edge of my seat. It was a fast read. It you love suspense with twist and turns this is the book for you.

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This is my introduction to the Bentz/Montoya books. It starts with an unknown killer about to murder Kristin Bentz, the daughter of Rick Bentz and a true crime author. The killer was unsuccessful but he was able to kill Kristin’s husband. I rated it 2 hours because the story was too slow. It came to the point that I didn’t care what happens to the characters. There was also a lot of things happenings and I couldn’t care less. I guess it was just too long.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC copy of the book.

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This is the final book in the series, and even though I haven't read much of the series, this read nicely enough as a standalone. It was well written, and perhaps a bit longer than it should've been , but still an entertaining read. Recommended.

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LOVED this book so much! I didn’t realize it was 9th in a series and read it as a stand-alone book, and even though I was aware there was more history between many of the characters than I knew about, I was able to follow along easily and stay engaged.

Overall, I would recommend this book with a high recommendation, and I would like to read more from Lisa Jackson!

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I love. this series and this installment did not disappoint. It is a riveting crime drama with many twists and I couldn’t put it down.
Many thanks to Kensington and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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The Last Sinner is book 9 in the New Orleans series featuring Bentz and Montoya. The Last Sinner is a suspenseful read that will keep you guessing until the end. Bentz and Montoya faced one of the worst serial killers ever when they chased down Father John in a previous book. Bentz shot Father John in the swamp, but his body was never found. Now there are prostitutes being killed in the same way that Father John killed his victims. Could it be a copycat or is Father John still alive? The killer is even leaving the same calling card. Who could be doing this?

Bentz's daughter, Kristi, is attacked as she is leaving her yoga class. The person has been watching and waiting for the perfect time and now is the time! As he waits, Kristi is late coming out of the gym. The stalker knows what time she arrives, how long she's normally in there, and what time she leaves. Finally, she comes out to his delight. As he's in the shadows, he waits until she's close. He jumps out and grabs her. He's holding a knife and tries to stab Kristi as she struggles. He gets Kristi in the shoulder and she's able to scratch his face badly. Suddenly, Kristi's husband is there to help her. The stalker quickly takes the knife and stabs her husband, while pushing Kristi down. Kristi bangs her head hard and is dazed. As she gets her bearings, she rushes to her husband who is bleeding badly. The stalker gets away.

As help arrives, Kristi and her husband are taken to the hospital. Kristi will be fine with a concussion and a stab wound to her shoulder that should heal with no problem. Her husband wasn't as lucky and Kristi's life as she knows it is over. As her father arrives with his partner they try to figure out who would do this and why? Is the attacker someone trying to get to Detective Bentz, Kristi's father or is the attacker someone trying to get at Kristi for her true crime novels? It seems like they wanted to kill Kristi but the motive is unclear. Kristi's husband isn't normally at the gym and he was just win the wrong place at the wrong time. He and Kristi had an argument before she left for the gym and he was there carrying roses to apologize. Now Kristi has to plan his funeral and try to find a way to carry on without him.

The attacker is always watching and waiting. Who is he and why does he want Kristi dead? Could the killings of the prostitutes be connected? Could Father John be back and doing both? Are there two different people to find? The Last Sinner will have you checking the locks on your doors and windows as you read. Someone keeps getting in Kristi's house and leaving things for her. Kristi refuses to leave the house even though her father wants her to stay with him and his wife. She doesn't want to give in to the attacker and let him know that she's scared. A little kitten is in Kristi's garage one evening and she takes her in. She's the sweetest little thing and it helps Kristi to have a companion. Kristi also decides to get a dog as she and her husband were going to do that soon. Their other dogs had passed away and they were waiting for the right time. Kristi wanted a big dog to help her feel more secure at home and when she went jogging. She can feel eyes on her and wants to be safe.

Will Bentz and Montoya find out who's behind the killings to prevent more? Will they figure out who is behind the attack on Kristi and her husband before he tries again? Kristi has a secret that makes her life even more meaningful now. Will she be okay? Kristi starts investigating on her own and her agent wants her to do a follow up book on Father John. Should she do it? Will a new book put her in more danger? When her friend wants her to do a talk show to discuss her true crime books, will the stalker see it? Will he become more enraged? I really enjoyed The Last Sinner and Lisa Jackson does a great job at building the suspense until the very end. I rate The Last Sinner 4 stars with a high recommendation. I'd like to thank NetGalley and Kensington books for an advanced copy of The Last Sinner in exchange for a fair review. #TheLastSinner

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Can be read as a standalone but probably best as a serIes.
Father John, is a fake priest who uses a modified rosary to kill prostitutes. A serial killer who was supposed to be dead in the marshy swamps of New Orleans. Now someone with the same MO is killing sex workers. Is Father John back? Or is it a copycat? It's now up to Detective Bentz and Montoya to take down this Father John once and for all.
I wanted to love this novel. I've heard plenty of good things about this author and seen the numerous high ratings. However, I found the pacing slow and the story dragged out. But that's just me.
***Thank you to NetGalley, Lisa Jackson, and Kensington Books for graciously sending me the ARC to review. As always, all thoughts are my own.

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Another edge of your seat thrill ride from Lisa Jackson!! I never have to worry about being disappointed or underwhelmed by her books because everything she writes is gold.

This on really kept me guessing right up until the end. Never once did I think I had anything figured out, I was shocked with each new reveal.

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What an entertaining read! This book is part of a series, but in my opinion could be read as a stand-a-lone. Who doesn’t love a good mystery? So many suspects, and I thought I had it figured out, but nope. I was wrong. There were some questions left unanswered at the end, so I’m sure there will be another book in the series.

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Lisa Jackson never disappoints and this book is proof of that. I love a detective story so I picked this one up not realizing it was a part of a series. It didn’t matter. Yes I’m sure I would have “got” a lot more of the back story had I read the others but the author gives enough information I wasn’t lost.

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"The Last Sinner: A Chilling Thriller with a Shocking Twist" by Lisa Jackson is a gripping and suspenseful thriller that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The story follows a determined protagonist as she delves into a dark mystery with unexpected twists. Jackson's writing is atmospheric and filled with tension, creating an immersive and engrossing read. With its shocking plot twists and well-crafted suspense, "The Last Sinner" is a must-read for fans of chilling thrillers.

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If you are a fan of this series, you don't want to miss this one. Full of twists and turns, with a little WHAT mixed in to keep you flipping pages. There were a few chapters that moved really slow, but the story picked up pretty quickly.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC. It was just an ok read for me. It had suspense and started out strong but toward the middle I got bored and was ready for it to be over. I did like the end though.

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This was a good story which kept me turning the pages throughout the night. Great mystery, writing and plotting will recommend to all my friends who love this genre.

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My honest review is freely provided in return for the kindness by NetGalley and the author/publisher in providing me with this book. You can find my reviews on Goodreads.

This is my first Lisa Jackson book, and I will say that I think I would’ve connected more with it had I read the series. The Last Sinner brings out all the ghosts of the past for Kristi Bentz McKnight. Her father and fellow Detective Montoya chase multiple storylines which kept the intrigue going, and it wraps up nicely. Those who have invested in the series and know the characters and backstories will undoubtedly be satisfied.

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