Cover Image: Mortal Follies

Mortal Follies

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I started this, but I could not get into it. I normally love Alexis Hall books, but I just couldn't keep going with this one. There wasn't anything that really drew me in. I'm sure others will love it, it just wasn't for me.

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Honestly I wanted to love this book so much, The cover is incredible and the narrator started off amazing but i quickly lost interest and the second half dragged for me. It was so unique and I had the highest hopes! It ultimately just wasn’t for me.

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This is going to sound weird to say about an almost 400 page book but - I wanted more from it. Hall seems a little confused about what book she wants to tell - does she want a fun little mystery? Does she want a love story? Does she want to write about a whole world with vastly different magic rules? As a result, even though the book had plenty of room to tell a good story, it ultimately was a little bit of a letdown, because none of the aspects were executed to what I think Hall is capable of.

That said, the cover is beautiful and the vibes are good! The narrator’s voice was so fun that I will read Hall’s next book too - I think she has a lot of potential!

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I am an Alexis Hall fan but sadly this was a miss for me. There was just soooooo much going on and not enough chemistry to keep me interested, though I did eventually finish this book after many false starts.

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A swoon-worthy regency queer romance, full of curses and tricks of the Fae. The cast of characters are impossible not to love, and the drama is highly entertaining. I could not love this book more!

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Alexis Hall, one of my favorite authors, has done it again. I LOVED Mortal Follies. It's creative, funny, and full of heart. I went back and forth between the digital copy and the audiobook, and Nneka Okoye is a PHENOMENAL narrator and was delightful to listen to.

Maelys, our main character, finds herself the unfortunate victim of a curse as soon as she tries to enter society. Enter Lady Georgiana, the "Duke" of Annadale, who has a dubious reputation, but may be the only one who can help Maelys, and a very familiar narrator, and you have easily one of my favorite reads of this year. I openly laughed multiple times and Hall is an absolute wizard when it comes to making me love the characters he writes with everything I have. I'm so excited that there is going to be another book, and I definitely recommend.

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I liked the premise and the whimsical writing style but didn’t quite connect with it. It was a little too forced.

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DNFd very early on unfortunately, the writing wasn't for me. I think Alexis hall may be a one hit wonder for me personally, I haven't been able to enjoy anything else he's written

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Another interesting Alexis Hall adventure. I tend to prefer this author's style with historical settings, and this is another example of those settings playing to the writer's strengths.

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Mortal Follies by Alex Hall. Pub Date: June 6, 2023. Rating: 2 stars. I was intrigued by the storyline of historical romantic fantasy with witchy vibes but honestly, this book did not do it for me. I felt it was cluttered, all of over the place, weirdly paced and way too long. The author is very descriptive and the reader does feel immersed in the world the author is trying to create but I found it very hard to focus and follow. Expectations were high with this one, but execution was unfortunately low. Thanks to #netgalley and #ballantinebooks for this e-arc in exchange for my honest review. #mortalfollies

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This book was so so so good I was blown away. I am obsessed with the way the story was told, the dialog, part of it had me laughing out loud.

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This is a DNF for me but I think it's completely me and not the book. I just wasn't invested and could care less about what was going to happen so I had to walk away.

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Alexis Hall can do now wrong. Incredible! I was worried I had ruined myself by starting to read Alexis’s books with “A Lady for a Duke” because it was THAT beautiful.
But I’m glad to see that I was wrong!

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Mortal Follies is a cute, historical, LGBTQ+ fantasy fiction told from the point of view of a rather uncharitable fairy. This isn't my favorite of all of Alexis Hall's books, and I did get a bit lost in the plot/worldbuilding a few times, but was very enjoyable!

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I had such high hopes for this book, the synopsis sounded so fun.

I had a really hard time getting into the book, it felt lacking in the plot and character development. This was just not the book for me.

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Thank you Del Rey and NetGalley for the eARC of Mortal Follies! All opinions in this review are my own.

I am so glad Alexis Hall puts out as many books as he does because he is one of my favorite authors.

Although I enjoyed it, I wish I hadn't read Mortal Follies when I was in a reading slump. I already want to try rereading it because it was such a fun read. I liked the narrator and how magic was added into the typical humor of Hall's writing. I'm looking forward to reading the sequel!

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Jane Austen meets curses and Greek mythology in this incredible book you can't not to love. So recommended

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I love this! I’ve come to the realization anything Alexis Hall writes will become one of my fav books.

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I have tried SEVERAL times to complete this book and wrote a review. I keep getting stuck which is odd because sapphic historical fantasy is my jam. The plot development and pacing were way off for me. This that could have been resolved I na couple pages took chapters. The fantasy elements just didn’t mesh for me.

What should have been a great read for me just ended up being flat.

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You say the words sapphic and romance and I am there! Alexis Hall is a prolific author and I have loved their work in the past, so I was extremely excited to pick this one up and it did not disappoint at all. This is such a fun romp and I found myself enjoying every minute of it. The banter and yearning are so on point. They really make you feel so much. The buildup was incredibly intense and I was so there for it, but I felt that we deserved a better payoff for all this tension. However, still such a good book and I will definitely be recommending this one!

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