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A Shadow Crown

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⭐️ 5/5
🌶 1,5/5

I said it once and I say it again, if you liked ToG, you'll love this book!

A Shadow Crown start right after the first book ends and it is amazing! Not one book entertained me as much with the first sentence as this one did.

We follow Keera in her search for the ways to end suffering of Halflings but in this book, she gets unexpected allies, but also gets involved in the politics and scheming of the Elverath. The world building in this book is amazing by the way! I can't wait to read all the books to know everything about it.
Found family trope in this series is just superior, and I love the side characters so much!

It gave me all the good yummy feelings with the MMC (AKA consent king), but also.... there might be some twists and turns in that area in the next book? I am so confused and intrigued 🫠.

Anyways! Thanks to Netgalley and Union Square & Co for providing me with a digital ARC (I forever will love you)

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The second instalment I'd this series was absolutely stunning!

There was so much more depth and intrigue to the characters old and new.

As we learnt more about the ongoing relationship between the Blade and the Shadow, we also learnt who the blade is under the hood and where she came from. Who she is behind the mask she has to put on.

So much plotting which I love and it keeps me wanting more.

I can not wait for book 3!!!

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This is a fabulous series with an awesome yet flawed heroine in Keera. She has overcome so much to protect those she can but her despair at those she couldn’t save just resonates so much as even more background is revealed here. For those who love the Fae this will be a joy to read as yep we discover a whole lot more about them as Keera looks for allies and safety for those terrorised by the monstrous King. Yet there’s a traitor in their midst and so much happening that Keera doesn’t know about and as they prepare for war has she really put her trust in the right people ? There is a romance woven into this series but for this reader it’s pretty secondary to the plot twists that keep me on the edge of my seat.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

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I really enjoyed the follow up to a Broken Blade. As I read an ARC, (thanks netgalley!) I'll ignore the many typos and errors I noted and hope the final rounds of edits catch them!

Book two involved a lot more mystery and sneaking around and death. There were many nods to the authors Indigenous culture in the lives of the Far which was so wonderful to see.

The representation we have in this series is excellent, neurodivergence, disability, bisexual, queer, consent to name a few.

Certain parts of this book flew by, the story telling was really well done and I bawled at several revealed memories, they hit hard.

However, much of the love story plot line, and a few other smaller instances started to feel repetitive, it felt like the same conversation happened multiple times, the same details revealed.

There were several inconsistencies in the plot, but even with that it was a fantastic story and FUCK that ending.

Prince Damien is Ramsay Bolton level awful.

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I love this series so much and cannot wait to read more.
I love that this book gave us more insight into the Fae and history of the Kingdoms. We got to learn more about the side characters like Nikolai and Syrra, and fall even more in love with Riven. Keera is such a strong badass that spent so long putting walls up to block others out. It was nice to see her take those walls down and open up.

I was a little caught off guard by the ending. It felt like it was cut off right in the middle of accomplishing everything they worked for (which I guess the next book is for lol). I was just so caught up in the excitement of what was going on that when I realized I had reached the last page, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. But in the best way because it has me highly anticipating the next book.

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By far one of the best series sequels I've read in a VERY long time. The debut book of this series knocked me for a loop, and this one just compounds more of that same feeling. Melissa Blair has a created an addictive story that you can't put down.

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"A weapon should always be at its ready,"
"You are not your pain, Keera, and you do not owe anyone that story to be welcomed here."
To be completely and totally honest, I couldn’t remember many things about book one … but I loved this book nonetheless.
At the very beginning, just like book one it took a while to get into it. But I’m truth this time we had a more fast-paced action and more magic that I really appreciated and loved through and through while reading the book itself. This time we have the chance to know more about the side characters we were so completely clueless about in book one and we also had the chance to know more about Riven and the role he is supposed to play in Keera’s life and destiny.
I liked the fact that the author put into their relationship both fate and freedom of choosing one’s life.
I really loved how once again grief was mentioned in the story in connection to Keera’s past love Brianna. And I’m in awe and in love once again with Riven for the way he shows his love for her totally and completely and without conditions.
The kind and romantic scenes between them were only tainted but the inevitable war they both were supposed to face and the role they are playing in it.
I think Nikolai just became my favourite character by the way in this entire story !!!
With truths and lineages revealed and blood spilled once again, the ending was a cliffhanger with a plot twist that I was kinda expecting !!!
I still can’t wait to read book three !!
"I know you think our bond is some sort of miracle that cures my pain, something I can't resist, but you have it wrong, Keera. The miracle is you."
"That strength is what made me care for you, Keera, not the warmth I feel at your touch."

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I finished book 1 and immediately created a NG account to apply for this ARC — and I was NOT disappointed.

A Shadow Crown has everything I loved about book 1 with the volume turned up to 100. The found family vibes in this book are immaculate, there are some incredibly sweet, poignant moments between the characters that brought tears to my eyes.

The discussions on colonialism & alcoholism continue in this book, and we discover more about our characters in ways that had me GASPING.

& THAT ENDING. Book 2 isn’t even officially out yet and I already desperately need the next one!!

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

Wow. I read this in one day because it grabbed my attention from the very first page.

I think this was a really strong follow up to a Broken Blade, and the found family trope in this is really well done. Overall the pacing of this was really great, I don’t feel like I ever lost interest or felt like I got bored at any point. A lot is uncovered in this book but it never felt like info-dumping or an overwhelming amount of information at once.

Highly recommend!

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I received an ARC of A Shadow Crown but never read the first installment, A Broken Blade, so a reading I went and I am so glad I did! The first book sucks you in with the grittiness and realness the FMC goes through. I was pleasantly surprised that the author kept true to her characters inner monologue and what made her a strong lead in the second book. I will say there were a lot of new characters, the setting was different at times and a lot more world building that kind of got confusing. We also have more magic in this one but it still leans towards politic court intrigues but with magic and fae. I loved how the author didn't throw Keera in a love spiral with Riven but explores her broken(shattered) heart and she was open and honest with what her mind was thinking.... SO REFRESHING to have healthy communication skills with someone you care about! The stakes are higher, the stage is set for a bloody ending and it's very fast paced!

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This was a phenomenal sequel - I blew through it!! I’m already dying for the third book…..

Melissa did a great job of bringing these characters to life and making me adore them. I’m mortified to see what the third book holds…. I feel like it’s going to hurt.

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This book completely lived up to what I was expecting and so much more.

We get the answers to so many things surrounding Keera but also left with a lot of questions as well. What is revealed is done with the utmost perfection. It played out so perfectly.

Loved seeing the growth and bond between Keera and Riven strengthen and see exactly what they mean to each other. Of course the secondary characters were phenomenal as well.

This one ends on another bombshell ending and now I cannot wait for book 3 to see where it takes us.

**Received ARC through NetGalley. Voluntarily reviewed**

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Found family is so strong in this book it legit makes you feel it while reading it. I need more. I remember the absolute chaos when Melissa sent her book out and everyone on Tiktok was trying to figure out the author. I was looking forward greatly to book 2 and it did not disappoint.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and the series as a whole lands somewhere between 3 and 4 stars for me. I love the adventure, the world, the mysteries, and the twists. It's not the most inventive or unique story in the world, and some of the characters don't shine and aren't as believable as much as I'd like them to be. But overall, this is a very fun read and for readers who are all in on fae series and love this type of book, it's one that can't be missed. I'll be back for more and will be recommending it to my audience where possible.

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Big thank you NetGalley and to the publisher for the chance to review this book pre-release. Stunning sequel to book one! I really enjoyed getting back into this world, and even though fae are a commonly written topic now, this author has a unique way of telling her story in a way that makes everything feel fresh and new. A more formal review will be available on my IG/TikTok and Goodreads.

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4.5/5 ⭐️

Wow, wow, wow what a sequel. A stunning sequel A Broken Blade. I couldn’t put this down I was so enraptured by the story. Keera will always be one of my favorite main characters and she didn’t disappoint. She kicked ass like there was no tomorrow and I loved the softer sides we got to see, especially when she was with Riven.

The way the world building and characters were expanded upon were magnificent. I teared up at learning more about the characters backgrounds. Learning more about the world itself was so well down as well.

The political intrigue and action was also incredible. It was so easy to keep up with but so intriguing you couldn’t put it down.

Overall, this was a fantastic edition to the series and I need the 3rd book, like, immediately.

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Second part of this story and the truth is that I admit that I liked it a lot.

Both the first and second books have a particular rhythm, the author has her own way of telling things and presenting the facts to us. Something that I really like because lately you see a lot of copies in terms of structure.

I really like that it doesn't focus completely on the romance, that it allows us to see beyond that and that it develops the characters, the situations and that the protagonist is that kind of strong protagonist, which Keera was from the first moment but who in this book he faces great fears.

There are still great mysteries to be solved in the next book, some questions that kept ringing in my head that may be details but that have made me noisy (I'm talking about a certain prince) and I would also love to see how the links and the history of the not so main characters.

Melissa is doing a very interesting job and I see a lot of future for both this story and her as an author.

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It took me a minute to get back into the story because it’s been so long between the first book and this book. But it was a good addition to the Halfling saga.

I really enjoyed how the characters became more fleshed out, where there was less archetypal type build but more substance—more girth to them, which made this book a lot more enjoyable for me. I was also really thrilled to watch Keera and Riven grow their relationship. But also the side characters were all really well done, to the point it became a romp versus a saga in my opinion. And while this is a continuation of A Broken Blade, this book is actually unique enough to where it can stand on its own. As not a lot of knowledge is required or needed to understand the intrigue, the protagonist’s character growth, and what is actually occurring in this installment.

In A Shadow Crown, you have political intrigue, a great cast of characters, an expansive world, and a protagonist accepting who she is and what she is, while growing into her own throughout the story. All in all, this was a really enjoyable read for me and if you are a fan of political intrigue, fantastical elements, and enemies-to-lovers, then you’ll probably enjoy A Shadow Crown.

Thank you NetGalley & Union Square for providing this eARC in return for my honest review.

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This was a fun follow up to the first book! We get way more world building in this one and some additional characters. I have really liked the Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas vibes that this series has had. It’s been fun, suspenseful, exciting and adventurous. I’ve also appreciated the mental health aspect after grief, though I do wish we’d see more growth from the main character in that. She has been stuck for so long that it would be nice to see some more development. I really like the side characters and some of the touching moments between them and our FMC. All in all, I’ve enjoyed my experience with this series!

I will say that this needs to go through a few more rounds of editing for spelling and grammar errors. There were a ton of them!

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This is the highly anticipated book 2 that I have been so excited to read for so long!

Overall I would rate this book 4 stars.

I loved getting to jump into this world again to see my favourite characters and I don’t know how it’s possible but I love them even more.

There were a few points in this book that I felt like it was a little slow but after getting through that it is truly amazing.

There were so many plot twists that I did not see coming, I had my theories ofcourse but I could not have predicted what was about to go down!

I highly recommend reading this book!

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