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Hotel 21

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This was a really great story of someone trying to turn her life around, but addiction is hard so she struggles. I love the insight into hotel workers, even if it is fiction.

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I should've abandoned this one but I kept hoping it would get better.... IT DID NOT. This just wasn't for me.

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I’m not sure how I feel about this one still. I liked it while I was reading it but I found it very forgettable. I did really like the characters and the story line.

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When I started the book, I had no clue where the story was going but that’s why I found it so engaging to read. The characters are fully developed and the plot twists were great!

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Yes I requested this, but also yes, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this.

The writing is straight forward but not simple in an amateurish way, it was just a clear but strong voice. The characters are amazing and they are fully developed. I wish I could read it in the original language.

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I love reading books which have unexpected plot twists and reveals, and Hotel 21 was exactly about that! The book was really unique (which was why I requested to review it in the first place). The kleptomania expressed through Noelle's character was so fascinating to read about. I have never read a book with a character like her before, so this book was quiet a journey. (and it mean it in a good way)

The dynamic that Noelle shared with her co-workers at The Magnolia was definitely my favorite part of reading the book! The unexpected friendships were so wholesome, tbh. I love reading about adult friendships in books! The author discussed some deep topics but balanced it out with humor - so I never got bored while reading the story. I will definitely look out for more of Senta Rich's books in the future.

You should definitely have this book on your radar! 4/5 stars from me. <3

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Once the book got rolling, I loved the camaraderie between the Hotel 21 seventh-floor housekeepers and how they accepted Noelle. The details of our main character's abusive childhood were pathetically sad but well-placed. Though it was the focus of the book, I could have done without the incessant kleptomania - or at least a believable cure for the condition.

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This was certainly a unique story...can't say I've run across a character like Noelle before, especially to the extent that her "obsession" or impulsive behavior veers...but it stood out for more reasons than one. First, the kleptomania-ish habit, as just mentioned, and the detail to which it is explained, experienced, and exposed. I feel it went that extra mile to give us a chance to give HER a chance and not judge her simply based on the little thefts. Second, the LGBTQ+ friendly atmosphere lets readers truly find themselves in the characters, while experiencing the awakening of one in particular to their romantic inclinations. It's not dwelled upon, nor the full focus, but it's there, just as it would be in real life, and the manner in which it's handled was refreshing. Third, the storyline. So, it has the common theme of hotels as a setting, and yet the actual place changes SO MUCH. The title is a nod to the number of hotels she's worked your jaw dropping, because mine sure did...and that "bouncy" nature of her employment obviously ties in to her habits, and yet it's not the only thing that drives her to move on, as we learn the more we get to know her. I was surprised at Noelle's choice by book's end, and in some ways...not. It felt RIGHT. It felt like it was time. It felt like there was more to explore, learn, and grow from, and I was definitely glad to see her take that next step, no matter how hesitant.

Along the way, we meet some rather memorable characters aside from our leading lady, and while I could pre-introduce you now, it's best to experience first hand. Trust me on this one...they make quite an impression, especially this last group. I didn't know whether I was coming or going with them, but by the final page turn, you could see their motley crew for what they truly were...a family.

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I had no idea where this book was going, but I enjoyed the ride.

Noelle is a room cleaner at a hotel who also happens to be a kleptomaniac. She frequently takes seemingly inconsequential items from guests and then takes larger items when she hopes to get caught so she can move on to her next hotel. She begins working at "The Magnolia" (Hotel 21 for her to work at) and meets a fun batch of coworkers who make her second guess everything she's done for the last 8 years.

Noelle was a fun FMC. It did get a little repetitive at times when the author would describe the "rush" that Noelle would feel when she would take an item. There was a small romance element, which honestly felt a little forced, but I still went with it. I liked how we got to read about the past hotel's Noelle had worked at and how it formed her current decisions when it came to this hotel and her coworkers.
There were parts that definitely had me laughing! I would definitely recommend this as a quick, easy read.
Thank you to #netgalley and Union Square and Co. for an eArc of this book! All thoughts are my own!

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Hotel 21 was a quick and interesting read. It kept me engaged. The story of childhood experiences and how they shape you as an adult and how adult friendships can become family was beautiful to see unfold on the pages. I went into this book thinking it was simply a book about a quirky hotel maid with a lot of childhood baggage - but there’s so much more there to pull at your heartstrings. Hotel 21 would be a great Book Club pick!

I am posting this review on Instagram


And Amazon.

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Oh goodness what a debut! Packed with charm and emotion, these characters filled me with life. Santa Rich has taken several heavy topics and brought lightness to them to keep readers engaged and turning those pages!

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Senta Rich's "Hotel 21" is a refreshing, uplifting and unputdownable read! At first, it took time for me to warm up to the pacing and the writing style, but I couldn't help but root for the growth of Noelle, our endearing yet troubled protagonist.

Noelle has a PhD in doing things by herself and leaving a mark by presenting different versions depending on the type of managers and supervisors across her employment in 20 Hotels. It is evident that Noelle is a kleptomaniac, but there's a lot of discover and unpack between the lines. The crossroads between old habits, healing, secrets and acceptance comes into the fold when Noelle is employed at the Magnolia (Hotel 21), and her paths cross with Gabi, Rose, Mali and Phil. Noelle is pushed out of her comfort zone as she explores her instant yet complicated connection with Phil and witnesses the camaraderie between Gabi and Mali and the perseverance of Rose.

Senta Rich delivers a simple plot with complex characters with grace and excellence. The humaneness of all the characters shines brightly throughout the book. The testament to friendships, support, and humour is well presented, and the ending tugged at my heartstrings. Please be warned that elements of child abuse are briefly mentioned. I recommend this book if you're a fan of "Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine" by Gail Honeyman.

Thank you, Union Square & Co and NetGalley, for giving me an ARC. This honest review is left voluntarily.

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Hotel 21 was different from majority of the books I read and I couldn’t have enjoyed that aspect more. This book shocked me and I think it’s definitely one to add to your TBR.

Heavily character driven, this book takes a deep dive into Noelles life as a hotel cleaner with some secrets. Noelle learns through out her final hotel cleaning gig that life has more to offer us than our pasts, and sometimes all it takes is surrounding yourself with the right people.

Noelle was a very unconventional FMC and it’s one of the aspects that made this book so interesting. There were a lot of really deep, yet twisted things that come up the further you get into the book and it really makes Noelles character a memorable one.

Thank you to @netgalley, Union Square and Company, and the author for providing me with a copy of this book for an honest review.

Read If you like:
Found family
Strong female friendships
LGBTQ+ aspects
Unconventional characters

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Hotel 21
Senta Rich
May 16, 2023

Noelle, a lonely young woman who had one talent. She excelled at cleaning hotel rooms. She could live amiably in a small, cluttered apartment that provided little. She had few belongings. Her furniture was found on the street or cheap from a 2nd hand store. She had what she needed. Hotels were labeled by numbers. When things became too difficult or the boss was unpleasant she made up an excuse, quit the job, and headed on to another hotel and one more dirty room.
Hotel 21 will be published on May 16, 2023 by Union Square & Company. I was able to read and review Rich’s latest novel via NetGalley. Her first section was tough to keep track of the storyline. As Noelle moved on and found herself in a hotel where teams of workers were formed it became a bit easier. Many will find her journey fun, witty, yet sad - interesting to read. Some parts were excellent but admittedly I found it a struggle to keep track of the plot. If reviews seem interesting be certain to pick this one up and give it a try.

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Character-driven to its core, Hotel 21, Senta Rich’s debut novel, shines a light on the importance of support groups, and demonstrates how having the right people in our lives can make all the difference.

Hotel 21 follows cleaner Noelle, who is without a doubt, one of the most unconventional characters I have ever read. As this book opens, Noelle is about to start a job at her 21st hotel. See, Noelle has a little problem - she likes to swipe insignificant items from the rooms she cleans. These items hold no value to her beyond the adrenaline rush that she gets whenever she takes something - she never uses them - but she cannot imagine having to give up her “hobby.” Whenever Noelle receives a complaint from a guest, she packs it up and moves on to another hotel, which is how we find her at hotel 21 - the Magnolia.

But the Magnolia is going to prove to be different from any hotel Noelle has ever cleaned before. Noelle is used to keeping her head down at work and minding her own business; not talking to her coworkers beyond niceties, and certainly never, ever making friends. However, Noelle finds herself working amongst a group of women who quickly consider her one of the gang, and before she knows it, she is being invited to hang out after working, and discovers she is actually starting to care for these women. Pretty soon, Noelle finds herself tempted to stay at Hotel 21, but is she truly ready to give up her old ways forever?

At first glance, the premise of Hotel 21 seems pretty simple - it is easy to assume that Noelle is a kleptomaniac. But as you get to know her throughout the pages of this insightful novel, you discover that her story is quite the complex puzzle. While Noelle claims that she steals because she enjoys it, the truth is actually something quite more convoluted than that.

While this story does move at a fairly slow pace, it serves Noelle well because we readers get to gradually uncover new aspects of her personality throughout the book. Noelle, a woman who puts a unscalable brick wall between herself and other people, seems just as surprised to discover things about herself as I was. Seeing her come out of her shell throughout this novel was therapy that warmed my heart and soul. That’s not to say that this book is not dark and gritty, however, because there are assuredly some horrendous skeletons buried in Noelle’s closet. However, this is her story to tell, not mine, so I will let her share it with you - check out Hotel 21!

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Noelle bounces from hotel to hotel as a cleaner. She enjoys stealing small things from guests and once suspected, she moves on to her next hotel. However, at her latest hotel, she meets other cleaners she actually connects with.

I didn’t connect with the protagonist here, but others may enjoy her more!

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An interesting and different read that I enjoyed,Noelle is a character you will not forget and the storyline is as addictive as the writing,an author to watch and a book that will stay with you for a long time after you finish reading it

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Hotel 21
Senta Rich
Pub date: May 16 , 2023
Union Square
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
This book is well written but just not the genre for me.
I could not get involved in the story.
3 stars

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This is the first book I have ever had to mark DNF. I got to page 164 & just could not go on anymore. I feel really really bad but the plot was so slow for me.

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Senta Rich, author of Hotel 21, almost (not quite) made me believe that the right woman friends would completely heal your serious mental health problem. That's not a criticism! I really loved these women and felt wonderful for Noelle that she found them in her 21st hotel in a row. Their determined, stubborn love for Noelle makes me chalk this up as another modern "found family" feel-good read that I'm happy to have discovered.

Noelle's not so much a kleptomaniac as a pilferer and I felt terrible about the train wreck of a mother-daughter relationship that made her that way. A character-driven novel should have great characters and this one truly does. I cried at the end and I hardly ever cry at the end of a book. Now if I could only find a cadre of awesome pals like this maybe I too would see my trauma melt away. Or I'd like to think so.

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