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Play for Me

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I’ve come to really enjoy this author’s books. While the first two were more women’s fiction and lighter on the actual romance, this book really focuses on the relationship between Sophie and Jonas.

When Play for Me opens Sophie has just been let go from her job as head athletic trainer for the Boston Red Sox after pulling a pitcher from game 7 of the World Series. Now all of Boston blames her for the loss. Even her boyfriend, the team doctor, has broken off their relationship by leaving her a note. Now she’s unemployed, single, and has nowhere to go until her BFF Astrid recommends a job at a boarding school that offers living accommodations as part of their employment package.

Sophie accepts the position and quickly realizes her new roommates are three men, one who seems to dislike her intensely. In fact, he’s rather blunt and appears to hate the fact that she’s rooming with his beloved piano. But the energetic and positive Sophie is determined to win over the cranky orchestra instructor.

I really liked this opposites-attract, forced proximity romance. The chemistry between the main protagonists is palpable, and their interactions are more humorous than having any real animosity. Sophie is an athletic, upbeat FMC paired with a broody, artistic MMC, but their differences really mesh well with each other. I am a big baseball fan, so I was all in on the sporty aspects of the story but found myself taken with musical components as well. I especially enjoyed the way this author explored Sophie’s career as a trainer to help not only Jonas, but the children of the boarding school.

This is a closed-door romance, but I did really enjoy the romance and sexual tension between the main characters. The ending and HEA were perfect for this couple. Jonas turned out to be a swoony, romantic hero.

The secondary characters are well drawn and feel more like a found family. I really think readers need to get to know Astrid more. She was just so effervescent and I would read the hell out of anything she appeared in.

All in all, a good read that I think will win over fans of contemporary romance.

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PLAY FOR ME is an emotional grand slam!

She's a disgraced sports doctor. He's an aloof, world-renown musician. They have nothing in common except being unhappy roommates at a New Hampshire boarding school. Well, that, and they both are in desperate need of some healing.

You don't have to have a love of sports, baseball, music, or New England to enjoy PLAY FOR ME, but it doesn't hurt. Seriously, it's like Libby Hubscher wrote this just for me.

Sweet, satisfying, and s'mores. Seriously, what more could you want in a romance?


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DNF @ 75%
Literally could not bring myself to finish this. Jonas was insufferable (and I usually love a good grump).

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Sophie Doyle lost her dream job as a trainer for the Boston Red Sox when she kept the star pitcher out of a crucial game and the Sox lost the World Series. She also lost her live-in boyfriend who was the team doctor. She's become persona non grata in all of Boston.

She does find a new job as a trainer for a private school in New Hampshire. The only drawback is that the school focuses on the Arts and sports run a very distant second. She also finds herself sharing an apartment with three guys. Two of the guys are a couple and are very friendly and welcoming. Not so much the third. Jonas Voss is the director of the orchestra and is a real grouch.

Sophie generally has a sunny, optimistic personality, but losing her job and moving away from Boston and her father who is in an assisted living facility has been hard on her. However, she tries to make the best of things and even institutes some therapy for the music students many of whom are suffering from repetitive strain injuries.

She learns the Jonas used to be a concert pianist until an injury sidelined him. While orthopedic medicine doesn't give him much hope of a cure and return to his career, Sophie feels that therapy can possibly help him. As the two work together, they begin to fall in love but with Sophie's goal to return to Boston and the Red Sox and Jonas's goal to resume his career in Europe, it doesn't look like their relationship has much of a future.

I enjoyed this contemporary romance. I found the characters engaging and well-rounded people with compelling backstories.

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Sophie's dream job with the Red Sox and live in boyfriend ditch her simultaneously. With nowhere to go, she takes a job in New Hampshire to work with reluctant athletes at a posh boarding school. Two of her male roommates welcome her with open arms and the third is kind of a brooding jerk. Jonas grumbles or ignores her at every opportunity and her level of sunshine is lost on him. With little to lose, Sophie throws herself in to helping the students improve their physical bodies for both playing on the field and in a music hall.
Libby has these one-liners that are heartfelt and swoony. She's fantastic about setting up characters with unbelievable chemistry and giving them the depth to make them feel like good friends on a written page. I loved the premise, opposites attract, and the third act was such a happy and welcoming surprise. Her books will always be auto-buys and recommendations for me.
Thank you to Berkley and Netgalley for the advanced copy. All thoughts in this review are my own.

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Play For Me by Libby Hubscher
Narrator: Lauren Fortgang
Rating: 4 stars
Steam: Fade to black
Pub Date: 6/20

Play For Me is a delightful, heartwarming romance that hits all the right notes. After Sophie, head athletic trainer for the Red Sox, gets fired and dumped, she needs a new job and place to live ASAP. So she heads up to New Hampshire to work at a New England boarding school. She’s surprised to find herself surrounded by talented music students and that her new roommates are all men. One roommate in particular, Jonas Voss, makes it clear that he is no happy she's there.

This book immediately had points in its favor for the setting alone! I used to live in Boston, and I’m a big Red Sox fan. And New Hampshire is a favorite vacation spot for my family, so it was easy to throw myself into this story.

The tropes in this book are some of my favorites. Grumpy/sunshine, enemies-to-lovers, one bed, found family, and forced proximity (always a bonus when they’re roommates). I loved the slow progression of Sophie and Jonas’ relationship and that Jonas falls first. Their contrasting personalities made for a fun pairing and dynamic. We only see Jonas through Sophie’s POV, but the book is written so that I felt I knew him really well by the end.

Hubscher handles tough topics with care, such as ill parents, abuse, difficult family situations, and the effect that stress and the drive to be the best have on your body.

Found family is a significant component of the story, and some beautiful friendships are portrayed! However, my favorite relationship in the story is the one between Sophie and her aging father. Their bond is beautiful, and I was brought to tears a few times during their interactions.

I read the ebook while also listening to the audiobook version and had the pleasure of experiencing Lauren Fortgang’s performance for the first time. She lovingly brought the characters to life, and I will be seeking out other audiobooks she’s narrated in the future.

Overall, Play For Me is a fun and swoony romance that goes beyond the surface. With its charming characters, heartfelt friendships, and a touch of sports and music, this book is a delightful treat for any reader looking for a lighthearted and engaging story.

Read if you like:
* enemies to lovers
* grumpy/sunshine
* Red Sox nation!
* roommate forced proximity
* found family

Thank you so much to Berkley Romance for my NetGalley ARC and to PRH Audio for my free audiobook! Play For Me will be available on 6/20.

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an easy read. i liked the characters & there are some stronger moments, but overall nothing really impacted me. i’d just kind of glaze over while reading the emotional/conflict parts. it’s also pretty closed-door on the romance stuff.


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This book was a perfect balance in so many ways. I loved the play on words in the title since almost every student plays an instrument and a sport. The balance between music and sports was so well done. I also loved how she helped the musicians with injuries just like the athletes. I loved the positive representation for physical therapy.

The forced proximity between the grump, Jonas, and the optimistic Sophie was perfect too. Close quarters always add wonderful angst and his grumpiness only made it better.

But truly my favorite part of this book was watching everyone figure out their lives. It seemed that everyone was figuring out what their next step was professionally and I love how they all processed what was truly the next best step. I also loved how supportive everyone was of each other. This book has the best cast of supporting side characters.

The romance was good too but it was also part of the balance I mentioned. I loved that a real friendship and mutual respect grew in this book and not just physical attraction.

I received an advanced copy of this book through NetGalley. This is my honest review

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Thank you to Berkley Publishing Group and NetGalley for the advanced reader copy and to PRH Audio for the complimentary audiobook. These opinions are my own.

Sophie's decision to protect an athlete by not allowing him to play hurt gets her fired and blackballed from Major League Baseball. So she moves to be a trainer at a posh boarding school. And she ends up rooming with three men. Jonas is one of her roommates and a grumpy music teacher. There were such fun tropes with a mix of forced proximity and grump/sunshine.

I greatly loved that Sophie was the athletic person, and Jonas was the artsy person in the relationship. It always makes me happy to see defiance of stereotypical gender roles. But more, this book made me think about music in a different way and to see more similarity between athletes and musicians than I previously had.

I especially adored Sophie and Jonas's other roommates, Revi and Andy. And the kids were such fun. The book made me a bit nostalgic for high school shenanigans.

The book was delightful and fun. It felt a bit heavier at some parts, but overall, I enjoyed it a bunch. It's a closed door romance with great relationship development between Sophie and Jonas.

Lauren Fortgang was an excellent narrator for this book. I was especially impressed by her voicing of Jonas, complete with a subtle English accent.

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The novel follows Sophie as she moves to a small boarding school in New England after being removed from her current job with the Boston Red Socks as an athletic trainer. This has been her dream job, and she’s spent her life with the Socks, while her father also worked there.

Jonas is an aloof orchestra teacher at Sophie’s new job. He has a past that involves glimpses of fame with his musical talents. He also happens to be part of the roommates in Sophie’s new apartment.

What worked for me: Sophie’s father is ill with a degenerative disease and I found the storyline just beautiful how she dedicated her time towards supporting her father, and how Jonas used his own talents (in secret) to support Sophie’s father as well. It was a beautiful part of the story.

What didn’t: I didn’t feel much of a connection to Sophie and Jonas, this could have just been timing or content, but I read the story and just felt, “okay, well that’s done”- neither was so meaningful to stick with me.

The ending is adorable, and I think THAT is what will stay with me the most- as a teacher, seeing those kids around in the future is just a beautiful moment.

If you enjoy musical themes and overtones, or athletic themes/characters you will perhaps enjoy this one.

I will definitely read another of Libby Hubscher’s writing though.

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A feel-good grumpy sunshine roommate romance between Sophie Doyle, a disgraced former personal trainer for the Boston Red Sox who takes a new job at a boarding school where she finds a new passion for helping the students with their various sport (and music) related injuries.

She also finds herself warming up to Jonas Voss, the grumpy former music prodigy turned teacher as she helps him with his problem and he increasingly finds ways to help her with her ALS diagnosed father.

Funny and heartwarming, this is another win from Libby Hubscher, especially for anyone who loves a good he falls first, cinnamon roll hero. Many thanks to NetGalley and Berkley for the early digital copy and @prhaudio for a complimentary ALC in exchange for my honest review!

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This was such an enjoyable read! I listened to the audiobook and read the ebook and really enjoyed Lauren Fortgang’s narration. Sophie’s atheistic trainer career with the Boston Red Sox was terminated and she was arrested for assault. She ends up at a boarding school her best friend attended in their youth. She has 3 roommates including Jonas, who makes a less than stellar impression.

I loved seeing Sophie settle in at the school and make connections with her colleagues and students. She and Jonas are the perfect mix of grumpy/sunshine. She’s convinced he doesn’t like her because he’s often cold and standoffish, except when he’s not and he’s coming to her rescue, driving her to Boston, fixing her car, etc.

I just loved Sophie and her roommates. They had such an instant friendship. Sophie and Jonas develop more of a bond after she offers to help him get back to playing the piano. They had great chemistry and I loved how he fell first. There were some definitely swoon worthy moments.

The epilogue was absolutely everything and I adored it! I can’t wait to see what Libby Hubscher writes next!

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Rating: 4.25/5
Warnings: abuse by a parent (in past), ptsd, difficult family dynamics, death of a parent, Parkinson's
Steam: 1/5
Tropes: Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Forced Proximity, Grumpy/Sunshine

Thank you to Berkley Romance, PRH Audio and NetGalley for this advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

Things I loved: This book was absolutely delightful, I loved about everything in it. This book featured incredible friendships and a father/daughter relationship. There was a sense of found family that was really special. New England charm, and all the foodie things. Equal parts love for science, sports and music. The Prom. Disneyland with friends. Boarding school vibes.

Can't wait to read all of Libby's future books.

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I freaking loved this book y'all. Libby Hubscher is just so talented when it comes to writing romances that tug on your heartstrings and feel like they could play out in real life. Sophie and Jonas are perfect foils to one another, as they transition from frenemies to lovers. We also get some of my favorite tropes - one bed and forced proximity. I enjoyed seeing aspects of Sophie as a trainer, especially as she develops cross-training programs for the musicians. It was so cool to hear her talk about muscular groups and the scientific journal paper she was working on. Honestly I was hooked on this book from beginning to end and would take a cannoli to the cornea for these two goobers, my heart.

*Thank you to Berkley and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest review*

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I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher, via NetGalley. This in no way impacted on my view.

After refusing to allow one of the Red Sox play during the World Series, losing the title, Sophie also loses her handsome doctor boyfriend, her job, and her place to stay in the city. All of Boston hate her now, and she needs to get out of town quickly. Luckily, her best friend has found her a job as a coach in a boarding school for privileged kids, and they need someone immediately. Sophie's even more in luck as it comes with staff housing, though she does have to share with 3 men. And one of her fellow teachers, and room mate, Jonas, seems to hate her, and wishes she was anywhere else.

I'm going to admit this was an impulse download on NetGalley, but as soon as I started the book, I honestly couldn't put it down. I think I read it in a four hour sitting, and it's lucky it was on a weekend, because I didn't need to be up early the next morning - I shouldn't start a new book at 9pm! I loved Sophie's strength of character. She knew she was in the right to stop the player from injuring himself further, but as the first female coach, the odds were stacked against her anyway, and the fact that the team lost was no one's fault but hers, at least according to all of Boston. She had such a sunny personality, which worked great to counteract Jonas' doom and gloom persona. I loved the banter between them, and the way they first formed a friendship, before it turned into a true romance. There were some deep and heartfelt scenes too, and times when it seemed all hope was lost, but they prevailed in the end! Though this is my first book by Libby, I'm definitely going to be on the lookout for more!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley Romance for an e-galley of Play for Me.

Reminiscent of Evie Drake Starts Over, Libby Hubscher tugs on your heart strings from the get go. Sophie's world comes crumbling down around her during the world series. As the athletic trainer for the Sox, Sophie has to make calls that aren't fun or agreeable. Which leads her to searching for a new job, new housing, and a new boyfriend.

Jonas is the music teacher at the New Hampshire boarding school that Libby finds herself coaching at. And he's also her mysterious, grumpy new roommate. As Sophie works to figure out where she fits in at the school and how to navigate this roommate, she discovers that returning to the Sox might not be her end goal.

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I received a gifted galley of PLAY FOR ME by Libby Hubscher for an honest review. Thank you to Berkley Publishing Group, PRH Audio, and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review!

PLAY FOR ME follows Sophie, a young athletic trainer for the Red Sox when a decision in the best interest of a player’s health puts her in the hot seat. When the team loses the game, she loses her job, her boyfriend, and the respect of an entire city’s worth of fans. A friend helps her find a job working as a trainer at a boarding school for musically inclined students, she must try to recover and regroup. She immediately butts heads with one of her male roommates, Jonas, and her interest is piqued.

This is a grumpy sunshine trope book set against an interesting boarding school backdrop. This school is unlike anything I’ve experienced (the descriptions of the food in the cafeteria legit made me hungry at times). Given all of that and no doubt the hefty price tag on admission, hiring a desperate athletic trainer at a school without a big focus on sports.

I really liked Sophie and I loved that the author put a female athletic trainer in the big league sports because I feel like we don’t see enough of that. Sophie could be a bit over the top impetuous though and there were times I did want to shake her because she was a bit stubborn and quick to jump to assumptions. Jonas took longer to warm up to because he’s very set in his ways and very stubborn as well. The interplay of music and sports and how the different priorities worked with and against each other was very interesting. Sophie’s father’s Parkinson’s disease and Sophie’s fears and stresses felt very well done.

This was overall a cute story though there were some over the top cheesy lines for me that I struggled to take too seriously. Overall this was a quick read that followed pretty much the trajectory I expected early on.

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An easy-read rom com that is perfect for summer!

When MLB sports trainer Sophie finds herself in need of a new job, she begins to work at a boarding school that specializes in performing arts. Not only is baseball not valued, but she is stuck living with the grumpy orchestra teacher who perpetually gives her a hard time.

This light hearted romance is easy to escape into, and it incorporate some more serious issues that add welcomed substance to the characters and plot. Sophie is a very likeable FMC, and the chemistry between her and Jonas (MMC) is very well written (gotta love that grumpy/sunshine dynamic!). The supporting characters were equally as enjoyable. Overall, a very solid romance that I am confident others will enjoy!

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This is my new favorite from Hubscher!

After her professional and personal life crumbled, Sophie fled to a New Hampshire boarding school, taking a position as an athletic trainer. Though it was supposed to be a place for her to lie low, it ended up being "home", a place where she felt loved, welcomed, needed. Sophie was able to find her way through the rubble of her life, but most importantly, she found love.

Sophie and Jonas had some serious tension from the start. I adored their sparring, but I loved the genuine friendship that grow between them even more. Jonas was quite an enigma. He kept everything close to the vest. He was gruff, but underneath all that bluster was a kind and generous man with a heart of gold. Learning about his past and what he lost made my heart ache, but that was why his union with Sophie was so special. And he was swoony in the most low key way. Actions always seem more special when they are done without grand announcements. To me, they appear to be more real, and that was how Jonas operated. Definitely a man after my own heart.

Yes, it was lovely the way Sophie and Jonas had each other, but they also had a wonderful troop to support them as well. The roommates, Sophie's dad, and her best friend were all such amazing supporting characters. I have to mention the students and the ways Sophie became part of their community as well. Fun events and bonding were a regular occurrence. These auxiliary characters provided something special to this story, and I adored them all!

Overall: A warm and wonderful grumpy-sunshine romance with a ton of heart.

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Pub date: 6/20/23
Genre: romcom (grumpy/sunshine, enemies to lovers, workplace romance)
Quick summary: Sophie's job as Boston Red Sox trainer goes up in flames when she refuses to clear a star pitcher to play. She finds a job as a trainer at a small NH boarding school, where her 3 male roommates include Jonas, a very grumpy music teacher.

Libby Hubscher's books are faves of mine, so my expectations were sky-high! Good news - PLAY FOR ME was a five-star read for me. I loved the Boston/greater New England setting; Hubscher nailed the boarding school vibes. It was easy to connect with Sophie - her concern for her players' and students' well-being was evident. I also enjoyed her unraveling Jonas' past and helping him overcome the obstacles in his career. Their HEA was incredibly touching but also realistic, and I teared up a bit at the end.

If you enjoy sweet, slow-burn romance, don't miss this one!

Thank you to Berkley and @letstalkbookspromo for my e-ARC and @PRHAudio for the complimentary audiobook.

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