Member Reviews

In this story we have two main characters, Heather Ross’s mother, and Kailee Ross’s girlfriend. At the start of the book Ross brings his girlfriend Kailee to meet his parents and the dislike of Heather and Kailee is instant and mutual. Shortly after they meet, Ross shocks his parents by telling them that he plans to go work for Kailee’s wealthy parents and their business on Nantucket instead of joining his fathers business like they always planned. And Heather shocks everyone by announcing that she is leaving her husband and going to live on Nantucket for a summer to find herself. As the story progresses we follow Heather as she finds her way in a new place exploring who she is now that she isn’t Wall’s wife, and Ross’ caregiver. And we also follow Kailee as she figures out how to grow up and find herself after graduating, while trying to come back to the island where she grew up and find a place in the family business. This was a very interesting story with a lot of drama and twists and turns. The reason I took a star off was because I wanted Kailee to mature and work towards some personal growth during this story. I get why we were supposed to dislike her at the beginning, but I still disliked her just as much at the end of the book and I feel like so much more could have been explored to have her redeem herself and become more likable. Also, be warned that if you are expecting a light beach read, this isn’t one. There is a lot of talk of separation, health issues, and loss and grief. So pack some tissues in your beach bag for this one. I received an ARC, and this is my honest review.

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This is the story of two women, Heather, the mother of Ross, and Kailee, The fiancé of Ross. Initially, the two do not hit it off very well. Heather divorces her long-time husband and rents a small place on Nantucket. Kailee is from Nantucket, returning home to hopefully help out at and eventually run her father’s construction business. Ross decides to forego working for his father in his hardware store and goes with Kailee to Nantucket, where he also works at Kailee’s father’s business. Naturally, Kailee concludes Heather is following her son to ensure he is fine, and things go well. Thus, there is some friction between Heather and Kailee, from the very start. However, as time passes, both come to realize that things are not as they seemed, due to a myriad of events. The author has provided a good picture of life during the summer months on Nantucket, showing just how it affects both women and their families. In fact, everyone ends up learning that things are not really what they seem and that there are good things in all of us if you look hard enough.

At first, I figured this might be a not-so-interesting book. However, as I got into it more, I found I really enjoyed reading it, watching how the characters changes as situations and events occurred affecting them. One thing I did not sense was good chemistry between Ross and Kailee. It was there, just not as strong as I thought it should be. Heather and Kailee were two women on the cusp of big changes, and these only brought them closer together as they realized each other’s abilities and true natures. The other characters in the book (Ross and Kailee’s parents) helped make this happen, as did other on the island. This is another of Nancy Thayer’s great books that I highly recommend to any fan of hers or someone looking for a slightly different but great story. I received this from NetGalley to read and review.

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I really just did not enjoy this one. I went into it, having previously read a Nancy Thayer novel that I enjoyed, and feeling excited for the Nantucket setting. However, this one failed to hit the bullseye for me. I thought that Kailee was truly insufferable character, and it was just frustrating to read her thoughts and about her actions. She was so insecure and immature that there was nothing likable about her at all. Also, Kailee getting pregnant seemed very cliché. I also did not like that her mom died at the end; sort of felt like it came out of nowhere, even though she had been having some heart troubles. Just felt unnecessary to have that as part of the plot. And Ross' mom finding the ring he and Kailee lost on the beach was just too good to be true! (And we never got any explanation). Overall, I just did not think the quality of the writing was good in this one and neither was the plot nor the characters. Hate to write this, but I probably won't be recommending this to anyone.

Thanks to NetGalley and Penguin Random House for this ARC!

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Great book about moving on after not be happy, needing and wanting more from her marriage Heather needs to find herself. Rents a small cottage in Nantucket and never in her wildest dreams thought she’d love it. Being on her is great but her son’s fiancé is not happy with having her fiancé mom close by. Heather is finding her own dreams and decides …yes she loves it in Nantucket and makes friends that help me be and belong.

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Thank you Random House Publishing-Ballantine and Net Galley for an early copy of All the Days of Summer. Another feel good book by Nancy Thayer. I was sooooo excited and thankful to get this request, thank you again. Of course some of the plot was sappy (sugar, the ring) but that’s what summer is all about, putting a smile on your face as you picture the scenes and characters. Again Nancy’s books make you feel you are with the characters immediately being a part of the novel. Sit back, put your feet up and dive into this Fantastic read!!!!!!

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I received a free copy of, All the Days of Summer, by Nancy Thayer, from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Heather is getting divorced from her husband, and is staying in Nantucket, for the summer. Also, staying in Nantucket is Heather's son Ross his girlfriend Kailee, and her family. This book had so much in it, family drama, beautiful setting, secrets, ans so much more. I really enjoyed Heather's character, but Kailee rubbed me the wrong way, i did not care for her at all. A very enjoyable read, by Nancy Thayer.

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I always look forward to Nancy Thayer's new book and the opportunity to escape to Nantucket for a little while.
In All the Days of Summer, the story is primarily told by Heather and Kailee, two very different women at very different stages of life. Kailee grew up on Nantucket, in a wealthy family with a father who owns a successful construction company, and a mother who's very active in the community. Ross grew up in Concord, Massachusetts, where his parents, Heather and Wall, own a local hardware store, and he's presumed to be the hardware store heir apparent after college graduation.
When Kailee and Ross meet in college, it seems like fate. And, just as their relationship is heating up, his parents' marriage was cooling off. As the book opens, Heather and Wall meet Kailee for the first time, and shortly afterwards, Heather makes a big announcement that will impact all of their lives.
In addition to storylines about young love, divorce, growing up, and illness, there's an underlying theme around conservation and the impact of home construction in terms of environment and asethetics. Once again, Ms. Thayer transports us to Nantucket with a balanced amount of detail about living on the island -- and not overloading us with details about the restaurants and shops.
There are some predictable parts of the story, but my overall largest challenge was with the character of Kailee, who was terribly spoiled and childish (and clueless in one respect). These were minor challenges and overall, All the Days of Summer was a lovely read.
Thanks to Netgalley and Ballantine Books for the opportunity to read All the Days of Summer in exchange for an honest review.

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Nancy Thayer's wonder book set on Nantucket is a great kick-off to summer read. The characters are relatable, the setting is spectacular and the storyline is well crafted.

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All the Days of Summer is a lovely if somewhat slow moving story about new beginnings. Heather leases a cottage on Nantucket to find her true self. Her son, Ross and his fiancée, Kailee are learning to adult after college. Kailee’s mother Evelyn is dealing with health and environmental issues. Nancy Thayer writes characters that are real with both good and aggravating characteristics. The setting, of course, is marvelous as is the growth of the people written about. I voluntarily reviewed an advance copy of this book from NetGalley. Highly recommend.

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Nancy Thayer has done it again with All the Days of Summer. A wonderful story of a wife who is ready to start over after leaving her loveless marriage. She ends up in Nantucket with plans to reflect for a few months and ends up starting a new, wonderful life. I loved everything about this book from the settings to the characters.

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I enjoy a light and easy read, especially when it is set in beautiful Nantucket. Nancy Thayer is the best at providing all three. The friction between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law will be something that, I think, most readers will be able to identify with. Heather, the mother-in-law-to-be, finds herself facing a divorce and moving to the island where her son, Ross, and his girlfriend Kailee have decided to live. Heather and Kaliee, as hard as they try, struggle to find a way to connect, and neither women are sure that the island is big enough for the two of them. I found myself rooting for Heather, a loving and reasonable mother, and being completely irritated by Kailee, who was very immature, petty, and selfish. This is definitely a perfect book for the summer months, to read by the pool or on the beach as it holds your attention but doesn't require too much deep concentration to follow along.

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I'll start of by saying that I like Nancy Thayer books as much as the next person, however, this one did not do anything but annoy me. If you want an absolute cliché, know exactly what ridiculous situation will come up next, go for it. Easy read, could be heavy for some depending on your situation in life at the moment. I'm wishing she hadn't written & had more time to put together something better. Good luck reading.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC for All The Days Of Summer. This is a book not so much about the human characters as it is about Nantucket as the main star. While at times the book seemed to jump from Heather to Kailee at too random of a pace, Nancy Thayer described the island in perfect sequence. It’s a full circle story, sometimes predictable but the reader can see the island - where it started, where it is headed and about the people who care for it and who want to preserve it.

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All the Days of Summer by Nancy Thayer. I loved this summer story story of families, love and romance on Nanatucket.

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I’m not a big fan of “women’s fiction.” In fact, two years ago I began my review of Nancy Thayer’s Family Reunion by saying “I admit it. The phrase “women’s fiction” generally makes me shudder. I don’t quite equate it with the phrase “bodice ripper,” but almost. “ I DID give that one three stars, which isn’t great, but I also said it was comforting – like a warm blanket and a cup of tea. And since we had been in pandemic mode for over a year at that point, and now we are in year THREE (!), I welcomed the opportunity to receive a copy of Nancy Thayer’s All The Days of Summer from Random House-Ballantine and NetGalley in exchange for this honest review.

In Family Reunion, the protagonist was a nice older (ahem) woman named Eleanor Sunderland, who lived on Nantucket Island year-round (as does Ms. Thayer). Eleanor was rattling around alone in her huge old cliffside home three years after the death of her husband. The home had been in her family forever, and she had loved it — it was her permanent home, and it was where her family has gathered summers and holidays for generations. You get the idea. Over to All The Days of Summer.

Heather Willette (the new Eleanor) is a woman who has had a good life living in a Boston suburb with her husband Wall (?) and their son Ross. They own a successful business, live in a beautiful home they lovingly restored, and life seems good. But Heather wants more…the flame has gone out of the marriage, and Heather is thinking she needs a CHANGE. A friend suggests Heather should rent a cottage on Nantucket for three months (at ONLY $10,000 per month, so we can see Heather’s well fixed, and her problem isn’t money for sure). She decides to divorce her husband, spend the summer months figuring out WTF she really wants and needs, and go from there. What could possibly go wrong? Her son, recently having fallen in love with the only child of a wealthy family who lives year-round on Nantucket, announces he is moving to the island with Kailee, will be spending the summer working for Kailee’s family business (rather than joining his own father at the hardware store, as Heather and her husband had always assumed was the plan) Problem is, Heather can’t stand Kailee…and it’s not just her annoying name.

Just as was the case with Family Reunion, reading this one was like a warm blanket and a cup of tea. Comforting. So that was the good. Once again, in this book, I didn’t really relate to any of the characters, in fact I pretty much couldn’t stand anyone! Or at the very least I was annoyed by them. Heather has no clue how the real world lives. Neither does Kailee. We don’t get to know the hard-working, hardware-store-owning patriarch, but his withdrawal from Heather and Ross seems at the least understandable. And we KNOW what is going to happen, at least the part about Heather making good friends, deciding to move to the island year-round, and meeting a single man, who seems ideal for her (he’s kind of annoying too). I am quite sure Nancy Thayer’s fans will love it. Tons of people will find it a comforting escape from their daily challenges in this extremely challenging time. I could only go three stars for Family Reunion, but I’m giving this one four, because it reminded me how lucky I am, it was well written, and it is a good example of comforting “women’s fiction.” If that’s your thing, ENJOY!

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All the Days of Summer is another pearl on the strand of Nantucket gems by Nancy Thayer. It is a story of family ties and drama that pulls you in from the first page. Heather Willette's life in Concord with her husband ended in divorce. Thanks to a close friend she is able to rent a small cottage on Nantucket for the summer unaware of how much this will change her life. I loved the beautiful descriptions of the island. Thanks to the author, Ballantine Books, and NetGalley. I received a complimentary copy of this ebook. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

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What a great book about marriage and family relationships. I enjoyed the way Thayer told a layered story of the end of her marriage and her relationship with her son and his girlfriend. It was so refreshing to read about the MC doing what she wanted to as a grown adult. Four stars!

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Let me just start of by saying that I like Nancy Thayer’s novels even though they make me a little crazy. Does she get paid by the word? Why else would every novel of hers describe pony tails (high, low or otherwise, board shorts (what are those anyway? Every man wears them) She mentions every glass of tea or water or tea or beer or wine poured. And every dress is a sundress, every outfit lightweight linen or silk and place mat is white with blue stripes or like that - every single time! And on the first page, a messy bun.
Now that I’ve gotten that off my chest, Thayer has much to recommend her. She writes about out-of-wedlock pregnancies, but no graphic sex. Yes, there is sex, but it’s tastefully done and without “language”, for those of you who care about that.

Anyway, this book is a particularly delightful one. Taking place on Nantucket, as do most (all?) of Thayer’s books, it’s the story of Heather, a 47-year-old woman in a deadly dull marriage. Her son, Ross, finishing college, has a serious girlfriend. Here’s where it gets interesting, Kaillie (the girlfriend) and Heather get off on the wrong foot. It does not bode well for the relationship. Is there a mother of a son alive who has not feared that situation? It gets even worse when Heather rents a house on Nantucket for the summer where, it turns out, her son will be living with Kaillie’s family as he learns the construction business. And Kaillie suspects Heather did it to keep an eye on Ross.

Heather finds a dog, fits into Island life, and meets her in-laws –to-be. There are fireworks of various kinds, Fourth of July as well as over lost rings and a new man.

You can expect lovely island scenery descriptions and unexpected turns and twists of the story. This may be one of Nancy Thayer’s best and most satisfying novels. It’s not too early to order it now for a summer beach read. This is a wonderful example of this genre.

Thanks to NetGalley and Ballantine Books for an early read of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I wish to thank NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine Books for allowing me to read an advanced copy of this book. I have voluntarily read and reviewed it. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

This is another Nancy Thayer book that is sure to please all the romantic readers who love a great book set on Nantucket during the summer. I loved it and highly recommend it to one and all.

Just when Heather and Wall think they have the idyllic life where their son will take over the family business when he finishes college, she announces that the marriage is stale and she wants a divorce. Ross, her son has news of his own. He is in love with Kailee and is not coming home for the holidays as he is going to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with his girl friend’s family. This is a real disappointment to his family. A friend of Heather suggests a three month cottage rental on Nantucket Island and Heather jumps at the idea. She has no idea what this decision will mean to everyone. The book is full of strong women characters that are wonderfully described and the setting is breathtaking. I feel I am actually on the island with them as the stories unfold in lots of different ways. Be sure to put this one on the top of your summer read book stack.

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Such a good romance! The characters were likable and believable. The story was great and the steam was perfect!

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