Member Reviews

All the Days of Summer
author: Nancy Thayer
Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine
Ballantine Books
Release Date: May 2, 2023

No one writes better about the complications and joys of family relationships than Nancy Thayer. Not only does she give her readers the complexities within family units, but her stories also capture the joy of closeness when love prevails and healing when it doesn't. Her new novel, All the Days of Summer, is a beautiful example of just that. This book is truly centered around connections and development of characters, and Thayer gives us the inside look at them amid the splendid setting of Nantucket.

Heather, with her marriage in shambles, has a new beginning awaiting her as she rents the "perfect for her" cottage for the summer. She gets to know her son Ross' girlfriend, Kailee, as the couples' relationship evolves. The links with both Ross' and Kailee's parents are explored deeply. With the location of Nantucket serving also as a "character" in the book, the Essex Nature Foundation is spotlighted with its focus on preserving the integrity of the landscape and history of the island.

As always with a Nancy Thayer book, I was content and entertained while reading. I'm left with a warm feeling and colorful visions of Nantucket, the cottages, the shore and sea, the sky, and the people.

Thank you to Net Galley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for the advance reader's copy. My review is my own.

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Book Review
⭐️⭐️⭐️.5/5 stars
All The Days Of Summer
Author: Nancy Thayer
Pub date: May 2, 2023
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group-Ballentine Books
Genre: Womens Fiction

Heather Willette decides to divorce her husband and rent a cottage on the island of Nantucket for the summer. She discovers things about herself and the island that she loves. Her son, Ross, also is living on Nantucket with his girlfriend, Kailee. Kailee and her parents have lived on Nantucket all their lives and own Essex Construction.

Heather and Kailee go through transformations as the story progresses. There’s also a few storylines going on that I will not spoil.

I really liked Heather and Ross. Kailee was very spoiled and immature most of the story. I loved the Nantucket setting. I would read another novel by Nancy Thayer just for the Nantucket setting!

Thank you
@netgalley @randomhouse and @nancythayerbooks for an ebook ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book read like a Hallmark movie, stilted dialogue and everything. Sometimes I find this style charming and cute but this time it just felt corny and awkward. I did appreciate the descriptions of Nantucket and thought the story was compelling but I couldn’t get past the awkward way the characters spoke and their strange ways of navigating conflict. I found their choices so confusing at times. This was my first time reading a book by this author and it just was not for me.

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This is a wonderful, heartwarming story. The author did an amazing job transporting me to the island of Nantucket. There were a couple of characters that were very annoying in the beginning but I was happy to see them transition into likable people.
Overall I think this is a great summer read.

Thank you NetGalley, Random House Ballantine and the author for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you netgalley for the ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.

This was my first Nancy Thayer book and it won’t be my last. It’s the perfect book to read after a long day. You can escape and enter the Island of Nantucket.

There were a few characters that were annoying - but I powered through.

Looking for a good summer beach read? Grab this!

#AlltheDaysofSummer #NetGalley

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Heather Willette decides to follow her heart. She seeks to end her less-than-stellar marriage, spend some much-needed time alone, and find herself and what makes her happy. However, things don’t go as planned when she finds a secluded little cottage on Nantucket to rent for a few months. Turns out her son Ross’s girlfriend Kailee also lives on Nantucket and Kailee feels that Heather is there to meddle in their lives. Heather and Kailee have not gotten along since they met.

Heather discovers that her husband had been cheating on her, her son has no plans to take over his father’s business and instead plans to work for Kailee’s father in his construction business, and she falls in love with life on Nantucket. She also meets a man who makes her feel things she hasn’t felt in a long time. She makes several new friends, including Kailee’s mother. During her time on Nantucket, she discovers what she wants to do with the rest of her life, where she wants to spend it, and maybe share it with someone special. And is it possible that things between her and Kailee will improve?

A story of discovery, new beginnings, healing, family dynamics, and more.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This book was very predictable. If you read books by this author, you will know what I mean. If this is one of your first reads by this author, you will probably enjoy it. Otherwise, I do believe her books are written using a template. Names and places have been changed……etc. I keep reading her books because the characters are very well developed. I don’t like all of them but they become real people to me. This book is set in a beautiful place. Heather and Wall are getting a divorce. Wall is a devious rat and she should have left him long ago. She is going to spend the summer in Nantucket renting a $10,000/month home that is in a state of neglect. (Not the kind of thing that the majority of divorcees in my circle could afford to do.) Their son is in love and going to work for his fiancées father. His fiancée, Kailee, is immature, spoiled and bratty. She needs to grow up. This summer puts Heather and Kailee at each others throats and life goes on. I was given the opportunity to read the digital ARC by NetGalleyand Ballantine Books. This review is my opinion and in my own words. I wavered between 2 and 3 stars but in the end, I went for 3 because I do believe that this will be a hot summer beach read. Just not for me.

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In all honesty throughout the first half of this book I completely despised Kaylee as a person. I thought she was incredibly selfish, possessive, and out of touch with reality. In some ways she still is towards the end of the book, but you are able to see why this is and coming from how she was raised. Heather drew me in from the start. Her braveness in leaving a marriage that just felt like comfort and friendship was huge. I also left a bad relationship (for other reasons) a year ago and this really stuck out to me. Of course by the end I was in tears as the story unfolded and brought Kaylee and Heather closer together.

Big beach read, but bring some tissues!

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Thank you NetGalley and Random House for the advance copy of All the Days of Summer! This was my first Nancy Thayer novel and it won't be my last! What a delightful story. I loved how brave Heather was beginning a new life on Nantucket. Kaillie was a spoiled child who I never could wrap my arms around. I couldn't help as a mother of two sons how would I handle a young lady like her! I always want to visit Nantucket after reading about it and Thayer paints a beautiful picture of this island. I felt I was in Heather's cottage from Thayer's descriptions. I loved the lovely island scenery descriptions and unexpected turns and twists of the story. I'm glad this was my first novel by Thayer. Now, I'm hooked. What a great summer beach read. This is a wonderful example of this genre.

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I look forward to Nancy Thayer’s new book each summer, so I was very excited to get a copy of All the Days of Summer from NetGalley. All the Days of Summer tells the story of Heather, who escapes to Nantucket for the summer after her marriage ends. She also is learning to deal with her son’s fiancée. Family is a central theme in the book, and there is also some romance for Heather. Nothing beats a Nancy Thayer book for summer reading!

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this is a light summer read. but there is not a lot of nuance in the characters - Heather is perfect, Kailee is annoying - both with little development.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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All The Days of Summer by Nancy Thayer is the story of Heather, a woman living outside of Boston who decides that she is unhappy being married to her husband Wall.. She decides she wants a divorce and moves to Nantucket for the summer.. She is the mother of Ross, a recent college graduate who is in love with Kailee, a wealthy young woman he met at school who is also from Nantucket. The story interchanges between Heather and Kailee and her family as well as her relationship with Heather. The story focuses on family relationships and new beginnings. I really wanted to love this book, but something was lacking for me, Kailee is an unlikeable character; spoiled and jealous of Heather’s relationship with Ross. Heather is not a nagging mother or mother in law and is trying to start her new life. There were some gaps in the story. The setting in Nantucket is lovely, but the story fell short for me hence a three star rating.

Thank you to Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for an advanced reader’s copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I've read quite a few books by Nancy Thayer and have enjoyed each one. I thought this one had a slightly different vibe to it...and I really liked it.

The story deals mainly with Heather, who has decided she wants different things from her life than what she has. First off is a divorce. Second is to go someplace different for awhile. She is also having to deal with her son having a girlfriend (Kailee) that she just doesn't like. She ends up in Nantucket and starts making new friends and just letting her hair down a bit.

A lot of the story revolves around the awkward relationship between Heather and Kailee. There are plenty of misunderstandings, hurt feelings and lots of anger between the two. It is a story of learning to accept and learning to expand your heart enough to let in someone new.

Thanks to Random Hose Publishing Group-Ballantine and NetGalley for the gifted copy. All thoughts are my own.

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Nancy Thayer is one of my favorite author's to read every summer and I like how her books are centered around Nantucket.

I was so happy when I got ARC from NetGalley to read it (book comes out on May 2nd, 2023).

Heather Willette has a good life in Concord, Massachusetts--complete with a husband who runs his own business and a son to take up his mantle one day. But now that her marriage has fizzled out and Ross, her only child, is graduating from college and getting serious with his girlfriend, Heather wonders if that life is the one she really wants. Ready to seek out her own happiness and discover herself again, Heather decides to leave her husband and rent a cottage on Nantucket. And her plan is going perfectly--until Ross announces he's moving to Nantucket to work at his girlfriend's, Kaliee's, family's construction business instead of going back home to work with his own father, like he'd promised. Worst of all for Heather, this means having to get along with Kaliee.

The plot was very interesting and I liked how fast paced it was. I didnt for a minute feel that it was repetitive and just wanted to go on reading it.

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I was so sad this one was not for me. I loved the premise and I have enjoyed past books by this author. For some reason the writing felt off and I just could not connect with the characters.

Thank you to Netgalley and Ballantine Books for my e-arc in exchange for my honest review.

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I love reading books by Nancy Thayer! All the Days of Summer was a nice relaxing read that I totally enjoyed. I think a lot of it has to do with the location. Nantucket just sounds so dreamy to me. This story centers around Heather Willette. In the beginning, she decides to divorce her husband, sell her Victorian house that she had inherited from her grandmother and she rents a cottage on Nantucket. She loves her freedom, to do as she pleases when and if she pleases. Her son Ross is also now living on Nantucket and about to marry a local girl who comes from a well-to-do family. Kailee, her sons fiancée, is a bit of a spoiled brat. She was the character that I had a really hard time liking. This is a true to life kind of story about family, young love and dealing with life’s heartaches such as divorce, unplanned pregnancies and death. I’d like to thank Emma Thomasch, Assoc. Marketing Manager at Random House for inviting me to read this and NetGalley for the arc. I enjoyed reading about these characters, I adored reading about Nantucket and I was very pleased with the way the story ended. It left me feeling uplifted and positive about the relationship between Heather and her soon-to-be daughter-in-law. I’ve read several of Nancy Thayer’s books and have enjoyed them all and would recommend them to other readers. I’m giving this a 4 star rating and I look forward to reading more by this author in the future.

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This is a story of a newly divorced woman deciding to spend her summer on Nantucket in the cottage of a friend. She later learns that her son has decided to live and work on Nantucket with his girlfriend's father for the summer. What follows is the adjustment of Mom Heather to life on the island, and to her relationship with her son and his girlfriend and her family. This book is an insightful look into the lives of all the characters. Another enjoyable book by Nancy Thayer!

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All the Days of Summer
Nancy Thayer
May 2, 2023

Heather and Wall Willette have been living in Concord, Mass since first knowing each other. They own a hardware store that successfully kept their family economically well. She inherited her grandmother’s beautiful home. They moved in and loved the size but realized how much work it would take to bring it back to life. Wall spent his days at the store as did Heather with their baby, Ross. As he grew, her world was the store, raising Ross and working hard on the house to make it the gorgeous home it used to be.
Ross went on to college and met the girl of his dreams, Kailee Essex. She lives on Nantucket Island with her folks. Bob and Evelyn are wealthy owners of Essex Construction, a large company that caters to the wealthy prospective new homeowners of Nantucket.
The two families are very different yet they realize their adult children will be married and their lives will blend. In Thayer’s newest novel she has written an incredible, thought provoking piece. It is touching yet brings the reader a sorrow we all feel at some point in our world.
All the Days of Summer by Nancy Thayer will be published by Ballantine Books of Random House on May 2, 2023. I am extremely pleased by their allowing me to read and review her latest publication via NetGalley. I was completely absorbed by the characters and her amazing descriptions of societies that encompassed the book. It is one that should not be missed. I am hoping for a sequel to the story. Do enjoy this delightful, heartwarming novel.

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3.5 stars
I love easy, breezy beach reads by Nancy Thayer and this was no exception. Cute, albeit predictable, story, but I enjoyed the characters (especially Heather) and the setting of Nantucket. At first I thought it wrapped up a little too nicely, but after thinking about it for a day I decided that I was fine with it, as this is the perfect book to bring with you on vacation.
I would recommend this to others.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group-Ballantine for the ARC!

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3 stars

Nancy Thayer has had such an acclaimed career. I have read many of her books, but this one just did not do it for me.

Heather and Wall have been married for over 20 years. Their son Ross is about to graduate from college, so Heather decides that now is the time to get a divorce. She and Wall have become roommates, rather than partners. Thinking that her son is going to help his dad in Concord, she agrees to rent a cottage on Nantucket for the summer to decide on her next steps - leasing a dumpy cottage for $10,000 per month. Not many of us can relate to having $30K just sitting around to use to "find ourselves".

In the meantime, Ross and his girlfriend Kaitlee are ditching his dad' and instead heading to Nantucket to work with her dad's huge construction company. Kailee is one of the most unlikeable characters I have ever "met" in a book. She is jealous and clingy and spoiled. She's convinced that Heather is spying on them and has followed them to Nantucket for the wrong reasons.

The dialogue is so stiff and unrealistic. Most of the characters are unlikeable. The story itself seems so implausible. How many of us have $30k to spend on a summer rental? Then, everything just seems to fall in Heather's lap - how true is that of most middle-aged divorcees? New home, new job, new love interest. There's no struggle. It's so unrealistic.

I am very thankful to NetGalley and Random House/Ballantine for the opportunity to read this digital ARC in return for an honest review.

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