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Ciao For Now

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Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the ARC!

I absolutely adored this book. From the wonderful characters, their development and ambition, detail, and incredible scenery I could not put it down!

*immediately books trip to Italy*

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Review in progress and to come.

I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review

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Violet has always dreamed of being a fashion designer, so when she is selected to compete for a fashion label, she is ecstatic. This trip sends her to Italy to gain knowledge and immerse herself in the fashion world. So on her first day there, she accidentally spills coffee on a strangers laptop, she thinks she'll never have to see him again. But her luck fails when he happens to not only be the Professor's son but one of her roommates for the next month.
I extremely enjoyed the chemistry between Violet and Matt. I felt that it was believable. I also enjoyed the dynamics between characters, especially any with Marco.
Thank you #Netgalley for the ARC. All of the above opinions are my own.

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This started great! very funny. I liked how the story evolved. The chemistry between Violet and Matteo is amazing.

If you like enemies to lovers and forced proximity tropes this is it, I don't want to spoil it so I'll just add the the way they finally come together is very well thought.

One of my favorite parts is the location they go in the book. It really feels like being there. Excellent book!

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This is my first Kate Bromley book and I loved it! There was some awkward dialogue and parts where I wasn't sure that it completely fit, but the MC, Violet, was so endearing. I felt like she was a real person and I was rooting for her the whole way. Not that this has to do with the plot, BUT the descriptions of Matt's beard had me swooning--I loved this addition to the story! Also, I really enjoyed the descriptions of Italy, especially the trip to Capri. It made me want to be there (and also stay in a lavish hotel with glass Coke bottles).

This was a very cute, quick read for me and I would definitely recommend to a friend!

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Immediately booking my trip to Rome now! Prosecco, that balcony view, the fabric store, and the explosive romance? Count me all the way in.

I actually really enjoyed this read, there was so much detail that I honestly felt like I was in Rome right along side Violet while trying to make her dreams come true and her meet cute with Matt? I mean I died of second hand embarrassment for her. I loved these two characters. It was definitely a grumpy sunshine, enemies to lovers (all though id hate someone if they destroyed my computer too), he falls first, forced proximity that felt right and well done. Even though the story focused heavily on the romance, I actually also really enjoyed the other aspects as well. Seeing her day to day life just made me feel closer to Violet, and I really felt for her after her initial collection showing. As someone who is now 29 going back to school and feeling a bit behind, it was a nice to see chasing your dreams at any point in life being portrayed in a read.

This would make for an excellent vacay read, I can't wait for my physical copy on release day.

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This book was cute! The story is light hearted and charming. A summer internship that leads to time with a handsome Italian man sounds like a good time! I liked the fashion and design references, as well as all of the geographical references during their time in Italy. I feel like I need to add Capri to my list of future vacations!
Overall Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Spice Level: 🌶️🌶️🌶️/5
I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher!

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Ciao for Now 💙💛
Kate Bromley
Pub Date: June 6, 2023 🗓️

If you love reading books that leave you with a smile on your face when you finish, then Ciao for Now is the PERFECT book for you! Bromley’s most recent book was so breezy, fun, and heartwarming! I’ve definitely added Rome to my short list of places I want to visit thanks to this book! 🇮🇹

When Violet lands a fashion internship in Rome, she must step up to complete against her two (younger) classmates to win the ultimate prize of a job at a New York label. There’s only one problem: her professor’s son, Matt, is her ultimate enemy from the start! Can Violet push forward towards her fashion goals, or will she remain distracted by Matt? Ciao for Now is the perfect enemies to lovers romance book!

I found myself rooting for Violet throughout the entire book! I felt such a strong connection to her and I absolutely loved her character. Bromley did such a great job painting such a vivid picture of Violet and her life in Rome and beyond.

I cannot recommend Ciao for Now enough, especially if you love a great enemies to lovers romance!


Favorite quotes:
“Love is something you gift yourself. You design it. You decide who you are going to love and who will have the privilege of loving you back.” -Page 187

“Scary moments can be beautiful, too,” -Page 211

Thank you to Kate Bromley, Graydon House, and NetGalley for providing me with a gifted copy of Ciao for Now.

Posted on Instagram on April 3, 2023 (Currently Reading):
Posted on Goodreads on April 5, 2023:
**Posted on Instagram (full review) on June 6, 2023:
**Posted on Instagram (mini review) in May 2023:
**Posted on Amazon on June 6, 2023
**-will post on designated date

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A absolute wonderful feel good romantic comedy that anyone who is a fan of the genre will fall in love with

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Thank you to Harlequin Trade Publishing, Graydon House, and NetGalley for this ARC.

Favorite Quote: “You decide who you are going to love and who will have the privilege of loving you back.”

I. Loved. This. Book. Ciao For Now by Kate Bromley made me feel so good while reading. It brought back memories of my first visit to Rome. It made me long to return as a fashion student vying to win a fashion competition while getting to know myself, Rome, and a brooding screenwriter who I crash land into.

In Ciao For Now we meet Violet who is a 29 year old fashion student. She is competing in a fashion competition against her best friend and fellow classmate, Marco, and another classmate, Holly. Violet is very aware that she’s older than her classmates. She has an internal ticking time bomb waiting to explode if she doesn’t win this competition. She feels like this is her last chance to make something of herself in the industry. It’s win big or go home and lay her dreams to rest. On her first day in Rome she literally crash lands her way into our hero Matt’s life. Is this what you’d call a meet embarrassment? Although it’s embarrassing and Matt is highly annoyed with her, their banter is amazing. Matt quickly gets under Violet’s skin but lucky for us she gives as good as she gets from him. I really loved Violet. She was so relatable and had a heart of gold.

I also loved our prickly hero Matt. He’s like a beautiful oasis surrounded by tall and thick thorn covered vines. Matt puts up a front to keep people at arm's length but Violet has an effect on him. It was a great to see a different side of him come to life around Violet. He is very self-assured, while Violet is kind of unsure of herself and a people pleaser.

This is a slow burn romance, and sometimes that can be a drag, but that was not the case for me. The whole story is entertaining not only because we get to see how Violet and Matt’s relationship evolves from their meet embarrassment, but we see how Violet grows into herself and meets some amazing ladies in Rome who help in that process. These ladies and other side characters really rounded out the story. I thoroughly enjoyed all the characters we got to meet in Ciao for Now. Marco, Mira, Professor Leoni, Louisa Tessuti, Marie…all great additional characters. All around entertaining and the ending was wonderful.

I would highly recommend Ciao for Now to those looking for a romance story that’s witty, engaging, and an uplifting escape from everyday life. The wanderlust after reading this is real.

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A charming, atmospheric book by a romcom fave. At first, you wonder if Violet and Matt will get over their immature hatred of each other. She did spill coffee on him when she first met him, but they snipe at each other for quite a bit until they both get over it. Pretty soon the hijinks ensue, and when Kate gets back at Matt for calling her an older student (which she is), I laughed out loud. Matt proves himself to be calm and kind. Sure, he's socially awkward, but he's good with Violet who has a lot of work to do believing in herself. They both have to forgive themselves for their past mistakes. All of this is set in the beautiful backdrop of Rome and Capri, and with the beauty of fashion design as well. Kate Bromley is great at making worlds come alive. You will be impressed with how much the characters have grown on you by the end, and how proud you are of the way they have matured. By the time you finish this book, you'll feel like you have vacationed in Italy, and isn't that just the best?

Thank you NetGalley for the digital ARC of this book.

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I want to thank Netgalley, Grayson House and Kate Bromley for providing me with ARC in exchange for an honest review of the book. I have loved Kate's other two books (Talk Bookish to Me and Here for the Drama) but this light hearted romance just fell a little flat for me. As I reflect on why, I guess it was that the secondary characters just were not fully developed at all. My favorite scene was when Violent was gaslighting Matteo at dinner after talking smack her on a phone call with a friend. Nor as I started Ciao for Now, would I think there would be a scene set in Comic Con but yet there it was at the end of the novel. Even though the book fell a little flat for me, I will still be next in line for Kate's 2024 book.

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Thank you Netgallery for this ARC!

I loved this book and the story !! The characters were amazing! The character development was really great. It’s was a lighthearted book!
Overall, slow burn romance with a I recommend this to others. We love a romcom. 🥺

Thank you again!

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Violet is working hard to finish design school when she lands a prestigious internship at an up-and-coming fashion brand in Rome. She’s brought her A game and is super focused, until she has a run in at a coffee shop and ruins a strangers laptop. Come to find out that the man is actually her professors grumpy son. As their animosity grows, they learn they can’t stand each other. That is until it gets to the point they can’t stop thinking of each other. Now Violet must decide if she is going to say good bye to her dreams…or the guy.
When I saw this one was about fashion design I thought it would be a ton of fun. Mainly because it is something that fascinates me but I don’t know much about. I was also super excited for it to be based in Rome, because it seems so pretty there.

Unfortunately, this one just fell flat for me. While the story was light hearted, there wasn’t much of a romance until the very end. So, it was extremely slow burn. I would classify this more as a coming of age book instead of a romance. The reason that I stuck with this book and didn’t give up was because how beautiful the setting was. It really did make me want to jump on a plan and visit Rome.

If you’re looking for a slow burn grumpy / sunshine then check this one out June 6th.

Thank you to Harlequin Trade Publishing, Graydon House, @graydonhousebooks, and Netgalley @Netgalley for this e-arc in exchange for this honest review.

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A cute, lighthearted rom-com set in one of the most beautiful cities in the world! Violet is a 29 year-old design student from New York City, deeply in debt and plagued by self-doubt, who has landed a coveted internship in Rome that will have her competing with two classmates for a job at a New York fashion label that might be her only chance to make a go of a career in fashion. Shortly after arriving in Rome, Violet falls in a cafe spilling coffee everywhere and breaking a man's laptop. Although she tries to make things right, he's not impressed with her profuse apologies and she later discovers that he is her professor's son, Matt, who will be living in the same house with her for the summer. Violet needs to win this competition to launch her fashion career but sparks fly as she spends more time with Matt and the distraction might cost her the prize. Fun banter and chemistry, fabulous setting (Rome and a weekend trip to Capri), and interesting secondary characters (especially her friend and fellow student Marco) - Ciao For Now is a fun read that will be perfect for the beachbag this summer!

Thanks to NetGalley for t.he ARC.

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Cute romance, however a little slow at time. This book takes place in Italy where Violet is interning for the summer. She has a disastrous meet cute with a patron (Matt)at a Cafe. Only to find out he is the Professor's son and she and her other interns will be living with him during her month there. I'm a huge fan of (sorta) enemies to lovers and this did not disappoint. I also loved the side characters as much as the main characters.

Thank you to netgalley and the publishers to a copy in exchange for a honest review.

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I loved this book. Italy, fashion, romance…it gave me adult Lizzie McGuire Movie vibes—there’s even a mention in the book, so I know I’m not alone. I loved Violet. I thought she was brave to go back to school to pursue her passion after some time away, even though she was older than her fellow classmates. Not that 29 is old by any means, but it can feel that way surrounded by 22-year-olds. The fashion design element of the story was great. I think since Violet and her friends were design students it gave a different perspective and allowed more depth to the industry as they had to work in all different roles of fashion throughout their internships. I loved Marco, Mira, and the ladies at the fabric shop. Holly was kind of annoying and her role in conflict later in the book felt a bit immature, but I just chalked it up to her being young and particularly insecure in her friendships.

Onto Matt, and more specifically Matt and Violet. A meet disaster to housemate enemies to sort of friends to lovers. I loved everything about it. The back-and-forth during their enemies time, the slowly learning more about each other as they became friends who were clearly attracted to each other, the finally giving in when they feel like they shouldn’t but do anyway. I liked that even once their relationship had shifted from enemies, they still had a witty banter and gave each other a hard time. It was all laced with affection. The conflict between them bummed me out, but ultimately ended up being what they both needed. I also liked that resolution felt realistic and lasting in its timing and circumstance.

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4 stars! This book was such a fun read! I swear I smiled the whole time. I love a story that has a good mix of side character plot, along with the romantic plot. This one has the perfect amount. I enjoyed the pages with Marco, Hollie, Mira, and all the others just as much as the pages with Violet and Matt. I laughed out loud throughout the story because the banter was great!! I loved that it was Violet doing the grand gesturing. Honestly, I only took a half of a star off because I really felt like Matt and Violet read younger than they were. Other than that it was just excellent. I’m so glad I read this ARC!

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I love enemies to lovers books and this was set in Italy which made it even better! Matt and Bree meet in a not so cute way when she spills coffee all over him and ruins his laptop. Then they find out Bree is one of the students Matt’s mom is hosting in their home for six weeks. There was good banter between Bree and Matt even though much of it was immature. The characters did not seem 29 and 32. I could see them in their early 20s, especially Bree. Their trip to Capri was the highlight of the book for me, they finally got to explore their relationship more. I also felt the all too real pain she felt when she realized she shirked her responsibilities for a couple of fun days and has to scramble to get things done… it’s like me and grad school! This is a great romcom read. You’ll especially love it if you’re into fashion and travel!

Thank you to Harlequin Trade Publishing, Graydon House. & NetGalley for allowing me to read this book

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Cute and fluffy read, but the pace was a bit slow for me! I struggled to get into the plot and in my opinion, the romance wasn't very developed. I now need to go to Italy and spend my summer there and hopefully fall in love.

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