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The Night in Question

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The sequel to The Agathas, this novel again finds our young protagonists wrapped up in an unexpected crime. Financially wealthy but emotionally starved Alice has obsessively been reading Agatha Christie mysteries for years and in the first book, used those honed detective skills to solve the murder of her former best friend, largely with the help of Iris. Iris is in a sense the opposite of Alice in circumstances, in that she struggles financially, living with her very supportive single mother, her physically abusive father having been brought to justice in the first novel. Together the girls create a modern-day team of the Christie detectives, Alice being the more aloof Poirot while Iris embodies the emotionally connected Miss Marple. In this novel, the young women seek to solve the attempted murder of another classmate, Rebecca Kennedy, at the Sadie Hawkins dance, which was held at the infamous Levy Castle, the sight of the tragic death 80 years earlier of famed film ingenue Mona Moody. Another classmate, Helen Park, was discovered by Alice standing over Kennedy’s body shortly after the attack, but Alice can’t shake her belief that Park is innocent. Could there be a connection between the current crime and mystery of Mona Moody? The fun in the novel comes from the relationship between the two girls, neither quite sure they can trust their new partnership. Together they battle the ageism and sexism of being seen as silly teens in their desire to clear Park’s name and find the true culprit, and just maybe bring justice to Mona Moody as well. This is an enjoyable novel with a juicy little crime, perfect for modern day fans of Christie. I was given an review copy in return for an honest review.

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Spooky mystery with lots of eerie twists- I loved this book! Castle Cove school has a ‘killer’ dance for Sadie Hawkins Day in a castle where an old murder occurred. Alice doesn’t think the police got the right killer and she does some sleuthing of her own, While roaming the castle, Alice stumbles on the body of one of her schools mean girls, lying on the floor, with her ex-friend Helen standing over her bloody body. Now Alice and her friend Iris have to figure out whodunnit before the police arrest Helen for the crime! Told in a dual POV, I loved the changing perspectives of Iris and Alice. Unpredictable and mysterious, this book grabbed me from the start and didn’t let go until the surprising end! Thank you NetGalley for the digital copy!

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The girls are back again- and this time, they are solving two crimes that are years apart!
Liz Lawson and Kathleen Glasgow did it again!
Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!
⚠️Warning: May contain spoilers ahead!⚠️
Alice Ogilvie and Iris Adams are back!
They’re still reeling from the loss of Brooke Donovan and all the craziness of solving that murder, as well as The Thing attacking Iris and her mother… But they are getting through it all- together.
This time they are attending the Sadie’s Hawkins dance at the Levy Castle in Castle Cove, CA. There is so much going on but the “big drama” occurs when Helen Park and Rebecca Kennedy have a screaming match in the middle of everyone.. Because they wore the same dress.
Alice is psyched to be in the castle where the late Mona Moody, famed movie star who mysteriously fell in the 1940s, and finds her way through a hidden staircase and ends up in a closet full of luxurious gowns..
Iris is still processing the incident with The Thing and also figure out why she is getting those butterflies when her friend, Spike, is around. But is also conflicted by feelings she has for someone else, Cole. Iris and Cole escape to an old tree house on the castle property.
Until- Helen is found (by Alice) standing over Rebecca, holding a bloody letter opener… Rebecca is unconscious and bleeding out.
Alice and Iris- along with the Zoners- investigate what could have happened and why someone would want to hurt Brooke.. While doing so- they also begin to dig deeper into the death of Mona Moody, family secrets in Castle Cove and how one class assignment may have set everything into motion.
What would Agatha Christie do?
I was so excited when I got the email saying I was approved for this ARC because I absolutely DEVOURED The Agatha’s when it was released.
Liz and Kathleen work so well together in co-writing this series and I love their friendship and little quips on social media and the acknowledgments in the end of the book.
Iris and Alice are two people that no one would expect to be friends because of their differences in upbringings and “popularity” but they are the perfect friends.
The Night in Question kept me guessing and even when I thought I knew- I didn’t. It all clicked at the end and it blew my mind. I am hoping and praying and crossing my fingers for more because I *need* it.
The Night in Question releases May 30th, 2023- preorder it now!

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Alice and Iris are back at it using the methods of Agatha Christie to help solve mysteries.

Their school dance is being held at the infamous Levy Castle which is the site where Mona Moody's death back in the 1940's occurred. The dance is interrupted by an assault of one of the students and Alice and Iris set out to solve the mystery again. This time they are looking at the past in order to understand the present.

I am obsessed with this series! I love the dynamics of Alice and Iris and this book builds on their relationship and chemistry. We hear more about Alice's parents in this second book. I loved the mystery they were trying to solve. It was full of scandal, history, and betrayal. The story from the past tied in seamlessly to the current story. This is my favorite book so far in the series and can only hope for more books in the future!

I highly recommend reading the first book in the series before reading this one!

Thank you to Netgalley and Random House Children's, Delacorte Press for a digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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While at the historic Levy Castle for a school dance, one of Alice and Iris’ classmates gets badly injured, and Alice and Iris are seen once again playing detective as they seek to find out who caused their classmate harm and why. Secrets from the castle’s past weave themselves into the mystery of the present as the two girls try to get answers.

THE NIGHT IN QUESTION is the second book in THE AGATHAS series by Kathleen Glasglow and Liz Lawson and is once again riddled with nods to Agatha Christie and the detectives she conjured up!

While I still really enjoyed the nods to Christie in this one, I found this book to be less enjoyable than the first in this series (with that being said, I do think it’s important to pick up THE AGATHAS before diving into this one).

Alice’s character came off as immature, rude, and downright unlikeable at times, and it had me itching to get back into Iris’ head with her POV chapters. I did like seeing their relationship with each other and their friends grow, but I found the overall mystery in this one a bit muddled and reaching at times.

I think I’ll still continue my journey with this series if the authors come out with another one after THE NIGHT IN QUESTION, but this one left me a bit underwhelmed.

Thanks to NetGalley, Random House Children’s, and Delacorte Press for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Publication Date: May 30, 2023

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DNF'D at 50%.

I didn't like it at all and I don't want to take about it at all.

Thanks to netgalley and the author for an eARC in exchange of a honest review.

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This was a solidly entertaining read. Alice was an unenjoyable main character for me, but Iris and their shared friend group brought enough humor and warmth to the story to save it. I really enjoyed the mysteries themselves, and the dive into old Hollywood added something special to it. I look forward to reading more from this series!

I got to read an ARC of this in exchange for my honest review.

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“The Night in Question” is a great sequel to “The Agathas”. I thoroughly enjoyed revisiting Iris and Alice and their friends (and frenemies) during “The Night in Question”. It worked well with the previous book and I loved the Christie references throughout the book. I enjoyed the way Kathleen Glasgow and Liz Lawson wrote this, it is a great concept for a mystery series. I was engaged with the story and found myself trying to figure out along with Iris and Alice what was going on. I enjoyed that this book went into a little more detail about everyone’s characters, with the main focus being Iris and Alice’s friendship. I love the dynamic between Alice and Iris, they have such different backgrounds and personality but they mesh so well together! I love the way their brains work, how they piece together clues, and how so much of what they know ties back to Agatha Christie novels! This series will also appeal to fans of Maureen Johnson’s “Truly Devious” series. Thanks to Kathleen Glasgow; Liz Lawson, Random House Childrens and NetGalley for allowing me to be an early reader in exchange for my review. I look forward to more from these authors and I hope they write a third book because these are so much fun to read and I am always excited to see what mysteries these girls solve next!

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This was on my TBR list so I was super excited when I got the ARC. I absolutely loved the first book in this series and was eager to get back into the characters. This book did not disappoint and I would highly recommend it for anyone who loves Holly Jackson's "A Good Girl's Guide to Murder" series as the characters- have the same spunk as the MC in the other series. These two authors write some really great YA mysteries! Can't wait to read their next book. This was truly such a fun quick read and the length felt perfect!

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This series is a lot of fun! I enjoy both characters and their progressing storyline. I also liked the added historical aspect of this mystery, and I didn't even come close to guessing the culprit.

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Like the first book, this was a fun YA mystery. I will say I didn’t enjoy it quite as much as the first and found the last 1/3 to get a bit silly, but I do enjoy Alice and Iris as leads, even if some of the surrounding characters feel unnecessary. I would definitely tune in for a book 3.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Agatha Christie meets Nancy Drew as two teenage girls repeatedly outsmart the PD to solve crimes. This book was a fast-paced, fun mystery and I couldn't put it down. It seamlessly weaves together local legend with a current mystery, which slowly unravels as the Iris and Alice seek out clues. If I have any critique of this book it's that it was somewhat predictable at times and I guessed at several of the clues before the characters were able to put them together. However, as this is a YA book, I think the predictability is forgivable and it didn't ruin the book for me by any means. All in all, I very enjoyable little mystery that leaves me want to know more about Castle Cove.

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I was so excited to receive this free ARC from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I enjoyed the first book of the series a lot. The authors keep me intrigued in these books; there are so many twists and turns. I wish we saw a bit more of how Iris and Alice are happy as friends there was a little bit of it but a whole lot of struggle I think in this friendship and I hope there is more to the series and that it plays out well. Alice got to dive into Mona Moody which I know was a tie-in to the first book especially. I can't wait to read more.

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"The Night in Question" by Kathleen Glasgow and Liz Lawson is a gripping and emotional read that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. This young adult thriller is the perfect mix of suspense and heart, with relatable characters and a well-crafted plot.

Glasgow and Lawson's writing is masterful, drawing the reader in with vivid descriptions and a sense of urgency that keeps the story moving at a breakneck pace. The characters are well-developed and relatable, with flaws and strengths that make them feel like real people.

Glasgow and Lawson have crafted a story that is both suspenseful and heartfelt, with characters that will stay with you long after you've finished reading. Highly recommended!

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The Night in Question is book two in The Agathas series by Kathleen Glasgow; Liz Lawson and I had the absolute best time reading it.

I enjoyed being in Castle Cove with Alice and Iris solving another murder mystery.
A town that was full of secrets and lies.
I really loved the friendship built between Iris and Alice. A strong, solid, tight-nit relationship.
The plot was well thought out, with plenty of twists that keep you engaged and intrigued until the end.
Everything was well written and the pacing was so good it did not once leave me bored.
The writing was vivid and detailed. It was honestly gripping.
The murder was fun to solve. I hope this isn’t the last mystery that these girls gets to solve.
The Night in Question was a well-crafted YA mystery that was suspenseful and kept me guessing.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You NetGalley and Delacorte Press for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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This was one of my most anticipated reads for summer as I loved the first in the series. Definitely not a stand alone, you will be lost if you haven’t read the first one, and you’re even better off if you read them back to back. This is a YA mystery that’s appropriate for upper middle grades as well. Alice and Iris, along with the rest of the gang, are back for another case. I loved the addition of the 1940s old Hollywood mystery and honestly would have enjoyed even more of that story line. Like most YA mysteries in this vein, you have to be okay with suspending disbelief, but this one doesn’t go too far off the rails of believability until the end. Overall it’s fun, a little campy in places, with a cozy mystery vibe. Like the first, I enjoyed both of the main characters, but wish their voices were a little more distinct. I often lost track of the POV if the girls were together in a scene. It’s set up for a third installment and I am realllllly hoping it’s a summer camp mystery. I love a camp setting and I think this series and these authors could really do it justice. As a bonus, this makes me want to watch old movies and read Agatha Christie and I think it’s great for YA readers to be exposed to that!

Thank you to NetGalley for a digital copy and a chance to read this early. All opinions are my own.

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This sophomore book was just that...fluffy,silly and boring.i liked the Agathas enough to want this ARC,but couldn't finish. Very flat storyline. The alternating POV was not enough of a difference as the characters were in sync.

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Free eARC provided by NetGalley and the publisher for reviewing purposes!

Well. I was so excited to be approved for this book. I remembered enjoying the first book, The Agathas (though I couldn't recall much of the plot or characters), and this cover is super cute! Unfortunately this sequel was not very enjoyable. Things were going okay for the first 3/4 of the book, the pace was good and I wanted to see what happened. I don't find the alternating POVs to add much to the narrative, and the two voices aren't distinct enough from each other for me to really tell the two main characters apart very well when I'm reading each perspective. On top of that, some of the twists and mysteries just seemed so obvious that this book felt more appropriate for middle grade readers than YA. For one of the protags supposedly loving Agatha Christie mysteries, she didn't seem that great at putting clues together, which was frustrating as the book was supposed to be building towards the finale but I was bored because I had put everything together and was just waiting for it to be over. I really wanted to DNF this book at 75% but stuck it out, and honestly, it wasn't worth it. After this disappointing follow up, I don't think I'll be back for any more of this series.

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It’s paining me to write this, but: “The Night in Question” is such a let-down to “The Agathas”. Cheesy dialogue, uninteresting love interests, and a glacial mystery put me in a book slump. Plus, this lacked the girl-power friendship magic of the first installment, which was the major draw of the series anyway.

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I really liked the first book in this series when I read it last year so I was excited to read the second one. I enjoyed this book just as much as the last one and I’m hoping there will be a third book.

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