Cover Image: I Knew You Were Trouble

I Knew You Were Trouble

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I was really excited for this (mainly because of the Taylor swift song title lol) but unfortunately it fell flat for me and i could not get through i had to DNF 60% in. The characters and the writing style was not my favourite.

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This book fell short with providing me with an enjoyable reading experience. I understood where the plot was trying to go but found reading in third person hard to grasp. The writing was a bit confusing where there should’ve been action, it just gave me too many mindful thoughts.

There is a lack of dialogue between the main character and her heroes and there were instances in the story that could’ve been played up or developed more to make laughable/funny moments to keep the reader’s interest.

Overall, it did have potential to be a good read and I would like to give this author another chance to change my opinions.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this eARC of 'I Knew You Were Trouble' by Pip Fox.

This book is complex to explain. The cover is beautiful and I mainly picked it up for that but the story itself felt off. Was it my dislike for the characters or was it just overall dislike for this story? I don't know. But I sadly didn't like the story,

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An enjoyable five star read, which is written with humour. We have the likeable character of Charlie, who fired by her boss and her boyfriend and thus consequently made homeless, is now ready to start a new life for herself.
I thought this an inspiring story. It's lovely to read about Charlie's adventures and how she manages to carry on, even though it's somewhat tinged with sadness after what happened to her older sister.
I also liked the titled chapters, which give an inkling of what is going to happen next.
One not to be missed.

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Book boyfriend(s!) - check, cute funny moments - check, love story you wish would happen to you - check. Romantic comedy perfection - check check! We love a bit of Yorkshire representation, so rarely done and warms my heart when I see it. Charlie feels relatable and you often think about how realistic she is at times.

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I Knew You Were Trouble started out great. Charlie has the worst day ever. She is fired from her job, dumped by her boyfriend and kicked out of the house they share. Now living back at her parents house she is determined to get back on her feet. While she is getting her life back together she has three different men pining for her. As the book went on it got a little hard to believe. Three very different men all interested in an immature, hot mess of a girl. I did find the book fun and sweet and fun to read.

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I was very pleased to be offered an ARC of this book by the publisher for review. I did find it a little slow and I feel it lacked a good rounded story to follow. Having said this it did have potential and I’m sure any further books by this author will be an improvement.
Thank you to a Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in return for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley for the advanced copy of I Knew You Were Trouble.

I feel terrible writing this...I really tried to get through this book, but at 41% it will now go on my DNF list.

It's a slow start and you only meet the first love interest 25% in. If the story had been told in first person and I could hear more emotions and reasons for her decisions, maybe I would have been able to relate to Charlie more. Unfortunately, there is nothing that made me connect with her or made me want to root for her. It doesn't even make sense why the men are interested in her.

I haven't even met the third possible love interest, but I cannot read any further. I am so sorry.

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book via NetGalley and HarperCollins, UK, One More Chapter. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Rating: 2.5/5 Stars
Published: July 1, 2023
Series: NA
Pages: 373

For the most part, I have loved receiving Harper Collins, UK, One More Chapter stories to read and review. Most have been great reads and I very rarely get novels that didn’t meet the grade.

Unfortunately, “I Knew You Were Trouble” by Pip Fox, new author to this reader, fell short with providing me with an enjoyable reading experience. I understood the plot but found it hard to read in third person. The writing was a bit confusing as some parts projected too many mindful thoughts versus action on the pages.

The heroine of the story, Charlie is a complete mess, and this is not because she had been fired or dumped by her boyfriend… it just appears she can not to get a handle on her life. Was this due to the loss of her older sister? The story does not say and in any case, she is grown, and the incident took place while they were very young. Charlie is portrayed as a bit immature for her age, does not understand the results of her actions, financially unstable and pretty much unaccountable that her younger sibling seems more reasonable and intelligent. So, when trying to connect with the heroine, it was far-fetched to believe that three men would be interested in someone that could not get their act together.

In addition, the story puts too much effort in explaining Charlie that the first man she encounters does not arrive until a little over one-fourth the way into book and close to half when introductions are made with the other two and all three together. There is a lack of dialogue between the main character and her heroes and instances in the story that could have been played up or developed enough to make laughable or funny moments to keep the reader’s interest.

I became a bit bored with Charlie for a while but could see some growth in her character as the story progressed. I believe the plot was good and the flow on the pages was a bit lacking. The writing needed some work and characters could have been developed to have them likeable individuals instead of just on the pages. Overall, modestly giving this 2.5 (rounded) Stars as it did have potential to be a good read and I would like to read other books from this new author to change my opinion although this story did not fit the bill

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Thanks for the opportunity to read this one NetGalley. .

After starting it I got to chapter 3 and decided it wasn't the book for me and I DNF'd it.

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Sadly this wasn’t for me.

I think the story was there, but the finesse of the writing needs some work. IT felt as though things were written in statements rather than a flow.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book.

This unfortunately was a DNF for me, I really wanted to like it, the description was great and I was excited to read. I tried to get over it being written in third person, but it just felt flat for me and I could t get into it.

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This book was dumb and I hated the male main characters...and the female main character.

Everyone sucked!

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The pacing is very slow. The first 25% we only get introduced to one of the three men who are supposed to be interested in Charlie. Even then there’s not a lot of interaction. It takes up to almost 30% before all three are introduced. The writing is also very dry. There is some conversation between characters but not a lot. There are moments that I feel should have been funny like when Charlie knocked the wheelbarrow of poop on herself. But it was just stated it happened and moved on. Those missed opportunities don’t give the reader a break from the monotony of Charlie’s everyday life. I had high hopes for I Knew You Were Trouble but unfortunately it fell flat for me.

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Charlie is 27 and her love life is a mess. All of a sudden, she got 3 guys interest in her. She is conflicted...

An interesting cast of characters. It's fun to see who Charlie chooses to be with. I love how she grows throughout the book. A very fun book. I had a great time reading it.

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

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