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Ten Dates

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Alice was in a horrible car accident. When she comes out of her coma, she seems to be completely in tact with one large exception - she can't remember the last two years. She remembers fighting with her brother's best friend and here he is sitting next to her like he has a right to be.
Callum, for his part, is patient with Alice's memory. She remembers their fight two years ago but he remembers that after that fight, he asked her how many dates she'd allow him to convince her they should be together. She gave him 10 dates. So he talks her into the same thing, 10 dates to remind her of the life they had together. But will it work?

A cute story and slow unraveling of a life of memories and how certain memories never fade. Callum will top your list of favorite fiction boyfriends and Alice is relatable to us stubborn and extra cautious girls.


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‘We’re soulmates, sparrow. Your mind might have lost me, but your heart didn’t. Give it time.’

I can't begin to explain how much I swooned over the relationship between Callum & Alice. They were just so cute together! Everything that Callum did for his sparrow was just so adorable and I couldn't help but root for them to get back to having the dynamics they used to share before Alice's accident. Because Callum's love was pateint and pure. I liked the concept of the ten dates that was created. It added an element of excitement and I was eager to see what would they do on their next date and whether will Alice remember anything about those moments they spent together. I have to say, I loved every minute of when Callum tried to recreate their dates and develop a bond with Alice all over again. Every moment was enjoyable except the accident scare after the 90% mark which was unnecessary but other than that, I adored the story and the writing!

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review

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I loved this book! Alice and Callum had a unique love story and I was here for all of it!! Callum’s commitment to Alice is like no other. I fell in love with his devotion and adoration for her. A must read!

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This is a second chance romance with a twist: Alice has amnesia after a car crash and can’t remember a single second of her 18 month relationship with Callum. The best part of this story is Callum. He’s the most supportive, patient, understanding partner. He has Alice’s best interests at the forefront of every single thing he does. I enjoyed Alice’s loving family at the edges of the story, even though at times they went too far or were too meddlesome. I liked Alice. I think Dove went to great lengths to put us in Alice’s shoes, first while she was waking up from her coma and then in the middle of her emotions, frustrations and confusion. For me though, it felt repetitive at times. Alice was quick to doubt her feelings and emotions, even when they were familiar, and she spent far too much time in her head. It was understandable given the circumstances, but it never changed any of her thoughts or fears. I liked the story best when she and Callum shared their fears and expectations openly. The ending fell a bit flat for me.

**Thank you to NetGalley, Boldwood Books and Rachel Dove. I voluntarily read and reviewed this book. All opinions are my own.***

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Alice wakes up from a coma following a car wreck and has no idea who the guy is sitting beside her. Callum claims to be the love of her life and will do whatever it takes to prove his love for Alice. ‘
The book is a great rom-com with second chance love and a little twist thrown in.
Thank you Boldwood Books and NetGalley for the ARC.

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I can feel Callum love for Alice, when she cant remember anything about him, want to runaway from him, cant believe they are together, He being patience and show how he truly love her, he makes effort to win her back, so romantic. Even when Alice cant remember Callum, her subconcious feel safe and happy with him. 10 dates make the little fire become bigger and hawttt. I really enjoy and love their relationship make me jealous tho.

Thank you to NetGalley for provide this book, it is pleasure to review this book.

#TenDates #RachelDove #BoldwoodBooks #NetGalley #ARC

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If you’re a fan of the movie 50 First Dates, this book is for you! Cute, slow burn second chance romance and not super cheesy.
Alice is in a car accident that’s left her with amnesia when she wakes from her coma after 3 months. She thinks fine, she’s lost three months, she will get over that, but in reality she can’t remember the last two years! In that time her brother and best friend have gotten married and got pregnant and she herself has fallen in love with her frenemy from grade school. But she can’t remember any of it! So her boyfriend, Callum, who has sat with her everyday while she was in the hospital challenges her to re-do their first ten dates and see if she doesn’t feel anything after that. And if she doesn’t then they go their separate ways, but if she does, then all is well. Callum hopes that recreating their dates in which they fell in love will trigger memories for Alice and help her remember their relationship rather than their childhood friendship/rivalry.
I wish there had been an epilogue to see how things were, say, a year later or whatever, but it was a cute little rom-com.

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Read if you like:
💝 Second chance romance
🔥 Slow burn romance
👫 Childhood friends-to-lovers
My thoughts:
I think this book started off as a cute and lighthearted romance. You could really see how much Callum cared for Alice, he did everything for her. He was definitely a keeper! Sometimes I really felt sorry for him, he struggled a lot to make Alice remember her life with him.
I struggled to like Alice though, her actions sometimes were very unrealistic. It felt like she didn't put so much effort at all to give Callum a second chance.
I liked the ending though, but it felt kind of too rushed and I wanted to read more of what happened with everything...

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Read and reviewed in exchange for a free copy from NetGalley. I really enjoyed this. The plot was engaging and I enjoyed the relationship between Alice and Callum, although it felt a little slow at times.

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Okay, the 'memory loss' theme is overused, I think, and yet I find it fascinating. I liked the plot here because of the idea of ten dates.

I really liked Callum. The author has expressed his emotions so well. Alice's confused state of mind seemed convincing, however, at some point, it felt repetitive. Understandable, yet repetitive.

As I said, the idea of ten dates makes this book interesting, but I was hoping to see their relationship grow through these dates, Alice's confusion, her hesitation, and how she eventually falls in love with the same person all over again. But, it turned out to be insta love (not my thing). She has known him since childhood, so he's not a stranger when she wakes up. The blurb makes us believe that she hated him, but that's not the case. She already had feelings for him. A vivid memory of her being in love with him flashes in her mind even before she enters the house with Callum. Alice is already attracted to him even before he recreated the first date.

So, what's the problem then? It makes everything very convenient. Honestly, I was not really looking forward to the rest of their dates.

Can't say it was a very engrossing as I began to lose interest, but it was nice overall.

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He told me he would carry the world for me. I love him too much already to make him try and be broken under the weight of it all.

-brother’s best friend, memory loss, refalling in love
-Alice gets into a car accident which causes her to lose her memories from the last two years
-ten dates to fall in love again
-Callum was really sweet and I felt so bad for him, I couldn’t imagine having to go through that ever 😭🥲
-the story really tugged at my heartstrings, the angst oh my 😮‍💨
-would’ve liked a more “final” ending but I enjoyed this read!
-thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for this ARC ❤️

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Suffering the effects of a car accident Alice has lost her memories of the last two years, this includes getting together and moving in with her brother's best friend, Callum. Callum decides to recreate the ten dates that started off their romantic relationship, to help Alice recapture her love for him and her memory.

I liked how the author gave us both points of view during the book, we mostly get Alice's but there are enough of Callum's that the reader gets a good understanding of him. We also get a few flashback memories of the couple's teenage selves, I wish there were more of them! The characters in this book were amazing. I loved Callum so much, he melted my heart and was so romantic. His love for Alice (Sparrow) lept off the page. Alice seemed his perfect match, the strength she showed through her ordeal was inspiring. I would love to have friends like the characters in this book.

The concept of a lost memory isn't a new one but the author manages a fresh perspective on the trope and given the circumstances she made it fun and the romance swoon-worthy.

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~Alice was in a car accident that put her in a coma for 2 months and when she finally wakes up, she thinks it’s 2 years prior. That Alice didn’t have a boyfriend but the man by her side says different. Callum will do whatever it takes to get the woman he loves back. Even if that means recreating their first ten dates to make her fall in love with him again.~

I couldn’t ever imagine something like this happening to me. Callum is a keeper, for sure! I liked how much everyone did for both Callum and Alice to help them out. Recreating their first dates was so cute! I did feel like Callum was a bit pushy at times though. Like, let the girl breathe.

I wish the ending wasn’t so abrupt and rushed. Or at least had an epilogue. It all happened so fast.

*I received an ARC of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review with my honest opinion.*

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This was a fun stand-alone romance that started from a bit of an over-the-top place (amnesia) but still ended up being a thoroughly enjoyable slow-burn second-chance romance.

I loved Callum, his optimism and doubts, and his absolute steadfast devotion to Alice. While Alice wasn’t as lovable, she was absolutely relatable with her uncertainty as she tried to rebuild her life and reconcile what she remembered with what she forgot. Two great characters that you root for throughout!

What I loved about this:
✔️ second chance romance
✔️ slow burn romance
✔️ childhood enemies- to-friends -to- lovers
✔️ relatable characters

Rachel Dove is a new-to-me author, but I’ll definitely be on the lookout for more from her!

Thank you to Rachel Dove, Boldwood Books, and NetGalley for the chance to read such a well-done second-chance romance ARC

Read dates: 02/05/2023- 02/08/2023
Review added to Goodreads: 02/08/2023
Review added to Instagram: 02/09/2023

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I really enjoyed this. It was a little predictable but in a good way. The power of true love. We should all have a Callum in our lives. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the early read.

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Amazing! I could not put it down and wanted more! This was absolutely wonderful.
I just reviewed Ten Dates by Rachel Dove. #TenDates #NetGalley
[NetGalley URL]

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I loved this, this book was exactly what I needed after a back to back fantasy. This one was happy, sad, funny, frustrating but all unputdownable measures!

I loved the chemistry between Alice and Callum, i loved the romance, the possessiveness, the miscommunication trope was not present for this read which I was mega grateful for. It worked well. I was itching to see where the dates went and how they unfolded and I loved reading about the romance unfolding, especially coupled in with the memories creeping back in.

This book is an easy recommend for romance lovers that want something a little less fluffy but really enjoyable.

Thank you Netgalley!

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As a lifelong 50 first dates fan, I ran, not walked, to read this book.

Ten dates follow Alice and Callum who have known each other their entire lives. It starts with Alice walking from a coma where she forgot the last two years of her life which coincidently happens to be the only two years she ever had anything other than childish rivalry with Callum.

Throughout this book, it switches between both their perspectives as they navigate her literally not remembering any good time they had together. It was cute, the writing was sweet and loved both characters.

If I had one complaint, its just that I wished it explored that memory loss a bit more and focused on Alice's life outside of Callum.

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I loved this. I read it in a day - I couldn’t put it down. The amnesia trope can wear a bit thin but it didn’t here - I was just so willing the MC to get where she needed to be and dying for a happy ending. There was no unrealistic “I remember everything” moment, which made it all the more realistic and a bit heartbreaking at points. Totally gripping, but I was left bereft by NO EPILOGUE 😭

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4.25/5 stars! This book was sweet and sorrowful all at once. After his wife is in a car accident and loses the majority of her memories of him, Callum Roberts will do anything to help her fall in love with him again. This book read like "50 First Dates" meets "The Vow." This is perfect for fans of second-chance romance with unique twists.

I received an advance review copy for free through NetGalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily

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