Member Reviews

Really enjoyed this one. Fun read, emotional. The characters in the book very likeable and interesting to read about. Loved writing style. Highly recommend this.

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The Heirloom Inn
By: Olivia Miles
Publish Date: May 23, 2023

Thank you to NetGalley, Montlake, and the author Olivia Miles, for the advanced copy of The Heirloom Inn.

β„π•–π•§π•šπ•–π•¨ π•₯π•šπ•žπ•–:

"It was like the entire sky felt her sadness and was crying with her. As if the elements - of Viv, perhaps- had conspired to keep them all in this house together".

I enjoyed this heartfelt story of love, sisterhood, mistakes, make ups, betrayal, decisions, loss and friendship. Sweet romance sprinkled in as well.

Three sisters, Emma, Leah and Sadie, each moving their separate ways in adulthood return to their Aunt's house after her death. Reunited and faced with many contemplations and realizations, they come together to decide if they should keep the house Aunt Vivian has owned their whole lives or part with it.

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I absolutely love Olivia Miles books. This is a story of loss and reconnection. As Leah, Sadie and Emma tell their stories in alternating chapters; through heartwarming and heartbreaking moments. Their story is filled with secrets, anger, hurt, small town happenings, family, friends and neighbors, dreams, first loves, and unrequited love. This is a must read for anyone wanting a book to warm you heart. I definitely recommend this beautiful story.

Thank you NetGalley and Montlake for allowing me to read this ARC for my honest opinion.

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I loved that this one was set in Wisconsin, it was a lovely setting and a good story, but for me it started out slow. At the end of the day the story was one of healing and hope and I loved watching the sisters work through the past and come together for the greater good.

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This is my first novel by Olivia Miles, and it won't be the last! I love a book of family relationships and the dynamics at play and of course, the inevitable secrets that everyone holds. This made for a heartwarming (and sometimes emotional) read, and I'd heartily recommend it!

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This story could be made into a Hallmark movie!
I loved this sweet story of heartbreak, second chances and a renewed friendship/sisterhood.
I couldn't put this book down. It was incredible! A story unlike I've ever read before. There is power in love and forgiveness. But, most of all love.
I like the sister's aunt's thinking. What better way to bring these three lovely sisters back together?
I realized I've read this author before so when I seen this one I grabbed it. So glad I did!
I've really enjoyed in getting to know Sadie, Emma and Leah and I loved how flawed they really were. They are such down to earth characters that I loved them immediately. I don't like know it all characters.
The author describes the setting of this book so perfectly that I felt like I was there in the story.
Gorgeous cover by the way! It and the author was what drew me to read this novel. I wo t forget these characters anytime soon! They've left my heart feeling full and satisfied. Even if I can't connect with the characters I still very much enjoyed and loved these 3 ladies. They took me on a life's journey of love and how to forgive others because life is just too short for such nonsense!
5 stars for a wonderful read! And a job well done! I recommend!
My thanks for a copy of this book. I was NOT required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This is a good book. The three main characters are Leah, Sadie and Emma. They are sisters. They come back to the family home after their aunt dies. This book is about loving your family through all their mistakes. It is also about past loves. They each have issues but together they work them out..

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A wonderful story about second chances, family (the good and the bad), getting to know oneself, changing paths and that it’s never too late to start again.

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The Heirloom Inn written by Olivia Miles was the type of book that <b>HIT</b> me right in the heart. As someone with a younger sister, I could <b>NEVER</b> imagine fifteen years going by without talking to her. The Heirloom Inn hit on a whole different personal level, it was heart warming, but at the same time it was gut wrenching. From the cover, to the story itself, it was just so beautiful to witness. I have never read Olivia Miles before, but after reading this book and loving it so much, I will definitely read this author's other works without a doubt in mind. In my opinion, there's <b>nothing better</b> than picking up a new author for the first time and connecting with the story so deeply. I don't think there's anything that didn't work for me, Olivia Miles describes a sister bond so perfectly, the writing style was so unique. If you're looking for a feel good family story, look no further than The Heirloom Inn. I won't lie, before picking up this book, I thought it was going to be filled with family drama, but it was so much more than that. I loved and adored the three sisters so much, they were NOT perfect by any means. Please do yourself a favor and pick up this book immediately.


The Burke sisters, Emma, Sadie, and Leah have been reunited again after being apart for so long to honor their aunt's wishes. The Burke sister's lost their parents in a car accident, so their aunt took the sisters under her wings and gave them a home and a happy life. It wasn't easy for them knowing their mother has passed, but their aunt was like a second mother to them. Now, with their aunt gone, Emma, Sadie, and Leah must decide what to do to her house, clean it up and sell it or turn it into a bed and breakfast. The Burke sister's are so estranged, so it's awkward to have a normal conversation without the past getting involved, but the Burke sister's must face their past regrets and look to the future and honor their aunt's legacy. After the death of their beloved aunt, Emma, Sadie, and Leah reunite at their childhood home for an unforgettable summer. When reunited, each Burke sister is harboring a secret. Despite their past, the three sisters must come together and save their aunt's house, and hopefully stitch themselves back together again and have that sisterly bond they have always wanted.

Leah and Sadie haven't seen or spoken to each other in fifteen years due to an incident that happened years ago at their childhood home. Leah and Emma have seen each other a few times and kept in contact, but never really had that sister bond without it feeling strained. Leah left her aunt's home fifteen years ago without looking book, she is now married and has two daughters, but her marriage is falling apart and now her husband is filing for divorce. Leah and Sadie truly looked up to their older sister, Leah, she was always the strong one. Sadie left her childhood home fifteen years ago as well, without looking back due to an incident that happened with Leah. Leah and Sadie haven't seen each other since that summer night. Sadie has moved to New York to work at restaurant, but now her job is in jeopardy, and she's in a secret relationship with her boss that doesn't want to have a real relationship, they are basically in a relationship with no strings attached. Emma is the Burke sister that stayed behind and took care of their aunt, Emma felt obligated to stay behind, since Leah and Sadie just booked. Emma is so tired of being the responsible one, she just wants to spread her wings and live her life.

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When I had read through the blurb of "The Heirloom Inn", I felt that this book would be something I can connect with, owing to the fact that this is a story of three sisters and the relationship between them. Books which feature women as primary always interest me particularly when they are sisters,as there is nothing as complex as family dynamics.

However, that was not at all the case with this book. In spite of my best efforts, I couldn't connect with any of the women; even the most vulnerable of them don't endear themselves to the reader. The fall-out between the sisters has a very strong reason but the way it was resolved seemed contrived rather than organic. The author did have several good ideas going in the pages; but many of them weren't executed in the right manner.

It was a fairly enjoyable read but not exceedingly good nor engaging for me.

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I absolutely loved this one!

I enjoyed each of the sister's stories and journeys. The small town setting was homely and sweet.

I really wished they had closed the loop on the money that Aunt Viv had lent to the people in the town - did they really not repay their debts? That is so rude.

I would love for this to be a series - reading more about the other characters, checking in on how the sisters are doing.

I would read this one again.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC. All views are my own.

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I have been provided with a review copy of The Heirloom Inn from NetGalley for an impartial review. I just really enjoyed this story and I just didn’t want it to end. I just lost myself in and I just couldn’t get enough of these interesting characters. I can’t wait to see what’s next from this author.

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Thank you @netgalley for an e-arc of this book!

I was really excited to read Heirloom Inn because I loved the blurb!
Unfortunately, it did not work for me and almost ended up being my first DNF this year!

The story:-
Three estranged sisters return to their childhood home after the death of their beloved aunt, Vivian. Orphaned at a young age, the sisters had lived with their aunt until a bitter falling out caused Leah and Sadie to leave home, and Emma staying back with their aunt!
Now, back after 15 years, the sisters find that their estate is in danger of foreclosure. Can they set aside their differences and forgive each other to save the only home they have ever known?

My thoughts:-
Might contain spoilers

I love family dramas and this blurb sounded so good!
Turns out, the blurb was the only exciting part of the book and the actual story was slow, predictable and the characters very inconsistent in their behaviour.
I dislike repetitions in a story and this book is peppered with just that!
Every few pages, we are told, rather than shown, that the sisters are devastated at Vivian's death!

We are also repeatedly told that Leah can never forgive Sadie for what she did all those years ago - this is particularly annoying because apparently Leah cannot forgive her sister, but she seems to have no problems forgiving her ex-boyfriend who was equally involved in the incident.

And how, tell me, do you meet your ex after 15 years (the person who was the reason you didn't come home all these years) and fall right back into old patterns and habits - going to your favourite cafes, sitting in your 'usual spot' , ordering your usual food, going on a suspiciously romantic date!
Strangely, it's been 15 years since Leah broke up with her boyfriend, but the barista still remembers their regular order, old acquaintances still come up to tell them how good they always looked together - and at the same time everyone is supposedly very aware of the scandal and subsequent fallout that happened all those years ago.

The story arc for the other two sisters was also predictable and everyone gets a conveniently neat ending!

This book has very good reviews on Goodreads, but sadly it wasn't for me!

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A book full of love not just romantic but pure family love. The family drama and reunion made me fly through the pages. A sweet contemporary romance that will leave you breathless.

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This was a really sweet, heartwarming family story! I felt like the author did a great job describing the setting and setting up the story, including the distance between the sisters. Each sister felt like their own character, but was also weaved into the story as a whole well! The inn sounds lovely and I was thankful they finally got out of their own way and made up. I love a happily ever after!

3 stars-- I liked it!

Thanks to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for an advanced copy of this to review. All opinions are my own.

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Three sisters head back to their favorite summer vacation spot upon the death of their Aunt. The house is close to foreclosure. All three of the sisters are happy to be back and forget about the things wrong with their current lives. this is my favorite type of story with family returning to a happy place and re-connecting.

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I love how the author created such a beautiful story that you want to go pack your bags and relive it yourself. Absolutely brilliant book 100% reccomend

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Ruthie – β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†
I thoroughly enjoyed this book – it was very moving in places, very funny in others, and hugely entertaining all the way through. Whilst I think we could probably all guess what would happen, given the title of the book, it did not follow other expected norms. We are let into the life of four different women and learn just how easily life can change on a dime should fate decree. It is also a great reminder not to judge others or make assumptions without all the facts.

The reason for Leah and Sadie never coming home is borne of a misunderstanding and jealousy that could have been resolved much sooner, had they just spoken. I did feel there was one big inconsistency that bothered me, and that was the non-returning of the monies that Aunt Viv had lent to friends and neighbours – I was expecting some show of support or repayment, even in the form of food or labour. As the women grew into their new possibilities, we get to understand too how although history repeated itself, there can be a better outcome.

A good read, with plenty of flawed characters to give it more depth and a satisfying happy ending.

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Your next book club read.

This is my first Olivia Miles book, and it will not be my last. I was drawn into her ability to hook you with the best breadcrumbs while giving beautiful descriptions and detailed imagery. There is so much connection between characters, great development of past and present storylines with just the right dose of humor to keep things moving.

A story of familial love, loss and heartache, this was a beautiful tribute to growing up, growing wiser, and having the courage to face yourself. Written in a third person limited perspective, Olivia weaves a tale of three sisters through each of their points of view. There are moments of "how will this play out?" as well as "I can't stop...what will she decide?!"

If you are a fan of clean romance, Sweet Magnolias-eque family themes, and storylines wrapped up in a nice bow at the end, with the epilogue to sweeten all epilogues, this is the book for you.

I was offered a free digital ARC of this title in exchange for an honest review.

Edited to add: after a couple of months, I have come back and changed the rating to 5 stars. I think about this book often and recommend it to book club friends often! Definitely worth the high praise if I am still thinking of it!

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Leah, Emma and Sadie lost their parents I'm a tragic accident and went to live in the ancestral home with their Aunt Vivian, whom they'd never met. As years pass they settle into a new life but when a falling out causes a rift in the family dynamic, only the youngest sister remains.

Flash ahead 15 years and Aunt Viv dies. The family is reunited but relationships are strained until they learn to communicate their feelings and forgive past transgressions. Everything is different, yet the same as is common in small towns. They each have a secret which is revealed as the story unfolds.

A good story of family, forgiveness and second chances. A bit slow at times but overall an enjoyable story

Although I received a free ARC eBook from Net Galley and the publisher, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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