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The Heiress Bride

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I have read all of Madeline Hunter’s books and was waiting for the conclusion to the series.
I reviewed the other two books and had a hard time connecting with the first two books in the series. This book was much better for me

The last woman left money by the Duke of Hollingsburgh is identified at the beginning of the book. We know the havoc created in the family with these bequests, but it is clear that the new Duke doesn’t have the same issues his cousins have had in the previous books.

Nicholas is very taken with Iris right from the beginning, and she is very straight forward on what she is looking for. This book was good in the fact that the characters were more honest with each other.

There was the will they won’t they tension, but also the search for the person who is trying to harm the family members in line to inherit the Duke of Hollingsburgh title. I thought this was a good story with two mature adults and I was happy with the reveal of the villain behind the “accidents” in the family.

Good story and good conclusion to the running intrigue plot. Overall a good read.

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There is much to like in this final book in this series. A wonderful story that had me laughing, cheering, and involved until the very end. I like both main characters and enjoy Nicholas's interactions with his cousins, the heroes of the earlier books in the trilogy. I liked the way the relationship developed between Iris and Nicholas. The supporting characters of Iris’ landlady and her cat, were well written. I enjoyed the cat's antics.

I like how the overarching mystery is solved. The series-long mystery of who killed the late Duke and why. Why Iris was left the money was an interesting development. A wonderful story that had me laughing, cheering, and involved until the very end. All the threads that ran through out the series eventually link up tidily. I really wanted an epilogue to fast forward a bit to see how things worked out. All in all, though, it was an enjoyable story.

I received an advance copy from Netgalley and am leaving my honest review voluntarily.

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Thanks to Kensington Books, Netgalley and the author for an ARC of this book. I am leaving this unbiased review voluntarily and without compensation.

I read the first book in this series and thoroughly enjoyed it, so when I saw this book available for me to request I wanted it right away. I;m so glad I did as this was my favourite in the series.

The author is a very good writer, The characters are complex and real in a completely endearing way. Nicholas and Iris' chemistry sizzles its way through the book until the inevitable happens, but I loved the development of mutual respect between them as much as the romance.

Iris is unconventional in a way that really drew me to her as a character, I don't think it matters that I have not yet read Kevin and Rosamund's story but I now really want to, as some of my favourite scenes are when the three heiresses are together.

The storyline is a little intricate with regards to the mysteries in Nicholas' and Iris' family backgrounds in a way that I felt distracting at times but overall, I really enjoyed this book.

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Nicholas Radner, Duke of Hollinburgh, is in possession of the title but is lacking in funds for his estates.

Iris Barrington, is an independent rare book dealer and was left a vast inheritance by Nicholas’ uncle.

Enjoyed the banter/chemistry between Iris and Nicholas and the suspense keeps you turning the pages. A nice end to the series.

I received an advance reader copy from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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This is the last book of Hunter's A Duke's Heiress trilogy which I've very much enjoyed. It's got good writing, well developed characters, and a bit of humor too. All three of the heroines unexpectedly inherit a fortune under mysterious circumstances. I do recommend reading the series in order for greater enjoyment, because the couples from the previous two books appear frequently in this one. All three of the heroines in the series have professions and Iris, in this book, is a rare book dealer, and she is searching for a very valuable illuminated manuscript that went missing. There is lots of slow burn, as Iris and Nicholas try to find out the truth behind a scandal involving both of their families. So there is a mystery plot along with the romance.
Hunter always excels in the way she depicts male friendships, and the way men interact and bond with each other. The scenes with the three heroes together are great fun. I could read about them for days. Likewise, when the three women get together, their friendship develops, and shenanigans usually ensue!
I also enjoyed the way this book showcased Iris's work, which is also her passion. I received an ARC of this book, in exchange for a review, and this is my honest opinion.

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This book was soooo satisfying. Mystery, intrigue, house parties, skinny dipping, and love love love. Madeline Hunter writes the most natural romances, in that her MCs fall in love so naturally. And again, satisfyingly.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley.

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This rounds up the series of mysterious heiresses to a duke’s fortune. The mysteries set up in the first two books in the series are unraveled in this one. But you have to wade through a lot of agonizing on the hero’s part as he’s attracted to the heroine but also needs money to support his estate that is pretty stripped bare because his predecessor left his fortune to three women unknown to his family. I was glad to find out who was guilty, but we never really found out why the previous duke left his heir in such painful straits that would also imperil his tenants. And it got rather tedious seeing the duke give in to his rapacious relatives instead of just putting his foot down to their maneuvers and matchmaking.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book that I received from Netgalley; however, the opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation for my review.

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I am a long time lover of Madeline Hunter.

I know, I know... it's never great news when a review starts like that.

Ms. Hunter is a powerhouse. Her earlier works were filled with complex stories and characters in interesting situations.

Unfortunately, there came a point in The Heiress Bride where I was so annoyed I put the book down and went to bed. I probably wouldn't have picked it back up for a while if I didn't have this as a NetGalley review to write.

Here is the issue: we have an interesting, hot duke trying to do the best he can. Great start because I usually read for the heroine, so if the male lead was a big 'yes' then usually the book is a win because I love heroines of all types.

But, unfortunately everyone in this book except the Hero had me wanting to just walk them to the front door and thank them for coming while pushing it shut.

His family understands the dire circumstances now that the third heiress has been found, and yet they continue to spend money and send him the bills. The other heiresses who have married in and the new one actually back him into a public corner where he is stuck hosting a house party... and paying for it.

I don't know if it's because of where we are as a world inflation/money wise or I was just mad that every person was taking advantage of him as he tried to make things okay for them all (including the heiress) but I just couldn't take it. I couldn't take him giving, giving, giving, while she took, took, took.

On the last two pages we find out that her inheritance was not enough to change his pain. But still, ADDING to it as she watches him try to figure out what to sell and how to rein people in etc etc etc felt so selfish.

Sadly, this is my first Hunter book that isn't a 4 or 5 star. It is a 2.5 star, rounded up due to author love.

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This is the third book in M.Hunter's Heiress series.It can be read as a single book,although I think it is preferable to read the previous two books first to get a better understanding of the whole.Pleasant story,with a mystery twist.

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I really enjoyed the first two books in this series and this started out the same. I don't think these books are stand-alone, you really do need to read all three in order to grasp the story-line. There are hints in each book as to who the villian is, and once revealed, you see the hints. The romance between H/h was immediate, they danced around each other, but neither taking it for love, just lust. A good story, but it could have ended with an Epilogue or two to close out the couples.

I expected more.

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Madeline Hunter and her intrepid ladies in trade sleuth their way through this final chapter of a historical murder mystery. Business savvy Iris is a perfect fit with her sister heiress’s and ready to lead this merry band of ladies out for a bit of fun. The Duke can’t keep his eyes or hands off her, but family secrets find a way of getting between these two.

Honest review provided in exchange for ARC

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“The Heiress Bride” A Duke’s Heiress, book 3 by Madeline Hunter
Unraveling the Past
I enjoyed my time within this story. A historical suspense and romance story woven through with enough romance and questions needing answers to keep my attention as I kept reading just one more page, or two. Another Madeline Hunter story that kept me reading later than I intended. Happy Reading ! !
NOTE: This review expresses my honest opinion.
I downloaded my copy of this story via NetGalley.

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Loved the characters and setting of this one. Romantic and fun! Will definitely read more by this author.

thank you to net galley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I felt a little loss when I realized this was the final story in a trilogy so background would have been easier but still the story was great on it's own.
I loved the H, Nicholas. He was an alpha which I love yet still showed kindness and non judgment. The h, Iris was a little too independent for me.
There is steam and there is a mystery to make my favorite romance combination for my type of book,

Thanks to NetGalley for my ARC

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This book is the 3rd and final of the duke's heiress serie and you will find finally who killed the previous duke. I think it's better reading this book after reading the previous books.
Iris introduces herself to the new duke, looking for a book, and she 's atonished to learn that she's the biggest heiress of the previous duke. (You will learn why but, I'm not going to spoil you).
Iris is an independent woman. She's proud.
Nicholas is a man of honor. He's successful helped by this cousins who successefully maried the others heiress.

If you had read the previous books, you need to read this one.

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3.75/5. The end of the trilogy, and we finally meet the last mysterious heiress to share in the fortune bequeathed by the recently deceased Duke of Hollinburgh. His nephew and heir, Nicholas Radnor, is in possession of the prestigious title and a handsome visage but desperately lacks funds to run his vast estate. The sudden appearance of Iris Barrington obviously mean that the ducal estate will continue to struggle financially. Of course, her identity and background must be meticously investigated to ascertain her claim to the fortunate. Seeing how he has a rather large vested interest in the outcome, it is only natural that Nicholas spearheads the proceedings.

The independent business woman that is Iris takes all the fuss in stride. As a highly knowledgeable dealer in rare books, she doesn't allow her focus on her job to be distracted by fortunes and dukes. One job in particular is claiming most of Iris's attention, the hunt for a particular volume that has more value to her than monetary. Nicholas is standing between her and this tome - and the fortune for that matter. Being a direct, no-nonsense sort of woman, she just has to go through him. And he is all for it. Their mutual attraction makes things a bit messy, but they each have more at stake than personal gains.

I like both main characters and enjoy Nicholas's interactions with his cousins, the heroes of the earlier books in the trilogy. This is a satisfying end to the series.

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The third book in A Duke's Heiress Series, The Heiress Bride is an engaging historical romance with a touch of mystery surrounding an illuminated manuscript. There are also questions regarding the matter of "family honor" that caused Nicholas' father to take part in a duel that resulted in his death, the accidental death of the previous duke, and why the duke left a substantial inheritance to Iris Barrington. The extended family, particularly the aunts, are not pleased!

Iris Barrington is an independent, unconventional woman making her own way in the world as a bookseller brokering the sales of unique and valuable editions. Iris is such an easy character to love! It is clear that Iris has been lonely for female friendship and she finds it in the the other two heiress of the duke's estate, both women who were also making their own way in the world.

Nicholas, the new Duke of Hollinburgh, is feeling the pressure to marry a young woman with a healthy portion to assist the financial situation of the dukedom, sort out questions regarding some business partnerships he inherited, and now Iris Barrington brings a whole host of complications and questions into his life. As a man of honor, he agrees to uphold the previous duke's promise to look for the missing Psalter. Allowing Iris to inventory his library in her search for the manuscript unearths another valuable find and the frequent contact only increases their attraction to each other. But they must decide, do the questions regarding their grandfathers' actions make them enemies? I love how supportive Nicholas is of Iris' career and that he doesn't try to change her to fit the mold of society's expectations.

So many seemingly disparate threads ran through this book and I was impressed and surprised at how Madeline Hunter wove them all together tying them in satisfying bow. However, I feel that the final scene was rather abrupt. I was actually surprised to see that was the end and checked to make sure that there wasn't another chapter or epilogue. I think an epilogue would have served well here, particularly including the other two heiresses and their husbands, as the previous two books in the series were their stories. It is for this reason that I am rating this book 4 stars.

While this is part of a series, it can be read as a standalone. I received an advance copy for free and am leaving my honest review voluntarily.

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On the whole a good read, an entertaining end to a great series and I look forward to the authors next series.

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The Heiress Bride by Madeline Hunter is book #3 in A Duke's Heiress series. This was a fun read. I like how the overarching mystery is solved. I liked the characters too. This was a fun read.

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Interesting book. I liked the plot twist, the mystery and of course the romance. I like how direct and forthright the dialogues are.

Sometimes in historical romance books the love scenes would ramble and ramble quoting flowers and nature and make it so silly. This books love scenes were more realistic.

I did feel like reading the prequel would have been better but this seemed like a standalone and I was detracted by backstory. Overall it was a good one.

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