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The Hollywood Jinx

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Note: This review is for an ARC and is my unbiased opinion.

I didn't have the best experience reading this book. I hate saying that. This review is probably going to be a mess while I try to figure out how I truly felt about it. I'm going to break things up into categories to try and get my thoughts together better. Hopefully that works.

I've read several of Wilson's previous books and loved them. That's one of the reasons this review is so hard to write. The writing wasn't bad, but it wasn't up to the level I would expect for Wilson. There was too much tell and not enough show. Most of what we learned about people was through Jane telling us about them and not through her interactions with them. All the tell made it feel like this book was part of a series and I was being caught up on the previous book rather than a standalone. I actually went back and looked at Wilson's previous books to see if maybe I had missed Heath and Gretchen's romance somehow.

The idea of a famous actor coming to a small town to help save it, his reputation, and falling in love was what pulled me to this book. It sounded so fun and cute, and it was. I loved how the Nick seamlessly melded into the town and what he did to help out Jane and the people who lived there.

This book is written in a first person, single POV. Jane is our narrator, and she really does narrate everything. Honestly, I didn't love her. She annoyed me. Jane was supposed to be a plain Jane who was maybe supposed to be a bit quirky? Some of the bantering she did with enemies and ways she thought about people bothered me. Nick, on the other hand, I think I liked. I say "think" because I didn't get much from him besides all the nice things he did. It would have been beneficial to have his POV to round out Jane. I think I could have loved his character.

Instant love/lust combined with the slowest of slow burns. That is how I would describe this romance. Nick basically falls in love with Jane after seeing her in a video and decides to help out the town. She is constantly pushing him away, so I don't know how he falls for her so fast. Jane is so caught up in not falling for Nick that when she does it's cute, but I wasn't sure I cared after how frustrated I was with her. Again, I really needed Nick's POV to understand what drew him to Jane.

This side characters were mostly fun. I loved the ladies from the library who were trying to help out. I loved hating the woman who Jane got into things with all of the time. I had a love-hate relationship with Gretchen. She was crazy with the way she pushed Jane. BUT I was so curious about her relationship with her husband, Heath (Jane's brother). I was actually more interested in their love story than the one going on in this book.

The weird thing about this review is that it makes it sound like I hated this book. I didn't. It was an okay read. I vacillated over giving it 2.5 or 3 stars. I have a feeling it's going to be one people love or hate. It was a weird experience for me because Wilson's writing style in this book felt less mature than all of the other books I've read of hers. Maybe that is Jane's fault and the fact that I didn't like her. I don't know. I would recommend The Paid Bridesmaid or Roommaid over this one.

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Another lovely book by the one and only Sariah Wilson. This was such a fun and entertaining read!!! I thoroughly enjoyed the journey

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This book had so much potential -- a cute premise, great characters, and a charming setting. And while a lot of that surfaced in the final product, I was underwhelmed. The plot is 90% an unsatisfactory will-they-won't-they which relies too heavily on unrealistic hangups. I wish the author had added more genuine conflict and character growth, which in turn would have provided some much-needed depth to the story.

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I am a sucker for story including a famous person and another who is not. I was not disappointed with this one.
I'm struggling with how to rate this book. If I were to rate it solely based on keeping my attention and being a page turner than I'd rate it a 5 star. However, if I was rating it on the depth of the characters and complexity of the plot/story than it would be maybe a 2 star. I'm landing on a 4 star rating because I really did enjoy myself with the witty banter and TENSION. This is a closed door romance. I would recommend this for someone who needs a quick, easy, low angst read.

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I’m so sorry Sariah Wilson, but I just really did not enjoy this book. Amazing author, one that I will always keep my eye on, this one just wasn’t right for me unfortunately.

Told from the perspective of the female main character, Jane, where her small town of Patience is in dire need of help. The upcoming festival is their last chance to make things right and their fate is resting on her shoulders.

Enter Nick, the sexy celebrity riding in on horseback to save the day. He has offered to film a documentary in the weeks leading up to the festival and to make a guest appearance.

This story line was over the top insta-love which I don’t tolerate well. So right off the bat I knew I wasn’t going to love this one. I also just had such a hard time connecting to the two main characters. Jane’s inability to speak complete sentences when staring at Nick and how she tried so hard to convince him she doesn’t like him both just annoyed me very much for some reason. By the end, I really didn’t get that feeling of being invested in their relationship so it fell flat for me.

The story has good bones, the festival planning part kept me interested. I also really loved all of the interactions with the people around Patience, including Janes best friend and sister-in-law, Gretchen. She was arguably my favorite character. I think having a double POV here would have maybe helped me enjoy this one a bit more.

Thanks to the author, publisher and Net Galley for early access to read and provide my honest review.

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I loved this book! Jane was a character that I could connect with and Nick was perfect. I tore through this book and was so sad that it was over. I loved it.
I just reviewed The Hollywood Jinx by Sariah Wilson. #TheHollywoodJinx #NetGalley
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i was so hyped for this book seeing as she was one of my favorite romance authors in middle school (#starstruck anybody??) so i was super excited to hear she was returning to her “one of us is famous” routes and unfortunately i was left very underwhelmed :(

every aspect left me unsatisfied, whether it was the romance or characters themselves and the plot was a bit lackluster. overall it had a good premise, but the execution sadly did not do it justice

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Watch out Patience, OH, you've got a celebrity heading your way! This small town is in need of help and that help arrives in the form of mega hollywood star Nick Haddon. He's responding to a little plea of outreach from Jane Wagner and her sister-in-law in the form of a short video they made asking him to come to their town festival. All in the hopes of drawing in a bigger crowd to bring in more revenue for their small town that has been rocked with scandal and lost all of their funds thanks to the crooked mayor.

What Jane Wagner wasn't expecting? Nick Haddon to say yes! Hahaha! This book was exactly what I needed when I picked it up. I had been reading several wonderful historical fiction novels that dealt with some heavier subjects and moments. And I just needed some fun, contemporary fluffy fun! This was just that! Which I know whenever I pick up a book by Sariah Wilson, I'll get a fun story, great characters and a happy ever after filled with lots of humor leading up to it! I wasn't disappointed!

Nick Haddon and Jane Wagner (yes I know, I keep using their full name...hee hee. Not gonna say why, just know I know I'm doing it!) are just too cute together. Even when they're fighting the pull of attraction and chemistry, or rather Jane is. But I think when she experienced all of that fish (not gonna explain that either, *giggles*) she opens her eyes and really just stops the fighting! Especially when Nick is just such a great guy and truly cares about the people in her beloved town of Patience. Even if he is kind to that one person, the girl who is Jane's arch nemesis! But don't worry Jane, he's only got eyes for you!

Seriously this was just a fun and quick read. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was straightforward and not full of lots of conflict. Yes, there is still a conflict that happens and causes the little misunderstanding, but oh my heart how I loved the fixing of said little conflict! Love, love, loved it!!!! If you're looking for a read that will just make you smile and bring you a little sunshiny joy in your day, get ready for this latest offering from Sariah Wilson!

Content: Clean. Some kisses, flirting but nothing further. There is talk about Nick Haddon being a bit of a player prior to the start of the book but that he had changed. The characters do kiss and talk about spending the night together but don't.

I received a copy from the publisher, Montlake, via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions in the review are my own.

Happy Reading!!!

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3 stars for an intriguing plot. This was my first Sariah Wilson book, and I was really looking forwards to it, based on reviews of her previous books. Unfortunately, this story just wasn’t doing it for me. I found the FMC to be childish (granted, she’s only 22) and a lot of her behavior didn’t seem realistic. The MMC was likable, but an Insta-love story is a turn off for me. This was a clean romance, and these characters were catching strong feelings before they’d even kissed. I know this is just a story, and not real life, but I do like for my books to feel like maybe somehow it could happen. With all that said, I did find the overall plot to be intriguing, which is why I wanted to read this one. I just feel like the character development needs some refining. I really wanted to love it.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for giving me this eARC. All opinions are my own.

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Finished this one hot on the heels of Sariah Wilson’s newest release, The Chemistry of Love. I’ve read a lot of Wilson’s works and they tend to be a hit or miss. While I loved The Chemistry of Love for its STEM setting and banter, The Hollywood Jinx read a lot like a self-insert fan fiction. Oh wait, didn’t I read that before? Yes, the plot of this one is very much like Wilson’s other novel/thinly veiled Adam Driver fanfic The Seat Filler.

Handsome but oh so kind and patient celebrity falls in love with an ordinary Mary Sue character. The one blessing of this novel is that the main character Jane is only 22 so her insecurities and thirsty thoughts are at least somewhat understandable. Really, it’s not believable that Nick falls in love with her or finds it easy to trust her so quickly. I would’ve liked more world building of the small town vibe of Patience cause cozy Stars Hollow-esque settings are my favorite but this one didn’t feel special or unique at all. The whole novel just gave me such deja vu in a bad way.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a review copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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Do I request Sariah Wilson novels barely to never knowing the plots? Yes I do. This was one I had no idea what it was about. Spoiler: it’s not about magic at all. Idk why I thought it would be. It turns out it barely about a jinx, so that’s weird.

This is a single, 1st person POV with a tall heroine, celebrity romance, small town romance, forced proximity, insta-love-y, slow burn (very slow. They don’t kiss until 90%.) There’s also no real conflict. There is, however, a lot of back and forth.

I love Ms. Wilson’s storytelling style of weaving the backstory into the introduction of the story. It reminds me of Meg Cabot in the best way (funny because I grew up loving Teen Idol, and if you did too, this book is like an adult version). You jump right into the story and don’t have to deal with a chapter of boring “slice of life.” You meet the MMC almost immediately, which again, personal preference, I loooove.

This book has snappy storytelling, quick-witted, fun dialogue, and swoony moments. It has a super awesome and supportive best friend, small town charm, and a super sweet, super satisfying epilogue. It is quintessential Sariah Wilson writing. If you’ve read her before, you know what you’re getting, and if you haven’t, you’ll want to read her back catalogue.

The MMC is your standard MMC in a romance book. Super hot. Super sweet. Super flirty right off the bat. I love that Ms. Wilson’s heroes are able to communicate so well and seem to always be very straightforward. And Nick was no exception. Until the end. Suddenly, around 80%, Nick throws the reader a curve ball that he wants to delay gratification and wait to kiss Jane. It came out of nowhere and felt like a plot device to keep them apart still. He could’ve easily been upfront about that earlier in the book, and that could’ve been the conflict which kept them apart.

The FMC is your standard Sariah Wilson heroine. A little insecure, a little awkward and weird, and a little formulaic. (MMC calls FMC cute for the first time, and she chokes on her drink.) She’s also a little mean in this book. I know Brenda was supposed to be Jane’s foil and is the Mean Girl, but . . . I didn’t buy into it. Brenda stole a boy in high school. But then . . . Jane had a hotshot boyfriend. And she moved away and went to college. In most of her interactions, I felt like Jane came off as rude, petty, and immature for no reason that I could really buy into. I think the Brenda scenes should’ve been developed deeper.

Jane’s characterization was also annoying and little all over the place. She thought she was going to marry Teddy even though he cheated on her many times? And then she closed herself off to guys forever because of him? At 22? When it sounded like he was her first and only boyfriend? When that probably happened two years ago, not ten? But then she went on a date with Wells without thinking twice about it? Again, it just needed to be developed deeper. I can appreciate that she was written as a very realistic 22 year old in not knowing who she fully is or what she fully wants. But she was also just a huge flip flopper on things that should’ve been more consistent. She liked Nick, but then she keeps playing hard to get.

And then when it came to Jane and Nick’s relationship, there was so much back and forth, I thought I was reading a tennis match. There’s often a million reasons why Ms. Wilson’s FMCs can’t fall for the MMCs. The story gets past one reason and bam! Suddenly there’s a new, usually lame and fairly weak, reason. I think this book would’ve benefited from one reason. If Nick had said at the beginning that he liked Jane but wanted to delay satisfaction on something for once in his life, that would’ve made a great conflict and story. If the “jinx” part of the story had been developed at all, that would’ve made a great conflict to the story. Make Nick a huge klutz, show me how his jinxing followed him to Ohio, give me more examples of how he’s a Hollywood jinx beyond “people lose money.”

There was just so much back and forth that by the time they kissed at 90% (NINETY PERCENT GUYS), I just almost didn’t care. I love a slow burn. This was already a slow burn before we got introduced to Nick wanting to delay his gratification on something. I think that just really irritated and bored me.

And finally, I am begging the copyeditor to reread the rules on commas. If what follows the “and” is an independent clause, you need a comma before and. If what follows is not, you don’t need a comma. (Examples of correct sentences that aren’t correct in the ARC: “I had locked the door, and I wasn’t sure why I’d done that.” “I had to get a grip and fast.”) There were so many missing commas from the first two-thirds of the book and then inconsistently used ones in the last part that I’m hoping this book just hasn’t made it to a copyeditor yet.

Overall, I liked this read just fine. Probably a strong 3.5 that definitely rounds up to a 4. Despite feeling like quite a few aspects needed further development, I’ll recommend it when it fits someone’s request, and I’ll end up buying a copy for my Kindle. Also, a YA book about Greek gods in high school who have lost their powers sounds awesome and now I need it. From Ms. Wilson, preferably.

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The story line was okay. I didn't find it particularly original. I enjoyed it thought. I just didn't find any connection to the characters so it was a bit slow moving for me.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC copy of this book.

This is my first read by Sariah Wilson and I have to say, she provides a steady plot. I am a sucker for a small town story and I liked the premise of this book so was keen to give it a read.

I have to admit, I didn't particuarly enjoy the FMC but very much enjoyed the MMC. There were moments of great dialogue between the characters and I can imagine this story going straight into a Hallmark movie. I think my main hold up is the timetline in which the story took place- it was very much an insta-love story, which I think could have been played over a slightly longer time period. Don't get me wrong, I think this is a cute story, and a lovely quick read.

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A good book, but the age of the characters felt wildly inconsistent. I kept thinking it was a midlife/career book, and then I'd be reminded that they were supposed to just be 23/26.

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i do love a good celebrity romance so that’s what initially reeled me in, as well as the small town setting that I think always sets us up for a cosier plot

we jumped into it very quick which i appreciate but that meant there was quite a lot of sudden exposition which isnt something enjoy, especially in a contemporary novel

i really appreciate that nick didnt turn up and immediately act like an arsehole, which honestly is what i expected. it’s nice to see a celebrity character treating other people like human beings

i feel that this was a little too insta lovey and with that there wasnt really any proper conflict it was a bit too easy for me plotwise, and was a tad too cheesy for my tastes

overall the plot felt quite simple and the minor conflict played out very quickly and felt a little shallow. the writing also felt very basic and surface level.

thank you to the author, publisher and netgalley for the arc copy.

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This was a cute but ultimately underwhelming romance. For me, the characters weren’t developed enough, and that made it hard to get into the story.

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Don’t get me wrong, this book has a cute story, it’s very hallmark-esque, but it’s also not very enticing. There were a lot of common jokes and phrases, I felt like I didn’t get to know either character very well, and their romance just fell a little flat to me. It wasn’t for me but it’s definitely still a good simple read if you’re bored. -Happy reading, everyone!

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Thank you to NetGalley, Sariah Wilson and Montlake for an arc of The Hollywood Jinx in exchange for an honest review. This review is wholly my own & may not be reproduced.

Sariah Wilson is an auto-read for me. Always. Her novels serve as the perfect “palate cleanser” between mind bending thrillers and I always love them! With that said, this one was not my favorite. It was just so-so for me and not up to par with some of her prior novel, in my opinion. My overall rating is 3/5 Stars.

The plot could be made straight into a Hallmark movie & that’s not a bad thing. That’s one of the things I like about this author’s work.

The small town of Patience is in dire need of some financial help and Jane’s plan is to invite a popular movie star to town for their harvest festival in hopes that swarms of tourists will follow him there. Surprisingly, Nick (the movie star) agrees & brings a crew with him to film his visit as a documentary as he is working toward self-improvement. You know where this is going already – they start to fall for each other, but Jane doesn’t fully trust Nick because of past bad experiences, plus they are too different and wherever would they live, etc. etc.

It had all the makings to be the perfect little feel good romance, but it just wasn’t doing it for me this time. Nick was a fabulous character. Jane was annoying and it was just all a little too predictable. We know by the plotline that it’s going to be predictable, but usually we get a few little surprises. This one was pretty much exactly as you would expect.

It was ok. I won’t be steering anyone away from it, but I probably won’t be pushing it either. This one just falls into the “we just won’t discuss it” pile. I’m sorry Sariah!!! I still eagerly look forward to your next hit!

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I am hooked on all of Sariah Wilson books. When i see her name i have to get that book. this was another home run book and loved it a lot.

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I always enjoy Sariah Wilson’s books and this was no exception. Nick was easy to like and the town was pretty adorable.
Read this if you like
❤️ celebrity romance
❤️ small town
❤️ forced proximity
❤️ sweet grins and teasing

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