Member Reviews

Olivia Matthew’s second installment in the Spice Isle Bakery Mystery—Hard Dough Homicide—is even better than the first. Taking place approximately one month after the first novel, Lyndsay Murray is once again in the midst of a murder mystery that takes place, this time, on bakery premises. This time, the crime takes place at a the restaurant at a private retirement party for Principal Emily Smith. Suspects abound as everyone hates Principal Smith, including Lyndsay’s mom Cedella, who worked under Principal Smith as a math teacher until she got too fed up and retired. Lyndsay has grown up in this sequel, with more confidence and less reliance on her family, and it looks good on her. This is a series with staying power, and the multiculturalism is a huge plus. 4.5 out of 5.0 stars. Highly recommended.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a complimentary advanced reader’s copy of this book.

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Well this was a delight! I read a lot of cozy mysteries but this is one of the few I've read that take place in a large city and definitely the first I've read that focuses on Caribbean culture and food.

I liked Lyndsay right from the beginning and I can't blame her for keeping Detective Bryce at arms length despite his status as her childhood crush and pretty nice looking adult who is interested in her. Lyndsay is relieved to have put the previous murder behind her and is focusing on getting her family's bakery off the ground and profitable as well as learning how to bake to her grandmother's standards.

Against her better judgement she is pressured into catering a retirement dinner and the only surprise when the guest of honor collapses at the table is that someone waited so long to kill her. With Lyndsay's family and bakery once again in the crosshairs of a murder investigation the family leaps into action to keep their bakery afloat and to find the true killer. I'm a big fan of mysteries that involve collaboration investigations and while Lyndsay is definitely the lead her family pitches in and finds all kinds of ways to contribute. Pretty much everyone had wanted to kill the victim at one time or another but who had finally been pushed to the end and why?

The investigation was a ton of fun to read and I loved getting to know Lyndsey and her family. While the story takes place in Brooklyn the community is so involved that it has all the charm of a small town setting. While this is the second book in the series this is the first book I've read and I had no issue getting into the book and understanding who was who. I will definitely be picking up the first book and will be keeping my eyes open for more books by this author.

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Business at Brooklyn’s Spice Island Bakery is picking back up now that the Murray family has been cleared of any involvement in the murder of their once-competitor. Our heroine Lyndsay Murray may have had a lot to do with catching the actual killer, and definitely holds a grudge against the police detective who suspected she might have been responsible for her rival’s death in the first place. Never mind the fact that Detective Bryce Jackson – who was her crush back in high school – is doing his best to make amends.

Amends seem to have come back into fashion, as another bane in the Murray family’s life insists on having Spice Island cater her retirement dinner. Emily Smith is the unpopular principal of the Kings County Early College High School. Her high handed ways forced Lyndsay’s mother, Cedella Bain Murray, to take early retirement from her job as a math teacher over a year ago. Lyndsay secretly doesn’t mind: having her parents involved in the day to day running of her bakery is a dream come true for her. But she’s also fiercely protective of her family’s feelings, so has absolutely no interest in allowing Emily to insert herself into their lives once more.

In order to discourage Emily, Lyndsey asks for an outrageously expensive catering fee. When Emily unexpectedly agrees to it, everyone in Lyndsay’s family has to reluctantly concede that it’s too lucrative an opportunity to pass up. Determined to be professional, the Murrays set about catering the best Caribbean feast possible. Alas that the dinner is marred by Emily suddenly going into convulsions and dying.

The neighborhood grapevine is soon abuzz with rumors that Emily was poisoned, either deliberately or accidentally, by the food at Spice Island. Business immediately plunges. Things go from bad to worse when Cedella becomes the police’s prime suspect, in an investigation led once more by Detective Bryce Jackson.

Spurred by her complete lack of confidence in Bryce’s abilities, Lyndsay springs into action. She knows that no one in her family cared enough about Emily to kill her, which means that one of the five other guests must have been responsible. All five were Emily’s co-workers, and all were happy to see the back of her. But why kill someone who was about to permanently exit their professional lives anyway? Lyndsay and her family must investigate before her mother is falsely imprisoned and their bakery becomes the killer’s next fatality.

I loved how this book built on the series debut to provide a solidly written mystery with terrific, lived-in characters. Lyndsay’s family is loving, charming and supportive: their united front made me feel so warm and fuzzy. Lyndsay herself isn’t perfect, but her foibles are all completely understandable, and her supporting cast isn’t afraid to call her out on them from time to time. This is a diverse read that promises more excellent representation and storytelling to come. I can’t wait to enjoy future books in the series!

There were two recipes included here, of Grenadian baked goods, and I decided to try this one for a specialty bread:

Hard Dough Bread Recipe

Dry ingredients
¾ ounce instant yeast
4 tablespoons butter, softened
4 cups all-purpose flour
3 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons iodized salt

Wet ingredients
1 cup water
½ cup almond milk
2 tablespoons olive oil

Large mixing bowl
Spoon, wooden preferred, but metal will do in a pinch
Clean, dry hand towel
Rolling pin
9” x 5” loaf pan

Add yeast to a cup of water and leave to rise.

In a large bowl, using a fork, combine the butter into the flour.

Add sugar and salt. Mix well.

Slowly stir in milk and yeast mixture until the flour is completely moistened and the dough begins to lift from the mixing bowl.

Rub the entire surface of the dough and sides of the bowl with olive oil. Return it to the bowl and cover it with a clean, dry towel. Leave the dough to rise for 30 minutes.

Flour a smooth clean surface of your counter or table. Remove the dough from the bowl and knead it on the floured surface for about 3 minutes to release air bubbles.

Using a rolling pin, roll dough into a tight log shape and put it inside the 9” x 5” loaf pan.

Cover the pan with the clean, dry hand towel and allow the dough to rise for another 30 minutes.

After 20 minutes, preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Bake bread on center rack of oven for 40 minutes.

Note: Because the hard dough bread does not use preservatives, store in an airtight container for up to 3 days at room temperature or up to 7 days in the refrigerator.

Most bread recipes are incredibly intimidating, and then when you finally take a bite of the final product, you think, “I could have just bought a loaf at the grocery store.” This recipe, on the other hand, was not only straightforward to execute, but resulted in a bread far superior to anything I can find locally. I’d never had hard dough bread – called that because of its dense crumb – before, but I loved the slight sweetness and wonderfully thick texture. It’s perfect to eat with just a layer of creamy butter. Try it with fancier toppings and as a sandwich bread, too.

The only thing I worry I did wrong was how I mixed in the liquids before oiling. I wasn’t sure if I ought to stop adding liquids after the dough began to lift from the sides of the bowl, but went ahead and added all the milk and yeast mixture anyway. Though my dough was rather runny, the end loaf turned out really well, so I must not have screwed up too badly, if at all. One note for novice bakers: take care to use room temperature or warm water for the yeast mixture, to get it to properly bloom. Then get ready for a real treat that you’ll want to bake again and again!

Next week, we head to a neighboring state to prepare a cake that’s rather reminiscent of another specialty bread, while trying to get to the bottom of a grisly murder. Do join me!

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The second book in this series is great! Lyndsay is getting stronger and more assertive as she gains confidence as a bakery owner. I love the family component of this story and their work together to solve the murder. Lots of good characters who are blossoming in this second book. This book is hard to put down as you want to discover what happens with the murder mystery. I am looking forward to the next story in this series!

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This has become one of my favorite series. With its ethnic Caribbean vibe it is a pleasure to read. Lyndsay and her family once again find themselves in the middle of a murder investigation. With their down to earth language and inquisitive nature they get to the bottom of the mystery. The author has a way of bringing each character to life even when they remain nameless. I can’t wait to read more of this series to see how the characters continue to grow and entertain.

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Hard Dough Homicide is the second book in Olivia Matthew's Spice Isle Bakery Mysteries, and it's a delightful addition to the series!

Picking up shortly after the first book's events (although this easily works as a stand-alone), Lindsay and her family are trying to grow business at their fledgling bakery. However, when they reluctantly take on a retirement party for Lindsay's mom's former boss, one she did not get along with, and the boss dies on the premises, Lindsay and her family are once again thrust into a murder investigation!

Returning to Little Caribbean, Brooklyn, NY, and Lindsay and her lovely family was fun! I love this tight-knit and supportive family and Lindsay's witty grandmother. The characters are relatable and well-written, and the family and their close relationships are at the heart of the books and the investigations and lend to the cozy atmosphere. There was a nice balance between plot and character development. I enjoyed the Grenadian culture and delicious food incorporated into the story, which made me hungry! The mystery had some twists, kept me guessing, and was well-paced. This was a quick read, and I liked the author's writing style and the warm atmosphere of the world she created. I enjoyed the first book, and I think the series is hitting its stride with this second one. Very much looking forward to seeing where this series goes next, especially with what looks like a potential romance on the horizon. Cozy lovers will want to add this charming series to their tbr!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to review this ARC. I enjoyed it!

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Spice Isle Bakery is in its second month of operation. Business has been doing extremely well. Even after that scandalous murder investigation the month prior. Thanks to part owner, full time baker, and amateur sleuth Lyndsay Murray.
So when the bakery is yet again involved in another investigation into the murder occurring on bakery premises, Lyndsay leads the charge to save not only her mother's reputation, but the bakery's reputation as well.
Hard Dough Homicide is the second book in the Spice Isle Bakery Mysteries. Even though it is the second installment, it is possible to read as a standalone.

The only issue I had was the whole “Mommy and Daddy” thing. It was over done if you ask me.
Other then that this was a very fast read and the characters were great!

Thank you NetGalley, st martins press and Olivia Matthews for allowing me to read this ARC due to be published May 23,2023

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Opening the Spice Isle Bakery has always been Lyndsay Murray’s dream. With the help of her huge family, her dreams are coming true. Unfortunately, there have been a couple of snags along the way. Right after opening day, a murder occurs, and her bakery is implicated. Once the crime was solved, the bakery began doing well. Now, tragedy has struck once again.

Against her better judgment, Lyndsay accepts a hosting job to celebrate Emily Smith’s retirement as the local high school principal. Lyndsay’s mom used to work for her. To say they didn’t get along would be an understatement. However, her family agrees to host the event as it would be good for business. It turns out to be a very small affair that turns into a nightmare. Suddenly, Emily has convulsions after eating the food and dies.

The police have their eyes on Lyndsay’s mom as the prime suspect. Word gets out that the bakery is a dangerous place to eat and business starts to sink. Worried for both her mother and the bakery, Lyndsay does her own investigation. With the help of her family, they search for a killer. Although the police are only focusing on one suspect, Lyndsay finds there were quite a number of people who had stronger motives than her mother.

This is the second book in the series. I loved the first and this is even better. The first thing I love with this series is the closeness of the Murray family. It even includes extended family - aunts, uncles, cousins. They are all there for each other and help Lyndsay whenever they can. Each one has a distinct personality from her protective brother to her feisty grandmother.

The author does a great job of painting the setting with a Caribbean flavor in a small Brooklyn neighborhood. The love the town shows for Lyndsay and her family comes right through each page.

The storyline moves at a nice pace. It’s fun to try and put this jigsaw puzzle of a mystery together along with Lyndsay and her investigative team. I was convinced I had it all figured out pretty early in the book, but I was totally off base. It took me by surprise and that made me enjoy it even more.

Olivia Matthews is fast becoming a favorite of mine. I love her writing style and the way she has built up the family drama. There’s even a hint of romance in the air. We’ll have to see how that goes in future books.

I’m looking forward to another exciting entry into this series. I hope it will be soon. I’m already missing these characters.

FTC Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a free Advance Reader Copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Someone in Brooklyn’s Little Caribbean neighborhood has an appetite for murder in Olivia Matthews' Hard Dough Homicide.
"Spice Isle Bakery owner Lyndsay Murray is always looking for new ways to grow her family’s business. But she already regrets agreeing to host the retirement dinner for local high school principal Emily Smith. The tyrant used to be her mother's boss and they did not get along. Six guests arrive for the celebration, but only five survive. Emily starts convulsing—right after eating the curry chicken—and dies soon after. It’s not long before the police are knocking on Spice Isle’s door, bringing the Murray family back into the heart of another murder investigation—driving away customers in the process."
Lyndsay is determined to get down to the truth. Her mother is innocent.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and NetGalley. This in no way affects my opinion of this book which I read and reviewed voluntarily.

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Second book in this delightful series. Great characters that I'd love to meet. Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book

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Lindsay, a Grenadian American who's working at her family bakery in Brooklyn NY, when her mom's was falsy accused of murder and with the police just accusing them, Lindsay has to take over the investigation in order to clear her mother and restore her bakery's reputation.

This book was just so cute and cozy ( my soul needed that ) so much so that I had to get the first book. Loved how colorful, loving and supportive. The characters were well developed and very easy to relate to them especially if you are a Caribbean immigrant. I also love the integration of Grenadian tradition, culture and food, it actually Reminded me of Tita Rosie Kitchen a Filipino/American murder mystery and food ( Just like Total Rosie's book, the author integrated the recipe for the Hard Dough). The only thing that was an issue for me was the repetitive dialogue between the detective and Lindsay after that this was a great and cute book

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Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

I really wanted to enjoy this one - the synopsis really had me excited to dive into a cozy mystery involving a bakery and I really love the book cover. I usually love low-stake fantasy and mystery type books, but unfortunately, this one was not for me and I am sad to say that I almost didn't finish it.

The key themes surrounding this low-stake and cozy mystery were there, but overall everything else was lacking. The story and characters were extremely repeitive and eventually became unnecessary. The main characters and other surrounding characters were formed, but not fully fleshed out. I regret to tell you that I don't know anything about Lyndsey, our heroine, other than she was bullied in high school (no explicit details ever given), she had a crush on Bryce, she loves her family, and she owns 40% of the bakery. That seems likes a good amount of information, except that it is all you are ever told over multiple occasions.. In other words, this type of information can work and is important if it is expanded on and allows growth for your characters. However, the characters stayed relatively stagnant the entire book and I felt like they were just cardboard cutouts of what could have been interesting characters. Lastly, I felt the mystery was very slow and the reveal for the murder was a bit disappointing.

I will say that I did enjoy the Grenadian culture and food imprinted into the story. It's always good to see different peoples, cultures, and foods represented in books so I feel like that is where a lot of the story went right. It was also really helpful that even though this is the second in a series, you can still read it as a standalone book like me.

Overall, I think this book had a lot of potential, but could've been way more interesting if more time was spent on pacing, character development, and diving more into explicit details. Despite it not being my favorite, I think others might still enjoy it if you are looking for an easy, breezy mystery read.

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After a quick lunch at Lyndsay Murray's Spice Isle Bakery, the principal of a nearby high school passes away. The police seem to be persuaded that Lyndsay's mother committed the murder despite the lack of any convincing evidence, forcing Lyndsay to take over the investigation. Her close-knit family rallies, and the Murrays are determined to fight until the bitter end. Patricia Sargeant is a best-selling and honored author who writes under the pen name Olivia Matthews. The recipe she includes for hard-dough bread will be greatly enjoyed by her admirers. I like how the title describes the contents of the book. "Hard Dough Murder," the second novel in the "Spice Island Bakery Mysteries" series, will appeal to fans of thrillers and suspense fiction, as well as ethnic, black, and African American mysteries. I appreciate the chance to read this galley proof that St. Martin's Press and NetGalley have provided.

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The second in the Spice Isle Bakery series. A good addition to the series with an interesting plot and good character development, particularly the main character Lyndsay, who is learning to speak up for herself, her family, and their business. Her arguments with the detectives become a bit repetitive. The community setting is well-drawn, and it's a pleasure to read about a neighborhood that doesn't get too much attention. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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This was such a fun, lighthearted cozy mystery! I really enjoyed the backdrop of the bakery, and the MC as she searched for the killer. I hadn’t read the first book in the series, but it didn’t make it hard for me to follow. And now I need to check it out!

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Hard Dough Homicide by Olivia Matthews
Sometimes you just need a cozy mystery and this one fills that need.
Lyndsay and her family just opened a family bakery in Brooklyn. So far, business is booming. In spite of a murder to a rival bakery owner. Unfortunately, during their first catering event, the guest of honor dies from poison and Della is a person of interest. Their customers stop coming. Lyndsay needs to discover the murderer to clear the bakery’s name before they lose their business.
I enjoyed this book very much. The family is very colorful and loving towards each other and just positive. Very refreshing!

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Thank you to Netgalley and publisher for an arc in exchange for my honest review!

Publication: May 23, 2023

Rating: 3 stars

This was a light read and the perfect cozy mystery to dive into. I loved reading about all the different foods that left me drooling and a little hungry. I found some spots repetitive but overall a quick read. Perfect to bring to the beach this summer and perfect for fans of cozy mysteries.

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I really enjoyed this cozy mystery book. This is perfect for anyone who enjoys the Tita Rosie's Kitchen books. It was a similar vibe except the characters are Caribbean, not Philippino.

This is the second installment following Lyndsay Murray and her family's bakery Spice Isle Bakery. They bake and cook traditional meals from their homeland in Grenada. They have just started to breath easy after being cleared from any involvement in the murder of one of their neighbors. When Lyndsay is pressured into hosting a retirement party for her mom's old boss at the bakery, she suddenly finds herself in the middle of another homicide investigation. Her mom is the key suspect as it was no secret she butt heads on numerous occasions with her boss. In fact nearly everyone who came across Emily hated her. Lyndsay is forced to do her own investigation to clear her mothers name and to protect her bakery from the borderline slander being written in the local paper.

The best part about the book was the integration of the Grenadian culture and the tight knit community of Brooklyn's Little Caribbean. Similar to Tita Rosie's Kitchen you learn all about the traditional foods. One notable thing to look out for is Lyndsay's grandmothers tale of a mermaid she encountered back in Grenada. It was a nice touch of levity to the story. You also will enjoy following the trail to find Emily's killer. Surprisingly, my guess of who the killer was incorrect. I didn't see who it was until the big reveal, which I always think is a great plus for a thriller. Definitely pick this one up, it'll be a good option for anyone who doesn't like super suspenseful thrillers, but also wants a little mystery in their life.

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This is such a cozy mystery! The added bits and pieces of Caribbean culture were a treat to read and learn. Love that this reads as a stand alone series. Olivia Matthews is a new to me author and for sure one I’d pick up again!

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Thank you to the pubolisher and to Net Galley. The review opinions are my own.
This is book two in the new foodies series "Spice Isle Bakery Series," I enjoyed the first in series . This can be read as a stand alone. Lyndsay Murray is the owner of the bakery she runs with her close family. Foodies will love this series for the exotic foods and receipes included in the back of the book.

Lyndsay is asked to cater a retirement party for a nemisis of her Mother. When said nemisis dies of poisening the local police are looking no farther then Lyndsay. She must investigate to save her family business and her reputation. As clues abound and red herrings add up Lyndsay has a long way to go to solve this mystery.

This is a fun foodie read with enjoyable charcters and humor throughout. The series is growing in this second book and Lyndsay as a protagnist is finding her way as a new business owner with a talent for solving murders. A enjoyabe cozy series.

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