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The Coach Trip

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What Emma do for her grandma is sweet, go on Coach Trip for memory lane of her late grandfather it is to celebrate their 50th marriage. Mel (Emma bestfrind) join the trip and she little bit annoying, can she think that would be her in 30 years? I enjoy the trip and enjoy how Emma and Mel grow and change. I glad Emma find her way, I glad Mel can tolerance and more understand old people, I glad grandma move on and live again.

Thank you to NetGalley for provide this book, it is pleasure to review this book.

#TheCoachTrip #IzzyBromley #AmazonPublishingUK #LakeUnionPublishing #NetGalley #ARC

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A funny but serious at times. great story. How to try to have a weekend away when different things need to happen. Grab a copy of this book and enjoy the story.. Lovely characters and setting, I recommend this book to all.. 5 stars.

Thanks to Netgalley and publisher for this ARC

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Thoroughly enjoyed this book which is the first written under the name of Izzy Bromley although the author has written I believe 9 previous books under the name of Imogen Clark. It took me back to the 1980's when I went with my family on coach trips and all the locations mentioned in the book are ones I myself have visited. So all very easy for me to relate to. I loved the balance of the book from bad luck and tragedy to good fortune and fun. I would describe this book as a 'feel good book' which is very uplifting for the reader. Having read many books from Nick Spalding I kept thinking of Izzy Bromley as a female Nick Spalding although perhaps not quite as zany. I am very grateful to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book prior to publication in return for an honest review. Looking forward to reading the previous books written under the name Imogen Clark.

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Simply joyful! Warm, witty, laugh out loud funny but also tender and rescued me to tears at times. This is a wonderful story about being human, about preconceptions and how we never really know what someone else is carrying. A beautiful setting too - I’ll definitely be visiting the north east! I’ve already recommended this book and will continue to - a must read!

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Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher and Izzy Bromley for the ARC of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

When Emma and her friend Mel decide to go to Scotland for Mel's birthday they are both excited however, Emma double books herself by accident when she signs up for a coach trip with her Grandmother, Phyllis that goes from Leeds to Edinburgh. It was supposed to be for her 50th wedding anniversary but unfortunately her husband died before they could go. Emma and Mel decide they will both join her on the trip. This is the story of Emma navigating grief and trying to have fun.

This book was really good, I liked the plot and felt the story moved at an okay pace. Emma is a very sweet character who doesn't really know what she is doing in life. Phyllis is struggling with the loss of her husband and wants to make some new friends on this trip as well as spend time with her granddaughter. They build connections with the group and the guide Robin. Despite a rocky start they have a great time and I loved reading about all the different characters. There are lots of twists and turns, some secrets and a mystery so plenty to keep you reading. This is also the debut novel for Izzy Bromley and I am very much looking forward to what she produces in the future.

This book is really good if you want a light hearted book with a easygoing plot and some really strong characters who have growth throughout the book. I would recommend it if you liked The Switch by Beth O'Leary.

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Emma is very scatty. She has promised to spend the same weekend with both her best friend Mel and her beloved grandma. Her solution is to take them both on a coach trip designed more for OAPs than younger people. The result is sometimes hilarious, sometimes poignant as forgotten secrets and unknown skills are discovered and the group start to bond. So much more than a holiday read but great fun too.

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A great fun read, I even chuckled at times.
Mel and Emma join Emma's grandmother on a coach trip to Scotland, following the passing of her grandfather. The coach consists of all elderly people from all walks of life. They are initially resented by the other passengers but as the journey proceeds, circumstances bring them all closer together. An unexpected event even makes Emma rethink her career.
A lovely lighthearted read.

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Absolutely fantastic plot! Could not put the book down once I began reading it. Cannot wait for it to be released. Will recommend it to everyone I know!

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This book was such a joy to read! The story is told by Emma, our slightly scatty protagonist. Emma has double booked herself for a girls night out in Edinburgh with her best mate Mel and a coach trip from Leeds to Edinburgh with her recently bereaved Grandma. Mel gamely agrees to go on the coach trip with Emma and her Grandma. What follows is a lovely tale of chaos and consequences, as the events of each day of the coach trip have a ripple effect on the passengers and their preconceptions and ideas about each other. I couldn't put this book down as I couldn't wait to find out what was going to happen next! I definitely recommend this debut novel and eagerly await the author's next book.

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Two age groups on a coach tour from northern England up to Edinburgh.
Them and us.
Almost 30 years old flatmates, quiet Emma and in your face Mel wonder how they will cope with the oldies when acccompanying Mel's gran.
This novel is sugar coated and no surprise that the two groups that start off wary of each other and bringing out lots old cliches about the other bunch end up as best pals after some heartbreaking revelations and escapades. The retreat from the island was very dramatic but wholly unrealistic.
The softening between the groups is quite well developed through the book although the change in Mel near the end is a bit less believable.
It is not my usual type of book and i wondered if i would manage to get to the end but i managed quite easily as it was fast paced.
Thanks to NetGalley for an arc of this book.

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This is a very different genre to my usual but I was keen to read this book by Izzy Bromley.
I was attracted to the quirky cover and I actually really enjoyed it.
The book is full of warmth and humour and the characters are really relatable. so much so that I felt I was on the trip with them .
great summer holiday read

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Crime fiction is my preferred genre but from time to time, I like to read light hearted books for a break and this one had plenty of warmth and laugh out moments, I lost all my grandparents before I reached my teens so I enjoyed the relationship between Phyllis and Emma as I would have hoped that as an adult, that I would have been as close to at least one of my grandmothers. I must say that Mel was my favourite character as she was funny, direct if sometimes blunt no nonsense lady that definitely gave the story a sense of fin and humour. If the author’s other books are as enjoyable as this one, then I have something to look forward to reading.

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I came to this book not quite sure what to expect and at first when I read the 'chic lit' like valentine's date mix up start I thought I wasn't going to like it. However, I'm pleased to say I was very wrong. I thoroughly enjoyed every page after the first couple. The author sensitively deals with the difference in opinions between age groups. The beliefs they hold about each other and about a variety of serious and frivolous topics. The 'Odyssey' up through the North East cities was a joy. Especially as I live in that part of the country. The trip continued the theme of irritation, frustration, tolerance and understanding between the travellers.
I know Izzy Bromley is a pseudonym for an already very successful writer but as a first book under this name and genre I feel it will be a definite success. I look forward to the next one.
Thank you NetGalley for sending me this book for review. All opinions are my own.

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The Coach Trip by Izzy Bromley which follows Emma and Mel as they set off on a girls trip to Edinburgh. There’s just one catch though, Emma’s had already promised to join her grandmother on a coach trip to Edinburgh the same weekend. I really enjoyed this book. I found it to be full of warmth and humour and as I knew most of the cities visited on the trip I felt I was almost a part of it. Great characters and a plot that gathered momentum as it went. Thank you to NetGalley, Amazon Publishing UK and the author for the chance to review.

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Emma and Mel have no idea at the start that their bus trip with a group of 70 somethings will change their lives but that's what happens. Emma's meant to be helping her grandmother spread her grandfather's ashes and she's also meant to be a on a trip to Edinburgh with Mel for Mel's birthday so they decide to combine things. It doesn't start off well (big age gaps!) but the group quickly breaks down their barriers and become pals. Thanks to netgalley for the ARC. This has a big heart.

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What a lovely, enjoyable read. Emma was supposed to give her friend Mel a Valentine card from her boyfriend, but she forgot which ruins the surprise he had planned. So she decides to take her to Edinburgh for her birthday... forgetting she's agreed to go with her grandmother on a coach trip to scatter grandad's ashes.

They decide to combine both plans, and the twenty somethings are on a coach with a load of septugenarians. A recipe for disaster! But this gentle and amusing tale takes us on a different journey, as the oldies and youngsters find there is a lot to be learned from other generations, and people should not be dismissed quite so readily.

Well written, I really enjoyed it. The ideal book to take on holiday! Thank you to NetGalley and Amazon Publishing UK for allowing me access to the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Absolutely loved this! Couldn't put it down and didn't want it to end. Thoroughly recommend this for a nice easy read

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I loved the Coach Trip! Emma has a dilemma: her best friend Mel is turning 29 the same weekend she needs to go on a coach (bus) trip with her Grandma to spread her grandpa’s ashes. So what’s a girl to do? She invites Mel to join the trip. However, Emma may have forgotten to tell Mel that the average age is at least 70.
The story challenges preconceived assumptions, misconceptions and a bit of hostility between the generations. As the week progresses, they all changed.
This is what I love about the story. They learn that none of us are really that different. We each see life’s events through our own filter. By the end of the week, the group actually becomes close. And each of them learn to be accepting to each other’s differences.
Izzy Bromley crafted a story that ultimately leaves you with a hopeful feeling. And the thought that, with a little patience, we can learn to accept others and their differences.
I received a review copy from NetGalley and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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What a refreshingly different book.
Emma has double-booked herself for her best friend's birthday weekend after agreeing to go on a sentimental coach trip with her granny. When the three of them decide to go together she panics that she won't be able to please everybody.
The story evolves beautifully with surprises and emotions along the way all with an underlying reminder that everybody is human and should be treated with respect.
A real feel-good read!

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I really enjoyed The Coach Trip: such a fresh idea and a fantastic group of characters. I most enjoyed the second chances aspect of the plot. If you're looking for an escapist read that'll leave you feeling uplifted, this book is for you. Highly recommended.

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