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Stalking Around the Christmas Tree

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This one was my favorite thus far! It had all the holiday, community, and Cookie. I laughed out loud multiple times, and just felt the cozy feeling that the holidays bring. Holly being Holly still grated me a bit, but her love for her family and the community shines through in this one.
Ballerina Tiffany was also one of my favorites I feel like we would be best friends 😂😂😂 5 ⭐️’s for sure!!

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I absolutely love this series! Stalking Around the Christmas Tree by Jacqueline Frost is the fourth in the Christmas Tree Farm mystery series and each book has been wonderful.

Holly White is the inn keeper at the Reindeer Games Inn located in Mistletoe, Maine.. The inn was recently built on the family Christmas Tree
Farm where where the Christmas season is celebrated all year long.

This year in addition to the annual 12 days of Christmas Games, Christmas parade and many other holiday traditions, Holly is going to marry Sheriff Evan Gray.

An empty inn would have been nice the week before the wedding but the town mayor has arranged several performances of The Nutcracker so the ballerinas are staying at the inn.

Tragedy strikes when Tiffany, the lead ballerina, shows up dead in a giant snow globe float during the parade, Who is Tiffany's killer? Her secret lover? Her super fan/blogger that no one knows anything about? Her understudy who is now the lead? Holly makes it her mission to find out before the ballet company leaves town even though it puts her in danger.

Again, a great book and a great series!


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Christmas season this year at the Reindeer Games Inn is even more busy than normal. The Inn is hosting a ballet troupe that is performing The Nutcracker in Mistletoe, and the White family is preparing for Holly’s wedding. At the town’s annual holiday parade, the float carrying the lead ballerina, Tiffany, becomes a crime scene as the dancer is found dead within its snow globe. This means that until the killer is found Holly’s wedding celebration will be marred by fiance, Sheriff Evan Gray’s work schedule. Holly puts her sleuthing skills to the test to help Evan solve the murder. This is the fourth book in the Christmas Tree Farm Mystery series. It continues to be engaging with an interesting plot and subplot. The author’s characters are developed and she does a great job introducing new characters. I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series I'll Be Home For Mischief.

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Holly has her hands full with her upcoming wedding and helping run her family's Reindeer Games. To make the season more magical, a ballet company is in town performing The Nutcracker. When the star ballerina is murdered, Holly finds her to do list now includes solving a murder. This book has so much going on. The extra side plot almost puts it over the edge. Still I enjoy the setting and the characters. Hopefully things are a bit calmer for the next installment.

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Book four finds Holly White, innkeeper, jewelry artisan, and bride to be, in the thick of the Christmas season and knee deep in wedding plans, so surely she can find time to squeeze in a little sleuthing on the side when an Inn guest dies. The town is hopping this holiday season, in addition to the usual overwhelming influx of visitors, the mayor has arranged for a ballet company to perform the Nutcracker, stretching the police force even thinner than usual. This means that Holly’s finance Evan, aka the sheriff, is on crowd control in addition to getting prepped for the wedding and then1st there’s a murder. Everyone knows that Holly can’t resist a mystery, especially when Tiffany the dead prima ballerina, was a guest at her Inn so it is no secret that Holly is asking questions. Questions for the ballet coach, questions for the other ballerinas, questions for an elusive blogger named Courtney, she is even asking elusive Libby, Evan’s sister questions (not related to the murder). Libby is acting strange, wearing wigs, being skittish, she even broke up with her boyfriend. What is that all about? Holly has her hands full and will need to enlist the help of her friends if she is going to get Christmas cards mailed, donated gifts wrapped, reception decorations made, and murder solved. As with the previous Christmas Tree Farm mysteries, this is a stand-alone that stands out not only because of the expertly crafted plot but because these characters are genuine and draw you in as you turn each page. The other thing that draws me in with this series are the amazing sweets. Holly tells Libby that all you need is slice of peppermint pie to get people to talk, after finding a recipe and making one for myself, I have to agree that I would spill the tea for a piece of that pie. Looking forward to book five!

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**I received an advanced reader's copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

A soft pick for me. This is the fourth in the Christmas Tree Farm mystery series. Holly White has a big life change in the works - saying too much spoils the story progression from the prior 3 books - but of course murder strikes again. Throw in side stories of unidentified bloggers and a stalker…quite a lot for Holly to think about.

I enjoyed revisiting Maine and the characters, but Holly‘s over asking questions to potential suspect was a bit much. There was one point she asked so many questions and popped up so often that one of her suspects cried. At another point, she nearly missed her mom‘s debut on a streaming show to ask questions of another suspect. I love cozies, but sometimes the amateur sleuthing - when everyone tells you to stop but yet you continue and miss social cues - is a little over the top.

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This is such a fun and well written series!! I love the setting of Mistletoe, Maine, and I love following Holly White. The mystery was so fun and well paced. I can't recommend this cozy series enough!

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A fun Christmas book. Something a bit different for the festive season than hallmark romances. I enjoyed the storyline abd characters and it had a good ending.

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I received this book for free for an honest review from netgalley

She is one of my favorite authors for cozies. I've followed this series from the beginning and it keeps getting better and better.

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This series is just what you expect from a cozy, and I love that. In this it is once again Christmas, but we have the added fun of a wedding and a ballet. Let me just say that this author really utilizes the creepy Nutcracker imagery. She can really set a scene that is both cozy and creepy and I adore it. I really like the supporting cast in these books and look forward to reading more Jacqueline Frost every holiday season.

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I just adore this series!! Christmas is over but this series is the gift that keeps on giving!

Holly, the MC, is busy planning her wedding when, shocker, someone ends up dead! Let the sleuthing begin!! Holly’s unique small town makes it easier for Holly to know everyone’s business but what doesn’t help is the massive influx of people for the Nutcracker performances that mayor was able to bring to town. Furthermore, all the masks are really not her thing. Is the nutcracker cursed? Is someone after her? Is someone after her sister-in-law?? Like the saying goes, the show must go on! ….And so must the reindeer games! BOLO -someone is up to no good!

If you’re a cozy mystery fan -don’t sleep on this series! Word on the street (internet) there’s going to be a book 5!! 🥳🎄

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I discovered this series in 2022 and quickly devoured all 3 books during the holiday season. This book did not disappoint either. A good mystery thrown in with all the holiday vibes you could want. I love the quaint holiday games feature at the Tree Farm. If only this was a place you could visit in real life.
My only complaint about this book was I thought the side-storyline of Libby's stalker was a bit distracting. I think this could have been a plot for a book by itself. This series will be an automatic read for me.

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Anything and everything written by this author is gold. I love having a series that I can pick up when I need a little Christmas spirit and cozy feeling!

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The Christmas Tree Farm Mystery series is one of my favorites.
I just love this series, in one of the previous books it focused on the Christmas tree farm, it was such a wonderful book. Now there is a gift shop/bakery and its totally Christmas related. How can you go wrong with a town named Mistletoe. Mistletoe is in Maine, with lots of snow there's no worries about the town's folks getting into the holiday spirit.
Inn keeper Holly White is one busy lady, the ladies from the Nutcracker ballet are staying at Holly's Reindeer Games Inn while practicing for their big show and on top of that she's planning a wedding this Christmas. When a ballet dancer is discovered dead the investigation starts.
When it's discovered that the ballet dancer is hiding more than a few things could those secrets have led to her death? I remember Sheriff Evan Gray in the other books, now he's about to be a married man with his Christmas wedding. With a terrible murder to investigate right before their wedding will Evan and Holly's wedding plans go on as planned or will they blow away in the freezing cold wind?
I'll be on the lookout for more books in this intriguing holiday mystery series.

Pub Date 17 Oct 2023
I was given a complimentary copy of this book.
All opinions expressed are my own.

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Stalking Around the Christmas Tree

by Jacqueline Frost

You can’t ask for a more Christmasy setting than the town of Mistletoe or the tree farm called Reindeer Games sporting an inn run by Holly and a café named Hearth featuring Holly’s mom as owner and creator of delicious baked goods.

The mayor of Mistletoe convinces the state conservatory of ballet to perform The Nutcracker to bring in more tourists and turn the town’s reputation around following three years in a row of murders at Christmas time.

When the leading ballerina playing Clara is murdered, Holly gets involved. After all, many of the ballerinas and the ballet master were staying at her inn. Will the murder or a forecast of heavy snowfall interfere with Holly’s nuptial ceremony with Evan, the town’s handsome sheriff? Read Stalking Around the Christmas Tree to find out!

Rating: 4/5

Category: Mystery, General Fiction

Notes: #4 in the Christmas Tree Farm Mystery Series, but can be read as a standalone. I had read #1 and #2, but not having read the third did not hinder my understanding or enjoyment of this one.

Publication: October 17, 2023—Crooked Lane Books

Memorable Lines:

His worry was a physical thing traveling with him everywhere, a palpable energy gathered on his shoulders. I did what I could to comfort him, but the truth was that he wouldn’t relax again until the killer was caught, his sister was confirmed safe, and all the extra people left town.

She’d been raised for moments like these and groomed to follow in her father’s footsteps. A career in politics was first choice; marrying well was second. It was no wonder her parents nearly lost their stuffing when she’d chosen to bake cupcakes for the hoi polloi instead.

My head spun a little at the number of things she managed on a regular basis. The busier she was, the more satisfied and unstoppable she became. I was whatever the opposite of that might be.

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Stalking Around the Christmas Tree by Jacqueline Frost has readers traveling to the charming town of Mistletoe, Maine. The story focuses on the characters, the town, and the character’s relationships. Holly White is getting ready for her wedding and Christmas while taking care of her inn and helping with the annual Reindeer Games. Her to-do list is quite lengthy. We get to hear about the items on Holly’s list often. There is no way that one woman could accomplish all the items on Holly's list unless they were the Flash. Cookie is a delightful character. I hope I am that lively when I am that age. Cookie shows that it is helpful to have friends in the right positions. There are two mysteries in Stalking Around the Christmas Tree. A ballerina who is playing Clara in The Nutcracker dies during the town’s Christmas parade and Libby, Holly’s friend and her fiancé’s sister, has a stalker. Holly, of course, cannot resist investigating the death of the ballerina. The details of the mystery are mixed in with everything else. There is so much going on (cards to be addressed and mailed out, a large stack of toys to be wrapped, Reindeer Games, wedding plans, and so much more) that the story is stressful (it gave me a migraine). The death of the ballerina was expected since the ballet and the ballerinas were mentioned often. There really was no reason for Holly to be investigating the murder except for the fact that the victim was staying at her inn. There are a limited number of suspects and we do not get to learn much about them. The whodunit can be solved long before the reveal (which was inane). The identity of the Bunheads blogger can be untangled with little effort. I wish the mystery had some unexpected twists and less banality. The way they caught Libby’s stalker had me rolling my eyes (it was unrealistic). I had trouble getting through Stalking Around the Christmas Tree. The lengthy, detailed descriptions had me skimming. I wish the pace had been peppier (instead of dashing through the snow, I was slogging my way up a mountain). Stalking Around the Christmas Tree is the fourth A Christmas Tree Farm Mystery. It can be read as a standalone, but it will take you a little time to understand the connection between the characters. Stalking Around the Christmas Tree is a character centric cozy with a lengthy to-do list, imminent nuptials, a slain ballerina, an impending snowstorm, a bunhead blogger, sheriff’s sister stalker, and a cheerful Christmas.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for my copy of Stalking Around the Christmas Tree by Jacqueline Frost in exchange for an honest review. It published October 17, 2023.
Another great installment in this series, I just have to say that I love how the characters develop and that their lives change and progress, rather than stay stagnant in their relationships. I love the Reindeer Games, and Cookie is a hoot! I'll be waiting for the next one!

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Another cute installment in the this poor, unlucky town - a Christmas town that transforms into a winter wonderland every December, only to be cursed with a murder in town every year!

And here we are again, Holly, part owner with parents of a tree farm, inn and restaurant. It's cute, the way the town gathers together. But the murder every year is pretty ridiculous. I liked getting to know Libby better and her struggles.

I do think these stories read well on their own and, even though each one references a few clues to the murder the year before, you don't have to have read it to enjoy the story. It gives you enough info so you are caught up.

A huge thank you to the author and publisher for providing an e-ARC via Netgalley. This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.

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This book is set in a year-round Christmas destination: Mistletoe, Maine. It's a week before Christmas, and that means it's a week until Holly White marries her love, Sheriff Evan Gray. (Was it intentional to give them color names?) As part of this year's holiday celebrations, Holly's best friend Caroline's father, the mayor, has managed to get a regional ballet company to offer several performances of The Nutcracker. The ballet troop is participating in the holiday parade when the dancer playing Clara drops dead. Holly is determined to help Evan solve this so that their wedding can proceed unhindered. But that's not the only dangerous situation in town: Evan's sister Libby is being menaced by a stalker, and it's likely to be related to the mobster she testified against. This storyline is very distracting. Although I thought this book was not written as well as "Have Yourself a Deadly Little Christmas:" there are weird words usages ("Hugged her abusively"--not sure what the author intended here), typos, and grammatical errors (Evan scrubs his hair when he's running, or rubbing, his hand over it to think; the word discontent used as a verb, etc.). I was reading a galley and there were quite a few missing hyphens and some formatting problems on the Kindle. My main objection was to Holly; by three-quarters of the way through the book, I actively disliked her. It's not just the complete disregard of Evan's requests to please stop investigating and let his team do their job, it was the concomitant implication that Holly thinks she's better at it than him. And the setting was too reminiscent of a Hallmark Christmas movie for me--so saccharine that it was unbelievable. There are named Christmas stockings for all the guests hanging from the fireplace in the Inn; okay, they buy them in bulk so it's cheaper than you think and Holly adds the names herself. OK, Holly is the only employee at her family Inn and does all the cleaning, etc. herself and still has time to fill dozens of her online jewelry store business orders (I actually liked her having a second job when the book began; it sets the story very cleanly in a contemporary setting when so many people have online side gigs.). But she cranks the heater for warmth and then, in the same sentence, cracks the window open to inhale "the clean oxygen-drenched air." (insert grimace here at that description.) There are times when characters say things to each other that came across as patronizing to this reader ("That was smart of you." "I stood, unable to be cool, listen to Evan's advice, or ignore my instincts any longer."--which meant, that she abandoned her mother when her mother needed her emotional support in order to run after a suspect.). Apparently there is a murder here every Christmas, just in the Vicki Delany series; not sure anyone would want to visit at that time, then. The assumption by the local small townspeople that being from out of town is enough reason to be suspicious of them reminds me that small town living is not the paradise these cozy mysteries make it out to be. I could go on and on (a calendar can be photographed, edited, printed, and mailed in one week--Christmas week? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!). But then I hate the overly-sweet Hallmark Christmas movies, so this book left me cold. Cozy mystery readers who want a fairly clean mystery (there's an implication that Evan spent the night, but the characters are aghast that Caroline might have slept with her new boyfriend and she's quick to assure them she hasn't) and a super-sweet ending will enjoy this book.

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Stalking Around the Christmas Tree was the perfect, cozy Christmas mystery for cozy mystery lovers looking for something Christmasy.

This cozy mystery is set in the small town of Mistletoe, Maine. Our main character, Holly White's, family owns the Christmas tree farm, and Holly runs the Inn on the farm property. It's the week leading up to Christmas, and Holly has an inn full with the members of a ballet company in town to perform the Nutcracker. But, when the principal dancer is found dead, Holly can't help but try to figure out what happened.

I loved the setting of this story, and the secondary cast of characters are amazing. The mystery was very intriguing. In fact, there were two mysteries to solve in this one. And the romance.....

Oftentimes, in a cozy mystery, the sleuther can be a real thorn in the local law enforcements side. But, sometimes, that turns into an attraction, which turns into a relationship. That is one of my favourites in a cozy, when the amateur sleuther ends up with the good-looking small town sheriff or detective. In Stalking Around the Christmas Tree, Holly is a week away from her wedding to the local sheriff. The two met, you guessed it, during a murder investigation. But, will a Nor'easter predicted to bring in 4 ft. of snow put a damper on their plans, or will it be the latest murder in Mistletoe??

Stalking Around the Christmas Tree is the 4th in the Christmas Tree Farm Mysteries, but it can definitely be read as a stand-alone.

I definitely recommend this one to cozy mystery lovers.

Thank you to Crooked Lane Books and NetGalley for an advanced digital copy of this book. My opinions are my own.

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