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Everyone Here Is Lying

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This was a fast-paced story that kept me intrigued. The title sets you up to distrust or at least second-guess almost every character and each chapter brings a new level of possibility and intrigue regarding what exactly happened. This was a good summer read that I wish lasted a little longer.

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Thank you Netgalley,
Penguin Random House Canada | Doubleday Canada and Shari Lapena for free e-ARC of Everyone Here Is Lying in return of my honest review.

In "Everyone Here Is Lying," author delves into the dark underbelly of a seemingly idyllic neighborhood as the disappearance of a young girl sets off a chain of events that unravel the facades of the residents. William Wooler, a family man with a hidden affair, finds his world turned upside down when his daughter, Avery, goes missing after a heated confrontation. As the search for Avery intensifies, secrets and lies begin to surface, casting a shadow over the once-safe community of Stanhope.

The author skillfully weaves together a gripping narrative that keeps readers on edge, with twists and turns that lead to unexpected revelations. The tension in the story is palpable, drawing readers into the lives of the characters and the dark secrets they harbor. The exploration of family dynamics, betrayal, and the consequences of deception adds depth to the plot, making it a compelling and thought-provoking read.

The pacing of the novel is brisk, with each chapter building upon the suspense and mystery surrounding Avery's disappearance. The shifting perspectives of the characters offer insight into their motivations and actions, creating a complex web of relationships that drive the narrative forward. The author's ability to capture the sense of unease and paranoia that permeates the neighborhood adds to the atmospheric tension of the story, keeping readers guessing until the shocking truth is revealed.

"Everyone Here Is Lying" is a riveting psychological thriller that explores the dark side of suburbia and the hidden truths that lie beneath the surface. With its well-drawn characters, intricate plot, and jaw-dropping twists, this novel is sure to captivate fans of the genre and leave them questioning the nature of secrets and lies.

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Another absolutely stellar psychological suspense by Lapena- I will always read everything she writes....they have me holding my breath from start to finish, and I typically need to read them all in. one. sitting.

Every single person in this story is suspicious, guilty of something, and usually, outright lying. The detectives don't know who to believe. The characters don't know who to believe. And you as the reader, have NO idea who to believe either.

I read this one all in one evening, and loved every bit of it.

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Shari Lapena is a master at turning seemingly ordinary neighborhoods into sinister places you’d want to run from. And Everyone Here is Lying is true the title and above mentioned setting.

This one started with an affair ending, an unfortunate interaction between a father and a child, and then a child goes missing. And that’s just the beginning of the story.

Things move pretty fast from there. There are secrets and lies around every corner. This is the kind of fast paced thriller you want to grab for a vacation read or when you have a lot of uninterrupted reading time.

And that ending! All kinds of dark & twisted. In addition to that, this book features one of the most unlikeable characters I’ve come across and of course I loved it!

A huge thank you to NetGalley, Penguin random house Canada & Doubleday ca for my gifted ARC!

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I really enjoyed this book. I love a good neighbourhood mystery. We had so many point of views and yet so little clues. It kept me reading. The pacing was perfect. I never saw the twist coming.

I will only say that the ending felt a little rush. I wanted more resolution. But also I get it, an open ending does leave you thinking.

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I consistently give Shari Lapena books chances, hoping that I'll enjoy the next one more. That the next one will be the one that hooks me and it seems that each time I am just as disappointed as the first time. This latest is no exception - I didn't hate it but I also didn't love it either. At some point I just wanted it to end and no one should wish that of a book. The last few chapters were great though, quite entertaining with a great twist and it's these last few chapters that will keep me coming back.

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Random House Canada (Doubleday Canada) for providing a digital copy in return for an honest, unbiased review.

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I really enjoyed this book. It was full of twists and turns, lies and deceit, and I was hooked from the start. Cannot recommend this one enough! I love books by Lapena and I am looking forward to her next novel.

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This book was a world win.
A fast-paced book set in a small town - we start with an affair abruptly ended - then a child missing - but the neighbors?? They aren't so truthful. Everyone is lying.
Unlikable characters left, right and center.
The thing about this book is that I didn’t know what to expect. I kept guessing who was the person and I was always wrong. I did not expect the "who did it person" at all. The writing was fun and the unlikable characters made it to be an intriguing story where as a reader, I wanted to see if these characters had what was coming to them. The intricacies of a small town made it fun and exciting.

Honestly, the entire storyline was a little wild. I enjoyed the book because it was intriguing and it kept you guessing, but I felt like there was just like way some storylines that seemed slightly random (or seemed like they were pulling at strings to tie it together) or weren't completely fleshed out? This made the story seem disconnected... like the extra characters were added to throw you off a trail but then the dots weren't connected at the end.
Friends, I also didn’t enjoy how it ended... I wish that we got more clear insight of what happens to the individual. I believe the author did this on purpose to leave the reader reeling about the possible ways in which the story could go, but I personally felt it to be a little disjointed.

Overall, it was a fun read! However it wasn't a love for me friends.

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This is one of. those books where you can't help yourself but keep turning the pages, one after another, never bothering to look at the clock. Every twist was well written and they'd lead to another twist, then another one until the final page with an ending you didn't expect to read.
The hype over this book is well deserved.

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This book was everything I hoped for and more! I find myself recommending this to everyone, it’s a book I think all readers would enjoy!

For a short book, the characters and the plot were so well developed. There was mystery where it was needed but otherwise I felt like I knew every character’s deepest, darkest secrets. The main character, Avery, I didn’t see any of the twists the this book took and was thoroughly shocked from beginning to end!

I highly recommend this book - it kept me on the edge of my seat even after the last page! This was my first book by this author and I can’t wait to dive into more!

Read this if you:
- Want a book with perfect pacing
- Are looking for a quick, addictive read
- Like a “create your own ending” book

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I really enjoyed this one and thought that overall it was a 4 star read for me. I didn't see the twist coming and was really invested in what would happen next once it was revealed. While it took me a while to get fully into this, once I was invested, I was really looking forward to seeing how it all would end and filling my partner in on the story the whole way.

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This one moved a little slowly for my taste but I have to admit that I didn't see that ending coming and I loved it. Not sure if it was just a ARC formatting issue but I found that the character point of view changes happened suddenly and without any character headings or character names to distinguish the change, I found myself lost more than once and having to go back and figure out who was talking a lot. Hopefully the point of view changes are more distinguished in the final copy as that would have increased my enjoyment overall by quite a lot.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5)

𝑴𝒚 𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔:
I absolutely LOOOOVED this book! It was so captivating!

When it comes to thriller and mystery books, I always prefer when I can’t guess what the ending will be. With this book I was left guessing the entire time. The ending especially surprised me, as I couldn’t easily predict what was going to happen. The ending truly did leave me speechless.

What I felt also added to this book were the characters in general. There were so many of them which were unlikeable or even unreliable, and that really left the reader second guessing everything. This really gave meaning to the title of the book!

If you are a fan of psychological thrillers, this is the book for you.

𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒇 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑳𝒊𝒌𝒆:
- 🧠 Psychological thrillers
- 🙅🏼‍♀️ Unlikeable characters
- 🧐 Guessing until the very end

𝑾𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: Ricasoli Rocca Guicciarda Riserva Chianti Classico 🍷

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Shari Lapena was one of the first authors i read within this genre a couple years back. this one was a struggle to get into. It wasn’t her best. but it was a good plot.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Shari Lapena has been one of my favorite psychological thriller authors since her first novel. This one was no exception and I found it to be a fantastic read. There's just something about a "safe" little neighbourhood being the setting for a mystery that just gets my heart racing. Maybe it's because it's easy to imagine that the same thing could happen on my little crescent.

My mind was always moving onto who took Ella, and this book will have you guessing until the very last page! This was another standout from Shari Lapena and I can't wait to see what's next!

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Thank you to Net Galley and Penguin Random House for providing me with an arc of this book.

Initially, the writing style didn't resonate with me, mainly due to the multitude of POVs crammed into a single chapter. Despite this, the plot gripped me from the start, with the unique vision of involving the entire neighborhood in this thrilling narrative. The disappearance of 9-year-old Avery and the subsequent suspicion falling on her father, William, who's entangled in a tumultuous affair, sets the stage. As the story unfolds, numerous twists reveal hidden secrets, connecting everyone in the neighborhood to Avery's fate.

Avery's portrayal struck me as peculiar – her behavior and thoughts didn't align with a typical 9-year-old, making her character somewhat irksome. Nevertheless, the exploration of themes like paternal love, family bonds, and deception added depth to the narrative. The conclusion was highly satisfying, though I yearned for an epilogue to address lingering questions, secretly hoping for a more comprehensive resolution.

Overall, a good thriller to pick when you are craving for some neighbourhood drama.

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Devoured this one! Pages kept flying and my mind kept blowing up. Every page had you thinking someone else was guilty and that ending- W T F.

I was in serious need of a good suspenseful thriller and this one was exactly that. A page turner and a complete mind f*#%.

Highly recommend this one!

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Shari Lapena did it again! I saw a lot of hype for this book and I was so excited to read it.

Avery is a 9 year old girl who went missing from her family home. Avery is a smart little girl but is also very troubled. Her parents are desperately looking for her. They live on a quiet cul de sac which had always felt safe. You meet many of the neighbour's in this book, all of which aren't exactly forth coming with information and many have secrets they are hiding.

Avery father, William, has a secret of his own. He was having an affair which ended badly the day Avery went missing. When the police get involved he does not want to give his whereabouts for that day as it will reveal his affair.... it gets messy!
I read this in a day. I couldn't put it down, chapter after chapter I couldn't wait to see what happened next. The only thing I didn't like is that Avery felt older then what she actually was, which made the story feel a little far fetched. But, I loved it and ate it up!

Thanks to Netgalley for this ARC in return for an honest review

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I finished this book in one sitting. It was such an easy read and I couldn’t put it down.
Ella goes missing after an argument with her father. So we get to follow what happen to her. Was she kidnapped? Did she run away? Was she murdered? Those were the questions I was asking myself the whole time.

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4.5 stars

This book had me at its title. Lies, hidden truths, deception, had it all. The writing was brilliantly executed. It moved seamlessly between character perspectives told in the third person. A true talent! It was a psych thriller that held my attention from page one, and I burned through it in two days.

The first half involves the disappearance of a nine year old girl. A list of potential suspects is developed. There is much speculation and suspicion cast upon the suspects until...

The second half when it is revealed! Yet the story continues to play our. More lies, more deception... The ending was absolutely spot on except for one plot hole that sadly lessened its impact on me. Hence the half star.

I read and listened to the audiobook. A quick listen with a stellar audio performance. Kept me gripped the whole way through.

A gracious thank you to Penguin Random House Canada and Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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