Cover Image: Everyone Here Is Lying

Everyone Here Is Lying

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Who are your favourite thriller authors? I love domestic thrillers so Shari Lapena is definitely one of mine. I was so thrilled to receive an e-arc of her latest novel.

Avery is a challenging 9 year old girl who knows how to push your buttons. After a run in with her father, she disappears. Did she run off? Was she taken? And worse, did her father have something to do with it?

Avery’s disappearance forces the entire neighbourhood’s secrets to the surface. Affairs will be revealed, family tensions will be unleashed and past grievances will all be brought to light.

Missing children stories to me can be difficult to read so I appreciate the author’s fresh take. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This is what I liked about it:
🧸 a missing child who is difficult and not the typical perfect child
🧸 messy families (my favourite)
🧸 compelling and realistic neighborhood drama

Thank you to @netgalley and @penguinrandomca for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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If you are looking for a suspenseful thriller, this one is for you. Shari Lapena does such a good job of writing books with unexpected twists and turns that are fast paced. The book grabs you from the very first page.

Everyone Here Is Lying starts off with William Wooler having an affair with a neighbor and co-worker. His daughter goes missing and the story just doesn’t stop from this point on. Everyone is under suspicion. A real page turner. Who took Avery Wooler? Who is lying? Nothing will prepare you for the truth.

I liked this psychological thriller and would highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys this type of story. I gave it a 4 but probably it deserves a 4.5.

Thanks NetGalley and Penguin Random House Canada for an advanced copy of this book.

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This was my first read from Shari Lapena, and I'm still on the fence on how I feel about her writing.The premise had me very intrigued, but the story had me craving much more in the way of character development.

Dr. William Wooler is a husband and father who is having a secret affair with Nora, who is a volunteer at the hospital he works at. Avery is his 9 year old daughter who has behavioral problems, and the two never see eye to eye. William's world is turned upside down when Nora ends the affair, and later that day, Avery is reported missing. From there, the lives of everyone in town that are associated with William and Nora begin to unravel, and it seems everyone has something to hide.

I really enjoyed the first half of the book as all the characters were introduced and how they all overlapped with one another. But it did get to the point where there were just too many people involved with too many storylines.

I also struggled with the idea that a 9 year old was a complete psychopath; perhaps if the girl was a bit older, it may not have stood out to me and bothered me as much.
All in all, the story kept me intrigued and found it was a quick read as I wanted to know how it would all play out, but I was left with a lot more questions and I also was not a fan of the "screw you" cliffhanger at the end of the book.

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Snappily-paced, the plot gallops in this domestic suspense with a twist ending, and a stream of narrators - impossible to predict exactly who is both trustworthy and truthful.

William Wooler, medical doctor, may be a cad who is having an affair with the beautiful Nora Blanchford. But is he also responsible for the disappearance of his nine year old daughter, Avery, or is there something sinister and externally motivated afoot?

As a bevy of characters, most of them witnesses or suspects living streetwise to the Wooler family, weigh in with their narratives, it becomes the task of the reader to unpack the mystery - perhaps only steps ahead of Detectives Bledsoe and Gully, who appear almost pedantic as they explore a multitude of options.

A great big thank you to #Netgalley, the author and the publisher for an ARC of this book. All thoughts presented are my own.

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Wow. What a story. What an ending. A real page turner. And what a twist - absolutely not expected, and unbelievable.
The author created such a suspensefull scenario where nobody telling the true, so 2/3rd of the story its just a finger pointing to the different people, which executed so well that you together with the author switch your attention.
I liked how the author presented the police investigation, it’s light and worked for the story.
Same for the characters, without dive too deep into persona, but just enough descriptions to characterize a person and make an opinion, and ready to understand a possible motive. And again, I think it worked well for the story.
It’s good entertaining reading.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing a free copy of the book.

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Thank you #randomhouse and #netgalley for this advanced copy of one of my favourite current authors. This is my 7th Shari Lapena novel and as usual it did not disappoint. Shari has a way of pacing a book in a way that keeps you guessing and on the edge of your seat trying to figure it all out. 9 year old Avery made me very thankful for my rambunctious and loud 5&7 yr old girls!! I saw plotlines of “Push” many suspense novels that take place in towns where everyone has something to hide. However this authors knack for creating a plot and cast of characters all her own shines through here. I would highly recommend adding this one to your tbr stack.

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If you are looking for a popcorn chiller mystery novel, Everyone Here is Lying is a great book choice. I read this in one day. If you are looking for a book where you can relate or have lots of description of characters then this isn't the book for you. Every character except for poor little Michael is quite despicable. Nobody makes very good choices and that poor detective just runs around and speculates but doesn't do too much police work. The ending felt very rushed and just kind of abruptly ended to the point where I thought I might have been missing some of the book. I feel I would have enjoyed some more description and setting development. Even more character development as most of the time it felt like I was just getting superficial information and not much depth from the characters. Everyone is truly lying in this book!

All in all though I enjoyed it as a quick read like a quick mystery movie.

I would like to thank the author, Penguin Random House Canada and Netgalley for the opportunity to review this novel.
My reviews can be found here:
Instagram: @hedwigsandhopes
Goodreads: Nikki- Hewig's and Hopes

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Once again, the reigning Canadian queen of page-turning domestic thrillers, Shari Lapena, has showcased her exceptional storytelling in Everyone Here Is Lying. Her trademark red herring technique skillfully kept me guessing with who was lying about what. She is also called the Queen of one-sit read, which is what I did. I found myself utterly engrossed from the start and didn’t put it down till I finished.

The disappearance of nine-year-old Avery becomes a maze of suspects and lies that keep me on my toes with each turn of the pages. There is more to this little girl that drives the suspense forward, making it that one-day read for me. While some aspects were a little hard to buy into, the conclusion delivered a satisfying, gratifying payoff.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Random House Canada for providing an advance reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

In Shari Lapena’s latest thriller, nine-year-old Avery Wooler goes missing after an altercation with her father. In the ensuing investigation, the entire neighbourhood is drawn into exposing their secrets and lies.

I loved this book! I couldn’t put it down and I didn’t see any of the twists coming (and there were many!). The book felt like an intricate puzzle that by the end fit together perfectly.

Okay, it was far-fetched and there were many unpleasant characters. Maybe a twist or two too many. But I didn’t care. I was completely on board. Lapena writes in a natural and compelling way, clearly outlining motivations and reasons. Just when I’d ask myself a question – “But why….?” – the author would answer it. I felt like I was in very capable, confident hands, being taken on a wild ride.

The book isn’t deep. It isn’t literary. The writing is pretty basic. But you’ll have a blast reading this one!

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I love a neighbourhood setting in a thriller! Fast paced & filled with twists, I really enjoyed it! I found myself suspecting everyone & really wasn’t sure which way the story was going to go. I loved the multiple povs & the addictiveness of this book.

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Everyone here really is lying! This was my second book by Shari Lapena and it did not disappoint. It followed the same fast paced, get right to it plot as her other novel I read. The story moved at a good pace and kept me up reading way too late.

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3.5 stars
Lapena is one of my favorite authors but unfortunately something about her newest missed the mark for me.

There were a lot of POVs which I normally love but I didn't like how it jumped in the middle of a chapter.

The characters were extremely unlikable and unrelatable. Everyone definitely was lying and the ending??? The entire story just seemed a little too out there IMO

This was still a fast bingeable book and there are lots of 5 star reviews of it. It just wanted for me

Thanks to NetGalley & Penguin Random House Canada for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review

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Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned? Or a man? Or a troubled 9-year-old?

William, a married father of 2 is dumped by his girlfriend and returns home to wallow in his grief. He expects to be alone but encounters his nine-year-old daughter Avery who was sent home from school for misbehavior. They argue, and he hits her and leaves the house. Within hours, Avery is missing and the police get involved. William cowardly lies his butt off and as the story unfolds there are at least 4-5 suspects in the disappearance, some plausible and one downright ignorant. I really enjoyed the 2nd half of the book as I did not foresee the plot unfolding as it did and I thought the ending was great.

Overall, the book was aptly titled, and the story was unpredictable and fast-paced.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an ARC in return for an honest review.

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When it comes to domestic thrillers, Shari Lapena is hard to beat!

The Wooler family live in a small town called Stanhope in Upstate New York. William Wooler is a doctor and his wife Erin sells real estate. They are the parents of two children. A teenage son, Michael, and a nine year old daughter named Avery. To say that their daughter is 'difficult' is somewhat of an understatement. She is dishonest, manipulative and confrontational.

Parenting Avery has presented the Woolers with myriad challenges. Their marriage is under strain due to resentments on their different approaches to parenting. As a way of coping, William Wooler is having an affair with a work colleague, Nora Blanchard.

The Blanchard family, who live on the same street as the Woolers, are also under strain. Al Blanchard is rightly suspicious that his wife Nora is having an affair. They too are the parents to two children.

When Avery Wooler goes missing the entire street gets involved with searching for her. The neighbours are under suspicion. Everyone seems to be lying. Secrets, guilt and suspicion abound. Myriad suspects are identified, but evidence is sorely lacking...

This is a gripping novel that depicts how one abnormal psyche can influence the lives of many. How the desire for revenge can create situations where many people can be hurt.

The cover and the title were perfectly chosen for this novel.

Once again the author explores the ordinary lives of ordinary people and makes them leap from the pages as extraordinary and unique. Once again I've come away from reading the book thinking "Wow! That would make an excellent movie!"

Highly recommended!

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🏘️Review 🏘️
Everyone Here is Lying- Shari Lapena
Rating- ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫

Shari Lapena has been one of my auto buy thriller authors for years now, so I was beyond excited to receive an ARC of her newest book Everyone Here is Lying.

William Wooler is a highly regarded and respectful family man, doctor, and husband- at least on the surface. In reality, he’s having an affair and struggles to compose his hot temper, especially towards his 9 year old daughter, Avery. So, when Avery goes missing after their big fight, all eyes turn to William, but he isn’t the only one who has been keeping secrets and telling lies. Thus, an investigation ensues…Who took Avery Wooler and who is telling the truth?

As the title suggests, this book is filled with deceit, mystery and suspense! In typical Lapena fashion, I was hooked right away and everyone became a suspect!

I enjoyed this story, the quick chapters, rotating POV’s and unreliable characters made it a fast paced and entertaining read. I did find the second half slowed down and became slightly repetitive. The twists were twisty, and caught me off guard for the most part, but at times I felt some aspects to be a little too far fetched. The ending was really great- karma baby, and left me feeling satisfied! I do have to say, the “missing child” trope does seem to be getting a little bit overused… and maybe that’s why I bounced around so much between 3.5 & 4 ⭐️‘s.

Although it wasn’t my favorite of hers, Lapena delivered another entertaining suspenseful story!

Have you read any Shari Lapena books? Do you have a fave?

Thank you @netgalley and @penguinrandomca for the e-copy of this book.

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3.5 stars rounded up.

The story centres around a 9 year old girl who suddenly goes missing. Nearly everyone in the neighbourhood is a suspect and most of them have secrets to hide.

I'll admit, the first half of this book moved slowly for me; I struggled with the 3rd person omnipotent narrator, which made the characters feel flat to me. None of the characters are likeable (except maybe Michael) and I felt the cast might be too large to rein in. However, once I reached the halfway mark I was locked in. The narration didn't bother me as much, I had a good grasp on all the characters (although I still feel they were underdeveloped) and had a hard time putting the book down.

While this isn't my favourite of Lapena's books, she continues to be consistent in providing suspenseful stories that leave you feeling satisfied.

Thank you to penguin random house and NetGalley for a free digital copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Another excellent thriller from Lapena. I was hooked almost immediately and with the title being what it was, I was second-guessing every character, their motives and story. This one kept me guessing almost to the end and then the final twist was unexpected but so very dtatisfying. Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the opportunity to review.

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William Wooler is having an affair, when it suddenly ends. Heartbroken, he returns home expecting to find no one since it was during the day. He finds his daughter Avery who was sent home from school early for misbehaving, William loses his temper at her.
Hours later Avery is declared missing.
This small town has many people who are hiding secrets, with Avery's disappearance having everyone on edge and trying to protect themselves.

I took a few days to review this book because I really wanted to take some time with my thoughts.
I personally could not connect to any of the characters, I didn't think their secrets were shocking and it left me wanting more.
I did find it very repetitive, throughout the book we learn that Avery is a very difficult nine year old, but that is the only word that is used to describe her, over and over again.

It's a bit difficult to really discuss what didn't work for me without any spoilers, although I will say if you are newer to reading thrillers this might be a good fit for you.

I would like to thank NetGalley and Penguin Random House Canada for a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a quick, bingeable thriller perfect for the beach! I enjoyed the pacing of it and did not know what was going to come next.

The characters were all extremely unlikeable making it hard to determine who would end up being the "bad person". It was hard to keep track of who's point of view you were in because it was changing constantly throughout a chapter. That did lead to a fast paced book and created a hectic feeling building up to the end.
The ending felt too abrupt. I was expecting an Epilogue or something but that was it!

Recommended to those looking for a quick binge thriller.

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Omg this book held me from the first page to the last, the ending, gave me chills. I loved how the characters came to life I felt their emotions and got pulled into their stories. I highly recommend this book!

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