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Zero Days

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The beginning of this book sucked me in and I was absorbed. It was suspenseful, thrilling and full of action. But about halfway through, it started to become incredibly unrealistic and repetitive. It was redeemed in the end with a few awesome twists I didn’t see coming and an extremely satisfying ending.

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Zero Days is classic Ruth Ware, engaging and suspenseful from the first page. Although everything is wrapped up nicely by the end, it is never predictable, and the final pages are satisfying (although I do love a last page twist that this book was missing). It's a must-read if you are a fan of murder mysteries and Ruth Ware.

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First, I would like to thank NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for allowing me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Wow! This was action-y! She comes home and finds her husband murdered and then the police are after her. It was pretty techy but I followed along pretty well. I love the way Ruth Ware paints the picture and creates tension and anxiety for the reader. It is always easy to put myself in the main characters shoes while I'm reading and this one was stressful!! I wasn't sure I was going to make it! And I liked the ending. It was believable. It's so hard to leave a good review when I don't want to leave any spoilers.

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DNF. I’ve read a few other Ruth Ware books that were really good and I really enjoyed. I just could not get into this one so I did not end up finishing it

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I devoured this book. I love Ruth Ware, but this may be my favorite so far. I love the characters and I was eager to get back to the book every time I put it down.

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Ruth Ware is an absolute genius! I'll read everything she writes so was very excited to see something new coming from her direction. The queen of thrillers brings us a hacker being accused of her husband's murder. The police are chasing her and she's actively on the run - one of the most suspenseful reading experiences I've had in a while. I'm a huge fan of Ware, but I think this is the first one I've read from her where I was pretty sure I knew what was going on the whole time and I was right - it's usually one or the other, which means she didn't really stump me this time. There wasn't as much of an "OMG" reveal, but was a great read overall.
Looking forward to the next one! Ruth Ware will always be an automatic read.

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I usually really like Ruth Ware's books. That is why, despite the numerous negative reviews, I went ahead and read this book. Unfortunately, I tended to agree with those who disliked this book.

This book was repetitive, and about 60 pages too long. There is only so much I can read about someone being on the run before it gets redundant and boring. I didn't really click with the characters, and it just was a super draggy plotline.

As other reviews have stated, there are only so many ways that an author can describe an infected wound, but this author did so so frequently that also became annoying. Yes, we know that Jack is hurt and irresponsibly not getting her severely infected wound looked at. I don't that point brought up every 10 pages.

Anyway, this was a miss for me.

Thank you to the author, publisher and Net Galley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

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Thank you for allowing me to read this book. I enjoyed the characters and their arcs, and found the plot interesting. I look forward to reading more from this author.

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OOF. This is the first of Ware's books that I did not like at all. I have been a huge fan since the first one I read, but this protagonist was the dreaded too stupid to live variety. I am also really annoyed when authors hide information from readers to make something a gotcha moment, like we all couldn't tell that her sister was in the square with the cop and not her. It could have been a different kind of tense moment, but instead we got the easy bait and switch. I'm disappointed.

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Ruth Ware is one of the few authors I've read her entire backlist! She always keeps me on my toes. MOST of the time, I lover her books but occasionally, they're just okay for me. This one was on the enjoyable end, but such a departure from her usual trope. the atmospheric locked room thriller (which I love!)
Jack is a "penetration specialist" with her husband, Gabe. But when a routine assignment goes "horribly wrong," Jack comes home to find her husband dead and she's the main suspect! Jack was a fun, badass main character (women power!) She could get out of any situation. If you like action movies and tension, check this out. If you want a locked room thriller, this may not be for you.
3 stars.

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I LOVED the main character in this one. While it did feel like a departure for Ware from her previous work, I enjoyed the direction this one went in. Will definitely recommend to my students that are looking for something action packed.

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I would usually give a book more of a chance than this-- especially one written by an author I've enjoyed before --but the first few chapters are putting me to sleep.

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I struggled getting through this one. It was slow & maybe the topic of tech spyware just isn’t interesting to me. I always read Ruth Ware but this one just wasn’t my favorite.

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Love Ruth Ware and her previous novels - but this was unlike her other books. No murder mystery/no who-done-it.

Unfortunately this was a "couldn't finish" for me.

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A departure from Ruth Ware's other topics, this book centers around cybersecurity. I didn't love it, to be honest.

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I had previously enjoyed Ruth Wares early books (in a dark dark wood is an all time favorite and she was an automatic read author for many years for me.) The last few books have missed the mark for me. I will say that the action-filled writing was enough to make me keep reading, but the problem is, the main character figured out the “whodunnit” at about halfway through the book and then there are really no more twists or surprises.. it’s just following her trying to “prove it” (all while she is critically injured and keeps telling us she needs to seek medical attention but doesn’t). There’s no big twist at the end.. no real resolution either. This felt more like an action movie than a mystery or thriller

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#ZeroDays #NetGalley
Hired by companies to break into buildings and hack security systems, Jack and her husband, Gabe, are the best penetration specialists in the business. But after a routine assignment goes horribly wrong, Jack arrives home to find her husband dead. To add to her horror, the police are closing in on their suspect—her. Suddenly on the run and quickly running out of options, Jack must decide who she can trust as she circles closer to the real killer.
Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery Books for giving me an advance copy.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advance copy of Zero Days by Ruth Ware in exchange for my honest review and opinion. This is one of the best ones Ruth Ware has written yet. This book is one where you finish it and say what the heck did I just read as your heart will be pounding out of your chest. Loved it and loved the ending.

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So, so good!! Thos one had me hooked from page 1!! I couldn't put it down and there were times I was utterly heartbroken for the fmc for all she was going through. Ruth Ware is one of my favorites, and this one did not disappoint!! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book in exchangenfor my honest review!

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I’m pretty new to this author so I wasn’t sure what to expect.
I liked how this started, a little fast-paced and that really perked up my curiosity.
However, it started to feel les believable as time went by.
I even started to predict some things that felt almost like a trope magnet at times.
I lost interest midway, but finished either way.
I will give this author another try, maybe this one was just not for me

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