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Zero Days

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I appreciate the opportunity for the advanced read. I enjoy Ruth Ware, but this wasn't a favorite- I didn't feel connected to the main character at all, she wasn't personable or overly likable (but also not unlikable which would have made her more interesting!) It dragged on and the killer was pretty obvious early on. I will purchase this book for our library on it's release date.

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Let's get this out of the way right from the start. This is not an original premise. Its been done before in a variety of ways. Husband turns up dead, wife is number one suspect and she has to race to prove her innocence and find the real killer. This was The Fugitive meets Ghost, no question about it.

That being said, it worked! I enjoyed it. The opening scene is straight out of Mission Impossible and it was fun. I figured out the the main "villain" within the first quarter of the book. Even so, it was still fun watching poor Jack try to figure out the mystery and race all over London before she gets caught. And there's a great surprise at the end that I didn't see coming. Not my favorite Ware title, that still stands as The Woman in Cabin 10, but I did like it better than It Girl. Predictable, but fun read. Keep em coming, Ruth Ware!

Thank you to NetGalley and Scout Press for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for letting me read and review this book, ‘Zero Days’.

Jack and her husband are paid by companies to find security flaws in their operations. So, what they do is dangerous and exhilarating, but they are very good at what they do. Gabe is the computer guy, while Jack is good at ‘breaking and entering’ as well as deception. One day, though, things go very wrong.

Ruth Ware knows how to write a good thriller with lots of drama and many twists and turns.

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I think this may be my last Ruth Ware book. In fairness, her titles have always run hot and cold for me. Zero Days was just too dumb for me, mainly due to the main character. I truly don’t try to solve the mystery while I’m reading, but this was obvious about a quarter in. Fans of Ware will most likely be satisfied, but it wasn’t for me.

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I am a huge Ruth Ware fan. I have read and collected each of her books since the very first one. She is the author that got me hooked on thrillers. I love her.

That’s why it pains me to say that I just didn’t like this book at all. If it wasn’t a Ruth Ware book, I would have DNF at 25%. I kept going in hopes that it would get better. I’m sorry to say it didn’t. I literally skimmed the entire last half of the book. Nothing happened, and it was very repetitive to this reader.

I rated it 2.5 stars. I truly hope you like it better than I did. Maybe I’m an outlier. I hope I am.

My thanks to @scoutpressbooks and @netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book before its June 20 publication date.

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I’ve liked reading this author before and this one was no exception. It managed to make cyber security very suspenseful which I was skeptical about. I loved the characters and my only complaint is I wished it was longer so they could have had more time to develop. I hope this becomes a series.

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This was an edge-of-your-seat whirlwind! Ruth Ware has a way of making me not able to put her books down because I have to find out what happens next. Loved this newest one from her and can’t wait to read her next! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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3.5 rounded up. This was a bit of a deviation from Ware's usual themes, and I am not typically as interested in tech-y types of criminal activity. This is not my favorite of her books, either - my favorite is In A Dark, Dark Wood. However, Ware does a good job at keeping the reader interested and, for the most part, kept the tech lingo to a layperson's understanding. I was able to figure out who was at least partially responsible early on, but did not have an idea about the rationale or purpose for why Gabe was murdered. I loved the ending, particularly the unlikely friendship and the bonus character.

Thanks to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for the ARC!

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Disappointing. I like Ruth Ware a lot but this is not a good book. You know who the culprit is in the first quarter of the book and the why is not interesting or clever. The book is too long and repetitive. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for a free copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. I did figure out that Cole was behind it pretty early on, but not exactly why. The pregnancy was kinda a surprise.

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This book has so much adrenaline pumping through it that I felt like I needed to take a big long breath. Jack is on the run after finding her husband murdered and she being the primary suspect. This book got my pulse pounding!

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What an amazing Ruth Ware book! I will read anything she writes. This book had me hooked from the first chapter and exclaiming a huge "wow" after the first chapter...didn't see that twist coming. I cannot wait to recommend this book. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced copy.

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The second I got Ruth Ware’s newest book everything else was put on hold. I made the right choice because this book was so action packed and intense, I could not put it down!

“Zero Days,” is about Jack, a pen tester, who tragically loses her husband while on a job. I had no idea what a pen tester was before this book, and loved the original concept. The story is about Jack trying to prove her innocence in her husband’s murder.

I’ve never read a book like this one, and really enjoyed its uniqueness. I also loved reading all the ways Jack could outsmart anyone!

While you will probably figure out the ending like I did, that’s not the point of the book. You’re there for the ride. Overall, a very fun read!

Thanks to NetGalley, the author and publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Pretty cool, well-written and tense. Slightly different from the author's other books, but I was fine with that change! Something was missing from the story to make it truly great to me, but it was still a recommendable read.

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This is my second Ruth Ware book. Though mystery/suspense are not my usual genres, I enjoy thiis author's books. This is a story about a young woman whose husband is brutally murdered and for which she is the prime suspect. I really enjoyed the way the book started, leading the reader to believe the protagonist was up to nefarious activities. Book was suspenseful and held my interest well. Would recommend to readers who enjoy mystery and suspense coupled with glimpses into advanced technology.

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Gabe and his wife Jack are pen testers, who look for flaws in the security of various companies who have hired them. Jack does the physical work while remaining in contact with Gabe, who’s at home monitoring her progress by computer. After finishing a job, Jack returns home to find Gabe murdered in cold blood. Even worse, the police seem to,suspect her as Gabe’s killer. She flees the police, and embarks on a hunt for Gabe’s killers, and more importantly, why he was killed.

The book moved along quite briskly and my interest never flagged. Many of the characters, especially Jack, were well drawn, and you just couldn’t help root for Jack to get to the bottom of the mystery. For me, unfortunately, the plot was marred by too many coincidences in which Jack is in a tough, if not unsolvable situation, only to have the miraculous cure arrive in the nick of time. This definitely detracted from the story in my opinion.

Overall, a very enjoyable novel.

My thanks to the publisher and to Netgalley for providing an ARC of Zero Days.

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Ruth Ware is a consistent 4-star read for me and I enjoy her books. This one was little different from her previous novels, but still an intriguing read. I don't know how to categorize this book - it's not really a spy novel, although it kind of feels like one, maybe more of a tech thriller? Main character Jac and her husband Gabe own a firm that specializes in analyzing the security of other companies, both physically and virtually. That was an original, refreshing concept. The story moves very quickly with lots of heart-stopping action. The ending was satisfying, even if you figure out who the bad guy is. A solid thriller!

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Always love Ruth Ware books for their energy and thrill ride. This book didn't disappoint. The plot thickens and pulls you deeper into the dark side of the computer world. Twists and turns keep you guessing what will unfold in the end. Personally, I think this is her best book so far! Her intimate computer hacking details are impeccable and the time sensitive thrill ride is engrossing. So many factors align in this fast moving story and every turn is balanced with accurate details. If you read no other book by this this one!

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Ruth Ware is a bit hit or miss for me. I loved her 2022 book, The It Girl. This book, while enjoyable, read very much like Ware had a 90's movie binge, watched The Fugitive, Ghost and The Net and decided to steal plot points from each and compile it into a book. It ended up feeling derivative - I pinpointed the guilty party in the FIRST SENTENCE they were introduced, pictured them as Tony Goodwyn right up till the big reveal. The other bone I have to pick with this book is our resourceful heroine continually missing important clues, such as ***SPOILER*** that the person texting her isn't her sister (how odd, my sister doesn't usually use emojis or talk this way - insert eyeroll). "They had traced me first to Cole's, and now to Sunsmile, and I had no idea how." Dumb, dumb, dumb. Otherwise an enjoyable read but a middling effort.

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Thanks to NetGalley for allowing me to read this in exchange for an honest review.

This was not my favorite. I like Ware’s writing but the plot wasn’t for me. I am just not into plots about hacking - got too into the nitty-gritty for me. Also would have loved more character development with Jack and Hel. 2.5 stars.

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