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Zero Days

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Member Reviews

I loved this book! I will definitely recommend it. Thanks so much to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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The perfect thriller. Jack and her husband Gabe were really good at testing a business’ security. Jack was experienced at getting through secured areas. Jack not only was good at picking locks but she was an expert at getting in anywhere. Gabe was an expert of hacking into computers. He was the master hacker and experienced at coding. They both tested security for businesses. Jack came home one day and found Gabe murdered in a horrible way. It is now her mission to find out why Gabe was murdered and who had done it. Thanks NetGalley and the publisher for the advance ecopy.

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Zero Days was just ok for me. There was suspense and action but not enough twists to keep me interested. I am normally a fast reader of this genre and I just struggled here. It was fine, good, ok but not great. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC

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Gripping and cinematic, Zero Days checks all the boxes of a dramatic, exciting, spy thriller. This book is unputdownable, grabbing you from the first page and absolutely never letting go. It hits all the right notes when it comes to the heisty drama — narrow escapes, breathless chase scenes, harrowing injuries. Ruth Ware is a master of making her characters realistically hindered physically, and she absolutely nails that once again.

The emotional rawness was particularly striking. Ware does a beautiful job of giving space for real grief in the midst of running from police and breaking into secure buildings. Overall, a fun, exciting, and surprisingly heart wrenching piece of fiction.

Thank you to Scout Press for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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On the heels of a security penetration test job, hacker Jack returns home to find her husband the victim of a grisly murder. When the realization that the police suspect HER as their prime suspect penetrates her shock, Jack goes on the run, dependent on her wits and the help of a select trusted few to get to the bottom of the real plot behind Gabe's death.

I'm a fan of Ruth Ware's backlast and really enjoyed The It Girl. Unfortunately, Zero Days was a miss for me. All the moving pieces felt rote rather than lived in; there weren't enough characters for there to be much question of whodunnit, which made the reveal unsatisfying. Overall, it won't make me stop picking up Ware's books but this isn't one I'll be recommending.

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I feel like this was a bit different from Ruth Ware's usual mystery. It held more thriller elements that really added to the pacing of the story. I loved this book, one because it was about pen testing which is something that my spouse is into, and two because it was so fast paced and exciting that it kept me on my feet.
The only downfall I could see is that there is a lot of tech jargon that I feel someone who isn't in the know already would have a difficult time getting into the story and understanding the workings of pen testing and hacking.
Overall, a fantastic read and one ill be recommending continuously!

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Ruth Ware is someone I have been reading religiously since I first found her several years ago. Her writing is definitely a cut above a majority of the rest of the genre. This one was a bit of a misstep for me, with odd character behaviors, circumstances that stretched believability too far for me (especially with the ending). It seems like she did a lot of research but that has lead to a bit of overwriting in some sections. This one is a miss for me, but I'll still pick up her next one.

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A very different writing style for Ruth Ware. This story is action-packed and fast paced, not as dark as Ware's previous works. I liked it, with its Mr. and Mrs. Smith vibe.

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Loved this twisty mystery! The guilty party seemed pretty obvious fairy early on, but I still enjoyed watching everything unfold. If you like fast paced mysteries, you will love this one. There’s not a lot of character development, but the action makes up for it. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the e-arc.

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I loved this book. I have read a couple of Ware's books, and this is by far the best of the titles I've read. It kept me on the edge of my seat, wanting to know what would happen next and I wasn't disappointed. I don't get surprised by books often, but I did not see all of the twists coming and I love that about Ware's books. I'd highly recommend this title.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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A fast paced thriller, but one that didn’t pull me in. I have been wanting to read a book of Ruth Ware’s for a while and this is my first one. I definitely think it was a “me” problem, not the author. I don’t believe I was in the right headspace for a thriller at the moment. I liked Ruth’s writing style and her character building. I will definitely be coming back to this book at later time (maybe when the nights are longer and colder).

I want to thank NetGalley, Ruth Ware and Gallery Books, Gallery/Scout Press for the e-ARC of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are honest, my own and left voluntarily.

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I received a free ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This seemed a little different to me than a lot of Ware’s other books. I felt like I was immersed in Mission Impossible. There was a lot of action and very technical information. I liked the main character quite a bit.

I figured out part of it pretty early on, but that didn’t detract from the story. It moved at a good pace. Overall, a pretty good read.

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Exactly what I expected from a Ruth Ware novel. Immediately drew me in and I couldn’t stop reading. Some of the technological details took me a while to fully understand, like when Jack was meeting the guy from the dark web. I wasn’t immediately sure what was going on but picked it up. Jack was a fantastic character, full of resilience. I loved how it ended.

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This summer's new release from Ruth Ware, Zero Days, is a bit of a departure from her previous work. While many of her books have a distinct gothic, old-school mystery feel to them, this one is very contemporary and somewhat technical in premise. I confess I'm a fan of the more traditional mysteries, but this one was fast paced and a quick easy read.

Thanks to Net Galley and the publisher for the complimentary digital review copy of this title.

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I received a free eARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. (Although I did read the majority of this in a library copy instead!)

I’ve always been a Ruth Ware fan. The plots are somewhat far-fetched (and in the case of The Lying Game, rage-inducing), but they’re fast paced and entertaining, and I usually can’t see the twists coming. I also appreciate that while Ware is definitely a mystery/thriller writer, she doesn’t really confine herself to one specific corner of the genre. She’s tackled the gothic, the locked room, the dark academia, and now she’s trying her hand at a techno-thriller. And it just did not work for me. I think that’s part of the reason I ended up reading this when my library hold came up, instead of jumping into the ARC when I first downloaded it. I requested the title because I like the author - the plot synopsis didn’t do much for me, and tech thrillers aren’t really my thing (in spite of my adolescent love of the movie Hackers).

The mystery centers around Jack, a pen tester, whose husband Gabe gets murdered in a pretty gruesome fashion. The two of them work together to test security systems - Jack does the physical breaking and entering, while Gabe monitors from home and tries to get into the computers. Then they report back to the company about all they’re doing wrong (or occasionally right) with security. When a routine job goes awry and Jack ends up being detained (this is apparently an occupational hazard from time to time), she returns home several hours late to find that Gabe has been brutally murdered. And being the spouse, Jack is of course the number one suspect. She knows she didn’t do it, and we know she didn’t do it, but the police don’t seem to be trying all that hard to come up with alternative suspects, and the evidence doesn’t look great for Jack. Given that she has an asshole ex who was also a cop, and abused his power to screw with her after they broke up, Jack doesn’t exactly trust the police to do their job, so she sets out on her own to find out who killed Gabe.

Jack spends about a week on the run, gathering evidence and narrowly escaping detection in ways that strain believability. At one point she sustains an injury, which just keeps getting worse, and yet somehow she’s still as physically capable as she’s always been? (even less believable when you consider that she’s running on precious little food and sleep) Like most reviewers, I had the twist figured out pretty early, a rarity for me with Ware’s books. And although I kept reading until the end, I wasn’t all that invested in the outcome. I have no idea how accurate any of the tech stuff actually was, but it reminded me of nothing so much as my teenaged attempt to write a thriller about hackers, having watched the movie Hackers too many times. Like I said, tech stuff just doesn’t interest me, and if I’d read this synopsis for a novel by a different author, I probably wouldn’t have picked it up to begin with. I kept hoping maybe Ware was going to do something different with it, but it’s pretty boilerplate.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for the Arc! I requested this book hoping it would be like some of Ms. Wareś other books that I enjoyed. However, it was a little too action-y for me. I don´t really read books like this, so I wasn´t able to finish it. However, people who enjoy more of these action packed thrillers with tons of running may enjoy it. It just wasn´t for me.

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I really enjoyed this thriller about Jack, a security expert who is forced to go on the run after her husband is murdered and she is wrongfully suspected of killing him. I was hooked from the very first chapter and could not put the book down. The author does a great job of building suspense in even the smallest moments, such as when Jack is forced to shoplift, and I loved how ordinary problems, such as a cut, become life-and-death difficulties as time passes and Jack begins to run out of resources. I was pleased with myself for figuring out one twist, and delighted that I couldn't figure out how things were going to turn out until the very end. There are also some reveals at the end of the book that I thought were absolutely perfect and brought things to perfect closure. This is one of the best books this author has published, and I highly recommend it to fans of suspenseful books starring female leads.

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While some thriller/mysteries seem cliche, Ware provides a unique story in Zero Days. Main character Jack Cross (and her husband Gabe) has great knowledge about digital security and hacking systems, so companies hire the duo to see how protected they really are, while allowing the two to expose weaknesses in their systems.

Early in the novel, Jack finds her husband murdered and, because she's seemingly been framed for the murder, she decides to go on the run, rather than cooperate with the police. She hopes to clear her own name of this crime and is on the run for the entirety of the novel from that point on. The story is action packed, but also somewhat predictable and repetitive.

The story has twists and turns, but as I said, most were relatively predictable and the killer's identity is (in my opinion) easily guessed early on, which makes the story less enjoyable to read. However, that said, it is still full of action and mystery and is a unique story, worth reading!

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Ruth Ware is one of my favorite writers, and this book was in my top 3 of my favorite books of hers! A total page-turner with lots of twists and turns.

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My ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I really enjoy this author and this book didn’t disappoint. I’ve still been thinking about it off and on for a month since so read it. Great read.

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