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Zero Days

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This is a story about a high tech murder.

Did you enjoy The Fugitive? Do you feel like it was excellent but wouldn’t work as well today because of all of the technology watching us? Well! I’ve got a book for you. This was a non stop thriller! I loved the pacing & the suspense created by an innocent person having to run from all of the entities that should help her.

Thank you so much @gallerybooks @scoutpressbooks & Netgalley!

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I've been a Ruth Ware fan since the beginning, but this is definitely not the best of her offerings. I just couldn't believe she went on the run in the first place (not a spoiler), and although I HATE it when thriller reviewers say they knew right away . . . I did. The minute she interacted with the character. A lot of the plot is about the blood trickling from the would and how it will feel to jump from a window or a ledge or a window on a train. I loved In a Dark Dark Wood, The Lying Game, and the It Girl. So I will still look forward to the next offering.

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"Zero Days" by Ruth Ware is a carefully constructed thriller that combines elements of mystery and betrayal, with a protagonist thrown into a whirlwind of murder and deceit. The narrative is fast-paced, opening directly into action as we are introduced to Jack and her horrifying realization of her husband's death. However, while Ware's description of Jack's race against time is adrenaline-filled, it often struggles to maintain momentum. The suspects and the unfolding mystery struggle to sustain the initial promise and sometimes feel unoriginal. It offers an exciting premise and a strong female lead, but the execution of the plot twist and supporting characters left me wanting.

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I unfortunately DNF this book about about 20% in. I just couldn’t connect with the characters and wasn’t getting pulled into the plot. It wasn’t for me but I think it’s a great book for someone.

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Oh wow this one was definitely a page turner. What happens when professional's who try to break into buildings to get around security. This couple works together to do that but one night it goes haywire and when she returns home her husband is dead and she is afraid she will be the accused. This author does an amazing job taking the reader into the book and making you feel you are a part of the action. Well written with characters you can root for.

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Thank you so much @ScoutPressBooks for giving me this ARC in exchange for my honest and unbiased review (Release Date | 20 June 2023)

SYNOPSIS | Jack & Gabe are penetration specialists who are hired by companies to break into physical locations & digital systems to reveal security weaknesses. Jack handles the physical side of things while Gabe handles the digital. Jack returns home after a job to find her husband murdered & it becomes apparent very quickly that she is being framed for the murder. In order to clear her name & find her husband's killer she must use all of her skills to solve the mystery.

- the opening chapter sucked me in
- such an interesting profession & unique premise for a story (I kind of felt like a spy reading this)
- the suspense!! I was on the edge of my seat throughout
- that it is a different kind of mystery to everything else she has written

- there is a lot of running from one place to another place (this is the majority of the story)
- there is only so many ways to describe a fatal wound & it was mentioned a lot

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It's a typical whodunnit, with a similar plot to Mr and Mrs Smith. It kept my interest, but wasn't as twisty as some of her other books. It felt a bit formulaic.

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Zero Days by Ruth Ware is a phenomenal read. I loved every minute of this book. I can't wait for her next novel.

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I was very excited to get to read Zero Days because I really liked The It Girl by Ruth Ware. Zero Days started off pretty well. I thought the concept was interesting and of course Jack would want to solve Gabe's murder, but this dragged and dragged. I really wasn't that invested in the story and made myself slog through because I wanted to review this for NetGalley. Otherwise, I probably would have stopped reading it or skipped to the end. I found it very predictable and had it figured out completely like a third of the way through.

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The new Ruth Ware stands out in her catalog. She continues to deliver twisty suspense, but adds in more adventure and more of a spy element. Hard to put down all the way to the surprising end!

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I was delighted to see the topic of zero days discussed in a thriller! I found it so enjoyable and compulsively readable. I have been recommending it to others right and left.

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I can always count on Ruth Ware books to be an entertaining escape and this one falls into that category. Not my favorite of hers - more so because of the story than the writing, I love a good haunted house and creepy child (I'm looking at you The Turn of the Key - but I was not disappointed by the twists and turns the story took. I also found the tech piece so intriguing - are there really people who are paid to break into companies to assess security strength? Jack's growth and development across the story was definitely the highlight for me. She was a badass start to finish, but I loved how her storyline progressed.

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This book is really fast-paced and keeps you turning pages to find out what happens next. Many twists and turns, which keep the storyline moving.

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This one didn't grab me as much as Ware's other thrillers. Maybe it was the amount of explanation for a world few of us see close up.

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This was an action packed thriller that kept my attention throughout. I would reccomend this book to all mystery thriller lovers.

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Zero Days by Ruth Ware

Jack and her husband Gabe work as pen testers. They are hired by companies to break into buildings and hack into computer systems. After one such job, Jack returns home to find her husband has been murdered. Jack quickly becomes the prime suspect. The story unfolds as Jack races against time to find out who killed her husband.
Zero Days was very different from the other Ruth Ware books I have read. It was a little slow to me in parts but the tech aspects were interesting. Overall, it was entertaining but not my favorite book of hers.
Thank you to Netgalley and Simon & Schuster for this eARC to read and review.

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Thoroughly enjoyed! Jack Cross and her husband run a pen test business, teaming up to expose gaps in security for companies. When she returns from a job and finds him dead and clues leading in her direction, the race starts to hunt down the killer and keep herself out of jail. A tiny slow in the middle and I saw the twist coming, but this makes for a great summer thriller.

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Ruth Ware has penned another thriller
to keep you glued to the page. Jack and her husband make a dynamite team who together check the vulnerability of companies. Coming home from a problem with an assignment she finds Gabe murdered and herself a suspect. On the run she slowly puts the pieces together.. You will enjoy this one but have a hard time figuring the culprit!

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I love Ruth Ware, even though her stories can be a bit predictable, but they are still thrilling and entertaining. This one is of a woman that comes home and finds her husband dead. The police think she did it, so she goes on the run to find out who really did it. I would definitely recommend this read. Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley.

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Ruth Ware writes another fast-paced thriller in Zero Days. Jack returns home to find her husband, Gabe, murdered and the police set their eyes on her. She escapes the police so she can find out who killed her husband, because the police already made up their mind that it was her. I think for the most part this story was very predictable, you can figure out the person that committed the murder very quickly, but I still found myself extremely entertained and I couldn't stop reading.

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