Member Reviews

Third and final book in this series set during World War Two. Some new characters and a chance to catch up with some old. Strong female characters determined to do their bit.

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Can Sally get her happy ever after?
A story of strong and courageous women! I love how they support each other through the toughest of times!

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Looked forward to this 3rd book of this series but have to say that I was a little disappointed. I suppose this could be due to the fact that what I thought may happen didn't! Didn't find it as readable as the others but there's only so much an author can put into each book. Saying that, I will award 4 stars as I believe the series as a whole is very readable.
Many thanx to NdetGalley, the author and the publisher for allowing me to read and review this book

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As usual in my reviews, I will not rehash the plot - there are reviews like that out there already!

I've read several other titles by this author, and enjoyed her writing style, so was delighted to receive an ARC of this novel.

This is the final book in the "Wrens" trilogy, and I enjoyed it as much as the previous titles in the series. In this novel we meet several new characters - some nice, some not so - as well as catching up with our friends from the earlier books. I was very pleased with the eventual outcome(s) - but will say no more than that so as not to give away the plot!

This is a cosy read with threads of intrigue, romance and sadness woven together. The author has clearly done a lot of research into the Orkneys during WW2, and it shows in the well-crafted plot and characters.

Recommended if you enjoy well written stories with a historical setting (this series is set during WW2), great characters and a well thought out plot.

Looking forward to more by this author.

My thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for an ARC. All opinions my own.

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this is the third and the final book in the series i believe. and i always find it hard to talk about a book in a series, because you do not want to spoil it. but the book is still about strong women, friendships, love and revenge. it was a good way to end a series, no loose ends.
thank you to netgalley for letting me read this e arc in exchange for an honest opinion

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Whilst I do like a saga to get involved in, this trilogy comes to end with this book for the Wrens, their work is almost done and they can perhaps get on with their lives.

We are back to Orkney with Iris, Mary and Sally. Sally is the main focus of this book but her friends still feature strongly as it is their friendship that has got them through some really tough times.

Sally is if nothing ad reamer, filled with stories of her parents relationship before her father died, She believes she will know when she meets the one. Adam is the one. A friend back from home is suddenly near to where Sally is posted. But something doesn’t seem right and when new Wren Tessa seems to have set her sights on Adam, Sally still believes all will be well in the end. Then Adam gets engaged to someone else.

Tessa and Sally are somewhat miffed. Tessa resorts to taking everything out on Sally.

Sally starts to think perhaps she will never find the one. Little does she know, she already as but his circumstances are much restricted.

Aldo is an Italian Prisoner of War on Orkney. However events in Europe, see Italy changing sides and the PoWs suddenly have some more freedom. For Aldo this means he can see the woman he has been dreaming about since he first met her. Sally.

Of course, nothing is going to be easy and when a fellow Italian Fascist from the camp threatens the woman that Aldo cares about, it seems that no one is safe on the island.

This is a great conclusion to the series and I would recommend this series to anyone who has an interest in the Home Front during the Second World War as well as the work that Women did during that time in our Armed Forces. I thought it was all thoroughly researched and d gave a real sense of time and place. Thank you to the author.

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I love Vicki’s books and I particularly enjoyed the Wrens series telling the stories of Iris, Sally and Mary. They definitely had some ups and downs during their stay in Orkney. It was nice how three strangers in book one came together and became like family to each other during the difficult times of World War Two. If you like historical fiction I can highly recommend this series.

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Third in the series for these WRENs; having Mary and Iris happily settled with their sweethearts, albeit apart due to the war, it is Sally's turn to find romance. She's devastated when Adam, an old friend from home, becomes engaged to another girl although he has never explicitly implied anything more than friendship to Sally, but she's a romantic.. Life on Orkney continues with longs walks to their signal look-out, time spent with locals and then there is Tessa, the new unpleasant signaller and there is Aldo, the Italian PoW, not to mention the rain which the author does, all too frequently.. Whilst all very predictable it is a sweet story with a happy ending. The descriptions of Orkney and the details of its history during the war are well researched.. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy.

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A sweet and fitting end to the Wrens series. I just didn't enjoy this series nearly as much as thr Ops Room Girls one so I couldn't rate it as high. Sally was such sweet character though, I liked her instantly and I was rooting for her and Aldo since book one. The Wren's friendship and warmth is evident throughout the three books and even though there are some dramatic and heartbreaking moments, overall the love and goodness of the people who kept Britain safe during the scary days of WW2 shines through.

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I recently saw a documentary about the Wrens and it helped me to set the characters into perspective and appreciate how well researched this book is.
There's a mix of historical fiction, romance, and some mystery. The characters are fleshed out and the author did not picture an all-white-scenario as there's also prejudice and all those nasty things connected to a war.
I enjoyed it and think and i will read the rest of the series.
Many thanks to the publisher for this arc, all opinions are mine

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Thank you for the chance to read this ARC in return for my honest opinion.

This was the last in the series it seems and the story was tied up in the final chapter.

It was great to meet the main characters again and find out more about Sally and also the others.
I enjoyed reading about the insecurities that Sally had, and how Tessa managed to bully her and make her life a misery in some ways. However during the book the reason for this, in both cases, became apparent and Sally didn't seem as immature as she might have. I think as an insecure person I could empathise with Sally.
I won't provide any more spoilers - I would hate to spill the beans for others.

I had no idea that Italian POWs were interred on Orkney - it was interesting to read about their lives and how it changed with the capitulation of Italy in the War.

The descriptions of Orkney and the lives of the ordinary people and their own tragedies was also well dealt with and it was obvious that the book had been well researched.

Thank you again

if this is indeed the end then I shall look out for more titles by this author.

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All good series have to come to an end and this is where we are now. I have really enjoyed these books and it it lovely to see how it all ends. These can be read as standalone books but better to read in order to follow the characters journey through the war years. This is well worth 5 stars

Thanks to Netgalley and publisher for this ARC

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I enjoyed some parts of this and others bits just irritated me. Sally seemed very immature and not able to stand up for herself with Tessa. Her love interest in Adam was plain from the start that he wasn’t interested in her and that seemed silly that Sally just couldn’t see it. The rest of the story was fine. If there was another series I would definitely like to read it. My thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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A bit of a mixed bag - some bits I enjoyed and didn't see coming and other bits I found childish and boring. The spat with Tessa and Sally was like something that came from a playground. Sally's infatuation too with Adam was something I'm sure I experienced about age 14 not as a working adult!

I enjoy the descriptions of the scenery and the life on watch although there wasn't as much of that in this book. I felt the end of the war came all of a sudden with very little mention once D-Day happened which was a shame. It all felt a bit rushed.

I can't decide if it was the last in the series or if the girls stories will continue after the war?

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

I really enjoyed reading this last instalment to the series.

It was lovely to meet up with Sally, Mary and Iris.

The wrens have their share of problems, heartache, trouble and love.

Will they get their happy endings?

I really enjoyed reading about their lives and those of the supporting characters.

Can’t wait to see what Vicki will write next.

I highly recommend this series.

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A great read and conclusion to this series. have enjoyed the stories and the lives of the wrens. I hope Vicki writes another series

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My happiness to be back with the Wrens =x1000! It has been a truly great series and I’ve been so excited to rejoin them and see how they’re getting on. I’ve been anticipating Sophie’s time in the limelight, with the book based around her life (&subsequent romance of course!). And it was great to be back with Iris and Mary too.

Sophie’s a hopeless romantic and has been fixated on her inevitable union with Adam. She’s been a great character throughout the other two books and I couldn’t wait to see her have her happy ending.

Another thing I loved is that it’s not necessary to have read the other two (although I fervently recommend it as they’re great!) but it doesn’t take enjoyment out if this is your first encounter with the wrens. The author catches you up and makes it feel like you’ve missed out on little, so fear not if you haven’t read the others.

It was everything I hoped for and more ! I do love a good wartime book and this hit all the marks. The friendship, the strength in adversity and the romance throughout such different times. And I’ve always been intrigued by the jobs of the wrens so a book showing what such integral work they do is amazing. I’m so sad to see these books end as I’ve so enjoyed getting to know these characters but the ending was amazing and so satisfying. I can’t wait to see what else this author produces now. I’m ready to get stuck into a whole new series!

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Hopeful Hearts for the Wrens is a wonderful addition to my collection of World War 2 historical fiction books. I enjoy devouring as much information as possible about the time period. My mum never wants to talk about it. Other family members change the subject when I ask questions. So books, like this one, are a way to understand what happened.

The author's dramatic story was joy to read as I followed Sally Hartley's search for her soul mate. Sally's propensity towards superstitions had me laughing along side her friends. Sally used superstitions to guide her in love, blinding her to what was right in front of her.

Hopeful Hearts for the Wrens is filled with drama, suspense, romance and friendships. A new member to the Signalers, Tessa, made for a very interesting read. I didn't think Sally could ever have an enemy, but Tessa proved me wrong. Holy Moly, she is an interesting character bringing many entertaining moments to the read. I couldn't wait to read what she did next.

Making the story even more intense were the Italian prisoners of war being located nearby. Not all of the POWs came with good intentions. Some were very vocal in their intentions against the British expecting others to go along. A change in status will make no difference to some. To others it is a time for new beginnings.

When a Wren is attacked; attitudes and beliefs could influence the investigation. What an eye opener!!! The story became a real nail biter as prejudices influence the future of one of the POWs. The determination of Sally and her friends just might turn things around. The ending had me beaming with glee.

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It was lovely being back in Orkney with the Wrens, Sally, Mary and Iris. Vicki Beeby carried me along yet again with her skilful story weaving. The book has it all with romance and friendship, plus danger and intrigue. Even the baddies have their own story. I didn’t want this series to end and I finished this book with a tear in my eye and a great big, satisfied feeling.

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Having read the other two books in the Wrens series, I was thrilled to be given the opportunity to review this one and it was brilliant. Possibly the best in the series. There was drama (and plenty of it), romance, and a little humour too. I love Vicki's style of writing. I'm just gutted this appears to be the last in the series but I hope there are more books to come from this author - I think she's brilliant!

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