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The Trade Off

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For me, these types of books have to move at an extremely quick pace and this book delivered.

At some point, I wasn't believing anyone in this book. None of the characters were great all the time - which I appreciate. I hate it when a story has a heroine who is absolutely not realistic.

Fast paced and I thoroughly appreciated reading this.

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"The Trade Off" by Sandie Jones is a gripping and thought-provoking journalism story. This novel, courtesy of St. Martin's Press and Minotaur Books, delves into the delicate balance between morals and life's limits, prompting readers to consider the price they are willing to pay for the truth. Jones skillfully weaves a compelling narrative that raises questions about ethical choices and leaves a lasting impact. While some plot developments may be predictable, the engrossing exploration of moral dilemmas makes "The Trade Off" an intriguing read. I'm grateful to the publishers for providing me with an ARC of this captivating novel. It deserves a resounding 5-star rating.

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The Trade Off is a interesting read that takes on The Globe and the way the stories are reported or made so that they can maintain readers. You have the old ways of Stella that are challenged by Jess as she joins the staff and brings the fresh perspective of a young reporter. The book is pretty good. You definitely have the Harvey Weinstein / Me Too movement in it. The parallels do tend to take away from the originality of the story. However, overall it was a decent read.

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Started off slow, but really picked up in the last ⅓-¼. I wouldn't say there was any big twist that wasn't sort of expected, but it was fun not knowing who to trust and who was actually going to help Jess. This definitely revealed a darker side to celebrity journalism and at times it seemed unrealistic that Jess, being so young and unexperienced, would be a part of this world at all.

Overall, a lighter and enjoyable read with not as much suspense as other thrillers (so probably more of a just a fiction read?). Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC.

Review live now on GoodReads - - and StoryGraph.

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I received a copy of the book from NetGalley and my honest review is blah, blah, blah. I didn't find anything "thrilling" about the book. Very hard to get invested in it. One word to describe it, disappointing.

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Sandie Jones has done it again! In her latest novel The Trade Off centers around the fast-paced, merciless world of tabloid journalism. Knowing that Sandie Jones never disappoints, I went into this novel completely blind. Initially, I was a little confused as to where the story was going to take me, but then there was a twist that changed the entire trajectory and I was absolutely hooked. The character development was on point and I enjoyed figured out who was a “good guy” and who wasn’t! The entire book played out like a movie in my mind—love that. After I was finished this novel and storyline stayed on my mind, I adore a novel that makes you think. As per usual, I am already looking forward to Sandie Jones next novel!

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Thank you to St. Martin’s Press, Sandie Jones, and NetGalley for the eARC of The Trade Off!

How far would you go to get a story published? Jess lands a job at her dream newspaper, The Globe. She is thrilled to start, but she isn’t expecting the lengths the staff will go to in order to tell a story. On her first assignment, Jess quickly realizes that she may not be cut out for this job due to her own personal morals.

Stella Thorne is the head honcho in the office, right under Max Forsythe, the editor in chief. Stella is known for her cutthroat ways of getting stories published in The Globe.

Max wants Jess to expose the terrible journalism that is being brought on by Stella, but what Jess doesn’t know is that everything is not what it seems.

I really enjoyed this book! It was fast-paced, interesting, and held my attention from the very beginning. Highly recommend!

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Sandie Jones's new novel focuses upon a infamous gossip paper in England. Newly hired Jess wants to be a "real" reporter and may not fit in to the office with her focus on scruples and fairness. Stella, the power driven deputy editor doesn't have interest or time for Jess and wants her out fired or at least out of the way. When Stella is given an opportunity to go for broke and potentially become the editor in chief, she doesn't want to think twice.
However when an interview goes very wrong with a semi-know chef, Jess decides she has to take a stand. The problem is that she doesn't know how insidious the power structure really is beneath the Globe.

I liked this novel but I did not love it. I did not love it as I never truly bonded with Jess nor Stella. I think there were some interesting issues that were unexplored like Stella's past relationship. Basically, the story was sound and the twists were interesting but more meat in the characters and their relationships would have made this a home run.

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So excited for a new release from Sandie Jones! I loved The Guilt Trip and new I wanted to read her latest release, The Trade Off. This one was a super fast-paced read and had all of the juicy stuff you want from an action-paced thriller. Highly recommend picking this one up!

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Sadly, this was a miss for me. Based on the blurb alone, I thought I would be very into this book, but as I was reading, I suspected the big twist had come and gone, and it was underwhelming. While this story fits very well in the world we live in, I'm typically reading to step away from the world and looking for something a bit more escapist. It wasn't a bad book, and there were little moments throughout that were appropriately twisty, but the tone overall just wasn't what I expected, so I was disappointed.

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Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for providing me with an eARC of The Trade Off in exchange for my honest thoughts!

While I don't necessarily consider The Trade Off by Sandie Jones to be a particularly groundbreaking thriller, it nonetheless kept me engaged the whole time with its dark dive into the sleazy and ruthless world of tabloid journalism. I'm seeing quite a few reviews point out how the first half of the book drags along, and I can admit that it does feel slower than I'd expect from a book that's being marketed as a thriller, but I was able to vibe with it once I decided to process it as a deliberately paced mystery. If The Trade Off had been promoted in that fashion, I think readers would have been more willing to forgive the plot's first half.

The characters themselves, particularly our two leads, Stella and Jess, are interesting enough to follow in that first half as they engage in morally gray decisions, but (and again, I can understand people's criticisms here) their intriguing facets don't get all that revealed until the second half. And then that's where we pick up the pace, where we confront a whole bunch of twists for the rest of a narrative that's being written with a post-#MeToo perspective in mind. On a side note, the climax (without getting into spoilers) includes a beat that's evocative of the Michael Mann action thriller Collateral. If you've already read the book and you've seen the movie, you probably know what I'm referring to.

Overall, I'm giving The Trade Off an official rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars. If you can accept the relatively slower pacing for the first half of the book and view it as a mystery instead of a thriller like I did, I think you'll be able to have a compelling time with this.

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"The Trade Off, by Sandi Jones is a page-turning novel about the British Tabloid Press. Jess, a rookie reporter is tasked by her seasoned editor Max to turn the paper, The Globe, away from its evil ways. The only obstacle is the deputy editor, Stella, who will stop at nothing to get the best story possible. The end result is that Jess gets pulled into one bad situation after another as she tries to reveal Stella's unethical methods.

It's hard to put down this novel; there is always the curiosity of what might happen next. The different perspectives provide views of journalists at different points in their careers as they try to make a name, keep a name, or keep a job. There is enough suspense without the cliched drama or action to keep the reader well engaged.

"The Trade Off" is a well crafted, intriguing read that offers the right mix of character development, suspense and story-telling to make it well worth your while.

Thank you Netgalley and Macmillan for the ARC!

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I received a free copy of The Trade Off by Net Galley. I have read most of Sandie Jones’ novels and I have really liked them. The Trade Off is a little different from her other novels. I wouldn’t classify this novel as psychological suspense. I think it is more like literary fiction. But I did truly enjoy the book. It was a well written expose of British tabloid journalism. The book starts with Jess getting a job with a big British tabloid. She tries to retain her moral compass as she watches her colleagues entrap various celebrities. The Trade Off gave me a lot to think about about how I view different stories.

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Look on over here at this cutie patootie…

Sandie Jones is back with her 6th publication, The Trade Off.

NetGalley is literally the gift that just keeps on giving when it comes to giving us early access to some of our most favored authors.

After reading every previously published Jones book I knew I just had to have this one.

I had tried to hold out reading this one until my cruise this Sunday but the suspense was killing me. I promised myself I would only read ONE chapter….


I just finished.

This book was insane!!! I have always loved Sandie Jones but this book right here is definitely her best yet but don’t take my word for it, pre-order yourself a copy!

Due out August 15th, this is not a book you want to miss!

5 stars ⭐️

Teaser :

For Stella, deputy editor of The Globe, the choice has always been clear. It doesn’t matter how low she has to stoop―getting the best story is what she’s built her reputation on.

For Jess, The Globe’s rookie reporter, the story stops when the truth does. But she knows that the dirty tricks of the tabloids will be hard to overturn.

And when a celebrity is hounded by The Globe and pays the ultimate price, Jess wonders just how much Stella and the paper are responsible. Determined to show the world what the tabloid is capable of, Jess will do whatever it takes to uncover the truth, but she needs to watch her back, because someone else is prepared to kill to bury it.


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The Trade Off by Sandie Jones was on point. There were many twists and turns that kept my attention and wanting to see how it ended. Jones does a nice job with unexpected events and unfolds them nicely for the reader. I'm sure there is some truth to how tabloids get their story and sell it to the world as reality. It makes me second guess what the real truth/reality vs. the created reality of news companies is. Which version can you trust? Stella seems like the typical bad guy, but is she really? Lives are destroyed all for the sake of a headline and so editors can make a name for themselves or their news outlet.

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I am a huge fan of Sandie Jones and was super grateful when I got approved to review one of her novels. This book was great because you never knew who was after Jess and what happened to the celebrity. I disliked Stella and I think in this day and age we hate the tabloids and the TMZ era of reporting which helped us dislike the job and respect Jess more for seeing these celebs as people and not stories or paychecks.

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Jess thinks she's been given the opportunity of a lifetime when she's hired by The Globe as a rookie reporter! Jess is hired to work under deputy editor Stella, who Jess quickly realizes will stop at NOTHING to get the story she is after!! The Trade Off shows the dark side of shady news publications at their worst but as with most thrillers, nothing is quite as it seems!

I hate giving a book a bad review but the prologue was the best part. The Trade Off attempts to address two controversial subjects in the Me Too movement and the lengths that tabloids will go to publish a story even if it's destroys lives, however, the results were just off and felt very unrelatable with poor character development. I enjoyed The Other Woman by Sandie Jones so I know she's a capable author but this one missed the mark.

Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for this E-arc in exchange for an honest review!

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I normally really enjoy Sandie Jones, so I'm bummed to say that this wasn't a hit for me. I finished it, it was fine, but it wasn't anything that pulled me and made me stay up past my bedtime to read. I found Jess and Stella to be very one note - we have the "good one" and the "bad one" and that was the basis of their personalities for me. Additionally, there's Max, who is the most wishy washy, confusing character ever. Ultimately, this one was just ok for me - this certainly doesn't turn me off from reading future work by the author, it's just not my favorite of her work.

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I really struggled to get into this as it was marketed as a thriller and I was hoping for something along the lines of The Other Woman as Sandie Jones absolutely killed it with that thriller. However, it ended up being more of a contemporary fiction. If I had gone into this knowing it was a contemporary fiction, I likely would have liked it more.

The first half is very slow paced. It spends most of the time on fluffing up the characters as there really wasn't much development, but I didn't find any of the characters likeable, and I didn't even enjoy any of them being unlikable, which is a big draw back for me. The second half did pick up some, just not enough to offset the beginning.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed reading The Blame Game last year so I was looking forward to reading this one!

Jess is a reporter with a solid moral compass who is trying to make a difference. Stella on the other hand is a different story. However, both women will stop at nothing to get what they want.

The whole MeToo theme hit a little close to home but it was a page turner and I read it in one sitting.

I'm looking forward to going back and reading other Sandie Jones novels!

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