Member Reviews

I loved this graphic interpretation of this fantastic book. The artwork is stellar. I find the material necessary for all of us. Utilizing visual art makes it more accessible to a younger audience and its message. This is a classic from a scholar we should spend more time with.

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As someone who recently read the original book "The Souls of Black Folk" by W.E.B. Du Bois and rated it 5 stars, I found this graphic interpretation to be a great resource for students. It is a more accessible version of the original from which younger audiences or those who do not read a lot of nonfiction would still be able to learn and take away a lot of meaning. This would be great to pair with the original or for use on its own in middle and high school classrooms. Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC!

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Paul Peart-Smith’s artwork provides a fantastic new visual depth to this seminal work of American literature, for both those revisiting this classic of American literature or those like myself who are finally giving it a long overdue first read. As someone who likes to keep the graphic novel selection at the library I work at well-curated, this would make for an immediately welcome and valued addition.

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Such a beautifully rendered celebration of a classic work. It’s a bite-sized and captivating introduction to a scholar we must all learn from. I will definitely be purchasing the hard copy for my library.

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