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I really enjoyed this book as an audiobook. It reeled me in from the start. I mean who doesn't love a creepy story about an amusement park? This book was full of secrets and twists. It kept me guessing the entire time, and, every time a new secret was revealed, it just got more twisted and sinister. Set in a small, idyllic, seaside town, the corruption and darkness that lies beneath make this such a fun read/listen! The narrator did a great job with the voices

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3.75 stars ·· Thank you to Netgalley & Macmillan Audio for approving this request for an audiobook review copy!
This was actually better than I thought it would be! I really enjoyed the tone of the book and the writing style, for the most part. It reminded me of a lot of the detective thrillers I used to read a while back and it was a comfortable feeling to have.

I do think a lot of the plot was over the top, which is not a bad thing but it's not my preference. I would have really liked it a lot more if this was actually a series and a few of these different things used throughout the book had been all split into different books. There was a lot going on and it felt like TOO much. Some of the things incorporated were barely even used... kind of including the big, shocking finale. It wasn't super shocking when I didn't really have time to consider it being a possibility. A lot of things just felt like they weren't used enough so when everything was revealed in the end, it fell a little flat.

Bianca was just straight up ridiculous and I hated her whole story arc. I really liked Vanessa and would have liked to spend more time with her (see previous comment about spreading this out into a series) and her detective work. The other side characters were a little blah except for Vanessa's PI friend who came to join her, who was apparently in another book that I didn't read/didn't finish, and apparently Vanessa makes an appearance in LITTLE SECRETS, but I read that one first and years ago so I wouldn't have known.

The amusement park was also kind of fun, but I still felt like it wasn't quite used to its full potential. Lots of things just fell a little short, and the book was a little long, so I end up with a bit of a mixed review.

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I've been a fan of Jennifer Hillier for quite some time now and was excited to get an audio copy of Wonderland. This made a great audiobook and I loved the storyline... small town amusement park with a possible serial killer? A creepy clown museum? What's not to like?

There were a few twists in here that I did not see coming at all, and a few that I did. Overall I very much enjoyed the book and I found myself doing more chores so I could listen to it more. Sometimes I find for me an audiobook becomes background noise and this one definitely kept and held my attention. Would most definitely recommend this story in any format!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an audio copy in exchange for an honest review!

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Wonderland is a book I liked, but a start to a series I can see myself loving. Sometimes that characters felt a little like caricatures, especially the 14 year old, but the plot moved exceptionally well. While I am unable to find the sequel that the author alluded to at the end of the book, I am hopeful that it will come. There are a lot a plot lines that I'm interested to follow.

Thank you Jennifer Hiller , Macmillan Audio, and Net Galley for my advanced review copy.

Plot - 5
Writing and Editing - 3
Character Development - 3
Narration - 4
Personal Bias - 3
Final Score - 3.6

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Thank you to Macmillan Audio for the ALC for this recent reissue (previously only released as an ebook) in exchange for my honest opinion.
Wonderland is the name of an amusement park in Seaside, a rural town outside of Seattle. The story involves multiple people who have worked at Wonderland over the course of many years, along with the disappearance of a number of teenage boys who’ve disappeared in the same time frame. One of the newest workers at the park is Ava, the daughter of the new deputy chief of Seaside Police, Vanessa, who had also worked there when she was young. Vanessa is now working on finding the missing boys, as one more worker disappeared on her first night in town.
Are you a fan of creepy thrillers? If so, this could be a great audiobook for you.
Last summer I enjoyed reading Things We Do In the Dark, the author’s most recent release, and I was excited to check out one of her previous books. I enjoy psychological thrillers, but this one had more horror and an increased “creep” factor (there is a clown museum at Wonderland!) which left me feeling icky! The narration was great, increasing the tension and creepiness. I believe the same narrator recorded Things We Do In the Dark! It also sounds like the author’s book Little Secrets includes some of the same key characters as this one, so I’ll be checking that one out in the near future, too!

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What do you get when you combine one of my favorite thriller authors (Jennifer Hillier) with one of my favorite audiobook narrators (Eunice Wong)? An absolute masterpiece!

I loved this book so much. The pacing, the plot, the characters, and the setting were all perfect in my very humble opinion. Another dark and twisty winner from Ms Hillier that I'll be recommending to anyone who will listen!

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I normally don't like fiction audiobooks but I've loved everything Jennifer Hillier has written and this was no exception.

A creepy amusement park? Check. A sexy one-night stand between strangers in a small town? Check. A body showing up in the amusement park? Check. Missing teens. More spicy, sexy scenes. More creepy amusement park. Oh, my!

Really, though, Hillier does a great job balancing the sexy scenes and the mystery of a dead body and other missing teens. I couldn't stop listening to it! The narrator used so many tones to depict all the characters, I didn't get bored on a long drive, and it kept my interest. I was rooting for the new Deputy Chief to solve the case at Wonderland and fall for Oz, even though he was damaged and still seduced by Wonderland's CEO. But why would Deputy Chief Vanessa ever let her daughter work at Wonderland if she knew all that's going on there?? Really? But overall, still a fast read/listen and very enjoyable mystery for fans of creepy carnivals.

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As someone from Washington, I enjoyed that this book was set in a fictional town in Washington. I loved the plot of this book, and was on edge the entire time to figure out the mystery at the amusement park and how the town was involved.
This was my first book by Jennifer Hillier, and I’ll definitely be picking up her other ones.

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When I picked this up to read, I was excited because I've enjoyed a few others by this author in the past, but I did not realize this was along the liens of a detective/investigative thriller, which is one of my least favorite types of thrillers. This wasn't fully into the genre, but definitely had a lot of investigative scenes & a crime background. I did enjoy the storytelling in this though and it moved along at a good pace. I thought the narration was excellent as well. I wasn't overly shocked by the twist at the end as there was a lot of foreshadowing leading up to it. Overall, this wasn't my favorite by Hillier and but it was enjoyable. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book is being rereleased via mass paperback and I’ve been wanting to have a chance to experience this book for years. WONDERLAND is slower-paced and more straightforward than the author’s newer works, but still a pretty solid audiobook listen. I love that I had a chance to read her earlier works because it’s shown me her professional growth within the genre of mystery/thriller storytelling.

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I couldn't finish this story. The writing was well done but, personally, I felt there was too much cursing, and the amount of sex/sexual "scenes" put me off from the story itself. I couldn't enjoy the story unfolding due to the amount of those particular issues I had with it.

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3.5 stars on this one.

I listened to the audiobook, which was very well done. I think the same narrator as some of her other books.

The story was good, it kept me interested, but something about this story just wasn’t as enthralling as some of her more recent books. I also felt like the ending was lacking.

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What. A. Creepy. Thriller.

I will start off by saying how I am terrified of clowns and porcelain dolls, so just the idea that this book takes place at a theme park, and one of the scariest scenes takes place in a doll house - know that I was already creeped out before I even started reading!

I really love Jennifer Hillier's writing, but never explored too much into her backlist. This book originally was released in 2015 (available on KU for all of my ebook reading friends), and was just recently released in audio. I am so glad I listened, because this was definitely a freaky book and thee narration was perfect!

As for the plot itself, I do have to admit that once I really got into the story, I could kind of guess the direction it was going in. There were a couple surprise twists though, which did shock me. Overall, I was satisfied with how the story ended, and really liked how all of the smaller storylines fit together.

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I was really excited when I was granted this audiobook, which although the book was published years ago, had a recent release of a new audiobook version. I love amusement parks, I love thrillers. I figured I'd love a thriller set in an amusement park. But there was too much personal drama, I really didn't care for most of the characters, and I wasn't really that 'thrilled.' It just kind of fell flat for me. It wasn't bad, but it also wasn't that good. I'm still going to give the author's other books a chance.

Thank you netgalley and Macmillan audio for giving me an advanced review copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved this creepy story! I usually don't like cop storylines but this one worked, probably because the creepy theme park vibes made it more horror-y than a regular detective thriller. There were horror elements, and they were done well, but I wouldn't consider this horror. The twists were pretty good and I did not see them coming from a mile away like many other thrillers.

I listened to the audio as I read along on my kindle. I appreciated some of the 2023 updates, particularly that they edited out some transphobic remarks. Hillier always features characters of color so I love that representation. However, the narrator did not do a great job with the Black character. It sounded very stereotypical and made me cringe a bit.

Overall, I'd reccomended this audiobook for the story and mostly effective narration.

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Jennifer Hillier always knocks it out of the park and is an author that I will always read. I have loved so many of her books and Wonderland is another 4-star read. This is a dark, creepy, and twisty story that takes you for a ride, which is fitting as it is set in an amusement park.

The audiobook narration is excellent, and I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this book. It kept my interest and conveyed the content clearly. Sometimes things get lost in translation on audiobooks, especially when stories are told from multiple point of views, but Wonderland did not disappoint.

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I love the way that Jennifer Hiller tells a story! It’s creepy and feels realistic enough to be believable but it’s outrageous enough to be obviously a work of fiction.

Wonderland revolves around an amusement park of the same name - and it has a Clown Museum. That’s right. Clown. Museum. But even creepier, is the dead body that shows up around opening day, which results in an investigation by the new deputy chief in town and she isn’t handling the park with kid gloves like the other law enforcement in town. She’s new and cares more about justice and solving the missing persons cases and the murder case than saving face and protecting the park.

While I was confused initially with where this was going, I caught on and then couldn’t put it down. I had to know what was going on in this small, corrupt-appearing town (I love those kind of stories honestly!). The ending came on a bit quicker than I was prepared for but I’m not mad about it. I was ready to know what happened, but I did feel the rest of the story was more filled out than the ending.

The audio version, having released 8 years after the initial ebook, was absolutely fantastic. I love the way the narrator handled the story and brought the suspense along with the story. It was perfect.


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In true Hillier fashion, this was a story that took listeners on a wild ride. I love her books on audio and "Wonderland" was no exception. Missing boys, a creepy doll house featuring girls dressed as life size dolls, some romance and secrets that are meant to stay hidden -- this one gives readers it all! As someone who doesn't love amusement parks, this only confirmed my suspicions of them - lol.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the new audiobook to review. This book was originally published in 2015 and has been on my TBR for years. When I saw the audiobook on NetGalley, I jumped on it. The narrator was very engaging and I enjoyed the ride this audiobook offered. Listening during the night was not the wisest decision as well-written serial killer police procedurals tend to have chapters that keep me awake. This was no different. The writing was good and the overall story was plotted well.

Vanessa and her daughter Ava have just moved to Seaside. Vanessa worked at the amusement park when she was younger and her daughter has gotten a job there now. Vanessa is now the Deputy Chief of police and is immediately thrown into investigating open missing persons cases.

I haven’t read much by Hillier yet but so far this is my favorite. I definitely will read more in the future. Some thrillers do not engage me in audio format but this one definitely did.

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3.5 stars. I have had to original paperback on my shelf for years but this year I got into a Jennifer Hillier kick and decided to pick her up. This book disappointed me a tad and it would have also been LOVELY to know this had a character from a previous duology because there was a pretty big spoiler about Jerry(detective from the Creep/Freak duology). Aside from that detail, I found the book to be a little slow. I loved the parts when we were in the park and especially when they described the clown room.

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