Member Reviews

I absolutely love this series! Laurel is a unique heroine, a little on the spectrum I would guess. Her mind retains information beyond the norm. This makes for a very good agent and a great read.

Huck really shined as he fully steps in as the alpha type hero I love. He was protective without running roughshod over Laurel. Not that she would ever let him. I adore the way he is keyed in to her idiosyncrasies and understands how to communicate with her. Together they make a fascinating couple.

This had so many twists. I was fiercely trying to figure out who the killer was and I loved that it kept me guessing. Laurel's suspicions of Abigail grows as does my own and it just feels like things are getting close to some type of showdown between them. Abigail definitely has me skeeved out.

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A big thank you to NetGalley and Kensington/Zebra for the eARC. I am voluntarily revieiwng this book. This is the third in the series. I have read the others so not sure how it reads as a stand alone. You might want to read them in order. Laurel is an interesting person an FBI special agent. This is a mystery with a side of romance. I feel so bad for Laurel to have a sister like Abigal-she is just pure evil. Yikes I didn't enjoy this one as much as the other two, but it is still a great read. 4 stars I think most people will enjoy this book.

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BOOK: You Can Die
SERIES: Laurel Snow #3
GENRE: thriller
TROPES & THEMES: serial killer, mystery-solving, psychological thriller, romance side plot, small town, badass heroine, twists and turns, ongoing side plot from previous books
RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
RELEASE DATE: July 25th, 2023

Even though this is third book if you like you can read it as standalone. But I would suggest you read the entire series because there is ongoing side plot with Laurel's sister and growing romance that is happening. While the mystery part is interesting, my favorite thing about this series are the characters.

I would recommend this book to all the fans of the genre and this author's writing.

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One of the things that I love about this series is that all of the characters evolve. Their main traits remain but their environment and other circumstances push changes onto them.
In this, the third book in the Laurel Snow series we find Laurel seeking information about both her psychotic sister and attempting to solve the murders of men found with valentine hearts shoved down their throats post-mortem. All of the men appear to be from good families and some are associated with a member of Laurel's team's law practice.
I love when a series has a couple who strive to be better at communication and trust. Huck Rivers and Laurel have intensified their relationship but with a gentle ease.
We are introduced to a couple of new characters and older ones are reappearing..
This is a tremendous series with great mysteries and even better investigations. Zanetti has a winning series.
Thank you to NetGalley and Zebra publishing for this ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Rebecca Zanetti is a very talented multi-faceted author. She has successfully written Paranormal Romantic-Suspense, Cowboy Romantic-Suspense, FBI Romantic-Suspense, just plain Romance and other sub genres. The Laurel Snow Series is a dark Romantic-Suspense with unique characters and a baddie that isn't reveled till the end. My favorite kind. I loved the romance between Huck and Lauren and how he gets her, when her brainiac would turn off most men, Huck just gets her. I don't know where this series is going, but I'm definitely along for the ride.

The Broken Hearts Killer is murdering men in the Seattle area, most with connections to a certain law firm and a defunct summer camp. The signature killer uses are stabbing the victim multiple times then leaving them in a purple tent neat a church with their mouths stuffed with Valentine's Day hard candy.

FBI Special Agent Laurel Snow has this difficult case to solve in addition to dealing with her half-sister, Abigail Crane, who Laurel is certain is a sociopath and her deepening attraction to hunky Washington Fish and Wildlife Captain Huck Rivers. When her father, Zeke Crane, turns up after a five-year absence, he throws a spammer in the case by being attacked in the same manner. Laurel is fighting against time and a serial killer on a mission and needs all the help she can get, and Huck Rivers is more than willing to help and protect the woman he has come to care a great deal for.

My thanks the Publisher and the Author for providing a complimentary digital Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this novel via NetGalley. This is my fair, honest and personal review. All opinions are mine alone and were not biased in any way.

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I’ve really been enjoying the Laurel Snow series but this one was a miss for me. Laurel is setting up a little more permanently in town - knowing she will be staying for at least a year. She immediately gets drawn into a case with another serial killer.

It’s hard for me to pinpoint exactly what didn’t work for me but I think it was the pacing. There were a lot of suspects and a lot of spinning around trying to get answers - and then suddenly it was 95% through the book. I felt like the ending was very rushed and left more answers than I hoped for - I guess setting up for the next in the series. I’ll probably continue to read them but this one definitely wasn’t a favorite.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the advance reading copy.

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You Can Die is the latest installment of Rebecca Zanetti’s FBI profiler Laurel Snow series. This action-pack, fast-paced story didn’t disappoint! Drawing heavily on the events from the prior two books, Laurel is hunting yet another serial killer in Genesis Valley, a rural Pacific Northwest town. This time, the target is men who seem like upstanding citizens. Laurel’s complicated family dynamics, a half-sister (Abigail) who is equally brilliant and sinister, along with a father who is all evil, add to this story’s twists and turns. Abigail is such a great villain, and the back-and-forth between the two sisters is everything!

I like where this series is going, and I’m looking forward to what’s next. There are many unanswered questions still to resolve, but I'm in no hurry for this series to end.

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You Can Die is the next excellent book in the FBI Special Agent Laurel Snow Series by Rebecca Zanetti. As usual in this series the plot is tightly wound with many suspects and several deaths. It hits close to home for Laurel and her crew. Until the last clue is found the guilty party flies under the radar.

Laurel is just as an intriguing character as any you could meet, part Monk, part Gibbs, part Cagney and Lacey she is a character worth following. Huck Rivers is a favorite character too. These two characters have personal surprises too. Perhaps the character to loath is half-sister to Laurel, Abigail, but now it seems that a new villain has emerged. Honestly I am ready for Abigail to be taken down. With unique serial killer with original Mos this is a thrilling suspenseful series with You Can Die being an awesome read.

4.5 Stars
An ARC of the book was provided by the publisher through NetGalley which I voluntarily chose to read and review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Laurel is amazing! She’s a no BS sort of person, genius level intelligence and growing on me. At first she seemed hard to read but now I crave this series and can appreciate her personality. Her unit is investigating another serial killer, one victim is close to someone in her unit and the team is determined to solve it. Her half sister, Abigail, is definitely a psycho and possible of committing murder, but she’s too smart to leave evidence. The twists and turns, numerous suspects, and her sister’s distractions make this a highly entertaining and thrilling book. You could probably read this one without the previous books but you’d miss the back story and dynamics between sisters. I was able to read an early copy and leave this review voluntarily.

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Great book! Agent Snow is trying to find answers for the FBI and is challenged and tested at every turn. Entertaining and fast paced for an enjoyable read! I highly recommend!

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Zanetti’s suspenseful timing keeps me engaged from beginning to end. Coming into this story, I thought it might be wrapping up a trilogy, but it is clear the story will carry as the over arching story has more story before resolution. This story follows the case of another serial killer with Laurel Snow chasing down the leads. The mystery portion kept me guessing. It was not obvious to me who the killer was. I enjoy Laurel as a character, so I am glad the series will continue. The romance between Laurel and Huck further developed in this story, including some swoony moments.

I would recommend this book if you like a thriller with a touch of romance, but it’s probably best to read the first two first.

<I>Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a chance to read and review this book. Views are my own.

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Another amazing book from the series! I loved it. From all the unexpected twists and suspense with the question who did it this time? And of course, the beautiful relationship that keeps developing between Laurel and Huck. Looved it.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgelly

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3.5 stars

Oh, Huck. How do I love thee? The stories in this series would not be classified as romance, but definitely have romantic elements. These are all interconnected with one main character running through them. Laurel Snow is an FBI agent and these stories are all about her solving cases. That doesn’t mean the hottie from the Fish and Wildlife Department who is always there to lead a hand to her team isn’t a love interest, it just means the Laurel/Huck story is not the central theme of these books. But you know me, I’m a sucker for the romantic elements and Huck is quite the hero.

While the murder investigations are interesting and always tie into Laurel’s personal life, more and more we’re seeing how her half-sister is orchestrating everything. Abigail and Laurel didn’t know of each other until recently. They are both geniuses in every sense of the word. Yet Laurel is kind, moral, and loving while Abigail is cold, vindictive, and narcissistic. The author does such a great job with Abigail because I cannot stand her and she legitimately gives me the creeps. Now that we’re into the third book I second guess every single move Abigail makes, from the words she’s saying to the subtle brush of her hand on someone’s arm. I don’t trust her at all and always look for some angle she must be playing.

But let’s get back to Huck and the way he is with Laurel. Because Laurel is a genius and went to college early, she doesn’t have great social skills and doesn’t read people well. Huck understands this and, even better, understands her. When he realizes she is insecure about her “skills” at dating because she imagines she is supposed to act a certain way (insecurities Abigail put in her head, of course), he tells her, “You don’t have to be anything or anybody but you.” And he means what he says. He has no expectations of a traditional relationship. It’s touching to see him help her navigate these emotional situations she has never been confronted with before.

The stories in this series don’t grab me the way this author’s other paranormal romance books do, but they are still interesting and have me looking forward to the next every time.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 You Can Die is the third installment in the Laurel Snow series and I was waiting with bated breath for my ARC. There is a killer on the lose (yep, again) and this time the victims are all men who have a connection to a law firm, that also happens to be tied to Lauren in a personal and professional way (talk about a tangled web). The men are found with a large amount of stab wounds and Valentine’s Day candy shoved down their throat. Laurel, short handed now that she has officially started the PNW unit, will lean Huck and his team for help as she has to solve this case, manage her half-sister, and deal with the serial killer from the second book. At the same time Huck and Lauren have an unexpected surprise that propels their relationship forward.

This had a ton of twists and turns in the mystery and also in Laurel's life. I felt the ending was rushed when we figured out who the killer was and I’m still hazy on his motivation (maybe it’s because a certain Dr. was experimenting with him too). I was hoping that this book would wrap up the series but instead we added another character who will continue in the next book. Maybe because of that, I wasn’t as captivated by this installment as the others (5 star ratings). I’m waiting for Abigail to get what’s due to her, now have to figure out her father and his role, and then there’s an addition to the family that I’m surprised was introduced.

Super grateful for Zebra granting me the arc in exchange for my honest review. While this one didn’t knock it out of the park for me, I can’t wait for the next one in the series!

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You can Die

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for this eARC.

Another stellar mystery from a talented author, if you haven't read her before, this is an excellent novel.

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FBI Special Agent Laurel Snow is once again tracking a serial killer. But the plot is more complicated this time because she is also dealing with the sudden reappearance of her felon-committing father and the antics of her sociopathic, not-to-be-trusted half sister Abigail. The characters are all relatable if somewhat flawed. Laurel’s biggest flaw is being a super genius which means she doesn’t relate well with people, but that is also an endearing characteristic which makes her more likable. The latest serial killer she is pursuing is stabbing men and leaving them in a tent with Valentine’s Day hearts stuffed into their mouths. Ugh! Some of the crime scenes are a little graphically displayed but not so gory that they turned my stomach. I enjoyed the mystery and trying to discover whodunit along with Laurel and Huck Rivers, her lover and the Fish and Wildlife Warden who helps her with her cases and also keeps her emotionally attached and centered. I am not a big fan of Abigail because she is so underhanded and deceitful, but she is well developed and believable. I enjoyed following the many clues and once the big reveal was done, I was able to look back and see clearly the red herrings that had masterfully led me astray. The writing is sharp in this cleverly written page-turner and although this book is the third in the series, it can easily be read and enjoyed as a standalone.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review, and all opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255, “Guidelines Concerning the Use of Testimonials and Endorsements in Advertising.”

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Writing: 5/5
Plot: 4/5
Characters: 5/5
Enjoyment: 5/5

Themes: Crime, Thriller

You Can Die is a continuation of FBI Special Agent Laurel Snow solving serial killer casses and trying to navigate her new life in the Washington wilderness. I really love this series and the different characters throughout the series. Each case their team goes through is intriguing and you can follow the bread crumbs if you pay attention to the correct clues. There seemed to be more than a few times where the same characters got hurt or attacked over and over again that made me wonder how they were still alive. I also love how protective Huck was and of course I loved his dog. Can’t wait for the next book in the series.

I received an arc and am leaving an honest review.

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So, some advice: I didn't realize from the Netgalley listing that this is book three in a series. If you have not read books one and two in this series, I'd recommend doing that becauseI was a bit lost.

The opening was a bit confusing. For a minute I thought I was in a YA book.The main character has an evil sister - clearly there is some backstory there!

People clearly seem to love this series so I think I need to find the time to read books one and two and then go back to this! When I have time to do that I will come back and edit this!

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Men are dying near churches with valentine candy hearts shoved in their mouths and multiple stab wounds. This crime thriller with a bit of romance features FBI Special Agent Laurel Snow in the third book in the series. The victims appear to be family men with community ties. Is there a link between them or are they randomly picked? Laurel’s brilliant half-sister, Dr. Abigail Caine, continues to play a large role in this story. She plays mind games with others in the story, including Laurel. Washington Fish and Wildlife Captain Huck Rivers and his team assist Laurel and her team. This seems to be a case of opposites attract.

The characterization is excellent. As the protagonist, Laurel is reasonably strong, honest, and brilliant, but she also has some vulnerabilities. She has an eidetic memory and started college when she was 11. With multiple degrees, she has been successful in her career, but sometimes misses underlying signals from others in social situations. She has dedicated herself to taking criminals off the street. Captain Huck Rivers is something of a loner, is charming and nice, but has trust issues. He likes rules and routines and likes to be in control of situations. Their attraction to each other is only a small part of the story. Abigail is intelligent and a manipulator. The other characters had depth; especially the members of Laurel’s team and Ena, a fish and wildlife officer.

Most of the story is from Laurel’s point of view and is set in and around Genesis Valley, Washington. From her unusual background, to her atypical reflections as she tries to figure out what game the killer is playing with them, to her relentless pursuit of justice for the victims, readers will root for her success.

The well-written story has a clever and deeply involved plot with enough twists and red herrings to keep a reader guessing. The pacing and dialogue are great. As they evolved, the plot facts were intriguing and occasionally unexpected. The suspense builds steadily throughout the story. The physical world-building was vivid and I could feel the cold, sleet, and snow pelting the characters. I wanted a little more closure of one of the threads weaved into the story. However, that may be resolved in the next book. Other themes in the story include friendship, family, romance, desire to learn, and much more.

Overall, this was a riveting story with intense scenes as well as compelling and complex characters that kept me fully engaged. It’s skillfully written and will appeal to readers who enjoy psychological thrillers and police procedurals involving serial killers. The intricacy of the plot plus attention to detail in the world-building made this a definite winner for me. I’m looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

Kensington Books - Zebra and Rebecca Zanetti provided a complimentary digital ARC of this novel via Net Galley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own. Publication date is currently set for July 25 2023. This review was originally posted at Mystery and Suspense Magazine.

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You Can Die is the third book in Rebecca Zanetti’s mystery/thriller series featuring Laurel Snow, a brilliant profiler for the FBI. When I say Laurel is brilliant I mean it—she is a literal genius who went to college at 11 and has perfect recall along with numerous degree covering a multitude of disciplines. She is also socially awkward, a bit of a loner, and has trouble reading people. At the start of the series, Laurel returned to her hometown of Genesis Valley, WA to solve a series of murders and ultimately decided to put together and lead a new FBI violent crimes unit covering the Pacific Northwest that would allow her to stay. Over the course of the series Laurel has made some real connections (including with the broody but handsome fish and wildlife officer Huck Rivers) and put together a scrappy team of her own. In You Can Die, Laurel and her team are tasked with investigating a series of ritualistic murders including that of her friend/office manager’s dead beat ex-husband. Although she and Huck are growing closer, other family matters/drama continue to cross into her investigations further complicating her hectic life and potentially putting her in the line of fire.

I continue to thoroughly enjoy the series! Laurel Snow is a complex and interesting protagonist and it’s been wonderful to watch her grow over the course of the three books. While this isn’t really romantic suspense (more mystery/thriller with romantic elements), as a romance reader I eat up all of the Huck/Laurel dynamics and how they are navigating their evolving relationship. They are very different people with different approaches to work and relationships and the personal and professional interactions make for some great reading. I was thrilled that Laurel’s father finally made an appearance in this one but there is still so much to learn about who he is and what he’s been up to—we only scratched the surface in You Can Die. For some reason I thought this was the last Laurel Snow book but given how many open questions there still are when it comes to Lauren and her various family members (among other things), I can only assume there is more to come. I can’t wait to see how Laurel finally resolves things!

Thanks to NetGalley and Kensington for the complimentary ARC—all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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