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Ruling Destiny

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I was not sure about this book at first. But I am so so glad I kept reading. I didn't realize it was a sequel in the series, which may have helped. I loved the character and world building within this book. I really enjoyed the time travel and the different time periods that this book visited. This will be on my list to recommend to students in my classroom. Thanks NetGalley and Entangled Teen Publishing for the ARC of this book!

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2/5 stars

Honestly, this book was a big improvement from the last one. Unfortunately, there's still a lot of ground left for this book to cover for me personally.

- I definitely liked the writing of this book a lot more than the last one!
- References to art, tarot cards, and historical events were all done really well and integrated very nicely
- Nat was less insufferable with her personality in this book, as was Braxton, so yay character development
- The chemistry in the love triangle was actually so good

Cons (buckle up):
- Literally all of the relationships between characters
- Nat and Mason: Supposedly "best friends" but Mason rarely shows up at all in this book even though Nat should be helping Mason acclimate to Grey Wolf as a friend??
- Nat and Braxton: Oh my god. I hate them. <spoiler> How is Nat GONNA LEAVE BRAXTON BLEEDING OUT ON THE FLOOR IN A DIFFERENT CENTURY TO DIE AND THEN IMMEDIATELY KISS KILLIAN BECAUSE SHE WAS "HEARTBROKEN" AFTER TRUSTED KILLIAN INSTEAD OF COMMUNICATING WITH HER BF????? </spoiler> One of the few times I will say the male lead in a YA novel deserves better because... Nat.
- Nat and Killian: ?????????????????????????????? is all I have to say on this. Nat, girl, if your boyfriend doesn't want you to talk to him and says you shouldn't trust him maybe ask him why??? Maybe DON'T trust this guy blindly at the very least????????
- The plot: Honestly, it was just... not there. This book is unfortunately a victim of second book syndrome - (slight spoilers) even the big "twist" reveal about Nat's dad at the end was essentially given away at the start of the book (spoiler over) and I was expecting there to be more on the Antikythera Mechanism or something but there was not really anything added to the worldbuilding or series plot at all :(

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book!

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If you're looking for a young adult, dark academia, time traveling romance, then look no further than here! Natasha is a 17 year old normal high school girl, but one day her world flips upside down as she is recruited into the top secret, elite school of Grey Wolf. Once there, she discovered the world of time traveling. Arthur, the school's founder, has a hidden agenda, and Natasha is determined to find out what is really going on.

This series has an amazing premise. It's rich in history, culture and science, and it allows you to step into different time periods as you take these Trips with Natasha and co. That was my favorite part of this book. I feel like I was able to learn about art and history without it feeling like it was a boring school lesson.

The story is fairly juvenile, but I felt like it picked up more in the second book. I will say that this book has multiple of my most HATED tropes. First, miscommunication. Just talk. Seriously. Just be a grown ass person and have the hard conversations. Second of all, freaking love triangle. Thankfully that doesn't appear until Ruling Destiny, and it's resolved before the end of the book. There are some good tropes though, like forced proximity, "touch her and I'll kill you", and some other good ones I can't even think of at the moment haha.

After finishing Ruling Destiny, I'm definitely looking forward to the next book, I'm just sad it's going to be a while. I recommend this series solely for all the history and the fun time traveling and puzzle solving that goes on!

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Ruling Destiny picks up pretty much where Stealing Infinity picks up.  After rescuing Killian from Versaille, she's his only friend at Gray Wolf.  She struggles with her draw to him and her developing relationship with the secretive Braxton.  At the same time, she's dealing with what happened to her when Killian rescued her from the hands of the Duke, trying to study for her upcoming Trip to Renaissance Italy and somewhat hiding from her best friend Mason.  

Unfortunately, Natasha spends much time sweeping things under the proverbial rug.  She has feelings for both Killian and Braxton.  She ignores what she feels for one to dive into the other (half-heartedly at that). She definitely shows her age with the way she handles both of these guys.  It's somewhat irritating at times, especially when she insists on calling them boys.  It's quite obvious these are men, Natasha.  Perhaps that is part of your problem!

I did enjoy the trip back to Florence.  The intertwining of history into this story is very good.  The way the author described Florence had me back in the piazza staring up at the duomo.  I wish Natasha could have spent more time, because it was while she was tripping that I enjoyed her the best.

This was a good story, but I wasn't as drawn to the storyline and characters like I was in the first book.  I'll continue on with the series (I need to know what happens) but I'm hoping maybe Natasha's next Trip causes her to grow up just a little bit.

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Thank you to Entangled Publishing and Alyson Noël for sending me this book in exchange for an honest review.
Ruling Destiny picks up where Stealing Infinity left off. Natasha is falling more in like with Braxton but Killian is making his way in between them. Natasha is being pulled by Braxton, Killian, and Arthur - all telling her different things. What will happen when Natasha is forced to keep secrets from everyone, even Braxton? Who can she trust? No one is looking for Song and she feels lost. Who is leaving her secret items in her dorm?
Read and see all these secrets be unraveled.
Okay okay, I liked this book a lot. I really liked the first book in the series and was excited to read this. I did forget some things but it all came back to me. I thought the twists in this were so fun and interesting! I didn’t see what happened coming at all.

If you like mysteries and twists - this series is for you!

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I’m sure this series is for someone. I really liked the plot idea and the world. However I just couldn’t get into it.

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Book Name: Ruling Destiny
Author: Alyson Noel


Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing, LLC, Entangled: Tee for an ARC of Alyson Noels’ Latest in the Stolen Beauty Series, Ruling Destiny.

Stars: 5
Spice : 1

2nd Book in Stolen Beauty Series
Fast Paced
Plot Centric
FMC POV (with one chapter in alternative POV)
Urban Time Travel Dark Academia Fantasy
Similar to Davinci Code

- Topics
- Grief
- Family
- Loss
- Memory
- Secrets
- Art and Symbolism
- Circular Nature of Time
- The Better Good
- Tropes
- One bed
- Love Triangle
- Miscommunication and Secrets
- Tarot
- Secret Societies
- Thoughts.
- Slow Start but Really Takes Off
- 50% of the Twists Were Predictable
- 3rd Book Should be AMAZING

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Aaah thank you so much Entangled Teen for sending me this e-arc! It was one of my most anticipated reads and I devoured it!

Rating: 4.5/5⭐️

I’ll never be over Alyson’s writing style, I just love it so much! How she always manage to capture my attention even when Natasha is thinking about numerology and all its connection to the tarot cards (that I know nothing about)! This book picks up right after the ending of Stealing Infinity and I really enjoyed! I love how some things were slowly being revealed about Natasha, her dad and the secret order at Gray’ Wolf Academy. Ruling Destiny is definitely more focused on Natasha and her undiscovered past and her finding out all the little things that didn’t make sense. In a way, this is a book where Nat is also self-discovering who she is, what she can do and who she can trust: Not Elodie and ABSOLUTELY not Killian! And well, Arthur! He’s definitely the shadiest!

Keep an eye out for my bookstagram (@maria_bookshelf) as I’ll be posting closer to the release day!

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DNF at 30%.

I really wanted this series to redeem itself. And yet, for me, it just isn't working.

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I didn’t think anything could top the first book “Stealing Infinity” until I read “Ruling Destiny.” I need the third book SO badly. This series is addicting and full of swoony romance, adventure, time travel and will keep you on the edge of your seat guessing till the end. I cannot recommend this book enough. Please make sure to read this and the first novel if you haven’t already. I promise you won’t regret it.

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"Ruling Destiny" takes off right where "Stealing Infinity" ended and it keeps being gripping. Natasha thinks she knows who she can trust but this security fades as she continues to discover more about Grey Wolf. She doesn't know who she should be loyal to and who just uses her trust and which role she plays in the big game Arthur has started.
So many new questions and so little answers but Natasha doesn’t have time to find out more because Arthur has planned to let her trip back in time again to retrieve yet another artifact.
The chapters are short as they were in book 1 and keep the curiosity and excitement up and new at the End of every chapter and we almost fly through the story with this page-turning plot.
Even the prologue adds more tot he prologue from „Stealing Infinity“ and lets the readers know some more about the past while Natasha stays in the unknown.

In my review of book 1 I already mentioned how it overall reminded me oft he time-travel romance trilogy by german author Kerstin Gier. But the „dark academia“-vibes were definitely getting stroger in this one.

Now after reading book 2 of this series I have made my mind up on who to trust and who to stay wary of, I just hope I’m right...

A little „warning“ at the end: This book also ends with a mean cliffhanger, and book 3 has yet tob e announced.

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I loved reading Stealing Infinity and book two was just as great as the first.

Ruling Destiny is book two in the Stolen Beauty series by Alyson Noël.
This is a phenomenal modern fantasy story.
Alyson Noel is a talented writer and it shows during this read.
A compelling supernatural romance thriller.
I was thoroughly impressed by the author’s beautiful writing and the effort she put in crafting a vivid and detailed world for the story.
A remarkably stunning new fantasy that was fun, amazing and such a whirlwind book.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You NetGalley and Entangled Teen for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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I really, really, REALLY wanted to love this. The first book was such an engrossing journey — offering up all the time-travel, deceit and budding romance a YA lover could hope for.

But where “Stealing Infinity” soared, “Ruling Destiny” falls flat. An uneven plot, frustratingly dense protagonist and relatively dull central romance makes it a difficult read. (It ended up being one of those books l had to put down and come back to several times before making my way to the end.)

On to the best part: What appears to be a slow-burn possible relationship blossoming between our protagonist and one particular character who shall not be named (no spoilers here!). Every scene featuring the two are nothing short of riveting — as their back-and-forth builds to a crescendo, playing out in a jarring conclusion that is both parts deeply upsetting, but also simultaneously satisfying in who triumphs in the end. (My big concern is now that a clear villain has been established, the next book will focus on that, and the main romance arc will lose all forms of its thrill, angst and general intrigue…)

That said, I will return for the final book in the trilogy to see how things shake out. Here’s hoping some of the magic from book one is recaptured!

*Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC!*

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4.5 stars / This review will be posted on today.

The best thing about Alyson Noel’s books is how they are able to completely transport you to a fantasy world. Ruling Destiny, number two in the Stolen Beauty series, is a world where young people travel through time to gain items of desire for their benefactor, Arthur Blackstone.

In book one, you meet Natasha, an outcast who is suddenly befriended by a new student at the school, Elodie. Elodie brings Nat out of her shell, exposing her to beautiful clothes and private clubs. There is a dark secret lurking under all the fun that Elodie brings, and Nat is going to find out what that is (no spoilers.)

Warning - stop reading here if you haven’t read book one. Book one is vital to understanding the story moving forward.

Book two continues the theme of life with Arthur Blackstone and his merry band of Arthur’s Artful Dodgers. Likened to Fagin, Arthur is a wealthy businessman with plans for the world. These plans include pilfering valuable artifacts from previous times, thieving from the wealthy to fund the future of Arthur’s Gray Wolf Academy.

Natasha is now a seasoned time traveler, sort of, who has become Arthur’s companion in rescuing the pieces of the Antikythera Machine to rebuild our world. Nat is also fully immersed in her relationship with Braxton, the dark brooding hunk who is also a student at Gray Wolf. But they both have secrets that they’ve not divulged. These secrets could mean the end of Tasha and Brax if they’re not careful. And beautiful Killian is waiting in the wings to snatch Natasha from Braxton’s arms as soon as he can.

The book was magical. There is always history involved in these novels, as when traveling through time, you need to know your history. In this book we spend more time in the Italian Renaissance. Noel does an amazing job of teaching as well as mesmerizing her readers. There is true conflict, as well as love and playfulness. Impatiently awaiting the third installment to find out what happens next.

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I absolutely loved this second installment. I was reading this thinking, I really do not want it to go a certain way for the love interest. As I read more and more I was just like oh no its gonna be just like every other fantasy relationship... However, the very end left me screaming and now I need book 3 asap! I loved the new bits of information we get, and the plot really keeps you hanging in turning page after page. Definitely a must read series!

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Book 2 in the series

I enjoyed the masterful story weaving in this time-tripping adventure filled with lies and secrets around every corner with a series of twists that kept me invested in the characters throughout the entire book and following the timekeeper with fate and destiny intertwined.

Strong character development. Detailed world building. Intriguing storyline.

"It's about learning to make the best of what happens - transforming the unwanted experiences into something meaningful."
"Because I can't afford to forget."

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I give this book a full 5 stars! I really enjoyed the second installment in this awesome series. The way the author uses art is so interesting and one of my favorite things from the book. The story is fantastic and the time travel just keeps getting better and better. I was pulled in from beginning to end and loved every minute of it! Thank you to Netgalley and Entangled Publishing for allowing me to read this digital ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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When I read Stealing Infinity last year I was hooked on the story and the world and immediately wanted to read the second book. This book was an absolute trip. I thought I knew exactly what was going on in the beginning but as I was reading I was like maybe everything isn't what I think it is. This world has so many secrets and mysteries that I just want to know and solve. The book started off kind of slow for me, it was hard to get back into the world since it's been a few months since read the first book but the last third of the book I couldn't put down. The story has plenty of twists and turns but they still make sense. I do wish I had reread stealing infinity because it’s been about a year since I read the first book and I was struggling to remember what happened. This author does a realy wonderful job of ending a story in a way that makes me want to know more while still making the main story feel complete. I'm excited to see where this goes next.

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4.5/5 stars! The first book in the "Stolen Beauty" series was amazing, so I was really looking forward to reading this sequel. It definitely did not disappoint. It has a bit more Dark Academia vibe than the first book, which was a surprise. I loved the time travel elements and tore through this book. I'll be eagerly awaiting the next book by Alyson Noel.

I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review

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What an amazing book! I love this series so far, so unique and brilliantly detailed. Time travel, great characters and an epic story line that brings it all together for a definite 5 star read for me.

I love the mystery and the solving clues using art and the tarot deck. It is so interesting what the author is using art history to portray. It makes me want to be more of an art lover.

The story is so compelling and it kept me captivated from the very first chapter. I can’t wait to see where it goes next!

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