Cover Image: Three Holidays and a Wedding

Three Holidays and a Wedding

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Member Reviews

This is the first Romance novel I ever read. Very quick read, felt like I was reading a book that could be made into a Hallmark or Bollywood movie. It has all the ingredients needed which can be adapted for a mini series or a movie. This is the story of 2 strangers who meet on a flight to Toronto during Christmas holidays and how a snow storm changes everything from finding unexpected love and understanding who they are and what they want. This is a good book for someone who enjoys clean love stories with snow and Christmas backdrop.

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Enjoyed this holiday romance. Super cute. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy, all opinions are my own

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This wasn’t the book for me. It was difficult to get into. I do love the concept of incorporating three holidays in the story - it was fun and informative for other readers. A very Hallmark-esque read too! Thank you NetGalley and G.P. Putnam’s Sons for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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This is an incredibly sweet story about what happens when a snowstorm derails everyone's holiday plans.

And I mean holiday plans as in...three holidays occuring at the same time PLUS a big 'ol family wedding.

Mix in a small town, a little romance, a lot of grandfatherly advice, a movie set, and a Hallmark vibe.

So, so adorable!

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Thank you to Putnam & Penguin Random House for the ebook ARC!

What a special story this was! It reads like a Hallmark holiday movie, but it has the inclusion of so much more. I so enjoyed learning about more holiday customs than just those of Christmas. The Aziz family is so, so sweet, and even at their most dramatic moments, I adored them so much. I love a big, close knit family in a book!

This is more about family, friendship, finding one’s self, and honoring one’s traditions, and less of a romance, but there are some budding flings, too.

Christmas, Hanukkah, and Ramadan have all fallen within days of one another and a massive snowstorm has grounded all planes and left many stranded amid their holiday plans. Add into the mix a wedding and you’ve got yourself a good story. But then take that story and add the most charming small town which happens to be the set of a Christmas story being filmed…swoon.

This is such a sweet story and I enjoyed it so much!

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3.5 stars. I loved the unique concept of this book! The characters were fun, especially Dadu! Getting lost in the description of Snow Falls was magical and I can't imagine ever leaving a place that idyllic. Super cute read for the beach and all the holidays!

Thanks to NetGalley for giving me an arc of this!

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❤️ Wow, this is a wonderfully fun holiday read that includes more than just Christmas!! I love how the author wove three different holidays, celebrations, religions, and traditions into this story on top of the love stories. I love reading about other cultures and traditions (different from mine). I really enjoyed watching Maryam and Saif rediscover their love for each other. This was a delightful story!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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OH MY GOSH, this book was so wholesome. The main friendship development was so lovely, we really need more books focussing on friendship 🥲 I loved their awkward enemies ish to friends arc, and how they supported and uplifted each other and eventually vetted and contributed to each other's hea's! Also, the small town in this book is so adorable.

TWs - death of parent along with the grief, emotionally absent relationship, cheating and divorce (past)

-- ty to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for an advanced copy!

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC copy. Opinions are my own.

Love a holiday romance ? Then this may be the book for you.

Three holidays on the same day, lots of airplane travelers, a massive snowstorm that diverts a plane to a small town all with romance in the air and new friendships made.

The story centers around Anna who is trying to get to Toronto to her boyfriend's family for Christmas and Maryam who is traveling to Toronto with her extended family. As the two woman are snowed in for days they become friends sharing secrets and family stories. Each develop a romance -- Anna with a movie star in town shooting a movie and Maryam with an old friend also on the plane.

I found Anna's story much more interesting and wish her chapters would have been longer and more detailed .Maryam's chapters were long and not compelling -- hence the 3 star review. I would have loved more of Anna's story.

Also reviewed on Goodreads at and Book Bub

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A very meet cute Christmas story. I loved the inclusion of so many different backgrounds and traditions in the holiday season. It is rare to find Christmas books that include other beliefs as well. This is a story of friendship, family, and love, as well as finding yourself. The characters are fun and relatable. Romance but no smut, so a good clean book!

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This book was exactly what I was expecting...4 weddings, a funeral and humerous hijinks! This was just what I needed after reading a few dark and intense books. This was a fun book to read for Christmas in July. I typically read books with a more analytical brain, but decided to turn that off and just enjoy this for what it was, a light-hearted holiday book, and I loved it! I loved the diversity of the quirky characters and small town, mixed with dealing with personal trauma. Overall, a very enjoyable holiday read.and I look forward to reading more from this author!

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This was a super cute, easy read. I liked the aspect of including all three holidays, and absolutely loved all of the details of Ramadan that were explained because I’m completely unfamiliar with it.

I also really liked that this wasn’t just a romantic love story, but a new love between friends and family. Perfect holiday read.

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This was a very good story three holidays and wedding. Anna is on her way to Toronto to meet Nick's parents. Maryann and her family are going there too for her sisters wedding. The end up all stranded in Snow Falls ,Anna gets lost from the crowd and goes into the pub there and meets Josh , who is an actor. See how all these people join as a team and get everything that needs to be done. See what happens between Anna and Nick as he took an earlier flight and is not snowed in with them. A VERY GOOD READ

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The perfect holiday read!!!!!

Thank you soooooo much netgalley, the author and the publisher for the advanced review copy if this book💗
"I voluntarily read and reviewed the book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.”

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A cute, cozy holiday romcom that wouldn't be out of place on the Hallmark network. Good setting, charming characters. A pleasure to read, gets you warmed up for the holiday season!

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Holiday romantics are my favorite so I had this read this and I enjoyed every second of it!🎄🥰❄️.

The characters were very relatable and I liked how much culture was shared in this book. Traditions are important during the holidays and this book focused on that.

I know a lot of people are going to enjoy this book when the holidays come around. Highly recommend it!

Thank you, Netgalley for the EARC! As always, my review is my opinion and thoughts.

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The Hallmark Channel meets Hanukkah, Ramadan & Christmas after a turbulent plane ride!

When two strangers, Maryam & Anna meet in a Denver airport during the crazy holiday season they never anticipate seeing each other again... until they board the plane and are seated together. During an extremely turbulent plane ride to Toronto for the holidays and a wedding, Anna & Maryam confide in each other some of their deepest fears and hopes thinking this will be the last they see each other. When the plane is diverted to a quaint little town called Snow Falls, the girls are staying at the same inn and realize they will be seeing more of each other. Maryam tries to keep her family in line and attempts to remedy any and all problems that arise, including her sisters cancelled wedding. Anna is dealing with lost luggage and no way to communicate with her boyfriend in Toronto who is expecting her for the "perfect family Christmas." As both girls weather the winter storm they begin to think about those deep fears and hopes they confessed to each other and how they can move on in their lives while putting their aspirations first.

I really enjoyed the short chapters and multiple view points in this story. I felt the chapters were long enough that you could really get into the characters head space and understand where they were coming from. Before reading, I did not know a lot about Ramadan but now understand a bit more and would like to continue reading and learning about this holiday and the Muslim traditions. I would have enjoyed an epilogue that shared more on the wedding or how things ended after everyone returned to Denver and settled into their new relationships, jobs, etc.

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Cheesy and sweet, hallmark movie come to life almost! Almost tooooooo easy for the characters to find eachother at some points but overall it was a fun read
Thanks to Netgalley, the authors, and the publisher for the ARC>

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This book was a little hard for me to get into. It was a little slow and I felt like sometimes a sentence here or there was repeated. I never really felt very connected to any of the characters. I liked that the ending was sweet and of course a happily ever after. If I had to pick a favorite character it would be Saif. He was very patient and sweet and overall just a really good guy. This book just fell average for me.

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🎄📚Grab an iced peppermint mocha, it's time for Christmas in July!📚🎄

When I saw that Uzma Jalaluddin had teamed up with Marissa Stapley to write a holiday rom-com, I knew I was 100% in and immediately requested a copy from Net Galley. I really loved Jalaluddin's AYESHA AT LAST a few years back.

THREE HOLIDAYS AND A WEDDING does not disappoint. It's everything I want in a holiday rom-com – It's sweet, swoony, features strong female friendships, everything gets wrapped up in a nice bow, and it has a perfect small-town setting (in fact it's so perfect, it's a little bit of a tongue-in-cheek joke running through the story).

In this holiday rom-com, you get a TRI-HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA! It takes place in the year 2000, a year when Christmas, Hanukkah, and the end of Ramadan all coincided. Each holiday is important to characters in the book and you get to read about why it's special and why it adds to the holiday magic of the season. The year 2000 time setting offered some fun nostalgia and stripped away some technological conveniences for the characters, something I found myself a little lowkey jealous of, actually... maybe I need a break from my phone. 😅

Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for a free review copy o f this book!

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