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The Summer Holiday

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A good read
A good holiday read
Will keep you hooked
Plenty of twists and turns
Thanks NetGalley

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"In 'The Summer Holiday' by S.E. Lynes, readers are transported to a sun-drenched paradise that hides a multitude of secrets. This gripping psychological thriller is a rollercoaster ride of suspense, betrayal, and secrets. Lynes masterfully crafts a narrative that keeps you guessing until the very end. Each chapter unveils a new layer of intrigue, drawing you deeper into the lives of the characters and their tangled relationships. From the picturesque setting to the complex dynamics between the friends, every aspect of the story is meticulously woven together to create a sense of unease that lingers long after the final page.

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Lots of twists and turns in this one and it kept me hooked. Really enjoyed it and am looking forward to more from the author,

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Wow............ this is an edge of your seat fast passed thriller that will keep you up all night you will not be able too put it down

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The Summer Holiday is a gripping, shocking, and secret filled page turner! S.E. Lynes has crafted a brilliant twist filled tale of secrets, deception, and lies!! Woo-hoo! This was right up my alley! I was captivated from the very beginning and didn’t want to put this book down!

Kate had high hopes that getting away with her husband, Jeff would be just what they needed to reconnect and spend quality time together. He is a successful lawyer and always busy, this will be the holiday where they can focus on themselves. When Kate runs into Coco, someone she looked up to during her college days, she thought it would be wonderful to invite her over for drinks. She hoped to impress Coco with her lifestyle. Kate thought she was in for a lovely evening, but when she witnessed the look of horror on both Jeff and Coco's faces, she couldn’t help but be anxious and concerned. Kate's perfect holiday might not be so perfect after all.

I enjoyed the POV's of Kate, Jeff, and Coco. They were fabulous and had me turning the pages and wanting more. Through the three POV's, readers also get a glimpse into the character's college days. This really sets the stage and paints a fuller picture of the characters. Talking about the characters, S.E. Lynes created such an interesting bunch of unlikeable characters. The three main characters were juicy, fun to read about and really moved the story along.

As always, the writing was top notch and I was engrossed in the story, not wanting to put this book down. I wanted to know all their secrets, both past and present. When the end came, I was left satisfied with the shocking reveal that proved yet again that S.E. Lynes is at the top of her game writing twisty, well thought out and executed books.

I can't wait to see what she writes next!

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#TheSummerHoliday #NetGalley
Kate and Jeff have made it in life, they own a luxury villa in an idyllic Mediterranean setting, he is a hugely successful lawyer and the two have been in love since they met at uni, Lets ignore the fact that he's a workaholic who never picks up a finger to help, or that Kate feels she has lost the connection they once had. This holiday is going to bring them back together now that their daughter has grown up....
The first night out, Kate sets eyes on Coco Moss, an acquaintance from university who moves in very exclusive circles. Kate has always been in awe of her but plucks up the courage to say hello and invite her over. Coco is reluctant at first but is won over. But when Coco and Jeff see each other for the first time in the villa they both turn white and look like they've seen a ghost- there's obviously something there but will anyone tell Kate?
Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for giving me an advance copy.

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"The Summer Holiday" is the newest psychological thriller penned by S E Lynes, and true to the author's reputation, it lives up to expectations. Kate and Jeff find themselves on their annual holiday at their villa in Spain, but this time it's just the two of them since their daughter Lou is away with friends at university. As the years have passed, their marriage has undergone changes, and Kate is determined to salvage what remains during this vacation.

In her favorite cafe one morning, Kate spots Coco Moss, an acquaintance from University who always seemed aloof and composed. On a whim, she invites Coco for drinks. However, the moment Coco steps into the villa and sees Jeff, everything Kate thought she knew about her life is suddenly thrown into turmoil. The exchanged look between Jeff and Coco leaves Kate with no doubt that Jeff is not a stranger, and they clearly share a history.

This exceptional thriller had me captivated from the very first page, and by the time I finished, I felt emotionally drained. It's a book that should not be overlooked, I am a big fan of this author and have now purchased quite a few of her books and can't wait for the next book to be released thanks again for the copy for an exchange of my honest review.

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Incredible! I'm speechless and my head is still spinning. I have no idea the connection between my husband and colleague but they are hiding something.

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I could not put this book down! It is an excellent piece by an amazing author that keeps you guessing the whole time. Definitely worth reading if you enjoy a suspense thriller with an engaging narrative.

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I love this authors books when it comes to fast paced domestic thrillers! This one did not disappoint! I love the summer holiday vibes and ‘isolated setting’ is one of my favourite tropes within thriller books. A perfect read for sitting by the pool.

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Oh, the drama! This book was glued to my hand from the first page until the last. Bursting of secrets and revelations. The writing is compelling and utterly gripping. S. E. Lynes is fast becoming an auto-buy author of me. Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the arc.

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I adore SL Lynes previous books and this one is no different. The writing is fantastic and the plot is full of drama. Such a good thriller read!

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ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

I really liked the plot of this book and how the author made the main characters older and more mature in their relationships than the typical demographic. I really enjoyed the glimpses into the past and and how even after 20+ years of marriage you never really know who you’re sleeping next to. It’s crazy how fast your world can crumble with one bad decision, and how do you come back from that? I really felt it concluded sufficiently and look forward to reading other books from this author!

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The Summer Holiday is the latest psychological thriller from S E Lynes and as I’ve come to expect from this writer, it does not disappoint. Kate and Jeff are on holiday at their villa in Spain as they do each year, however this time it's just the two of them as their daughter Lou, who is now at uni, is away with friends. As the years have passed their marriage has changed and Kate is trying to salvage what they have during this holiday. One morning whilst sitting in her favourite cafe Kate sees Coco Moss, an acquaintance from University who always seemed so detached and cool and on a whim she invites her for drinks. However from the moment Coco walks into the villa and sees Jeff, everything Kate knew about her life is suddenly thrown in to turmoil. The look between Jeff and Coco in that moment leaves Kate in no doubt that Jeff is no stranger and they obviously have history.
A wonderful thriller that had me engrossed from the first page and left me emotionally drained when I was finished. A book that’s not to be missed.

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I really like this author having read previous books I was excited to read this one. I love how she threw things at you that you didnt see coming. Full of drama , if you like that sort of thing.

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Wow what a story!! So enjoyed this book & had to keep reading when I should have been doing other things!!!

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I always enjoy books by Susie Lynes and this one certainly didn’t disappoint. Kate and Jeff met at university and they have an affluent lifestyle. He is a successful lawyer and a workaholic and leaves Kate on her own a lot as she runs a cake making business. They own a luxury villa in Spain and are spending their first holiday on their own without their daughter. Kate is hoping that they can rekindle their romance but she still seems to be spending a lot of her time alone there. Whilst having a coffee in a local cafe she is amazed to see a familiar face. It is Coco, who she idolised when they were at university together. Kate had tried to be noticed by Coco and her friends but they blanked her completely. Kate invites Coco for drinks at the villa and is amazed when Coco agrees. She didn’t tell Jeff who their guest was going to be but when Coco arrives Kate realises by the look on their faces that they know each other and are also hiding something. Kate, Jeff and Coco tell their own stories of what happened at university and how it changed their lives. This is a story of how lives can be ruined by infatuation, deceit, secrets and lies. A great read.
Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Kate and Jeff are spending time at their holiday villa on the Costa Blanca. From the outset you get the impression that Kate and Jeff are not really comfortable with the idea of spending time with each other as Jeff is work obsessed which leaves Kate no option but to wander aimlessly with no real focus. When Kate spots Coco Moss, a familiar face from their college days, she decides to surprise Jeff by arranging a surprise visit from Coco, which, as it turns out, opens up a whole can of worms which would have been so much better if left undisturbed.

This is a really clever psychological thriller which turns the minutiae of a marriage inside out and which opens up the past to vicious scrutiny. It was so meticulously plotted that I really couldn't put the book down without wanting to know a little bit more. It is so cleverly plotted that I can well imagine this translating to a compelling TV drama as not only is it set against the backdrop of a beautifully described Spanish coastal resort but it also has an element of suspense which is present from the very start and the twists and turns don't lose pace, or momentum, until this compellingly, addictive story is told. I’m deliberately being vague about the ins and outs of the plot as this really is a story which is better read with no idea of where the plot is heading, that way you will be just as surprised as I was when the whole thing has played out in really vivid detail.

Absolutely fabulous from start to finish, The Summer Holiday is the ultimate holiday read and just perfect escapism either poolside or relaxing in the garden

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Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Kate is in her mid 50’s with a successful husband and plenty of money but she has never been cool like Coco Moss, a girl she went to college with. So when she sees Coco on holiday in Spain, she does everything she can to make friends with her. When Coco comes for dinner and Kate’s husband has a startled reaction, she wonders if something went on between them in college or is still going on.

3.5 stars.

I liked this book and I wanted to know where it was going. Unfortunately I wasn’t as wowed by the revelations at the end as I had hoped to be.

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Overall, the pace is steady, with a good level of suspense and I did want to keep reading. The tangle of twisted relationships and lies were compelling and, although I felt slightly disappointed by the ending, I would still highly recommend this latest book from this author

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