Member Reviews

A great read
Book seven in the Detective Jo Fournier books
These books are brilliant and if you want a new series this is one of the ones to read
Thanks NetGalley

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I’m really enjoying #DetectiveJoFournier’s series. This is another #suspensefulthriller just as engaging as the rest, this time Jo’s trying to track down a serial killer of pregnant women. She races against time at a fast pace to solve her latest case. #MMChouinard does a wonderful job at making each book one you can read if you haven’t read the rest of the series.

Thank you, M M Chouinard, bookouture & netgalley for my copy! All opinions are my own.

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Another great addition to this excellent series.
When a murdered pregnant girl’s body is found laid out with the trappings of a satanic killing Jo and Arnett are, like the readers, pulled down many false paths before finally finding the villain.
Brilliantly executed story that also interweaves into Jo’s personal life too
Great main plot especially the delving into the multiple characters reasons for their actions and nice developments in the subplots too.

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Book Review: Little Lost Dolls by M.M. Chouinard

Little Lost Dolls by M.M. Chouinard is a gripping and intense thriller that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. With a combination of chilling murders, complex characters, and unexpected twists, this book is a must-read for fans of the genre.

The story revolves around Detective Jo Fournier, who finds herself investigating a series of brutal murders in Oakhurst. Set against the backdrop of autumn, the author sets the scene perfectly, creating a chilling atmosphere that adds to the suspense. When Jo discovers the lifeless body of pregnant Madison Coehlo in Crone Ridge Woods, she becomes determined to catch the killer before more innocent lives are taken.

One of the intriguing aspects of this book is the mysterious doll found with each victim. Supposed to bring luck to whoever finds it, Jo wonders if it is a coincidence or a warning from the killer. This element adds an extra layer of complexity to the story and keeps readers guessing throughout.

Chouinard’s writing style is engaging and captivating. The pacing is well-executed, with each chapter leaving readers wanting more. The plot is intricately woven, with plenty of unexpected twists and turns that will keep readers hooked until the very end. Although the subject matter is more brutal than what some readers may be accustomed to, it adds to the overall tension and suspense of the story.

The characters in Little Lost Dolls are well-developed and multi-dimensional. Jo Fournier, as the protagonist, is a flawed but determined detective who is relentless in her pursuit of justice. While not everyone may connect with her character on a personal level, her dedication and resilience make her a compelling lead.

Additionally, the supporting characters add depth to the story, with their own secrets and motivations. The drama surrounding cheating and mistresses adds an extra layer of complexity to the plot and keeps readers guessing about each character’s true intentions.

One aspect that stands out is that Little Lost Dolls can be enjoyed as a standalone novel. While it is part of a series, readers do not need to have read the previous books to appreciate this installment. The author provides enough background information to understand the context without overwhelming new readers.

In conclusion, Little Lost Dolls is a well-written and gripping thriller that will captivate fans of the genre. With its chilling murders, complex characters, and unexpected twists, this book is a page-turner from start to finish. Fans of M.M. Chouinard will undoubtedly be eagerly awaiting the next installment in this thrilling series.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

**ARC Via NetGalley**

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Book 7 in the series, this book was absolutely outstanding. It had me guessing and I loved the fact I didnt guess it right until the very end.

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A pregnant woman goes missing but is soon found dead. Her body has injuries which suggest a Satanic cult could be involved but, as Jo Fournier investigates, she discovers the woman had secrets that could have led to her death...
Little Lost Dolls is the 7th police procedural and crime thriller book to feature detective Jo Fournier. There are no spoilers about previous cases although the personal and family plotlines have continued.
Jo's heart sinks when her brother in law's pregnant ex lover calls her asking for help locating her missing friend Madison. The personal dynamic to Jo's involvement creates a layer of tension as she struggles to maintain her professionalism. She has to put her distaste to one side as she begins to fear for Madison's safety and her fears are confirmed when a body is found in the woods.
The descriptions of the body are unpleasant especially as the death of an unborn child is completely abhorrent. Jo has a naturally emotional response to the discovery of the body even though she needs to try to remain objective and focussed.
The posing of the body and a symbol left at the scene suggest a Satanic cult could be behind the death but Jo also finds that Madison has been keeping secrets from her friends and family. There are mutiple avenues of investigation for Jo and her partner Arnett and I was kept guessing until the end.
Little Lost Dolls is an emotionally engaging detective thriller.

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I felt like this started off slow, but steadily built further into the story. I enjoyed the characters and plot but could have used more action. I think the villain is well played and unexpected. I think this is a nice book to get lost in for a couple of hours.

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FABULOUS addition to this police procedural series with great characterization & story line with an abundance of suspense throughout. RECOMMEND this along with the entire series for edge of your seat entertainment. Thanks to #NetGalley#Bookouture for # Little lost dolls in exchange for my honest review.

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Pregnant ladies, please do not read this book.
If you happen to read, it's your responsibility. Don't say I didn't warn.

I need more of Detective Jo Fournier's series! It got me hooked from beginning to end. The series can be read as stand-alone, that's what I loved about it. There are 7 books with different cases. And this book is the 7th.

Read this if you love:
- Gripping crime thriller with a shocking twist
- Watching the CSI series.
- Fast-paced and unputdownable one-sitting read.
- Woman detective with a ballsy character ( I love her! )
- A dose of family drama.
- Unpredicted serial killer- more like a monster.
- You have no idea who is doing what.

Well, I’ll be darned I'm not ready to say goodbye to Jo and her team just yet. I'm gonna hunt another 6 of her books. Loved this author and her writings are so simple to comprehend.
Many thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read this book.

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I love the Jo Fournier series and this was no exception .
Jo is really surprised when she is called by Chelsea , Chelsea who is pregnant with Jo's brother in laws baby is worried after one of her friends goes missing . Although reluctant to get involved to save her sisters feelings Jo is soon dealing with a complex murder investigation . Fast paced and a great read just as you have come to expect . An excellent 5 stars

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This is a great addition to this series. I like Jo Fournier as a detective. She’s smart and pragmatic. I always like when the case is a little personal to the detective. While this is a little bit of a stretch to the personal angle. It is her brother in laws pregnant mistress that knows the murdered woman. She’s the one that calls Jo and reports the problem. It puts Jo in the middle and drags her family into the story.

There are so many suspects and just when I thought I had a grasp on them, another thing popped up and it added more suspects. At halfway through the book, I didn’t even have a theory on what happened. The twists kept me on my toes and not wanting to put this one down.

I highly recommend this one and the entire series. Definitely worth reading. Crime and mystery lovers will find enjoyment in this book. I can’t wait for book 8.

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I'm a big fan of the Detective Jo Fournier books with this being the 7th in the series. It can be read as a stand along but I would suggest starting from book one to get a real feel for the main characters.
This was an addictive read from the get go, a great although dark & tough plot, full of tension and suspense. The Characters are well written and interesting and all their stories seem to be connected and intertwined which just adds to the suspense.
A fast paced addictive read.

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Thank you to Bookouture for letting me take part in this tour and for my copy of this book via Negalley. This is the 7th book in the Detective Jo Fournier series. However, each book can be read as a standalone.

This time Jo has caught the case of a missing pregnant woman Madison. Unfortunately, Madison is soon found dead. Murdering someone is something I will never understand but killing someone who is growing a new life inside them, that is a whole new level of mystery to me.

I really enjoyed trying (and failing) to figure out who the killer was. The story is intriguing and addictive from start to finish. I was gripped from the very first page until the very last.

This is an excellent addition to the series and I can’t wait for more.

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This is book #7 in the Jo Fournier series. It’s my first book by this author but I was able to jump into the series without issue. It was a difficult read at times due to subject matter😢. I look forward to catching up on the series when I have a chance👏🏻.

Detective Jo Fournier is looking for a missing woman. Madison Coehlo is pregnant and her friends are worried because they can’t find her. When Jo’s team searches the Crone Ridge Woods where Madison routinely walks her dog, they find her brutally murdered. Who would kill a pregnant woman?

Jo and her team are desperately trying to piece together this case when another murdered woman is found. What ties the victims together and who could be targeting them? Can the police find the killer before anyone else is targeted?

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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A book that broked my heart, kept me reading till lated in the night, and guessing.
Well plotted, tense.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this arc, all opinions are mine

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I am so glad I decided to pick up this book. It was the idea of the clues in the little plastic dolls that caught my eye at first, but I definitely enjoyed the story and feel like I'm going to have to go back to book one and read through it.

Chouinard crafted an intriguing story, with events that keep me guessing for sure. After the first murder, is Jo dealing with a serial killer or is it a one off crime? Then another victim emerges and it is a race against the clock for Jo to find the connection, before more pregnant women are also murdered. Add in the family drama, with Jo's BIL's pregnant ex-mistress being the initial crime reporter and Jo is in a tough spot balancing her job and family loyalty.

This is exactly why I need to go back and start the series at the beginning. While the crime in this particular book wraps up, there are so many things I need to know about the characters, all while enjoying some more mysteries along the way.

Read the rest of

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This was a fast paced mystery following detective Jo Fournier, who is trying to catch a serial killer who is brutally murdering pregnant women. Jo has to catch the killer before more innocent women are killed.

This was the first book that I’ve read in the Jo Fournier series and it definitely won’t be the last! I’m so excited to catch up on the other books in the series because I loved this one. The storyline was really intriguing, emotional, dark, and with so many twists and turns. The main twist was really shocking and it was incredibly executed. The characters were also really interesting to read about and I loved following the perspective of Jo and her team and also learning about her family. This can definitely be read as a standalone because that’s how I read it, but I think after reading this you’ll want to read the other books in the series for sure!
Thank you so much to Netgalley and Bookouture for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a series that has just been excellent from the very first book called The Dancing Girls......This latest book called Little Lost Dolls by
M.M. Chouinard was no different, can't believe it's the seventh book in the excellent Detective Jo Fournier series. It was full of great twists and turns that will have you guessing till the end.

I just love the Detective Jo Fournier character.

I highly recommend this series and a great 5 star series which will be great for you holidays.

Big Thank you to bookouture, netgalley, and M.M. Chouinard for the ARC of little lost dolls in exchange for my fair and honest opinions.

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I think this book should probably come with a trigger warning - pregnant women are being killed in it and the thought of it makes me cringe.....although it didn't stop me from reading the whole book, nevertheless!

The Jo Fournier series is a good one and I always enjoy the way the author crafts her books.

Jo has finally settled into a good rhythm at home with Matt and I am happy for them. He is a good guy and Jo has been through enough trauma in her personal life. You can tell I got emotionally attached to the characters in this series, can't you!

One of the pregnant women at risk in this book rings Jo and although she doesn't want to get involved - the woman in question having been a girlfriend of Jo's brother-in-law, her MARRIED brother-in-law - it is part of her job to investigate.

Quite the twisty tale, this one.

4.5 stars from me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture.

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Detective Jo Fournier gets a call from her brother in law’s, David, pregnant ex-mistress Chelsea– what an uncomfortable position to be in – not only that, she is asking for help. As upset as Jo is she goes and meets with Chelsea to see how she can help. A friend from a local pregnancy centre is missing, but the police will not do anything for 24 hr as she is an adult. It doesn’t sound like Madison is a typical “I need my space” person and promises to talked to Chelsea’s mom. The next day Jo is called to a crime scene, and finds Chelsea’s friend killed in what looks like a ritual killing. This sets off a investigation with lots of twists and turns.

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