Cover Image: The Marriage Counselor

The Marriage Counselor

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Member Reviews

I initially wanted to read this book simply because the cover is fantastic! It grabbed my attention and piqued my curiosity. Even though I don't typically read psychological thrillers, I wanted to know what this one was about, so opted to read it.

What I found was an engaging story with a lot of jaw-dropping twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat. Every time I thought I knew what was going on, something would happen that turned the story on its head. Definitely a suspenseful tale with a lot to keep you reading.

However, there were some obvious issues with the narrative that should have been picked up on by the editor as well as story threads that were incomplete.

Unfortunately, I found myself having to repeat sections at times just to keep track of what was going on, and in the end, I'm not 100% confident I understand what happened...

Thank you to Dea Poirier, Bookouture Audio and NetGalley for an advance review copy.

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This was so interesting. The main character is a marriage counselor and when her husband goes missing her works is turned upside down. The plot was fast paced and engaging despite having some moments that were very confusing. The characters were all very interesting and unique. The announcement of plot twists in this one gave me whiplash in the best ways. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like much planning or research went into the police or how they work. The process in which everything was handled was very unbelievable. I loved the twist ending though and would love to try something else by this author.

Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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Oh what a tangled web! When marriage Counselor Adele's husband is reported missing, it seems there was a plethora of hidden secrets and lies that went with him. There are a lot of people not upset to see him disappear. As the daughter of a well known TV duo, now passed, the story soon garners media attention and not all positive. The police detective in the case, juts happens to be her ex - the one before the one. As they get closer to the facts, danger gets closer to them. Someone doesn't want the truth to out. This is such a well paced suspense narrative and is expertly narrated to tease out the story. The revelations unfold at nail biting pace making this a superb listen. The ending had me speechless! #themarriagecounselor #deapoirier #netgalley #audiobook #bookouture

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC

I’ve been on a huge thriller kick lately, so i was beyond excited to get an ARC of this book. The blurb sounded absolutely amazing.

Unfortunately, the book wasnt great. The writing was amateur and the characters were annoying. I figured out who the villain was within the first 15% of the book. The main character was so hard to relate to, and all the side characters felt like the same person just multiplied.

The book is in desperate need of an editor, as well. At one point the FMC finds someone’s facebook profile, talks about how she found the profile, and then a page later gets a call from her best friend saying “you wont believe this.. I found their facebook profile!” And the FMC is like “WHAT HOW?” Like… what? You were JUST talking about how you were looking at her FB.

There were so many little inconsistencies and plot holes. By the end of the book it felt like I had no idea what actually happened.

Also- and this is a personal note- I can not STAND when author’s dont do the smallest amount of research on things that they dont know about. Ignorance is obviously fine. I could never write a book about horses because I dont know a single thing about horses. That being said, I would go to someone who does know about horses so I was writing accurately.

YOU CAN NOT LOG INTO YOUR CELL PHONE CARRIERS APP AND LOOK AT THEIR MESSAGE HISTORY. You just cant. You can get message history with a warrant from a judge and then you have to go to the carrier. Your lawyer, not you personally. They can only be gathered through a legal avenue. No one can just log into their app and look at the texts or even a history of who was being texted/who was doing the texting. You can see call logs, but not texts. It’s not a thing. /rant.

I feel like the author had a good concept but had no idea how to execute it, sadly.

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I did not expect the shocking ending! It caught me completely off guard!
The Marriage Counselor, Adele continues the careers of her parents, only to find out there was dishonesty creating a media frenzy over untold stories and now accusations about Adele. Now, her husband is missing, things begin to appear that seem to explain this disappearance but other start to go missing. What is going on? Is Adele involved in this as the police suspect? What will become of her? Of her husband?

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This one had some plot twists that gave me whiplash, but I loved it! Adele is a marriage counselor who has a less than perfect marriage - when her husband goes missing her world is torn apart.

I was on the edge of my seat with this one - the story drew me in and the character development was fantastic. I would definitely recommend to all of my mystery and suspense friends!

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I feel like this book left me with a lot more questions than answers and that is the only reason for just 3 stars. I really like the story. The narration was great. I was super interested and I thought I had things all figured out. But the last 85% or so all went haywire and I'm not sure if I missed something listening to the audio or if it was actually just confusing and I can't really tell you what made me confused without giving spoilers, but you'll know if you read or listen to the book.

The characters were okay. Adele was annoying at times, Cameron was weird, and Emma was a giant bitch (I'm surprised she kept her around if she knew what kind of person she was, but whatevs).

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Thank you NetGalley for the audio copy in exchange for a honest review. Marriage Counselor Adele is shocked when old flame Cameron turns up on her doorstep. He is from the Police and tells her that her husband Patrick has not turned up for work presumed missing. Then people around her start to get murdered . This thriller has unexpected twists and turns and I couldn’t stop listening! Outstanding.

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this was such a missed opportunity! i found this story to be too predictable and could not connect to any of the characters. bummed!

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As a marriage counselor, Adele fails to succeed in her own marital life. After receiving the news that her husband is missing, one by one, like a domino effect Adele learns of his double life, affairs, and many many lies. But her missing husband is not the only problem in her life. As dead bodies pile up left and right, she does not know whom to trust anymore. But as a true alfa, she fights hard to come up on top.

The Marriage Counselor is a gripping domestic thriller, with multiple twists and turns, and a great set of characters. There was something of a slow start, but not enough to spoil my enjoyment of it. As the plot thickens and secrets are revealed in each chapter, you will not be able to stop reading. The book really picks up steam in the second half and the ending is perfect. I did not see that coming! It's a great page-turner, and I would absolutely recommend it to any thriller/suspense lover.

Thank you, NetGalley for a free and advanced copy of the novel.

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Thank you to NetGalley and publisher for the ALC of The Marriage Counselor. Based on the description, I thought I would love this book but it was a miss for me. There was just a level of unbelievability involving the actions of police. I enjoy police procedurals and even a dirty cop story every now and then, but this was just too out there to believe. I wanted to DNF, but was committed to listening throughout hoping there was some redeption-sadly there was not. The narration was good and it was easy to listen to-just not a fan of the storylines.

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Adele is a marriage counsellor and her husband suddenly goes missing. She then finds out that he’s been living a life that she had no clue about but is still left in the dark about things trying to find out what was happening. Infidelities revealed as expected but so are a whole bunch of other craziness.

I enjoyed this audiobook, it was a bit of a slow burner but it got there in the end. I was not expecting that plot twist at all and was surprised how it ended.

I’ll definitely be checking out other books from this author. I enjoy thriller genres so this is right up my street.

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I interviewed Dea Poirier a few years ago for a different type of book altogether, so her latest really blew me away! This was a psychological thriller of the first order. Twisty, jaw dropping, and oh-so-clever. Highly recommended!

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I can safely say I struggled with this book. A marriage counsellor whose husband goes missing. For a clever woman adept at solving other people’s problems she never saw what was going on under her own nose. The book did improve as it went along but at times I did feel like giving up. This is not a book that will stay with me.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the opportunity to see an ARC

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A slow burner kind of read with a good plot. Would make a good holiday read by the poolside ☺️🍸 thanks Net Galley for the pre-release read 😀

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Book Review 🔷️

Releasing April 24th!

A marriage counselor with marriage issues she didn't even realize she had until they were dropped into her lap, quite abruptly at that.

I listened to this book on audio and the narrator did a fantastic job! Thrillers are one of my favorite things to listen to. This one held to that standard.

This book is very fast-paced with loads of twists and turns. You have to make sure you are paying attention or you'll miss the slip of details and clues. I loved it. It kept me engaged and not wanting to turn it off.

Thank you @netgalley and Bookouture Audio for sending me this ARC to review and give my honest opinion.

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This one was interesting! Loved the plot, and it kept me guessing! I just wish I had a bit more about the main character’s backstory and relationship with her husband to get a better idea and emotional understanding of her decisions in this book. I couldn’t truly connect to her actions because I wasn’t emotionally invested in what led up to her decisions.

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First off I have to say @netgalley timing of the approval for this one was a bit cringy as I myself am going through the beginning stages of a failed marriage. However, as a lover of gripping thrillers I was so glad I got to read this one.

I resonated with her beginning comment of how when couples go to counseling it’s usually to late to save the marriage and unfortunately that’s usually very true.

I was so caught up in this suspenseful story I finished it in a little over a day. I also felt like the universe was trying to tell me something with all the similarities of the names of characters like Cameron, dogs named Loki and Thor, a girl named Ashley, and many other things that will probably only resonate with me but made the book that much more memorable.

This book was so twisty and had to be honest by the end you kind of hate all the characters lol.

The writing was very well done and having listened to the audiobook version the narrator did a very good job as well and we all know how a narrator can really make or break an audiobook.

Well done Dea

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I enjoyed listening to this audiobook as the narrator was great. The story itself was interesting, but a bit predictable at points. I also struggled to connect to any of the characters and was not invested in their story. I wasn't a fan of the main character as she was a bit unlikeable. Taking this into consideration, I would say that I enjoyed this book overall and wouldn't mind trying out another book by this author or listening to another book by this narrator.

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Listening to this book left me very down just imagining the group of nasty characters that were in it. I can’t think of a single one who had any redeeming features.
There were twists that seemed unrealistic and the police behaved in the most unlikely and unrealistic way I got tired of trying to follow it all

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