Cover Image: This Dark Descent

This Dark Descent

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I adore the cover of This Dark Descent by Kalyn Josephson, with its elegant statue imagery on a copper-colored background! I think it managed to be both simplistic and ornate simultaneously, which is not an easy feat!

Today is my stop on Colored Pages Book Tours’ (@coloredpagesbt) release celebration tour for This Dark Descent by Kalyn Josephson (@kalynmjosephson)! I will be sharing my review here on Instagram and some of my favorite quotes from the book over on my blog as part of the tour! Be sure to check out the full tour schedule (link in bio) for content from all the other wonderful hosts!

This Dark Descent had a lot of incredible elements I look for in a good young adult fantasy novel! Hands down the best part of this book for me was the complex and unique characters, especially Arielle and Mikira! They had excellent interwoven perspectives and narratives, which motivated them to take action throughout the story that drove the plot forward. My other favorite thing about This Dark Descent was the worldbuilding, which stems from Jewish folklore. While I am not very familiar with the source folklore, this book made me want to do more research into Jewish folklore, and other fantasy books inspired by it!

My Recommendation:
If you have been feeling a years-long void since reading The Scorpio Races, I strongly recommend you grab a copy of This Dark Descent. While the two books are quite different, this book brought me back to the heart-pounding high-stakes horse racing that made me love The Scorpio Races all those years ago.

Thank you to @fiercereads for sharing a copy of This Dark Descent with me!

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This book starts off like a lot of YA fantasy these days, inundating the reader with and encyclopedia’s worth of names, politics and history before they have had a chance to care about the characters or feel invested. I just can’t do these anymore :(

DNF ~ 6%

Thank you Fierce Reads for the e-arc but not for me.

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2.5 stars, rounded down for GoodReads

I'm forever complaining that fantasy novels often drag out the plot into more books than are really needed. So imagine my surprise when I discovered that this book had the opposite problem. There was entirely too much happening here. I think it would have been a more enjoyable read if some of that real estate had been spent on character development instead. We had a lot of plot and very flat characters, which made it difficult to care much about what was happening to the characters during all those plot points. The world-building was nebulous: non-existent in places, left to the reader to fill in with guesses other times, and overall hard to follow. The ending is clearly a cliffhanger setup for the next book, but I'm not invested enough to finish this series.

A huge thank you to the author and the publisher for providing an e-ARC via Netgalley. This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.

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I’ve been a fan of Josephson since her Storm Crow series, and I’ve been looking forward to this new fantasy series for awhile. And it did not disappoint. I got Peaky Blinders x Hidalgo vibes from it, and I loved that the story revolved around horses (a personal favorite of mine). It was action packed and fun, and while there were two horse deaths that I really struggled with (animal death/cruelty is my only trigger), I understood why they needed to happen.

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There was just way too much happening here. I can't keep track of two viewpoint characters AND three book' worth of plot.

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I jumped on this train when that it had vibes similar to The Scorpio Races. Forbidden magic and Jewish mythology and it also had interesting twists! After 2023, I just am in love with horses in general so I definitely read this at the perfect time. Cant wait for the next book!

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This Dark Descent by Kalyn Josephson offers a wild ride in the heart of Veradell, where the Illinir horse race is no joke - it's got high stakes and a body count to match. Meet Mikira Rusel, a tough horse breeder dead set on winning, even if it means making some shady alliances.

The characters are a mixed bag, from a rogue enchanter with a mysterious past to an ambitious lord knee-deep in a succession brawl. Josephson keeps the pace pedal to the metal, throwing in twists and turns that'll keep you on the edge.

The world-building is spot-on, blending magic seamlessly into the danger-soaked landscapes of Veradell. While the plot occasionally leans on familiar fantasy tropes, the character development shines. Mikira's determination is a force to be reckoned with, and the supporting cast adds layers of drama, friendship, and betrayal.

Sure, the story might follow a predictable rhythm at times, and a few characters could use more depth. But, overall, "This Dark Descent" is a darkly magical joyride. If you're into fantasy with a side of danger and a cast of characters you won't forget, dive in. It's a wicked adventure that'll leave you craving more.

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This was a really, really good book.

It gave me Hawthorn Brothers, mixed with Throne of Glass, mixed with Amelie Wen Zhao vibes. It felt original, fast paced, and had a great magic system.

Mikira is a strong willed, female main character who will do anything to save her family from the feudal lords.

As this is a dual POV Arielle Kadar is our other protagonist. Equally as strong and steeped in magic our young sorceress has secrets of her own to protect.

The two girls are thrown into the world of the upper class when House Lord Damian Adair agrees to sponsor Mikira in the races to win her family freedom.

It’s got a wonderful fantasy world filled with Jewish folklore and the perfect balance of romance. There were lots of layers to the the plot and I honestly couldn’t keep with all the betrayal and murder!! I’m so so so excited to read the next book and see where things go!!

This was such a strong start to the series and one to add to your tbr 🎉

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This was intense! I loved the found family vibes as our four characters got to know each other. I really wish we'd gotten to see more of Reed though. He was my favorite.

It surprised me, when political intrigue took over the story in the second half. Like it was building behind the scenes in the first half, but our two POV characters didn't see it for a while.

All of the characters felt real and like people I would like to know. They were captivating.

I have no idea what happened in that final whirlwind at the end, except that I need the next book now, please. I need to see them mend the rift between them.

The characters all had this dark side to them, and they reminded me a lot of the gang in Six of Crows. Which is a compliment because that's one of my favorite books because of the characters.

This was so much better than I was hoping and I definitely need more. It was like the best mix of Six of Crows and Ashlords and Bonds of Brass. Found family, Characters with dark sides who are still noble and compelling, magical horse racing, and political intrigue.

The audiobook performance was good but it lessened the tension a bit for me.

*Thanks to NetGalley and Roaring Book Press for providing an early copy for review.

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When I first won the ARC for This Dark Descent, I didn’t know if I actually wanted to read it. The cover displayed a horse while the blurb talked about a horse race. I know horses are majestic, but that’s just not in my interest wheelhouse. You’re probably asking yourself “Why did you enter a sweepstakes for the book then?” I enter all contests to win anything free. Free is free. Lol

I won this ARC back in the spring of 2023 during Yallwest. It has taken me until the end of the year to actually pop it open and read it. And, honestly, it was only after I read two other middle grade books by this author that I really decided to give this book a try. I’m glad that I did though. She seems to be a solid writer and author for me. But, I rant. Let’s get to the book.

This Dark Descent is about two young women coming into their own power in the fictional city of Veradell. One, Mikira, was born and bred in Veradell while the other, Arielle, recently immigrated to the city. These are the two main characters. They couldn’t be more opposite. I think the only thing they have in common is that they are both female. Mikira is short and wiry while Arielle is tall and curvy. (Those are book quotes.) Mikira is quick to anger while Arielle holds her emotions in. Mikira wears her heart on her sleeve and shows her anger on her face, but Arielle shows nothing while anger bubbles inside her. Pivoting to comics for a second, but they’re relationship and personality differences are akin to Batman and Superman or Captain America and Ironman. It’s a relationship where outside forces and circumstances have thrust two people together that have absolutely nothing in common other than a common goal. In this case that common goal is to live free from the threat of power from Veradell’s ruling houses.

In Veradell, there is the royal family, the Anthir (think Knights/Police), and the ruling houses. The ruling houses are basically the rich who ensure the rules of law are forever in their favor. One exception to this is House Adair, or so we are led to believe. House Adair is run, unofficially, by Damien Adair, the second youngest son of the official ruler of the house. We are led to believe that Damien is not like other rules in Veradell. With his closest companion Reid at his side, Damien thrusts himself into the lives of Mikira and Arielle. They don't trust each other, but they make bargains to obtain a common goal, taking down Rezek Kelbra, the main villain of the book. And, because Rezek Kelbra is such an evil and awful person, each character, especially the main characters, descend into the darker side of themselves to best him. But, what do they become because of this? And, do they actually best him? That’s the real question.

The plot of this book is convoluted, but in a good way. There are many plot twists and turns to keep you interested. It is told in a dual point of view between Mikira and Arielle, but it feels as though Arielle actually gets more time in the book than Mikira does. This book has quite a few tropes. None of them are too over the top. Is there angst? Yes. Are there romance tropes? Yes, however, there isn’t too much of it that it takes away from the actual plot of the book. The only trope that bothered me was all of the secret keeping. All the characters were keeping secrets from each other. That trope reminds me of all the CW shows, and that kills a little bit of the genuineness of the plot for me.

All in all though, I am anticipating the release of the sequel.

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I read This Dark Descent in early October and was so happy about how much I was vibing with it and that I was getting some exciting fantasy in a post-Fourth Wing and pre-Iron Flame world. It was the exact perfect amount of intrigue, action, pacing, and originality I needed in the midst of a mini reading slump.

I’m not well versed at all in Jewish folklore (I know surface level things from The X-Files and Supernatural that are probably inaccurate), but that being a heavy part of this story was fascinating. The horses, the magic—all the fantasy aspects were great.

I loved the pacing of this book. From the synopsis, I was worried we’d get one nonstop horse race, but the races are split up with adequate healing/practice time in between each of them. I did struggle to see some of the stakes at some points because of that, but I do prefer it to the alternative of a nonstop go go go deadly race. The breaks give us time for the plot to develop.

The ending?? Had me shook. I was so relieved to find out this is going to be a duology because I definitely need answers. I loved these characters, but some of them I still hadn’t quite figured out by the end. I need to know where their minds are what their futures hold with each other.

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This was such a fun, immersive, high-stakes, high-paced novel—I loved following the characters with their different motivations, learning about their world, and holding my breath for the conclusion. A great page-turner!

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This story kicks off with a quick start and doesn't let up for the whole book. Mikira to save her family, enters a deal with Damien and the big race, but is it the best choice? Enter magical horses, a competitive horse race and some unrequited feelings, and I was completely immersed. I loved the main cast of characters and loved the back and forth between Mikira and Arielle. I couldn't put this book down and cannot wait for the next.

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I loved this book. Give me all of Jewish mythical creatures and combine them with some of my favorite aspects of some of my favorite books.
I loved the parallel relationship building and how all of the tension that built impacted all four of the main characters. I loved the shifts in POV throughout the book.
The cliffhanger makes sense and has me excited for book two!

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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I really liked this audiobook. The story was very well written as well. I have read similar books like Monsters Born and Made but this one was much better.

What I loved most about This Dark Descent was how it felt like a heist. The way every character had a stake in the outcome. The way they slowly began to trust each other and work together. The friendships that formed, the romantic attachments the blossomed. Excited to see where this author takes the next installment.

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Jewish Inspired folklore
High Fantasy
Sacrificing FMC
Blood feuds
High stakes
LGBTQ+ rep
Swoon worthy romance

I have loved Kalyns writing style since her very first book. While I enjoyed this story and being back in Kalyns writing, I was expecting more from it. I needed something even if I can’t put my finger on what it is. This is easily a great start to a YA series but I’m hoping for more in the next installment.

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I need you all to know about this book because it was just absolutely stunning. I am head over heels in love with it.

Usually I don't like to compare books to other books, but seriously: this gave me some of the same feelings as Scorpio Races did. I connected with the characters on another level entirely, I felt their pain and their joy and their heartbreak, and I was rooting for them constantly. plus, they both center around horse races, although the races and ideas are completely different and unique to each book.

I don't want to give too much away with this, honestly. going in blind and experiencing it for yourself is the way to go. all I knew was that it was fantasy and horses, and I loved every moment of discovering the nuances of the plot, the richness of the world (extremely well-built), and the depth of the characters. It is truly an adventure from beginning to end, and I am waiting with bated breath for the next one to come out.

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I was sold on this premise alone. Every ten years the citizens gather for a treacherous horse race that ends in prize money and a high body count. Secrets, dangerous games and winning at any cost had me hooked.

Thank you #macmillan and #NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange kfor an honest review.

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