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Reasonable Adults

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Member Reviews

Really struggled with this one. Poorly written and unlikeable characters. I’m sorry but it wasn’t for me. I do appreciate receiving an arc in exchange for a review. Thank you

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Hallmark like but sometimes we need it! Loved the scenery, friendships and dialog. It was unexpectedly funny!

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I wanted to like this, but unfortunately I could not finish it after the main character was almost SA'd and then was victim-blamed by the male main character. What???

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Reasonable Adults by Robin Lefler is her debut novel.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book in exchange for a review.

I loved the idea of the synopsis and plot of this novel, however it didn't keep me interested.
None of the characters really stood out to me and it didn't keep me engaged.

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This was. 2.5-3 star book for me. I found the relationship between Kate and Matt to be odd. The teasing and ignoring is never good relationship banter in my book. Eric got this book an additional 1 star.

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This book failed having an interesting and well developed plot, everything seemed like a derivation of some other kind of story that you have seen before. But uniqueness is really not what I was looking for here. It's just that, while having that very used premise, the book had no characters that made me care enough about them and on top of that a ludicrous climax where some horrible actions are 'justified' to take it to the finale.

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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Reasonable Adults is the delightful debut novel by Robin Lefler. Kate Rigsby is in a going nowhere relationship and a going nowhere job, that is until both implode when she finds Chaz in a compromising position with a legal client and then goes on a wine fueled online rant. At the suggestion of her best friend Hailey, Kate applies for a position to grow business at the luxury and creative Treetops Resort in Muskoka, Canada. When she unexpectedly gets a nice offer, Kate sublets her apartment, packs up her Toyota, and sets off on the journey with her trusted companion Eric, her golden doodle.

Upon her arrival, Kate finds the resort to be less than her expected luxury resort. Although having excellent bones, the lodge and cottages are in great need of refurbishment. With an avant-garde crew of dedicated staff and artisans, the spirit of the lodge is active and well but the person holding the purse strings, Brooke Kerrigan, refuses to repair or replace things or even hire adequate staff to grow this business. As part of her divorce settlement from H.I.T. Chair Graham Sutherland, Brooke is more interested in funneling funds to her accounts than to using them to grow a thriving business.

Having been given an impossible job under restrictive guidelines, Kate has had to become quite creative herself. Coloring outside the lines, Kate does what her job requires and meets and exceeds her goals. She also makes great friends with the small five person staff and the associated staff that lead seminars and outings, including artist Matt Reid, who just happens to be Graham Sutherland’s son.

Through a series of events this story takes its readers on a lovely ride. Wonderful characters, a beautiful winter wonderland setting, and a special story of tenacity and resilience, I very much enjoyed this book and do recommend it!

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I enjoyed the setting of this one! I wish there had been a little more character development but I’ll be picking up more books by this author!

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I really enjoyed this book! It was fast-paced and fun! I agree that the attempted assault and Matt's reaction really put me off. Otherwise it would have been a five stars.

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Thank you Kensington Publishing for the eARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are my own!

This story follows Kate Rigsby who is at a crossroads both personally and professionally, a newly single, thirty-something marketing exec takes a chance on a too-good-to-true winter job at an exclusive artists' retreat in the wilds of Canada – only to find out she's way in over her head. She decides to start work at a temporary gig at Treetops, a swanky, off-the-grid creative retreat in Muskoka, complete with meditation circles, deluxe spa, and artisanal cocktails. At least, that’s what the brochure promises. The reality is a struggling resort that is stuck in the 1990s old fashion ways. Then there’s the sexy, off-limits coworker whose easy smile and lumberjack forearms are distracting Kate from the already near-impossible task of making this snowbound oasis profitable.On the upside, the surroundings are breathtaking. The Treetops crew is quirky and (mostly) kind. And somehow, Kate’s starting to feel new enthusiasm for her career—and her life. In fact, she’s daring to challenge herself in ways she never dreamed of before.

I thought that this story was just okay. I felt like it lacked just a little bit of overall plot at times. However, I do enjoy a good character driven story. I just in all reality did not super love Kate. Which made it hard to read the book at times. I did enjoy the banter and romance that developed. I thought that the character growth was well done as well.

Content: Spicy scenes, swearing

Read if you enjoy:
Winter Romances
Character Growth
Working FMC

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Reasonable Adults by Robin Lefler is a sparkling debut! It has a charming setting (I can’t help but love Muskoka-set stories as an Ontario native), endearing characters, and is a delightful escape for anyone seeking laughter, love, and a touch of whimsy.

Meet Kate Rigsby. Her life has hit a rough patch, you could say. Freshly single and freshly fired, she's reached her early thirties with little to show for it. She does have her beloved goldendoodle and two loyal best friends. When a job opportunity at Treetops Creative Retreat in Muskoka lands in her lap, she sees it as the perfect escape. I mean, three months at a luxury artists' retreat, complete with five-star cuisine and a helipad, sounds like a dream to everyone! Winter can't even dampen her enthusiasm because she can learn to snowshoe, right?

I adored so much about this story. The setting had my heart and attention. The troubled artists' colony at Treetops provides a unique backdrop for the story. I found the blend of creativity, chaos, and unexpected romance added depth to the narrative. From Kate's quirky personality to the eclectic cast of fellow retreat workers, Lefler crafted characters that are both authentic and relatable. For me, this was a genuinely funny read. The mishaps, misunderstandings, and unexpected connections kept me turning the pages.

I think Lefler's writing is fresh, fun, and utterly enjoyable. Part self-discovery, part rom-com, and part comedy of errors, readers should grab a copy if they are ready to be taken on a delightful journey of finding yourself, and possibly love.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for a temporary e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I enjoyed this book. It wasn't hard to get into, it was a quick read, and I liked the main characters. I'd read another book from this author in the future.

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I received an advanced copy of Reasonable Adults by Robin Lefler from the publisher Kensington via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

What It’s About: After walking in on her ex-boyfriend hooking up with a client, Kate goes on a social media rampage resulting in her losing her job in addition to her almost fiancé. Desperate for a job and a reset, Kate takes a winter job working at Treetops an exclusive artists’ retreat in the wilds. But the retreat is not what it seems, the building is stuck in 1990’s, Kate’s office is a bunker, her boss is a jerk, and at night she stays in a freezing hut with her 70 pound Goldendoodle. And Kate has to turn this place into a profitable oasis? Things seem impossible, but it’s not all bad, there is the sexy, off-limits coworker…

What I Loved: The premise is quite good, I thought it was perfectly fine but there wasn’t a lot to write home about. I do always like a story of someone moving from the city to the country and making it.

What I Didn’t Like: The characters aren’t very developed and that made me not really care. I didn’t feel like I knew the characters, they were just kind of there. Also there is a scene that shows attempted rape and victim blaming and it just kind of wrecked the story for me.

Who Should Read It: People who like stories where people leave city for job in country.

Summary: A woman loses her job and takes a job saving an artist retreat in the Canadian wilderness.

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Ever since hot Tub Time Machine I have wanted to revert back to the 80s... a stop in the 90s would be great too!

Blending nostalgia and current obligations and the lies we believe for a job that pays the bills. Reasonable Adults is about what happens when we make #mistakes and change the course of our lives. Even when we think we are in charge on our lives, fate happens.

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I received an ARC of this from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I like Canadian based books because I’m Canadian and happen to live in Toronto, so I snapped this one right up. I was looking for a light, funny, rom com and this did the trick for me.

I liked it. It evolved and got better as you moved through it and the characters started to take on a life of their own. The plot was a bit back and forth, and all over at first but it worked itself out in the end.

I’d definitely pick up another book by this author and I think it was a great start to her writing career.

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I received a complimentary copy from the publisher and all opinions expressed are entirely my own.

The book follows Kate who after a glass of wine posts something that ends up with her losing her job. After her fall from grace, she ends up taking a job at Treetops, a place off the grid. It's a perfect reminder of the beauty that comes from a detour. I loved how the author tackled grieving the past and moving forward. Enjoyed it so much.

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An interesting light read. I am not going to leave a spoiler but there was an incident that bothered me and the way it was handled. Other than that, it was an interesting escape read.
Many thanks to Kensington and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I loved the idea for the plot of this novel. But it didn't hold my attention very well.

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*Great storytelling
*Little 🌶️ spicy romance- had to skip some paragraphs
*Wide array of characters with differing personalities
*Some humor
*Rollercoaster of a ride read
*Includes discussion questions- perfect for Book Clubs!

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