Cover Image: The Seven Day Switch

The Seven Day Switch

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When I first picked up this book, I didn't expect much from it. I thought it would be a light and breezy read, something to pass the time without much thought. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find myself completely engrossed in the story from the very first page.

What struck me the most was how well-plotted the book turned out to be. Despite its initial appearance as a simple, lighthearted read, the author skillfully weaved together a narrative that kept me hooked until the very end. The pacing was spot-on, with just the right balance of humour, drama, and heartwarming moments to keep me turning the pages well into the night.

A major factor in my enjoyment of the book was undoubtedly the characters. They were so well-developed and relatable that I found myself genuinely invested in their journey. From their quirks and flaws to their hopes and dreams, they felt like real people grappling with real-life issues. It was easy to root for them and become emotionally invested in their story.

Another aspect of the book that I loved was the inclusion of animals. As a self-proclaimed animal lover, I couldn't help but smile every time a furry friend made an appearance. Their presence added an extra layer of charm and warmth to the story, making it all the more enjoyable.

Overall, this was a delightful surprise that exceeded my expectations in every way. It's a testament to the author's talent and storytelling prowess that she was able to create such a captivating and heartwarming tale. I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a feel-good read that will leave them smiling long after they've turned the last page.
I received an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Love the cover. This was a great twin swap and I was here for it. I love the South Africa setting, too. I can't wait to read more of Meg Chronis.

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I was really not super into this one - I did finish it but it took a lot to get through it. I just think that the "trading places" trope is not one that is for me unfortunately! As always I still recommend checking it out, since my taste is not the same as everyone else's!

Thank you NetGalley for the eARC!

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I couldn't get into the book. I tried numerous times, but it wasn't working for me.

I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I will admit the first few pages I didn’t love, but it felt like so much foreign slang that I wasn’t sure I would be able to keep up. So I put it down for a while. Well I picked it back up and finished it in less than 6 hours.

This story was fun, and cute, and the tension was fun. Not personally a fan of fade to black but I think it was well done. I really appreciated the anxiety/panic attack rep. I think it was well done and really made the scenes more powerful in the moment.

I’m also glad that the real Gem wound up having a come to Jesus moment, and didn’t stay how she started at the beginning. I much prefer siblings who love each other, and don’t purposely manipulate and abuse one another without remorse.

Overall a solid story.

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This book just was not really for me. The more I read about people switching places I find I am not a huge fan of that trope. Overall though this is a light fun read!

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This book was an absolute delight to read. I found myself eagerly turning the pages, eager to find out what would happen next. Overall, it was an enjoyable and satisfying read that entertained me.

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Twin switcharoo books can sometimes work and sometimes not work, luckily the Seven Day Switch was the former. I thought the setup had a fun little twist and I think it worked well because I really liked Becca. The animal sanctuary setting was perfect for a romcom and led to a lot of the funnier moments in the book. Sully started out just ok for me, but I grew to like him a lot more by the end. Overall, a quick and easy beach read.

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Sparks fly for Becca. A hilarious laugh out loud romantic comedy. It had me in stitches and I was praying for Becca and Sully to get together.

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I enjoy this British rom com. There's just something about British rom com's and the humor that sets them apart from American rom coms.

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Just a good one.
Read it in one sitting. Four stars read.
I deeply enjoyed it.
Thanks to netgalley for this book

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"The Seven Day Switch" by Meg Chronis is a delightful tale of second chances and self-discovery. The story revolves around the unexpected exchange between two women, Ellie and Mads, who swap lives for a week. Chronis' storytelling is witty and heartfelt, as the characters navigate their new roles and confront the secrets that shaped their lives. This novel is an engaging and charming exploration of the choices we make and the paths we can still change.

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I did not finish this one, it was not for me, I couldn't relate to the characters, and just did not care for the story.

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I couldn't get into this book, I'm not too sure why. I think maybe it just dove into things a bit too quickly so I didn't have time to get attached to anyone or to care what was going on. I've tried a few times to get through it, and I'll continue, but it didn't grip me at all. Thank you to NetGalley and Meg Chronis Books for this ARC!

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This was a cute storyline, but just not a favorite of mine, My biggest struggle in a new bok is getting into it from the beginning while they slowly build the history and the point of the book. I immediately could not stand the FMC mom and sister and it gave me a bad taste in my mouth right from the start, It did have many cute parts though and wrapped up nicely, witht he usual feel goods we always need a cute romcom.

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the characters are easy to connect with! the plot is very cute and easy to follow along with. it’s always so fun reading a switch up book to see if the characters can notice the differences!

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Flew through this book, it was very eventful and fun and so so heartwarming! Felt myself smiling a lot.

I enjoyed the setting, even though a small town really isn’t all that rare to find in books. The characters were well thought out and the plot was paced in a way that made sense. I would recommend this book to others and would enjoy reading other novels by this author, as they are so breezy and easy to get through!

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Love this book!!!

Thank you soooooo much netgalley, the author and the publisher for the advanced review copy if this book💗

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This was such a cute story to get absolutely lost in! Wow. It's a great romance but it also has really excellent character development and the story was well developed. Quick read

Thanks netgalley and the publisher for allowing to read this arc!

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with this book.

I found this story very interesting. I thought that the switcheroo was executed very well and this is not something I have seen in the books I have previously read. I will definitely be rereading in the future.

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