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The Seven Year Slip

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'The Seven Year Slip' is another fun entry into the fantasy romance genre from the author of 'The Dead Romantics'. It tackles similar themes - loving the unobtainable, grief, figuring out what you want from life - and whilst it doesn't click as well as in 'The Dead Romantics', it's still a fast-paced and enjoyable read with some lovely emotional moments.

Clementine's worst nightmare has come true, and she's still picking up the pieces. She's buried herself in her job as a book publicist, trying to move forward - but she's also closed herself off to those around her, afraid of being hurt again. That is, until she comes home to find a strange man in her apartment. Meet Iwan: an aspiring chef from seven years in the past. Clementine's aunt had always said time worked differently in the apartment - but as Clementine starts to get to know this man with a Southern drawl and a taste for lemon pies, she realises this is the sort of man she could fall head over heels for. Except, in his time, she's a twenty two year old student who wouldn't look at him twice - and she has no idea where, or who, he is in hers. The time isn't right. Is it?

The idea of an apartment that can randomly move people seven years into the past or future is a clever one, and it's interesting seeing how this affects Clementine and Iwan's developing relationship - Clementine fully in the know, and Iwan unaware this woman who keeps appearing in the apartment is a time traveller. Like with 'The Dead Romantics', it's a very light fantasy touch in an otherwise contemporary rom-com, but fits in well, adding an extra source of intrigue. It also provides another tool to explore themes of family and loss - themes Poston excels at. The grief here is different to the grief in 'The Dead Romantics', less immediate, but no less devastating and impactful. There's a particular scene where Clementine has to break the news of her loved ones passing which is absolutely beautifully written and a very moving read.

Clementine makes a strong protagonist. Hiding from emotions she isn't ready to face yet by burying herself in work and investment in her best friends' preparations for a new baby, she's kind, competent, and sarcastically funny, but also fragile and afraid of saying the word 'no'. She's easy to relate to, and her relationships with her closest friends and with her aunt are wonderful.

Clementine and Iwan's relationship is much faster than the relationship in 'The Dead Romantics', and personally this worked less well for me - the attraction was obvious and the chemistry palpable, but certain aspects seemed to happen too fast. However, it was still a well written and multifaceted relationship, and it still brokered reader investment in the ending.

The plot is very telegraphed, with most things obvious before they happen - something which worked better for me in Poston's previous novel than this one, perhaps simple because I was more invested in the relationship there. There are still plenty of solid moments, including good character development for Clementine, but it isn't a book to read if you're looking for surprises.

Overall, I think I read this book too soon after 'The Dead Romantics': they have a lot of similarities, and this one didn't quite live up to its predecessors standards. However, its still a solid rom-com with some great character relationships, excellent underlying themes, and a central romance that's easy to root for. Fans of the rom-com genre should find plenty to like here.

*Review to be published on the blog and Goodreads closer to publication*

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Another great book from Ashley Poston! I really enjoyed this book and couldn’t put it down once I started! Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me an early copy in exchange for my honest review.

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When I saw Ashley Poston was coming out with a new book, I was beyond excited! Dead Romantics was one of my absolute favorite books last year and I couldn't wait to see what she had written next. The Seven Year Slip is equal parts adorable and romantic, but not quite as amazing as the Dead Romantics. 😬
Still a solid 4⭐, I just wanted it to be like Dead Romantics 2, my bad.
Clementine is over worked and in her dream job, or at least she thinks it's her dream job. She lost her aunt 6 months ago and has been struggling with her grief. They always took a yearly trip together and as the day approaches for their trip date, she is thinking more and more about her aunt.
Her aunt left her her apartment and she always told a story about it's magic. Little did Clementine know, it wasn't just a story.
When she meets a strange man in the apartment, she thinks she's going crazy. When she finally realizes the story of the magic apartment is true, she can't quite believe it. The man is from 7 years ago, and is staying in her aunt's place while she is gone.
Sparks fly between Clementine and this stranger, but when she wakes up in an empty apartment, in the present day, she doesn't know what to do and everything feels off. Her job seems like something she's working towards for her past self and she wants more.
When the apartment keeps sending her back and forth, she starts to think about what she wants in love and in life.
Heart warming and sweet, this is a great book for those looking for a cozy read with a little bit of magic.

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This was....OK. I didn't hate it, but it was rather predictable, and the overuse of her nickname got reeeeeeally annoying. I was eager to get this done with.

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I am absolutely in love with Poston’s kooky little stories. As a writer myself, I’ve found that Poston’s voice is fairly similar to mine and I’ve really enjoyed that, I love her sense of humour and her straightforward way of writing.

The book follows Clementine who inherits her aunt’s apartment, only to discover the stories about it being magical are true. Transported back in time, she meets aspiring chef Iwan who sublet the apartment from her aunt seven years in the past.

Clementine and Iwan are just perfect for each other (how can you not fall for Iwan?) and it’s clearly a love that transcends time, this was such a heartfelt story that also teaches about the acceptance of grief and the way sometimes a person might outgrow their original dream.

This is another 5 star reward from Poston. It’s funny, it’s clever, it’s romantic and so full of love.

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4.5 stars

I loved this book! It was engaging, emotional and everything I expected from Ashely Poston, she has done it again.

The main characters chemistry is so good! The way food is described it amazing. Lots of The Dead Romantic Cameos and Easter eggs! There are some triggers so look out for them, if you think might be affected.

A POV from Iwan would end me I think.
The story was really good and my only issue is time travel, it hurts my brain when I think about it too much! But that a me problem And even then I would still rate this a 4.5 star!

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I adored The Dead Romantics so when I saw this up for request I had to ask even though it's not the sort of book I would normally share with my students. To be fair, some of the older ones might appreciate it, particularly those who might be looking for a safe space to explore grief.

The time slip romance, the pining, the beautiful handling of grief, and some of my favourite second chance romance vibes thrown in there as well ... I will be rereading the finished version of this the second it is published, and for someone with a TBR as long as mine is you can't really get any higher praise than that.

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Whilst ostensibly a romance- albeit a time slip romance the story in fundamentally based around grief and loss and coping mechanisms.
I love the idea of a magic apartment that can whisk you back 7 years and for Clementine this happens to involve a very attractive young man, lodging in "her" apartment 7 years ago whilst her aunt and 7-years-ago her are on holiday.
Unlike other time slip books this one is within a frame and reality where it would be possible for Clementine to find her man in her own time...but should she?
With more than one romance at its door the apartment is certainly magical, as is the story woven by Ashley Poston. Definitely an author to watch.

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Based on how much I enjoyed The Seven Year Slip, Ashley Poston is now firmly on my auto-buy author list. I loved this story of romance, timing, and magical apartments, and I honestly didn’t want it to end. It’s a must-read if you’re a fan of the genre!

The Seven Year Slip is about many things, but it’s mostly about grief and love and everything inbetween. Anyone who’s ever experienced death and loss will find so much to relate to within these pages, myself included, and it’s one of the most realistic fictional depictions I’ve read. Of course, people always say there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, and Poston does a great job of reinforcing that through her words and her characters.

Clementine is a fantastic main character, mourning the death of her beloved aunt and trying to make sense of losing a loved one. She also inherits her aunt’s apartment, which has somewhat of a special quirk, shall we say. That’s how she meets Iwan, a handsome twenty-something man who just happens to be, well, from the past. Seven years ago, to be exact. This is where proceedings get slightly complicated for our two reluctant apartment sharers, and what follows is a brilliant story that, even though it easily could have, never strays into unbelievable territory.

Reading this book will make you hungry (there’s lots of food and cooking and yellow tables and lemon pies), it will make you sad (you can’t have love without grief, they say), and it will make you hopeful (there’s light at the end of that tunnel, after all). I know The Dead Romantics was a massive hit for Ashley Poston, and I hope The Seven Year Slip finds just as big an audience. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes lemons and fate and boys with crooked smiles (and if you don’t already, you soon will!).


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Ashley Poston's second novel is a beguiling modern day romance incorporating time travel and self-discovery. While elements of the plot are quite fantastical, Poston's strong voice and characterisation keep the reader grounded and involved.

Clementine is a book publicist at a small book publisher in New York City. She is nearing 30 and is single. Her beloved Aunt, who took her on adventures and travels throughout her life, has recently died leaving Clementine her Upper East Side apartment. The apartment has a secret - it exists in the present and seven years in the past. Clementine returns from work one evening to discover a handsome, red-headed man in her kitchen. This is Iwan and, over the next few months, they fall in love but, of course, their relationship has many ups and downs.

I was surprised by how much I accepted the premise of the plot but this shows the singular voice of Poston. The characterisation of Clementine and her friends was excellent - I really believed in them as characters and could imagine meeting them in real life. I was reminded of Bonnie Garmus' writing (Lessons in Chemistry) which is also punchy and fast-paced. The beginning and middle of the book in particular are paced well and keep the action moving.

If I have any criticism it would be that the 'twists' were quite obvious and I did think the ending could have been tightened up. The last few chapters lose some of the pacing and there felt to me quite a few false endings. Minor points though in an otherwise great read.

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Clementine West's beloved aunt has passed away and, after six months, Clementine has finally moved herself into her aunt's old apartment, left to her in the will. But Analea's apartment holds magical promise, magic that Clementine thought belonged purely to her aunt. But Clementine is about to find out that her aunt might still be leading her to adventure, just when Clementine needs it most.

Ashley Poston has, once again, created a heartfelt romance that blends the contemporary and the supernatural. I really enjoy the characters she builds, and the way they lead us through the story. Though there were elements that were predictable, they were enjoyably so. And I'm grateful for the rich and diverse cast that she has within her stories, reflective of real life.

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I was so happy to receive an e-arc of The Seven year slip, and I loved it!

The Seven year slip is a story about finding love, yourself and happiness, with the bonus of a good time twist.

The book is well written, it was such an easy, feel good read, I easily got through it in a day, always wanting to find out what happens next.

The only reason I gave it 4 stars instead of 5 is because I wished we had more time with Clementine and Iwan together, to feel more connected to their story, because they were so darn cute :)

This was my first read by Ashley Poston and now I’m excited to go on the hunt for more!

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I love a time slip novel, and this was was super fun. I really enjoyed Clementine as a main character and I actually really liked the romance. I think I liked this one more than 'dead romantics' (it's set in the same world but you don't have to have read that one to understand this one, though I liked the cameos.) I loved the apartment scenes and I also really felt Clementine's connection with her aunt. Who hasn't wanted to live in an unafforable new york brownstone with magical properties, drinking martini's in a robe that looks like you just killed your husband? Truly my dream life.

That being said, there were moments where I wanted more from the romance. I loved seeing Clementine and Iwan interact in the past. The author created so much chemistry and tension. But once we got to the modern parts, it felt a little bit rushed. There was so much development for their history together. Then she was saying she loves the modern version of him and I'm like. You only had three conversations? I understand that they had the apartment scenes to bind them together and that they were still essentially the same people, but I just wanted more one on one between them. Clementine was, understandably, torn between what she felt was two different versions of the same person, and I just didn't see enough of them reconnecting.

However, after not being sure about picking this one up, I'm glad that I did. Ashley Poston does some of my favourite kind of romances - Ghosts, Time travelling etc. There's so much possibility and I'm excited to see what she comes up with next.

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What if you met someone that you had an instant connection with.... someone who made you feel seen or someone who made you laugh.... but the only catch is they are 7 years in the past? What if you met the right person at the wrong time?

In 'The Seven Year Slip', Clementine inherits her late aunt's apartment. One day, she finds a strange man living in the apartment. The items in the apartment look different, and something doesn't seem right. She soon realizes that sometimes the apartment goes back in time to seven years in the past. The time travel doesn't have a rhyme or reason. She can't choose when this mysterious stranger appears, but she looks for him when he isn't there.

The mysterious stranger is named Iwan. He is hoping to be a chef, and he loves to cook for Clementine. They quickly bond over food, and he makes her feel things that she hasn't felt in a long time. Iwan and Clementine have an immediate spark, but he is in the past and she remains in the future.

I loved the magical realism element of this book. I stayed up until 3 am because I couldn't put this book down. I had to know what happened, and it was worth being tired the next day. I loved the surprises and twists and turns of the book.

I love when a book can make me feel so many things at once- I felt so many different feelings with this story, and I think that it will stick with me for a long time to come.

Thanks to NetGalley and HQ for an ARC of this book. I definitely recommend it! It's such a unique story that will make you believe that love will always find a way.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Ashley Poston & HQ for an arc of The Seven Year Slip in exchange for an honest review. This review is wholly my own & may not be reproduced.

Reading the synopsis of this one reminded me of the movie Lake House with Keanu Reeves & Sandra Bullock, which I loved! So, I was totally on board.

Clementine is living in her late aunt’s apartment when suddenly, she finds a strange man standing in the kitchen. He is exactly the type of man she could fall for. The only problem is that he lives 7 years in her past & she lives 7 years in his future. How can she give her heart to this man without it ending in heartbreak.

This is a hard book to review without potentially spoiling anything, so I’m going to keep it pretty vague.

First of all, I HIGHLY recommend snagging a copy of this book when it releases in June. It was pretty spectacular. Both MC were written to perfection and I absolutely loved how fun and quirky Clementine was. Get ready to fall hard for these characters, this story, just the entire book and be prepared to go through all of the emotions – keep some tissues handy!

If you love romance, you HAVE to read this one – please, I’m begging you! You won’t be disappointed.

5/5 Stars!

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A romance with a slightly magical element is not normally my cup of tea, but after reading and loving Dead Romantics, I obviously had to try this one out too.
Clementine is still reeling after an event 6 months ago when she stumbles into her flat one day and ends up being 7 years in the past and accidentally sharing the flat with Iwan, who rented the flat for the summer.
Cue the romance with a twist. In present life Clementine now wants to know where Iwan is, but struggles to find him until one day he pops back into her life.
I loved the premise of this one and thought the whole plot was very well throughout and executed, my mind is blown as to how the author pulled this off.
The romance was sweet and I enjoyed how the characters interacted, but I felt like I needed more time with them together.
There was a sad side plot that has potential triggers, so be weary of that, but overall I enjoyed this one.

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Very much looking forward to reading, reviewing, and acquisition of this title. I will be sharing a full review and thoughts in the bea4 future, but the premise really spoke to me. I really enjoyed her previous novel The DeadvRomantics. Her novels give romance with a bit of a twist whuch is really fun. Clementine falls in love after heartbreak…with a man from the past. Seven years to be exact. I love how the lesson of this book is it all comes down to timing, no truer words could be said. I can’t wait to see how it all plays out.

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This book blew me away! It is beautiful, funny, magical, heartwarming. I loved the way it shows grief and hope.

Clementine inherits her aunt’s apartment after her death. Clementine is devastated by the loss and consumed with grief. Her aunt told her that the apartment was magical. Clementine soon finds out that it takes you seven years in the past or future, and finds a man living there that she’s never met.
Iwan is her new roommate and is wanting to be a chef. He cooks for her and they talk about their dreams for the future.
Clementine falls in love with Iwan from the past and struggles with her feelings when she runs into his future self in her present time.

I loved watching the character development. Trying to figure out what they really want from life, even when they “had it all”.

Ashley Poston’s books are so unique, and that’s what makes me love them the most.
She writes her characters with such emotion, you feel like you know them and feel all their emotions with them. And you fall in love with them. I can’t wait to see what her next book will be!

📘: The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston
🗓️: July 4, 2023

Thank you to NetGalley, Ashley Poston, and HQ for this ARC!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

*Reviewed on NetGalley and Goodreads.

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First off many many thanks to HQ and Netgalley for providing me with this e-arc in exchange for my honest thoughts.

The Dead Romantics was one of my favourite books of 2022 and so I was eagerly anticipating Ashley Poston's next novel The Seven Year Slip. I was not disappointed as once I began reading I didn’t want to put it down until it was finished and then wanted to read it all over again.

The main story follows Clementine and Iwan as they meet in the NYC magical apartment Clementine inherited from her aunt, which happens to bend time in such that present and past come together.

Much like The Dead Romantics themes of love and loss are wonderfully explored as we see how grief has impacted both Clementine and Iwan while falling for each other at different points and a wonderful plus we stay within the publishing world and get a special treat of a cameo from Benji! Overall while the story was bit predictable at times I thoroughly enjoyed this romance, Ashley writes so beautifully that it’s as easy as pie to be so invested in these characters and it's dash of magic!

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Clementine is grieving the loss of her aunt. Her aunt's apartment has been left to her. It's a place she loves. In getting settled in, she realizes someone else is staying there. Iwan has also been given permission to stay at the apartment. Clementine soon figures out there is a twist to her roommate - He's seven years in the past. Clementine's aunt told her often about the magic of the apartment, and this is the first time she's experienced it firsthand. This is a story that has a lot of layers - grief, love, finding your purpose, losing your purpose, and how relationships twist and turn through the years. It was such a unique premise, and I found myself rooting for Clementine and Iwan in a variety of ways. While a magical story, this was also a real story of the emotions of relationships, loss, and (re)connection. Thanks to NetGalley for the early look at this July 2023 release.

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